[clang] [SYCL] AST support for SYCL kernel entry point functions. (PR #122379)

Tom Honermann via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Jan 18 20:06:25 PST 2025

@@ -4678,6 +4678,95 @@ class BlockDecl : public Decl, public DeclContext {
+/// Represents a partial function definition.
+/// An outlined function declaration contains the parameters and body of
+/// a function independent of other function definition concerns such
+/// as function name, type, and calling convention. Such declarations may
+/// be used to hold a parameterized and transformed sequence of statements
+/// used to generate a target dependent function definition without losing
+/// association with the original statements. See SYCLKernelCallStmt as an
+/// example.
+class OutlinedFunctionDecl final
+    : public Decl,
+      public DeclContext,
+      private llvm::TrailingObjects<OutlinedFunctionDecl, ImplicitParamDecl *> {
+  size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<ImplicitParamDecl>) {
+    return NumParams;
+  }
+  /// The number of parameters to the outlined function.
+  unsigned NumParams;
+  /// The body of the outlined function.
+  llvm::PointerIntPair<Stmt *, 1, bool> BodyAndNothrow;
+  explicit OutlinedFunctionDecl(DeclContext *DC, unsigned NumParams);
+  ImplicitParamDecl *const *getParams() const {
+    return getTrailingObjects<ImplicitParamDecl *>();
+  }
+  ImplicitParamDecl **getParams() {
+    return getTrailingObjects<ImplicitParamDecl *>();
+  }
+  friend class ASTDeclReader;
+  friend class ASTDeclWriter;
+  friend TrailingObjects;
+  static OutlinedFunctionDecl *Create(ASTContext &C, DeclContext *DC,
+                                      unsigned NumParams);
+  static OutlinedFunctionDecl *
+  CreateDeserialized(ASTContext &C, GlobalDeclID ID, unsigned NumParams);
+  Stmt *getBody() const override;
+  void setBody(Stmt *B);
+  bool isNothrow() const;
+  void setNothrow(bool Nothrow = true);
+  unsigned getNumParams() const { return NumParams; }
+  ImplicitParamDecl *getParam(unsigned i) const {
+    assert(i < NumParams);
+    return getParams()[i];
+  }
+  void setParam(unsigned i, ImplicitParamDecl *P) {
+    assert(i < NumParams);
+    getParams()[i] = P;
+  }
+  // ArrayRef interface to parameters.
+  ArrayRef<ImplicitParamDecl *> parameters() const {
+    return {getParams(), getNumParams()};
+  }
+  MutableArrayRef<ImplicitParamDecl *> parameters() {
+    return {getParams(), getNumParams()};
+  }
+  using param_iterator = ImplicitParamDecl *const *;
+  using param_range = llvm::iterator_range<param_iterator>;
tahonermann wrote:

Yes, unused. This was copy/paste from `CapturedDecl` where this declaration is also unused. `ObjCMethodDecl` has a `param_range` declaration that is similarly unused as well as a `param_const_range` declaration.

I agree that use of `llvm::iterator_range` to implement `parameters()` makes sense; I'll make that change.


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