[clang] [clang-format] Add BreakBeforeTemplateClose option (PR #118046)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Jan 11 01:39:59 PST 2025

leijurv wrote:

Thank you for the review @owenca 

> I think this should be covered by BlockIndent

My understanding from looking at past PRs to clang-format was that backwards compatibility was a top requirement. If I changed the behavior of BlockIndent to put the `>` on the next line, that would change a lot of existing behavior/codebases/tests.

> Call verifyFormat instead of verifyNoChange whenever possible.

I understand, but, I am testing the case where ColumnLimit = 0. When I call `verifyFormat` it removes all the newlines. So I was unable to test the behavior in the unconstrained column limit case. Note how I test that you can have a `\n` after the `template<`, or not, and this option doesn't force it either way.

In the later part of the tests, starting when I change the ColumnLimit to 40, note that all of the tests are `verifyFormat` and I don't use `verifyNoChange` anymore.

I have removed a few `verifyNoChange` in my last commit.

> Don't end a test case with a newline.
> Capitalize the first word of a comment and end the comment with a . (or : if appropriate).

Sure! Did so in this commit https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/118046/commits/19bc40e7d824804ebcd9839cb2155a704d368e36


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