[clang] [flang] [Flang][Driver] Add a flag to control zero initialization of global v… (PR #122144)

Tarun Prabhu via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jan 8 11:01:10 PST 2025

tarunprabhu wrote:

> Is the name of the flag alrite?

Haha. You read my mind. I spent some time thinking about it and even consulted the Fortran standard. They refer to default initialization as well, so I eventually decided that it was ok. Maybe `-fno-init-global-without-default-init` is clearer, but it's longer. I was thinking of `-fno-init-uninitialized-globals`, which I, a C/C++ programmer, find more intuitive. But maybe Fortran programmers are used to thinking of "default initialization".


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