[clang] [llvm] [HLSL] Implement elementwise firstbitlow builtin (PR #116858)

Sarah Spall via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jan 8 08:40:33 PST 2025

@@ -3178,98 +3178,74 @@ bool SPIRVInstructionSelector::selectFirstBitSet64Overflow(
     Register ResVReg, const SPIRVType *ResType, MachineInstr &I,
     Register SrcReg, unsigned BitSetOpcode, bool SwapPrimarySide) const {
+  // SPIR-V only allow vecs of size 2,3,4. Calling with a larger vec requires
+  // creating a param reg and return reg with an invalid vec size. If that is
+  // resolved then this function is valid for vectors of any component size.
   unsigned ComponentCount = GR.getScalarOrVectorComponentCount(ResType);
-  SPIRVType *BaseType = GR.retrieveScalarOrVectorIntType(ResType);
-  bool ZeroAsNull = STI.isOpenCLEnv();
-  Register ConstIntZero =
-      GR.getOrCreateConstInt(0, I, BaseType, TII, ZeroAsNull);
-  unsigned LeftComponentCount = ComponentCount / 2;
-  unsigned RightComponentCount = ComponentCount - LeftComponentCount;
-  bool LeftIsVector = LeftComponentCount > 1;
+  assert(ComponentCount < 5 && "Vec 5+ will generate invalid SPIR-V ops");
-  // Split the SrcReg in half into 2 smaller vec registers
-  // (ie i64x4 -> i64x2, i64x2)
+  bool ZeroAsNull = STI.isOpenCLEnv();
   MachineIRBuilder MIRBuilder(I);
-  SPIRVType *OpType = GR.getOrCreateSPIRVIntegerType(64, MIRBuilder);
-  SPIRVType *LeftVecOpType;
-  SPIRVType *LeftVecResType;
-  if (LeftIsVector) {
-    LeftVecOpType =
-        GR.getOrCreateSPIRVVectorType(OpType, LeftComponentCount, MIRBuilder);
-    LeftVecResType =
-        GR.getOrCreateSPIRVVectorType(BaseType, LeftComponentCount, MIRBuilder);
-  } else {
-    LeftVecOpType = OpType;
-    LeftVecResType = BaseType;
-  }
-  SPIRVType *RightVecOpType =
-      GR.getOrCreateSPIRVVectorType(OpType, RightComponentCount, MIRBuilder);
-  SPIRVType *RightVecResType =
-      GR.getOrCreateSPIRVVectorType(BaseType, RightComponentCount, MIRBuilder);
+  SPIRVType *BaseType = GR.retrieveScalarOrVectorIntType(ResType);
+  SPIRVType *I64Type = GR.getOrCreateSPIRVIntegerType(64, MIRBuilder);
+  SPIRVType *I64x2Type = GR.getOrCreateSPIRVVectorType(I64Type, 2, MIRBuilder);
+  SPIRVType *Vec2ResType =
+      GR.getOrCreateSPIRVVectorType(BaseType, 2, MIRBuilder);
-  Register LeftSideIn =
-      MRI->createVirtualRegister(GR.getRegClass(LeftVecOpType));
-  Register RightSideIn =
-      MRI->createVirtualRegister(GR.getRegClass(RightVecOpType));
+  std::vector<Register> PartialRegs;
-  bool Result;
+  // Loops 0, 2, 4, ... but stops one loop early when ComponentCount is odd
+  unsigned CurrentComponent = 0;
+  for (; CurrentComponent + 1 < ComponentCount; CurrentComponent += 2) {
spall wrote:

I wonder if you can easily optimize this case. 


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