[clang] [clang] Added warn-assignment-bool-context (PR #115234)

Vlad Serebrennikov via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Jan 18 07:19:11 PST 2025

Endilll wrote:

> No problem, I know everybody is busy.
> > The first step is to get the PR out of draft state.
> Do you just mean to mark it "read for review" or to apply changes so that it can be merged? Because the current implementation is not ready as I still have some questions as to how to implement things in order to pass the failing tests.

I mean "ready for review". The draft status of your PR actively discourages anyone to look at it, while you need someone to look and answer your questions. It's not going to be merged unless you and reviewers are happy.


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