[clang] Add 'enum_select' diagnostic selection to clang. (PR #122505)

Erich Keane via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jan 15 12:17:46 PST 2025

erichkeane wrote:

> LGTM with a minor nit on the documentation, but I think this is a great new feature for the diagnostics engine. Thank you for it!
> btw, if you happen to have a list of diagnostics that could benefit from switching to use it, that sure seems like Good First Issue territory.

Hmm... I don't.  I DID start walking down the list of diagnostics with 'large' selects at one point, but stopped at the first one I could find.  Perhaps I'll create a bug as a 'starter' bug with some guidance how to FIND these, and and hope someone comes along and does such an audit


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