[clang] [Clang][Driver][Test] Created test for unsupported driver options (PR #120900)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jan 8 12:19:41 PST 2025

https://github.com/GeorgeKA updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/120900

>From faf8597dbb58a08991e11e9c4b9a0aad2f0b4234 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: GeorgeKA <k._asante at hotmail.com>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 09:42:36 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] [Clang][Driver][Test] Created test for unsupported driver

Created generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py which generates a Lit
regression test file that validates that options are only exposed to
intended driver modes.

The options and driver modes are parsed from Options.td, whose path
should be provided on the command line. See

The path to the TableGen executable can optionally be provided.
Otherwise, the script will search for it.
 .../generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py     | 249 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 249 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 clang/utils/generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py

diff --git a/clang/utils/generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py b/clang/utils/generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..f32c2c7c5a0d7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/utils/generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+""" generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py
+usage: python generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py <path>/Options.td [<path>/llvm-tblgen]
+This script generates a Lit regression test file that validates that options
+are only exposed to intended driver modes.
+The options and driver modes are parsed from Options.td, whose path should be
+provided on the command line. See clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td
+The path to the TableGen executable can optionally be provided. Otherwise, the
+script will search for it.
+1) For each option, (records of class "Option"), and for each driver, (records of class "OptionVisibility")
+    a. if the option's "Visibility" field includes the driver flavour, skip processing this option for this driver
+    b. if the option is part of an option group, (the record has the "Group" property),
+       and the group's "Visibility" field includes the driver flavor, skip processing this option for this driver
+    c. otherwise this option is not supported by this driver flavor, and this pairing is saved for testing
+2) For each unsupported pairing, generate a Lit RUN line, and a CHECK line to parse for expected output. Ex: "error: unknown argument"
+import sys
+import shutil
+import os
+import json
+import subprocess
+from pathlib import Path
+LLVM_TABLEGEN = "llvm-tblgen"
+LIT_TEST_PATH = "../test/Driver/Inputs/unsupported-driver-options-check.ll"
+INCLUDE_PATH = "../../llvm/include"
+# Strings used in Options.td for various driver flavours
+OPTION_CC1AS = "CC1AsOption"
+OPTION_CC1 = "CC1Option"
+OPTION_CL = "CLOption"
+OPTION_DEFAULT = "DefaultVis"
+OPTION_FC1 = "FC1Option"
+OPTION_FLANG = "FlangOption"
+# Error messages output from each driver
+ERROR_MSG_CC1AS = ": error: unknown argument"
+ERROR_MSG_CC1 = "error: unknown argument"
+ERROR_MSG_DEFAULT = "clang: error: unknown argument"
+ERROR_MSG_FC1 = "error: unknown argument"
+ERROR_MSG_FLANG = "flang: error: unknown argument"
+# Lit CHECK prefixes
+LIT_TEST_NOTE = ("; NOTE: This lit test was automatically generated to validate " +
+                 "unintentionally exposed arguments to various driver flavours.\n"
+                 "; NOTE: To make changes, see " + Path(__file__).resolve().as_posix()
+                 + " from which it was generated.\n\n")
+def print_usage():
+    """ Print valid usage of this script
+    """
+    sys.exit( "usage: python " + sys.argv[0] + " <path>/Options.td [<path>/llvm-tblgen]" )
+def find_file(file_name, search_path):
+    """ Find the given file name under a search path
+    """
+    result = []
+    for root, dir, files in os.walk(search_path):
+        if file_name in files:
+            result.append(os.path.join(root, file_name))
+    return result
+def is_valid_file(path, expected_name):
+    """ Is a file valid
+    Check if a given path is to a file, and if it matches the expected file name
+    """
+    if path.is_file() and path.name == expected_name:
+        return True
+    else:
+        return False
+def find_tablegen():
+    """ Validate the TableGen executable
+    """
+    result = shutil.which(LLVM_TABLEGEN)
+    if result is None:
+        sys.exit("Unable to find " + LLVM_TABLEGEN + ".\nExiting")
+    else:
+        print("TableGen found: " + result)
+        return result
+def find_groups(group_sequence, options_json, option):
+    """ Find the groups for a given option
+    Note that groups can themselves be part of groups, hence the recursion
+    """
+    group_json = options_json[option]["Group"]
+    if group_json is None:
+        return
+    # Prevent circular group membership lookup
+    for group in group_sequence:
+        if group_json["def"] == group:
+            return
+    group_sequence.append(group_json["def"])
+    return find_groups(group_sequence, options_json, option)
+class UnsupportedDriverOption():
+    def __init__(self, driver, option):
+        self.driver = driver
+        self.option = option
+# Validate the number of arguments have been passed
+argc = len(sys.argv)
+if argc < 2 or argc > 3:
+    print_usage()
+options_input_path = Path(sys.argv[1])
+tablegen_input_path = ""
+tablegen = None
+options_td = ""
+driver_sequence = []
+options_sequence = []
+unsupported_sequence = []
+current_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+# Validate Options.td
+if not is_valid_file(options_input_path, "Options.td"):
+    print("Invalid Options.td path. Searching for valid path...")
+    relative_path = "../"
+    search_path = os.path.join(current_path, relative_path)
+    file_search_list = find_file("Options.td", search_path)
+    if len(file_search_list) != 1:
+        print_usage()
+        sys.exit("Unable to find Options.td.\nExiting")
+    else:
+        options_td = file_search_list[0]
+        print(options_td)
+    options_td = options_input_path.resolve().as_posix()
+# Validate TableGen executable
+if argc > 2:
+    tablegen_input_path = Path(sys.argv[2])
+    if not is_valid_file(tablegen_input_path, "llvm-tblgen"):
+        print("Invalid tablegen path. Searching for valid path...")
+        tablegen = find_tablegen()
+    else:
+        tablegen = tablegen_input_path.resolve().as_posix()
+    tablegen = find_tablegen()
+# Run TableGen to convert Options.td to json
+options_json_str = subprocess.run([ tablegen, "-I", os.path.join(current_path, INCLUDE_PATH), options_td, "-dump-json"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+options_json = json.loads(options_json_str.stdout.decode('utf-8'))
+# Gather list of driver flavours
+for i in options_json["!instanceof"]["OptionVisibility"]:
+    driver_sequence.append(i)
+# Gather list of options
+for i in options_json["!instanceof"]["Option"]:
+    options_sequence.append(i)
+# Walk through the options list and find which drivers shouldn't be visible to each option
+for option in options_sequence:
+    tmp_vis_list = []
+    group_sequence = []
+    # Check for the option's explicit visibility
+    for visibility in options_json[option]["Visibility"]:
+        tmp_vis_list.append(visibility["def"])
+    # Check for the option's group's visibility
+    find_groups(group_sequence, options_json, option)
+    if len(group_sequence) > 0:
+        for group_name in group_sequence:
+            for visibility in options_json[group_name]["Visibility"]:
+                tmp_vis_list.append(visibility["def"])
+    # Append to the unsupported list
+    for driver in driver_sequence:
+        if driver not in tmp_vis_list:
+            unsupported_sequence.append(UnsupportedDriverOption(driver, option))
+# Generate the lit test
+    with open(LIT_TEST_PATH, "w") as lit_file:
+        try:
+            lit_file.write(LIT_TEST_NOTE)
+            for i in unsupported_sequence:
+                if i.driver == OPTION_CC1AS:
+                    lit_file.write(
+                        "; RUN: not clang -cc1as -" + i.option + " -help 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=" + CHECK_PREFIX_CC1AS + " %s\n")
+                    continue
+                if i.driver == OPTION_CC1:
+                    lit_file.write(
+                        "; RUN: not clang -cc1 -" + i.option + " -help 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=" + CHECK_PREFIX_CC1 + " %s\n")
+                    continue
+                # if i.driver == OPTION_CL:
+                #     lit_file.write(
+                #         "; RUN: not clang-cl -" + i.option + " -help 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=" + CHECK_PREFIX_CL + " %s\n")
+                #     continue
+                # if i.driver == OPTION_DXC:
+                #     lit_file.write(
+                #         "; RUN: not clang-dxc -" + i.option + " -help 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=" + CHECK_PREFIX_DXC + " %s\n")
+                #     continue
+                if i.driver == OPTION_DEFAULT:
+                    lit_file.write(
+                        "; RUN: not clang -" + i.option + " -help 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=" + CHECK_PREFIX_DEFAULT + " %s\n")
+                    continue
+                if i.driver == OPTION_FC1:
+                    lit_file.write(
+                        "; RUN: not flang -fc1 -" + i.option + " -help 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=" + CHECK_PREFIX_FC1 + " %s\n")
+                    continue
+                if i.driver == OPTION_FLANG:
+                    lit_file.write(
+                        "; RUN: not flang -" + i.option + " -help 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=" + CHECK_PREFIX_FLANG + " %s\n")
+            lit_file.write("; " + CHECK_PREFIX_CC1AS + ": " + ERROR_MSG_CC1AS + "\n")
+            lit_file.write("; " + CHECK_PREFIX_CC1 + ": " + ERROR_MSG_CC1 + "\n")
+            lit_file.write("; " + CHECK_PREFIX_CL + ": " + ERROR_MSG_CL + "\n")
+            lit_file.write("; " + CHECK_PREFIX_DXC + ": " + ERROR_MSG_DXC + "\n")
+            lit_file.write("; " + CHECK_PREFIX_DEFAULT + ": " + ERROR_MSG_DEFAULT + "\n")
+            lit_file.write("; " + CHECK_PREFIX_FC1 + ": " + ERROR_MSG_FC1 + "\n")
+            lit_file.write("; " + CHECK_PREFIX_FLANG + ": " + ERROR_MSG_FLANG + "\n")
+        except(IOError, OSError):
+            sys.exit("Error writing to " + "LIT_TEST_PATH. Exiting")
+except(FileNotFoundError, PermissionError, OSError):
+    sys.exit("Error opening " + "LIT_TEST_PATH" + ". Exiting")
+    lit_file.close()
\ No newline at end of file

>From 3a4cbef26a269001bf09f0565827a8ff746a851f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: GeorgeKA <k._asante at hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2024 16:51:42 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Fixed formatting and changed to common error msg check

Changed to a common error message for the various driver modes,
and formatted with Python darker.
 .../generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py     | 126 ++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)

diff --git a/clang/utils/generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py b/clang/utils/generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py
index f32c2c7c5a0d7c..b4fab71154edef 100644
--- a/clang/utils/generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py
+++ b/clang/utils/generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
 LLVM_TABLEGEN = "llvm-tblgen"
 LIT_TEST_PATH = "../test/Driver/Inputs/unsupported-driver-options-check.ll"
 INCLUDE_PATH = "../../llvm/include"
 # Strings used in Options.td for various driver flavours
 OPTION_CC1AS = "CC1AsOption"
@@ -43,37 +42,27 @@
 OPTION_FC1 = "FC1Option"
 OPTION_FLANG = "FlangOption"
-# Error messages output from each driver
-ERROR_MSG_CC1AS = ": error: unknown argument"
-ERROR_MSG_CC1 = "error: unknown argument"
-ERROR_MSG_DEFAULT = "clang: error: unknown argument"
-ERROR_MSG_FC1 = "error: unknown argument"
-ERROR_MSG_FLANG = "flang: error: unknown argument"
-# Lit CHECK prefixes
-LIT_TEST_NOTE = ("; NOTE: This lit test was automatically generated to validate " +
-                 "unintentionally exposed arguments to various driver flavours.\n"
-                 "; NOTE: To make changes, see " + Path(__file__).resolve().as_posix()
-                 + " from which it was generated.\n\n")
+# See clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticDriverKinds.td for the *unknown_argument* strings
+# As per Driver::ParseArgStrings from Driver.cpp, all the driver modes use the
+# string "unknown argument" in their unsupported option error messages
+ERROR_MSG_GENERAL = "unknown argument"
+RUN_CMD_END = " -help 2>&1 | FileCheck %s\n"
+    "; NOTE: This lit test was automatically generated to validate "
+    + "unintentionally exposed arguments to various driver flavours.\n"
+    "; NOTE: To make changes, see "
+    + Path(__file__).resolve().as_posix()
+    + " from which it was generated.\n\n"
 def print_usage():
-    """ Print valid usage of this script
-    """
-    sys.exit( "usage: python " + sys.argv[0] + " <path>/Options.td [<path>/llvm-tblgen]" )
+    """Print valid usage of this script"""
+    sys.exit("usage: python " + sys.argv[0] + " <path>/Options.td [<path>/llvm-tblgen]")
 def find_file(file_name, search_path):
-    """ Find the given file name under a search path
-    """
+    """Find the given file name under a search path"""
     result = []
     for root, dir, files in os.walk(search_path):
@@ -82,7 +71,7 @@ def find_file(file_name, search_path):
     return result
 def is_valid_file(path, expected_name):
-    """ Is a file valid
+    """Is a file valid
     Check if a given path is to a file, and if it matches the expected file name
     if path.is_file() and path.name == expected_name:
@@ -91,8 +80,7 @@ def is_valid_file(path, expected_name):
         return False
 def find_tablegen():
-    """ Validate the TableGen executable
-    """
+    """Validate the TableGen executable"""
     result = shutil.which(LLVM_TABLEGEN)
     if result is None:
         sys.exit("Unable to find " + LLVM_TABLEGEN + ".\nExiting")
@@ -101,7 +89,7 @@ def find_tablegen():
         return result
 def find_groups(group_sequence, options_json, option):
-    """ Find the groups for a given option
+    """Find the groups for a given option
     Note that groups can themselves be part of groups, hence the recursion
     group_json = options_json[option]["Group"]
@@ -118,7 +106,7 @@ def find_groups(group_sequence, options_json, option):
     return find_groups(group_sequence, options_json, option)
-class UnsupportedDriverOption():
+class UnsupportedDriverOption:
     def __init__(self, driver, option):
         self.driver = driver
         self.option = option
@@ -167,8 +155,17 @@ def __init__(self, driver, option):
     tablegen = find_tablegen()
 # Run TableGen to convert Options.td to json
-options_json_str = subprocess.run([ tablegen, "-I", os.path.join(current_path, INCLUDE_PATH), options_td, "-dump-json"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-options_json = json.loads(options_json_str.stdout.decode('utf-8'))
+options_json_str = subprocess.run(
+    [
+        tablegen,
+        "-I",
+        os.path.join(current_path, INCLUDE_PATH),
+        options_td,
+        "-dump-json",
+    ],
+    stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+options_json = json.loads(options_json_str.stdout.decode("utf-8"))
 # Gather list of driver flavours
 for i in options_json["!instanceof"]["OptionVisibility"]:
@@ -185,7 +182,8 @@ def __init__(self, driver, option):
     # Check for the option's explicit visibility
     for visibility in options_json[option]["Visibility"]:
-        tmp_vis_list.append(visibility["def"])
+        if visibility is not None:
+            tmp_vis_list.append(visibility["def"])
     # Check for the option's group's visibility
     find_groups(group_sequence, options_json, option)
@@ -208,42 +206,52 @@ def __init__(self, driver, option):
             for i in unsupported_sequence:
                 if i.driver == OPTION_CC1AS:
-                        "; RUN: not clang -cc1as -" + i.option + " -help 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=" + CHECK_PREFIX_CC1AS + " %s\n")
+                        "; RUN: not clang -cc1as -"
+                        + i.option
+                        + RUN_CMD_END)
                 if i.driver == OPTION_CC1:
-                        "; RUN: not clang -cc1 -" + i.option + " -help 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=" + CHECK_PREFIX_CC1 + " %s\n")
+                        "; RUN: not clang -cc1 -"
+                        + i.option
+                        + RUN_CMD_END)
+                    continue
+                if i.driver == OPTION_CL:
+                    lit_file.write(
+                        "; RUN: not clang-cl -"
+                        + i.option
+                        + RUN_CMD_END)
+                    continue
+                if i.driver == OPTION_DXC:
+                    lit_file.write(
+                        "; RUN: not clang-dxc -"
+                        + i.option
+                        + RUN_CMD_END)
-                # if i.driver == OPTION_CL:
-                #     lit_file.write(
-                #         "; RUN: not clang-cl -" + i.option + " -help 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=" + CHECK_PREFIX_CL + " %s\n")
-                #     continue
-                # if i.driver == OPTION_DXC:
-                #     lit_file.write(
-                #         "; RUN: not clang-dxc -" + i.option + " -help 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=" + CHECK_PREFIX_DXC + " %s\n")
-                #     continue
                 if i.driver == OPTION_DEFAULT:
-                        "; RUN: not clang -" + i.option + " -help 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=" + CHECK_PREFIX_DEFAULT + " %s\n")
+                        "; RUN: not clang -"
+                        + i.option
+                        + RUN_CMD_END)
                 if i.driver == OPTION_FC1:
-                        "; RUN: not flang -fc1 -" + i.option + " -help 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=" + CHECK_PREFIX_FC1 + " %s\n")
+                        "; RUN: not flang -fc1 -"
+                        + i.option
+                        + RUN_CMD_END)
                 if i.driver == OPTION_FLANG:
-                        "; RUN: not flang -" + i.option + " -help 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=" + CHECK_PREFIX_FLANG + " %s\n")
-            lit_file.write("; " + CHECK_PREFIX_CC1AS + ": " + ERROR_MSG_CC1AS + "\n")
-            lit_file.write("; " + CHECK_PREFIX_CC1 + ": " + ERROR_MSG_CC1 + "\n")
-            lit_file.write("; " + CHECK_PREFIX_CL + ": " + ERROR_MSG_CL + "\n")
-            lit_file.write("; " + CHECK_PREFIX_DXC + ": " + ERROR_MSG_DXC + "\n")
-            lit_file.write("; " + CHECK_PREFIX_DEFAULT + ": " + ERROR_MSG_DEFAULT + "\n")
-            lit_file.write("; " + CHECK_PREFIX_FC1 + ": " + ERROR_MSG_FC1 + "\n")
-            lit_file.write("; " + CHECK_PREFIX_FLANG + ": " + ERROR_MSG_FLANG + "\n")
+                        "; RUN: not flang -"
+                        + i.option
+                        + RUN_CMD_END)
+            lit_file.write(
+                "; CHECK: "+ ERROR_MSG_GENERAL + "\n"
+            )
         except(IOError, OSError):
             sys.exit("Error writing to " + "LIT_TEST_PATH. Exiting")
-except(FileNotFoundError, PermissionError, OSError):
+except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError, OSError):
     sys.exit("Error opening " + "LIT_TEST_PATH" + ". Exiting")
-    lit_file.close()
\ No newline at end of file
+    lit_file.close()

>From 454a314bfb844a9148b37af7051b6366af5d67dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: GeorgeKA <k._asante at hotmail.com>
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2025 18:57:38 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] A variety of additions to more properly generate the Lit

- Added handling for false positives caused by supported options that are prefixes for unsupported ones.
- Added a controller to simplify modifying the test commands for each driver.
- Generally cleaned things up

- A list of exceptions called exceptions_sequence that needs to be fixed
- clang-cl & clang-dxc testing remains
 .../generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py     | 348 +++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 248 insertions(+), 100 deletions(-)

diff --git a/clang/utils/generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py b/clang/utils/generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py
index b4fab71154edef..bdb0b5d6d33807 100644
--- a/clang/utils/generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py
+++ b/clang/utils/generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py
@@ -27,42 +27,98 @@
 import os
 import json
 import subprocess
+import math
 from pathlib import Path
 LLVM_TABLEGEN = "llvm-tblgen"
 LIT_TEST_PATH = "../test/Driver/Inputs/unsupported-driver-options-check.ll"
 INCLUDE_PATH = "../../llvm/include"
-# Strings used in Options.td for various driver flavours
-OPTION_CC1AS = "CC1AsOption"
-OPTION_CC1 = "CC1Option"
-OPTION_CL = "CLOption"
-OPTION_DEFAULT = "DefaultVis"
-OPTION_FC1 = "FC1Option"
-OPTION_FLANG = "FlangOption"
+# Strings defined in Options.td for the various driver flavours. See "OptionVisibility"
+# Strings used in the commands to be tested
+CLANG = "clang"
+CLANG_CL = "clang-cl"
+CLANG_DXC = "clang-dxc"
+FLANG = "flang-new"
+OPTION_NUM = "-###"
+OPTION_X = "-x"
+OPTION_CPP = "c++"
+OPTION_C = "-c"
+LIT_CMD_END = " - < /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck %s\n"
 # See clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticDriverKinds.td for the *unknown_argument* strings
 # As per Driver::ParseArgStrings from Driver.cpp, all the driver modes use the
 # string "unknown argument" in their unsupported option error messages
-ERROR_MSG_GENERAL = "unknown argument"
+ERROR_MSG_CHECK = ("{{(unknown argument|"
+                     "argument unused|"
+                     "unsupported|"
+                     "unknown integrated tool)}}")
+LIT_TEST_NOTE = ("; NOTE: This lit test was automatically generated to validate "
+                 "unintentionally exposed arguments to various driver flavours.\n"
+                 "; NOTE: To make changes, see " + Path(__file__).resolve().as_posix()
+                 + " from which it was generated.\n"
+                 "To output which unsupported options are not tested by this Lit"
+                 " test, see that script\n\n")
+exceptions_sequence = ["Wno_rewrite_macros", # Default
+                       "fexperimental_sanitize_metadata_EQ_atomics", # Default
+                       "fexperimental_sanitize_metadata_EQ_covered", # Default
+                       "fexperimental_sanitize_metadata_EQ_uar", # Default
+                       "mno_strict_align", # CC1
+                       "mstrict_align",
+                       "fheinous-gnu-extensions",
+                       "fcuda-approx-transcendentals"] # CC1 TODO: This is temporary
+class DriverController:
+    """ Controller for data specific to each driver
+    shell_cmd_prefix: The beginning string of the command to be tested
+    visibility_str: The corresponding visibility string from OptionVisibility in Options.td
+    shell_cmd_suffix: Strings near the end of the command to be tested
+    supported_sequence: List of UnsupportedDriverOption objects for supported options
+                        that are Kind KIND_JOINED*, as defined in Options.td
+    is_os_compatible: Boolean indicating whether this driver is available on the current OS
+    """
+    def __init__(self, shell_cmd_prefix = "", visibility_str = "", shell_cmd_suffix = "", is_os_compatible = False):
+        self.shell_cmd_prefix = shell_cmd_prefix
+        self.visibility_str = visibility_str
+        self.shell_cmd_suffix = shell_cmd_suffix
+        self.supported_sequence = []
+        self.is_os_compatible = is_os_compatible
-RUN_CMD_END = " -help 2>&1 | FileCheck %s\n"
+class UnsupportedDriverOption:
+    """ Defines an unsupported driver-option combination
+    driver: The driver string as defined by OptionVisibility in Options.td
+    option: The option string. See "Name" for a given option in Options.td
+    prefix: String that precedes the option. Ex. "-"
+    is_error: Boolean indicating whether the corresponding command generates an error
+    """
+    def __init__(self, driver, option, prefix):
+        self.driver = driver
+        self.option = option
+        self.prefix = prefix
+        self.is_error = True
-    "; NOTE: This lit test was automatically generated to validate "
-    + "unintentionally exposed arguments to various driver flavours.\n"
-    "; NOTE: To make changes, see "
-    + Path(__file__).resolve().as_posix()
-    + " from which it was generated.\n\n"
+    # For sorting
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.option)
 def print_usage():
-    """Print valid usage of this script"""
-    sys.exit("usage: python " + sys.argv[0] + " <path>/Options.td [<path>/llvm-tblgen]")
+    """ Print valid usage of this script
+    """
+    sys.exit( "usage: python " + sys.argv[0] + " <path>/Options.td [<path>/llvm-tblgen]" )
 def find_file(file_name, search_path):
-    """Find the given file name under a search path"""
+    """ Find the given file name under a search path
+    """
     result = []
     for root, dir, files in os.walk(search_path):
@@ -71,7 +127,7 @@ def find_file(file_name, search_path):
     return result
 def is_valid_file(path, expected_name):
-    """Is a file valid
+    """ Is a file valid
     Check if a given path is to a file, and if it matches the expected file name
     if path.is_file() and path.name == expected_name:
@@ -79,17 +135,28 @@ def is_valid_file(path, expected_name):
         return False
+def find_executable(executable):
+    """ Validate an executable
+    """
+    result = shutil.which(executable)
+    if result is None:
+        print(f"Unable to find {executable}")
+    else:
+        print(f"{executable} found: {result}")
+    return result
 def find_tablegen():
-    """Validate the TableGen executable"""
-    result = shutil.which(LLVM_TABLEGEN)
+    """ Validate the TableGen executable
+    """
+    result = find_executable(LLVM_TABLEGEN)
     if result is None:
-        sys.exit("Unable to find " + LLVM_TABLEGEN + ".\nExiting")
+        sys.exit("\nExiting")
-        print("TableGen found: " + result)
         return result
 def find_groups(group_sequence, options_json, option):
-    """Find the groups for a given option
+    """ Find the groups for a given option
     Note that groups can themselves be part of groups, hence the recursion
     group_json = options_json[option]["Group"]
@@ -105,12 +172,6 @@ def find_groups(group_sequence, options_json, option):
     return find_groups(group_sequence, options_json, option)
-class UnsupportedDriverOption:
-    def __init__(self, driver, option):
-        self.driver = driver
-        self.option = option
 # Validate the number of arguments have been passed
 argc = len(sys.argv)
 if argc < 2 or argc > 3:
@@ -123,6 +184,12 @@ def __init__(self, driver, option):
 driver_sequence = []
 options_sequence = []
 unsupported_sequence = []
+# List of driver-option pairs that will be skipped due to
+# overlapping supported and unsupported option names. See later comments for detail
+skipped_sequence = []
+# List of driver-option pairs that will be skipped due to
+# a variety of limitations. See usage for detail
+untested_sequence = []
 current_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
@@ -155,30 +222,59 @@ def __init__(self, driver, option):
     tablegen = find_tablegen()
 # Run TableGen to convert Options.td to json
-options_json_str = subprocess.run(
-    [
-        tablegen,
-        "-I",
-        os.path.join(current_path, INCLUDE_PATH),
-        options_td,
-        "-dump-json",
-    ],
-    stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-options_json = json.loads(options_json_str.stdout.decode("utf-8"))
+options_json_str = subprocess.run([ tablegen, "-I", os.path.join(current_path, INCLUDE_PATH), options_td, "-dump-json"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+options_json = json.loads(options_json_str.stdout.decode('utf-8'))
+# Establish the controller objects for each driver
+driver_cc1as = DriverController(f"{CLANG} -cc1as", VISIBILITY_CC1AS, "", None != find_executable(CLANG))
+driver_cc1 = DriverController(f"{CLANG} -cc1", VISIBILITY_CC1, " " + OPTION_X + " " + OPTION_CPP, None != find_executable(CLANG))
+driver_cl = DriverController(CLANG_CL, VISIBILITY_CL, " " + OPTION_NUM + " " + OPTION_X + " " + OPTION_CPP + " " + OPTION_C, None != find_executable(CLANG_CL))
+driver_dxc = DriverController(CLANG_DXC, VISIBILITY_DXC, " " + OPTION_NUM + " " + OPTION_X + " " + OPTION_CPP + " " + OPTION_C, None != find_executable(CLANG_DXC))
+driver_default = DriverController(CLANG, VISIBILITY_DEFAULT, " " + OPTION_NUM + " " + OPTION_X + " " + OPTION_CPP + " " + OPTION_C, None != find_executable(CLANG))
+driver_fc1 = DriverController(f"{FLANG} -fc1", VISIBILITY_FC1, "", None != find_executable(FLANG))
+driver_flang = DriverController(FLANG, VISIBILITY_FLANG, " " + OPTION_NUM + " " + OPTION_X + " " + OPTION_CPP + " " + OPTION_C, None != find_executable(FLANG))
+driver_controller = [driver_cc1as, driver_cc1, driver_cl, driver_dxc, driver_default, driver_fc1, driver_flang]
+def get_index(driver_vis):
+    """ Get the driver controller index for a given driver
+    driver_vis: The visibility string from OptionVisibility in Options.td
+    """
+    for index, driver_ctrl in enumerate(driver_controller):
+        if driver_vis == driver_ctrl.visibility_str:
+            return index
 # Gather list of driver flavours
-for i in options_json["!instanceof"]["OptionVisibility"]:
-    driver_sequence.append(i)
-# Gather list of options
-for i in options_json["!instanceof"]["Option"]:
-    options_sequence.append(i)
+for visibility in options_json["!instanceof"]["OptionVisibility"]:
+    driver_sequence.append(visibility)
 # Walk through the options list and find which drivers shouldn't be visible to each option
-for option in options_sequence:
+for option in options_json["!instanceof"]["Option"]:
+    kind = options_json[option]["Kind"]["def"]
+    should_skip = False
     tmp_vis_list = []
     group_sequence = []
+    option_name = options_json[option]["Name"]
+    # There are a few conditions that make an option unsuitable to test in this script
+    # Options of kind KIND_INPUT & KIND_UNKNOWN don't apply to this test. For example,
+    # Option "INPUT" with name "<input>".
+    if option in exceptions_sequence or \
+        options_json[option]["Name"] is None or \
+        kind == "KIND_INPUT" or \
+        kind == "KIND_UNKNOWN":
+        untested_sequence.append(UnsupportedDriverOption("All", option, ""))
+        continue
+    # Get the correct option prefix
+    prefixes = options_json[option]["Prefixes"]
+    prefix = ""
+    if prefixes is not None and len(prefixes) > 0:
+        # Assuming the first prefix is the preferred prefix
+        prefix = prefixes[0]
+        if os.name != "nt" and prefix == "/":
+            continue
     # Check for the option's explicit visibility
     for visibility in options_json[option]["Visibility"]:
@@ -189,69 +285,121 @@ def __init__(self, driver, option):
     find_groups(group_sequence, options_json, option)
     if len(group_sequence) > 0:
         for group_name in group_sequence:
+            # For clang_ignored_f_Group & f_Group see description in Options.td
+            # "Temporary groups for clang options which we know we don't support,
+            # but don't want to verbosely warn the user about."
+            if group_name == "clang_ignored_f_Group" or group_name == "f_Group":
+                should_skip = True
+                break
             for visibility in options_json[group_name]["Visibility"]:
+    if should_skip:
+        untested_sequence.append(UnsupportedDriverOption("All", option, ""))
+        continue
-    # Append to the unsupported list
+    # KIND_JOINED* options that are supported need to be saved for checking
+    # which options cannot be validated with this script
+    is_option_kind_joined = kind == "KIND_JOINED" or kind == "KIND_JOINED_OR_SEPARATE"
+    # Append to the unsupported list, and the various supported lists
     for driver in driver_sequence:
         if driver not in tmp_vis_list:
-            unsupported_sequence.append(UnsupportedDriverOption(driver, option))
-# Generate the lit test
+            unsupported_sequence.append(UnsupportedDriverOption(driver, option_name, prefix))
+        elif is_option_kind_joined:
+            driver_controller[get_index(driver)].supported_sequence.append(UnsupportedDriverOption(driver, option_name, prefix))
+def find_supported_seq_cmp_start(supported_sequence, low, high, search_option):
+    """ Return the index where to start comparisons in the supported sequence
+    Modified binary search for the first element of supported_sequence
+    that has an option that is of equal or lesser length than the search option
+    from the unsupported sequence
+    The supported sequence must be reverse sorted by option name length
+    """
+    middle = math.floor(low + (high - low) / 2)
+    if low > high:
+        return -1
+    # If the start of the list is reached
+    if middle - 1 == -1:
+        return middle
+    # If the end of the list is reached
+    if middle == len(supported_sequence)-1:
+        return middle
+    if len(supported_sequence[middle].option) <= len(search_option) < len(supported_sequence[middle - 1].option):
+        return middle
+    elif len(supported_sequence[middle].option) <= len(search_option):
+        return find_supported_seq_cmp_start(supported_sequence, low, middle - 1, search_option)
+    elif len(supported_sequence[middle].option) > len(search_option):
+        return find_supported_seq_cmp_start(supported_sequence, middle+1, high, search_option)
+    else:
+        # No-op
+        return -1
+# Sort the supported lists for the next block
+for driver_ctrl in driver_controller:
+    driver_ctrl.supported_sequence.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
+# For a given driver, this script cannot generate tests for unsupported options
+# that have a prefix that is a supported option of Kind KIND_JOINED*.
+# These driver-option pairs are removed here.
+for unsupported_pair in unsupported_sequence:
+    supported_seq = driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].supported_sequence
+    start_index = find_supported_seq_cmp_start(supported_seq, 0, len(supported_seq)-1, unsupported_pair.option)
+    start_index = 0 if start_index == -1 else start_index
+    for supported_pair in driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].supported_sequence[start_index:]:
+        if unsupported_pair.option.startswith(supported_pair.option):
+            skipped_sequence.append(unsupported_pair)
+for skip_pair in skipped_sequence:
+    unsupported_sequence.remove(skip_pair)
+# Preprocess each default driver command to determine if they result in an error status or a warning
+# This is necessary since the Lit tests require an explicit "; RUN: not" for errors
+for unsupported_pair in unsupported_sequence:
+    if (driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].is_os_compatible and
+            driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].visibility_str == VISIBILITY_DEFAULT):
+        # Run each command inside the script
+        cmd = [f"{driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].shell_cmd_prefix} \
+                 {unsupported_pair.prefix}{unsupported_pair.option} \
+                 {driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].shell_cmd_suffix} -"]
+        cmd_out = subprocess.run( cmd, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, shell=True)
+        unsupported_pair.is_error = True if cmd_out.returncode == 1 else False
+# Generate the Lit test
     with open(LIT_TEST_PATH, "w") as lit_file:
-            for i in unsupported_sequence:
-                if i.driver == OPTION_CC1AS:
-                    lit_file.write(
-                        "; RUN: not clang -cc1as -"
-                        + i.option
-                        + RUN_CMD_END)
-                    continue
-                if i.driver == OPTION_CC1:
-                    lit_file.write(
-                        "; RUN: not clang -cc1 -"
-                        + i.option
-                        + RUN_CMD_END)
-                    continue
-                if i.driver == OPTION_CL:
-                    lit_file.write(
-                        "; RUN: not clang-cl -"
-                        + i.option
-                        + RUN_CMD_END)
-                    continue
-                if i.driver == OPTION_DXC:
-                    lit_file.write(
-                        "; RUN: not clang-dxc -"
-                        + i.option
-                        + RUN_CMD_END)
-                    continue
-                if i.driver == OPTION_DEFAULT:
-                    lit_file.write(
-                        "; RUN: not clang -"
-                        + i.option
-                        + RUN_CMD_END)
-                    continue
-                if i.driver == OPTION_FC1:
-                    lit_file.write(
-                        "; RUN: not flang -fc1 -"
-                        + i.option
-                        + RUN_CMD_END)
-                    continue
-                if i.driver == OPTION_FLANG:
-                    lit_file.write(
-                        "; RUN: not flang -"
-                        + i.option
-                        + RUN_CMD_END)
+            for unsupported_pair in unsupported_sequence:
+                if unsupported_pair.is_error:
+                    lit_not = "not "
+                else:
+                    lit_not = ""
+                CMD_START = "; RUN: " + lit_not
-            lit_file.write(
-                "; CHECK: "+ ERROR_MSG_GENERAL + "\n"
-            )
+                if driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].is_os_compatible:
+                    lit_file.write(
+                        CMD_START +
+                        driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].shell_cmd_prefix +
+                        " " +
+                        unsupported_pair.prefix +
+                        unsupported_pair.option +
+                        driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].shell_cmd_suffix +
+                        LIT_CMD_END)
+            lit_file.write("; CHECK: " + ERROR_MSG_CHECK + "\n")
         except(IOError, OSError):
             sys.exit("Error writing to " + "LIT_TEST_PATH. Exiting")
-except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError, OSError):
+except(FileNotFoundError, PermissionError, OSError):
     sys.exit("Error opening " + "LIT_TEST_PATH" + ". Exiting")
+# print("\nThese unsupported driver-option pairs were not tested:")
+# for untested_pair in untested_sequence:
+#     print(f"Driver: {untested_pair.driver}\tOption:{untested_pair.option}")
+# for skipped_pair in skipped_sequence:
+#     print(f"Driver: {skipped_pair.driver}\tOption:{skipped_pair.option}")

>From f4be1d9c56bfe9ae70260fee2b751a67b32fe0cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: GeorgeKA <k._asante at hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2025 13:46:41 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Generate the Lit test in clang/test/Options

 .../generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py     | 307 +++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 227 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)

diff --git a/clang/utils/generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py b/clang/utils/generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py
index bdb0b5d6d33807..95e3b9056ca073 100644
--- a/clang/utils/generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py
+++ b/clang/utils/generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 from pathlib import Path
 LLVM_TABLEGEN = "llvm-tblgen"
-LIT_TEST_PATH = "../test/Driver/Inputs/unsupported-driver-options-check.ll"
+LIT_TEST_PATH = "../test/Options/unsupported-driver-options-check.ll"
 INCLUDE_PATH = "../../llvm/include"
 # Strings defined in Options.td for the various driver flavours. See "OptionVisibility"
@@ -48,38 +48,55 @@
 CLANG_CL = "clang-cl"
 CLANG_DXC = "clang-dxc"
 FLANG = "flang-new"
+CLANG_LIT = "%clang"
+CLANG_CL_LIT = "%clang_cl"
+CLANG_DXC_LIT = "%clang_dxc"
 OPTION_NUM = "-###"
 OPTION_X = "-x"
 OPTION_CPP = "c++"
 OPTION_C = "-c"
-LIT_CMD_END = " - < /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck %s\n"
 # See clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticDriverKinds.td for the *unknown_argument* strings
 # As per Driver::ParseArgStrings from Driver.cpp, all the driver modes use the
 # string "unknown argument" in their unsupported option error messages
-ERROR_MSG_CHECK = ("{{(unknown argument|"
-                     "argument unused|"
-                     "unsupported|"
-                     "unknown integrated tool)}}")
-LIT_TEST_NOTE = ("; NOTE: This lit test was automatically generated to validate "
-                 "unintentionally exposed arguments to various driver flavours.\n"
-                 "; NOTE: To make changes, see " + Path(__file__).resolve().as_posix()
-                 + " from which it was generated.\n"
-                 "To output which unsupported options are not tested by this Lit"
-                 " test, see that script\n\n")
-exceptions_sequence = ["Wno_rewrite_macros", # Default
-                       "fexperimental_sanitize_metadata_EQ_atomics", # Default
-                       "fexperimental_sanitize_metadata_EQ_covered", # Default
-                       "fexperimental_sanitize_metadata_EQ_uar", # Default
-                       "mno_strict_align", # CC1
-                       "mstrict_align",
-                       "fheinous-gnu-extensions",
-                       "fcuda-approx-transcendentals"] # CC1 TODO: This is temporary
+    "{{(unknown argument|"
+    "argument unused|"
+    "unsupported|"
+    "unknown integrated tool)}}"
+    "; NOTE: This lit test was automatically generated to validate "
+    "unintentionally exposed arguments to various driver flavours.\n"
+    "; NOTE: To make changes, see "
+    + Path(__file__).resolve().as_posix()
+    + " from which it was generated.\n"
+    "To output which unsupported options are not tested by this Lit"
+    " test, see that script\n\n"
+# A few options need to be explicitly skipped for a variety of reasons
+exceptions_sequence = [
+    # Incorrect usage of the driver options below cause unique output
+    "cc1",
+    "cc1as",
+    # Incorrect usage of fexperimental-sanitize-metadata=* with the default
+    # driver automatically adds -cc1, which makes the commands supported
+    "fexperimental-sanitize-metadata=atomics",
+    "fexperimental-sanitize-metadata=covered",
+    "fexperimental-sanitize-metadata=uar",
+    # TODO: The exceptions below are temporary
+    "mno-strict-align",  # CC1
+    "mstrict-align",  # CC1
+    "fheinous-gnu-extensions",  # CC1
+    "fcuda-approx-transcendentals",  # CC1
 class DriverController:
-    """ Controller for data specific to each driver
+    """Controller for data specific to each driver
     shell_cmd_prefix: The beginning string of the command to be tested
     visibility_str: The corresponding visibility string from OptionVisibility in Options.td
     shell_cmd_suffix: Strings near the end of the command to be tested
@@ -87,20 +104,35 @@ class DriverController:
                         that are Kind KIND_JOINED*, as defined in Options.td
     is_os_compatible: Boolean indicating whether this driver is available on the current OS
-    def __init__(self, shell_cmd_prefix = "", visibility_str = "", shell_cmd_suffix = "", is_os_compatible = False):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        shell_cmd_prefix="",
+        lit_cmd_prefix="",
+        visibility_str="",
+        shell_cmd_suffix="",
+        is_os_compatible=False,
+        check_string="unknown argument",
+        lit_cmd_end=" - < /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=",
+    ):
         self.shell_cmd_prefix = shell_cmd_prefix
+        self.lit_cmd_prefix = lit_cmd_prefix
         self.visibility_str = visibility_str
         self.shell_cmd_suffix = shell_cmd_suffix
         self.supported_sequence = []
         self.is_os_compatible = is_os_compatible
+        self.check_string = check_string
+        self.lit_cmd_end = lit_cmd_end
 class UnsupportedDriverOption:
-    """ Defines an unsupported driver-option combination
+    """Defines an unsupported driver-option combination
     driver: The driver string as defined by OptionVisibility in Options.td
     option: The option string. See "Name" for a given option in Options.td
     prefix: String that precedes the option. Ex. "-"
     is_error: Boolean indicating whether the corresponding command generates an error
     def __init__(self, driver, option, prefix):
         self.driver = driver
         self.option = option
@@ -111,14 +143,14 @@ def __init__(self, driver, option, prefix):
     def __len__(self):
         return len(self.option)
 def print_usage():
-    """ Print valid usage of this script
-    """
-    sys.exit( "usage: python " + sys.argv[0] + " <path>/Options.td [<path>/llvm-tblgen]" )
+    """Print valid usage of this script"""
+    sys.exit("usage: python " + sys.argv[0] + " <path>/Options.td [<path>/llvm-tblgen]")
 def find_file(file_name, search_path):
-    """ Find the given file name under a search path
-    """
+    """Find the given file name under a search path"""
     result = []
     for root, dir, files in os.walk(search_path):
@@ -126,8 +158,9 @@ def find_file(file_name, search_path):
             result.append(os.path.join(root, file_name))
     return result
 def is_valid_file(path, expected_name):
-    """ Is a file valid
+    """Is a file valid
     Check if a given path is to a file, and if it matches the expected file name
     if path.is_file() and path.name == expected_name:
@@ -135,9 +168,9 @@ def is_valid_file(path, expected_name):
         return False
 def find_executable(executable):
-    """ Validate an executable
-    """
+    """Validate an executable"""
     result = shutil.which(executable)
     if result is None:
         print(f"Unable to find {executable}")
@@ -146,17 +179,18 @@ def find_executable(executable):
     return result
 def find_tablegen():
-    """ Validate the TableGen executable
-    """
+    """Validate the TableGen executable"""
     result = find_executable(LLVM_TABLEGEN)
     if result is None:
         return result
 def find_groups(group_sequence, options_json, option):
-    """ Find the groups for a given option
+    """Find the groups for a given option
     Note that groups can themselves be part of groups, hence the recursion
     group_json = options_json[option]["Group"]
@@ -172,6 +206,7 @@ def find_groups(group_sequence, options_json, option):
     return find_groups(group_sequence, options_json, option)
 # Validate the number of arguments have been passed
 argc = len(sys.argv)
 if argc < 2 or argc > 3:
@@ -222,28 +257,90 @@ def find_groups(group_sequence, options_json, option):
     tablegen = find_tablegen()
 # Run TableGen to convert Options.td to json
-options_json_str = subprocess.run([ tablegen, "-I", os.path.join(current_path, INCLUDE_PATH), options_td, "-dump-json"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-options_json = json.loads(options_json_str.stdout.decode('utf-8'))
+options_json_str = subprocess.run(
+    [
+        tablegen,
+        "-I",
+        os.path.join(current_path, INCLUDE_PATH),
+        options_td,
+        "-dump-json",
+    ],
+    stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+options_json = json.loads(options_json_str.stdout.decode("utf-8"))
 # Establish the controller objects for each driver
-driver_cc1as = DriverController(f"{CLANG} -cc1as", VISIBILITY_CC1AS, "", None != find_executable(CLANG))
-driver_cc1 = DriverController(f"{CLANG} -cc1", VISIBILITY_CC1, " " + OPTION_X + " " + OPTION_CPP, None != find_executable(CLANG))
-driver_cl = DriverController(CLANG_CL, VISIBILITY_CL, " " + OPTION_NUM + " " + OPTION_X + " " + OPTION_CPP + " " + OPTION_C, None != find_executable(CLANG_CL))
-driver_dxc = DriverController(CLANG_DXC, VISIBILITY_DXC, " " + OPTION_NUM + " " + OPTION_X + " " + OPTION_CPP + " " + OPTION_C, None != find_executable(CLANG_DXC))
-driver_default = DriverController(CLANG, VISIBILITY_DEFAULT, " " + OPTION_NUM + " " + OPTION_X + " " + OPTION_CPP + " " + OPTION_C, None != find_executable(CLANG))
-driver_fc1 = DriverController(f"{FLANG} -fc1", VISIBILITY_FC1, "", None != find_executable(FLANG))
-driver_flang = DriverController(FLANG, VISIBILITY_FLANG, " " + OPTION_NUM + " " + OPTION_X + " " + OPTION_CPP + " " + OPTION_C, None != find_executable(FLANG))
+driver_cc1as = DriverController(
+    f"{CLANG} -cc1as",
+    f"{CLANG_LIT} -cc1as",
+    "",
+    None != find_executable(CLANG),
+driver_cc1 = DriverController(
+    f"{CLANG} -cc1",
+    f"{CLANG_LIT} -cc1",
+    " " + OPTION_X + " " + OPTION_CPP,
+    None != find_executable(CLANG),
+driver_cl = DriverController(
+    CLANG_CL,
+    " " + OPTION_NUM + " " + OPTION_X + " " + OPTION_CPP + " " + OPTION_C,
+    None != find_executable(CLANG_CL),
+driver_dxc = DriverController(
+    " " + OPTION_NUM + " " + OPTION_X + " " + OPTION_CPP + " " + OPTION_C,
+    None != find_executable(CLANG_DXC),
+driver_default = DriverController(
+    CLANG,
+    " " + OPTION_NUM + " " + OPTION_X + " " + OPTION_CPP + " " + OPTION_C,
+    None != find_executable(CLANG),
+    "{{(unknown argument|unsupported option|argument unused)}}",
+driver_fc1 = DriverController(
+    f"{FLANG} -fc1",
+    f"{FLANG_LIT} -fc1",
+    "",
+    None != find_executable(FLANG),
+driver_flang = DriverController(
+    FLANG,
+    " " + OPTION_NUM + " " + OPTION_X + " " + OPTION_CPP + " " + OPTION_C,
+    None != find_executable(FLANG),
+driver_controller = [
+    driver_cc1as,
+    driver_cc1,
+    driver_cl,
+    driver_dxc,
+    driver_default,
+    driver_fc1,
+    driver_flang,
-driver_controller = [driver_cc1as, driver_cc1, driver_cl, driver_dxc, driver_default, driver_fc1, driver_flang]
 def get_index(driver_vis):
-    """ Get the driver controller index for a given driver
+    """Get the driver controller index for a given driver
     driver_vis: The visibility string from OptionVisibility in Options.td
     for index, driver_ctrl in enumerate(driver_controller):
         if driver_vis == driver_ctrl.visibility_str:
             return index
 # Gather list of driver flavours
 for visibility in options_json["!instanceof"]["OptionVisibility"]:
@@ -259,11 +356,12 @@ def get_index(driver_vis):
     # There are a few conditions that make an option unsuitable to test in this script
     # Options of kind KIND_INPUT & KIND_UNKNOWN don't apply to this test. For example,
     # Option "INPUT" with name "<input>".
-    if option in exceptions_sequence or \
-        options_json[option]["Name"] is None or \
-        kind == "KIND_INPUT" or \
-        kind == "KIND_UNKNOWN":
+    if (
+        option_name in exceptions_sequence
+        or options_json[option]["Name"] is None
+        or kind == "KIND_INPUT"
+        or kind == "KIND_UNKNOWN"
+    ):
         untested_sequence.append(UnsupportedDriverOption("All", option, ""))
@@ -304,12 +402,17 @@ def get_index(driver_vis):
     # Append to the unsupported list, and the various supported lists
     for driver in driver_sequence:
         if driver not in tmp_vis_list:
-            unsupported_sequence.append(UnsupportedDriverOption(driver, option_name, prefix))
+            unsupported_sequence.append(
+                UnsupportedDriverOption(driver, option_name, prefix)
+            )
         elif is_option_kind_joined:
-            driver_controller[get_index(driver)].supported_sequence.append(UnsupportedDriverOption(driver, option_name, prefix))
+            driver_controller[get_index(driver)].supported_sequence.append(
+                UnsupportedDriverOption(driver, option_name, prefix)
+            )
 def find_supported_seq_cmp_start(supported_sequence, low, high, search_option):
-    """ Return the index where to start comparisons in the supported sequence
+    """Return the index where to start comparisons in the supported sequence
     Modified binary search for the first element of supported_sequence
     that has an option that is of equal or lesser length than the search option
     from the unsupported sequence
@@ -323,19 +426,28 @@ def find_supported_seq_cmp_start(supported_sequence, low, high, search_option):
     if middle - 1 == -1:
         return middle
     # If the end of the list is reached
-    if middle == len(supported_sequence)-1:
+    if middle == len(supported_sequence) - 1:
         return middle
-    if len(supported_sequence[middle].option) <= len(search_option) < len(supported_sequence[middle - 1].option):
+    if (
+        len(supported_sequence[middle].option)
+        <= len(search_option)
+        < len(supported_sequence[middle - 1].option)
+    ):
         return middle
     elif len(supported_sequence[middle].option) <= len(search_option):
-        return find_supported_seq_cmp_start(supported_sequence, low, middle - 1, search_option)
+        return find_supported_seq_cmp_start(
+            supported_sequence, low, middle - 1, search_option
+        )
     elif len(supported_sequence[middle].option) > len(search_option):
-        return find_supported_seq_cmp_start(supported_sequence, middle+1, high, search_option)
+        return find_supported_seq_cmp_start(
+            supported_sequence, middle + 1, high, search_option
+        )
         # No-op
         return -1
 # Sort the supported lists for the next block
 for driver_ctrl in driver_controller:
     driver_ctrl.supported_sequence.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
@@ -344,27 +456,45 @@ def find_supported_seq_cmp_start(supported_sequence, low, high, search_option):
 # that have a prefix that is a supported option of Kind KIND_JOINED*.
 # These driver-option pairs are removed here.
 for unsupported_pair in unsupported_sequence:
-    supported_seq = driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].supported_sequence
-    start_index = find_supported_seq_cmp_start(supported_seq, 0, len(supported_seq)-1, unsupported_pair.option)
+    supported_seq = driver_controller[
+        get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)
+    ].supported_sequence
+    start_index = find_supported_seq_cmp_start(
+        supported_seq, 0, len(supported_seq) - 1, unsupported_pair.option
+    )
     start_index = 0 if start_index == -1 else start_index
-    for supported_pair in driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].supported_sequence[start_index:]:
+    for supported_pair in driver_controller[
+        get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)
+    ].supported_sequence[start_index:]:
         if unsupported_pair.option.startswith(supported_pair.option):
 for skip_pair in skipped_sequence:
-# Preprocess each default driver command to determine if they result in an error status or a warning
+# Preprocess each default driver command to determine if they result in an error status or a warning.
+# The other drivers currently output error for all unsupported commands, so preprocessing is unnecessary
 # This is necessary since the Lit tests require an explicit "; RUN: not" for errors
 for unsupported_pair in unsupported_sequence:
-    if (driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].is_os_compatible and
-            driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].visibility_str == VISIBILITY_DEFAULT):
+    if (
+        driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].is_os_compatible
+        and driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].visibility_str
+    ):
         # Run each command inside the script
-        cmd = [f"{driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].shell_cmd_prefix} \
+        cmd = [
+            f"{driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].shell_cmd_prefix} \
                  {unsupported_pair.prefix}{unsupported_pair.option} \
-                 {driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].shell_cmd_suffix} -"]
-        cmd_out = subprocess.run( cmd, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, shell=True)
+                 {driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].shell_cmd_suffix} -"
+        ]
+        cmd_out = subprocess.run(
+            cmd,
+            stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+            stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+            stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+            shell=True,
+        )
         unsupported_pair.is_error = True if cmd_out.returncode == 1 else False
 # Generate the Lit test
@@ -373,7 +503,7 @@ def find_supported_seq_cmp_start(supported_sequence, low, high, search_option):
-            for unsupported_pair in unsupported_sequence:
+            for index, unsupported_pair in enumerate(unsupported_sequence):
                 if unsupported_pair.is_error:
                     lit_not = "not "
@@ -381,19 +511,36 @@ def find_supported_seq_cmp_start(supported_sequence, low, high, search_option):
                 CMD_START = "; RUN: " + lit_not
-                if driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].is_os_compatible:
+                # if driver_controller[ get_index(unsupported_pair.driver) ].is_os_compatible:
+                if driver_controller[
+                    get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)
+                ].is_os_compatible:
-                        CMD_START +
-                        driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].shell_cmd_prefix +
-                        " " +
-                        unsupported_pair.prefix +
-                        unsupported_pair.option +
-                        driver_controller[get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)].shell_cmd_suffix +
-                        LIT_CMD_END)
-            lit_file.write("; CHECK: " + ERROR_MSG_CHECK + "\n")
-        except(IOError, OSError):
+                        CMD_START
+                        + driver_controller[
+                            get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)
+                        ].lit_cmd_prefix
+                        + " "
+                        + unsupported_pair.prefix
+                        + unsupported_pair.option
+                        + driver_controller[
+                            get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)
+                        ].shell_cmd_suffix
+                        + driver_controller[
+                            get_index(unsupported_pair.driver)
+                        ].lit_cmd_end
+                        + unsupported_pair.driver
+                        + " %s\n"
+                    )
+            # CHECK statements. Instead of writing custom CHECK statements for each driver,
+            # create one statement per driver. Not all options return error messages include their option name
+            for driver in driver_controller:
+                lit_file.write(
+                    "; " + driver.visibility_str + ": " + driver.check_string + "\n"
+                )
+        except (IOError, OSError):
             sys.exit("Error writing to " + "LIT_TEST_PATH. Exiting")
-except(FileNotFoundError, PermissionError, OSError):
+except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError, OSError):
     sys.exit("Error opening " + "LIT_TEST_PATH" + ". Exiting")

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