[clang] [emacs][clang-format] Add elisp API for clang-format on git diffs (PR #112792)

Campbell Barton via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Jan 4 21:36:17 PST 2025

ideasman42 wrote:

Checking again and am still considering this patch too spesific/incomplete, checking vc's diff calls to git - they are considerably more involved than in this PR, meaning this PR will likely require follow up commits to fix problems _(see `vc-diff-internal`, inlined below for reference, it deals with EOL conversion, added files, coding systems... things this PR doesn't really handle)._

Attached a patch that allows for formatting line-ranges, the line range generation must be implemented externally.

- The `clang-format-modified-fn` customizable function is used to return a list of "modified" line ranges, this can be set by 3rd party packages - VC implementation independent.
- This function simply returns a  list of integer pairs (line ranges).
- An error is raised if the function isn't set.

Patch files:

- Patch on the main branch
- The whole file (for convenience).

- The git/diff logic extracted into a separate file - which would not be applied to the LLVM project, just use for testing.


As mentioned earlier, calling diff can be quite involved if all corner cases are properly handled.
(defun vc-diff-internal (async vc-fileset rev1 rev2 &optional verbose buffer)
  "Report diffs between revisions REV1 and REV2 of a fileset in VC-FILESET.
ASYNC non-nil means run the backend's commands asynchronously if possible.
VC-FILESET should have the format described in `vc-deduce-fileset'.
Output goes to the buffer BUFFER, which defaults to *vc-diff*.
BUFFER, if non-nil, should be a buffer or a buffer name.
Return t if the buffer had changes, nil otherwise."
  (unless buffer
    (setq buffer "*vc-diff*"))
  (let* ((files (cadr vc-fileset))
	 (messages (cons (format "Finding changes in %s..."
                                 (vc-delistify files))
                         (format "No changes between %s and %s"
                                 (or rev1 "working revision")
                                 (or rev2 "workfile"))))
	 ;; Set coding system based on the first file.  It's a kluge,
	 ;; but the only way to set it for each file included would
	 ;; be to call the back end separately for each file.
          ;; Force the EOL conversion to be -unix, in case the files
          ;; to be compared have DOS EOLs.  In that case, EOL
          ;; conversion will produce a patch file that will either
          ;; fail to apply, or will change the EOL format of some of
          ;; the lines in the patched file.
	   (if files (vc-coding-system-for-diff (car files)) 'undecided)
          (if revert-buffer-in-progress-p
               (generate-new-buffer-name " *vc-diff-clone*") nil))))
    ;; On MS-Windows and MS-DOS, Diff is likely to produce DOS-style
    ;; EOLs, which will look ugly if (car files) happens to have Unix
    ;; EOLs.  But for Git, we must force Unix EOLs in the diffs, since
    ;; Git always produces Unix EOLs in the parts that didn't come
    ;; from the file, and wants to see any CR characters when applying
    ;; patches.
    (if (and (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
             (not (eq (car vc-fileset) 'Git)))
	(setq coding-system-for-read
	      (coding-system-change-eol-conversion coding-system-for-read
    (vc-setup-buffer buffer)
    (message "%s" (car messages))
    ;; Many backends don't handle well the case of a file that has been
    ;; added but not yet committed to the repo (notably CVS and Subversion).
    ;; Do that work here so the backends don't have to futz with it.  --ESR
    ;; Actually most backends (including CVS) have options to control the
    ;; behavior since which one is better depends on the user and on the
    ;; situation).  Worse yet: this code does not handle the case where
    ;; `file' is a directory which contains added files.
    ;; I made it conditional on vc-diff-added-files but it should probably
    ;; just be removed (or copied/moved to specific backends).  --Stef.
    (when vc-diff-added-files
      (let ((filtered '())
        (dolist (file files)
          (if (or (file-directory-p file)
                  (not (string= (vc-working-revision file) "0")))
              (push file filtered)
            ;; This file is added but not yet committed;
            ;; there is no repository version to diff against.
            (if (or rev1 rev2)
                (error "No revisions of %s exist" file)
              ;; We regard this as "changed".
              ;; Diff it against /dev/null.
              (apply #'vc-do-command buffer
                     (if async 'async 1) "diff" file
                     (append (vc-switches nil 'diff) `(,(null-device)))))))
        (setq files (nreverse filtered))))
    (vc-call-backend (car vc-fileset) 'diff files rev1 rev2 buffer async)
    (set-buffer buffer)
    ;; Make the *vc-diff* buffer read only, the diff-mode key
    ;; bindings are nicer for read only buffers. pcl-cvs does the
    ;; same thing.
    (setq buffer-read-only t)
    (setq-local diff-vc-backend (car vc-fileset))
    (setq-local diff-vc-revisions (list rev1 rev2))
    (setq-local revert-buffer-function
                (lambda (_ignore-auto _noconfirm)
                  (vc-diff-internal async vc-fileset rev1 rev2 verbose)))
    (if (and (zerop (buffer-size))
             (not (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
        ;; Treat this case specially so as not to pop the buffer.
          (message "%s" (cdr messages))
      ;; Display the buffer, but at the end because it can change point.
      (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))
      ;; The diff process may finish early, so call `vc-diff-finish'
      ;; after `pop-to-buffer'; the former assumes the diff buffer is
      ;; shown in some window.
      (let ((buf (current-buffer)))
        (vc-run-delayed (vc-diff-finish buf (when verbose messages)
      ;; In the async case, we return t even if there are no differences
      ;; because we don't know that yet.


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