[clang] [Clang] Add predefined macros for integer constants to implement section 7.18.4 of ISO/IEC 9899:1999 in `<stdint.h>` in a safe way (PR #123514)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Jan 19 06:46:36 PST 2025

llvmbot wrote:



Author: Manuel Sainz de Baranda y Goñi (redcode)


This small PR makes Clang predefine the following macros:


Which improves compatibility with GCC and makes it trivial to implement section 7.18.4 of ISO/IEC 9899:1999.

Clang defines `__INT<N>_C_SUFFIX__`, `__UINT<N>_C_SUFFIX__`, `__INTAX_C_SUFFIX__` and `__UINTMAX_C_SUFFIX__`, but these macros are useless for this purpose.

Let's say, for example, that `__INT64_C_SUFFIX__` expands to `L` or `LL`. If the user defines them as a macros, the compiler will produce errors if `INT64_C` is implemented in `<stdint.h>` using `__INT64_C_SUFFIX__`:

#if defined(__clang__) & !defined(__INT64_C)
#	pragma clang diagnostic push
#	pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreserved-identifier"
#	define __PSTDC_INT_C_(literal, suffix) literal##suffix
#	define __PSTDC_INT_C(literal, suffix) __PSTDC_INT_C_(literal, suffix)
#	define INT64_C(literal) __PSTDC_INT_C(literal, __INT64_C_SUFFIX__)
#	pragma clang diagnostic pop
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#	define INT64_C __INT64_C

typedef __INT64_TYPE__ int64_t;

#define L  "Make Clang produce an error"
#define LL "Make Clang produce an error"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	(void)argc; (void)argv;
	int64_t v = INT64_C(9223372036854775807);
	return 0;


<img width="697" alt="imagen" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/6df97af6-7cfd-4cf9-85b7-d7c854509325" />

#if defined(__clang__) && !defined(__INT8_C)
#	pragma clang diagnostic push
#	pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreserved-identifier"

#	define __PSTDC_INT_C_(literal, suffix) literal##suffix
#	define __PSTDC_INT_C(literal, suffix) __PSTDC_INT_C_(literal, suffix)

#	define INT8_C(literal)    __PSTDC_INT_C(literal, __INT8_C_SUFFIX__)
#	define INT16_C(literal)   __PSTDC_INT_C(literal, __INT16_C_SUFFIX__)
#	define INT32_C(literal)   __PSTDC_INT_C(literal, __INT32_C_SUFFIX__)
#	define INT64_C(literal)   __PSTDC_INT_C(literal, __INT64_C_SUFFIX__)
#	define INTMAX_C(literal)  __PSTDC_INT_C(literal, __INTMAX_C_SUFFIX__)
#	define UINT8_C(literal)   __PSTDC_INT_C(literal, __UINT8_C_SUFFIX__)
#	define UINT16_C(literal)  __PSTDC_INT_C(literal, __UINT16_C_SUFFIX__)
#	define UINT32_C(literal)  __PSTDC_INT_C(literal, __UINT32_C_SUFFIX__)
#	define UINT64_C(literal)  __PSTDC_INT_C(literal, __UINT64_C_SUFFIX__)
#	define UINTMAX_C(literal) __PSTDC_INT_C(literal, __UINTMAX_C_SUFFIX__)

#	pragma clang diagnostic pop

#	define INT8_C    __INT8_C
#	define INT16_C   __INT16_C
#	define INT32_C   __INT32_C
#	define INT64_C   __INT64_C
#	define INTMAX_C  __INTMAX_C
#	define UINT8_C   __UINT8_C
#	define UINT16_C  __UINT16_C
#	define UINT32_C  __UINT32_C
#	define UINT64_C  __UINT64_C

typedef __INT8_TYPE__    int8_t;
typedef __INT16_TYPE__   int16_t;
typedef __INT32_TYPE__   int32_t;
typedef __INT64_TYPE__   int64_t;
typedef __INTMAX_TYPE__  intmax_t;
typedef __UINT8_TYPE__   uint8_t;
typedef __UINT16_TYPE__  uint16_t;
typedef __UINT32_TYPE__  uint32_t;
typedef __UINT64_TYPE__  uint64_t;
typedef __UINTMAX_TYPE__ uintmax_t;

#define L   "Make Clang produce an error"
#define LL  "Make Clang produce an error"
#define U   "Make Clang produce an error"
#define UL  "Make Clang produce an error"
#define ULL "Make Clang produce an error"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	(void)argc; (void)argv;

	int8_t    a = INT8_C   (127);
	int16_t   b = INT16_C  (32767);
	int32_t   c = INT32_C  (2147483647);
	int64_t   d = INT64_C  (9223372036854775807);
	intmax_t  e = INTMAX_C (9223372036854775807);
	uint8_t   f = UINT8_C  (255);
	uint16_t  g = UINT16_C (65535);
	uint32_t  h = UINT32_C (4294967295);
	uint64_t  i = UINT64_C (18446744073709551615);
	uintmax_t j = UINTMAX_C(18446744073709551615);

	(void)a; (void)b; (void)c; (void)d; (void)e;
	(void)f; (void)g; (void)h; (void)i; (void)j;
	return 0;

Full diff: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/123514.diff

1 Files Affected:

- (modified) clang/lib/Frontend/InitPreprocessor.cpp (+10-4) 

diff --git a/clang/lib/Frontend/InitPreprocessor.cpp b/clang/lib/Frontend/InitPreprocessor.cpp
index 29723b573e771a..17f624e9645395 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Frontend/InitPreprocessor.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Frontend/InitPreprocessor.cpp
@@ -253,6 +253,8 @@ static void DefineExactWidthIntType(const LangOptions &LangOpts,
   StringRef ConstSuffix(TI.getTypeConstantSuffix(Ty));
   Builder.defineMacro(Prefix + Twine(TypeWidth) + "_C_SUFFIX__", ConstSuffix);
+  Builder.defineMacro(Prefix + Twine(TypeWidth) + "_C(c)",
+                      ConstSuffix.size() ? Twine("c##") + ConstSuffix : "c");
 static void DefineExactWidthIntTypeSize(TargetInfo::IntType Ty,
@@ -1164,12 +1166,16 @@ static void InitializePredefinedMacros(const TargetInfo &TI,
   DefineType("__INTMAX_TYPE__", TI.getIntMaxType(), Builder);
   DefineFmt(LangOpts, "__INTMAX", TI.getIntMaxType(), TI, Builder);
-  Builder.defineMacro("__INTMAX_C_SUFFIX__",
-                      TI.getTypeConstantSuffix(TI.getIntMaxType()));
+  StringRef ConstSuffix(TI.getTypeConstantSuffix(TI.getIntMaxType()));
+  Builder.defineMacro("__INTMAX_C_SUFFIX__", ConstSuffix);
+  Builder.defineMacro("__INTMAX_C(c)",
+                      ConstSuffix.size() ? Twine("c##") + ConstSuffix : "c");
   DefineType("__UINTMAX_TYPE__", TI.getUIntMaxType(), Builder);
   DefineFmt(LangOpts, "__UINTMAX", TI.getUIntMaxType(), TI, Builder);
-  Builder.defineMacro("__UINTMAX_C_SUFFIX__",
-                      TI.getTypeConstantSuffix(TI.getUIntMaxType()));
+  ConstSuffix = TI.getTypeConstantSuffix(TI.getUIntMaxType());
+  Builder.defineMacro("__UINTMAX_C_SUFFIX__", ConstSuffix);
+  Builder.defineMacro("__UINTMAX_C(c)",
+                      ConstSuffix.size() ? Twine("c##") + ConstSuffix : "c");
   DefineType("__PTRDIFF_TYPE__", TI.getPtrDiffType(LangAS::Default), Builder);
   DefineFmt(LangOpts, "__PTRDIFF", TI.getPtrDiffType(LangAS::Default), TI,




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