[clang] c2b89fc - [Hexagon] Add V79 support to compiler and assembler (#120983)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Dec 23 11:36:34 PST 2024

Author: Ikhlas Ajbar
Date: 2024-12-23T13:36:28-06:00
New Revision: c2b89fc9e45d325282b8eb6536f6145282dc3fdf

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/c2b89fc9e45d325282b8eb6536f6145282dc3fdf
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/c2b89fc9e45d325282b8eb6536f6145282dc3fdf.diff

LOG: [Hexagon] Add V79 support to compiler and assembler (#120983)

This patch introduces support for the Hexagon V79 architecture. It
includes instruction formats, definitions, encodings, scheduling
classes, and builtins/intrinsics. It also adds missing Hexagon v73
builtins to clang.




diff  --git a/clang/include/clang/Basic/BuiltinsHexagon.def b/clang/include/clang/Basic/BuiltinsHexagon.def
index ca3f99176110e3..adff9f884c0494 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/Basic/BuiltinsHexagon.def
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Basic/BuiltinsHexagon.def
@@ -17,8 +17,10 @@
+#pragma push_macro("V79")
+#define V79 "v79"
 #pragma push_macro("V75")
-#define V75 "v75"
+#define V75 "v75|" V79
 #pragma push_macro("V73")
 #define V73 "v73|" V75
 #pragma push_macro("V71")
@@ -42,8 +44,10 @@
 #pragma push_macro("V5")
 #define V5 "v5|" V55
+#pragma push_macro("HVXV79")
+#define HVXV79 "hvxv79"
 #pragma push_macro("HVXV75")
-#define HVXV75 "hvxv75"
+#define HVXV75 "hvxv75|" HVXV79
 #pragma push_macro("HVXV73")
 #define HVXV73 "hvxv73|" HVXV75
 #pragma push_macro("HVXV71")
@@ -148,6 +152,7 @@ TARGET_BUILTIN(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vrmpyub_rtt_acc_128B,"V64iV64iV32iLLi","", "
 #pragma pop_macro("HVXV71")
 #pragma pop_macro("HVXV73")
 #pragma pop_macro("HVXV75")
+#pragma pop_macro("HVXV79")
 #pragma pop_macro("V5")
 #pragma pop_macro("V55")
@@ -161,6 +166,7 @@ TARGET_BUILTIN(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vrmpyub_rtt_acc_128B,"V64iV64iV32iLLi","", "
 #pragma pop_macro("V71")
 #pragma pop_macro("V73")
 #pragma pop_macro("V75")
+#pragma pop_macro("V79")
 #undef BUILTIN

diff  --git a/clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td b/clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td
index 9e81c39f6869bd..d922709db17786 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td
@@ -6226,6 +6226,8 @@ def mv73 : Flag<["-"], "mv73">, Group<m_hexagon_Features_Group>,
   Alias<mcpu_EQ>, AliasArgs<["hexagonv73"]>;
 def mv75 : Flag<["-"], "mv75">, Group<m_hexagon_Features_Group>,
   Alias<mcpu_EQ>, AliasArgs<["hexagonv75"]>;
+def mv79 : Flag<["-"], "mv79">, Group<m_hexagon_Features_Group>,
+  Alias<mcpu_EQ>, AliasArgs<["hexagonv79"]>;
 def mhexagon_hvx : Flag<["-"], "mhvx">, Group<m_hexagon_Features_HVX_Group>,
   HelpText<"Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions">;
 def mhexagon_hvx_EQ : Joined<["-"], "mhvx=">,

diff  --git a/clang/lib/Basic/Targets/Hexagon.cpp b/clang/lib/Basic/Targets/Hexagon.cpp
index 931327bd8657b0..b5e06b679ece72 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Basic/Targets/Hexagon.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Basic/Targets/Hexagon.cpp
@@ -81,6 +81,9 @@ void HexagonTargetInfo::getTargetDefines(const LangOptions &Opts,
   } else if (CPU == "hexagonv75") {
     Builder.defineMacro("__HEXAGON_ARCH__", "75");
+  } else if (CPU == "hexagonv79") {
+    Builder.defineMacro("__HEXAGON_V79__");
+    Builder.defineMacro("__HEXAGON_ARCH__", "79");
   if (hasFeature("hvx-length64b")) {
@@ -239,6 +242,7 @@ static constexpr CPUSuffix Suffixes[] = {
     {{"hexagonv68"}, {"68"}}, {{"hexagonv69"}, {"69"}},
     {{"hexagonv71"}, {"71"}}, {{"hexagonv71t"}, {"71t"}},
     {{"hexagonv73"}, {"73"}}, {{"hexagonv75"}, {"75"}},
+    {{"hexagonv79"}, {"79"}},
 std::optional<unsigned> HexagonTargetInfo::getHexagonCPURev(StringRef Name) {

diff  --git a/clang/lib/Headers/hvx_hexagon_protos.h b/clang/lib/Headers/hvx_hexagon_protos.h
index 7e3679a38b2cff..fd120a589f64fc 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Headers/hvx_hexagon_protos.h
+++ b/clang/lib/Headers/hvx_hexagon_protos.h
@@ -5178,6 +5178,433 @@
 #define Q6_Vuh_vmpy_VuhVuh_rs16(Vu,Vv) __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vmpyuhvs)(Vu,Vv)
 #endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 69 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 73
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vdd32.sf=vadd(Vu32.bf,Vv32.bf)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_VectorPair Q6_Wsf_vadd_VbfVbf(HVX_Vector Vu,
+   HVX_Vector Vv) Instruction Type:      CVI_VX_DV Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Wsf_vadd_VbfVbf(Vu, Vv)                                             \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vadd_sf_bf)(Vu, Vv)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 73 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 73
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vd32.h=Vu32.hf
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_Vh_equals_Vhf(HVX_Vector Vu)
+   Instruction Type:      CVI_VS
+   Execution Slots:       SLOT0123
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Vh_equals_Vhf(Vu)                                                   \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vconv_h_hf)(Vu)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 73 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 73
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vd32.hf=Vu32.h
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_Vhf_equals_Vh(HVX_Vector Vu)
+   Instruction Type:      CVI_VS
+   Execution Slots:       SLOT0123
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Vhf_equals_Vh(Vu)                                                   \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vconv_hf_h)(Vu)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 73 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 73
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vd32.sf=Vu32.w
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_Vsf_equals_Vw(HVX_Vector Vu)
+   Instruction Type:      CVI_VS
+   Execution Slots:       SLOT0123
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Vsf_equals_Vw(Vu)                                                   \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vconv_sf_w)(Vu)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 73 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 73
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vd32.w=Vu32.sf
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_Vw_equals_Vsf(HVX_Vector Vu)
+   Instruction Type:      CVI_VS
+   Execution Slots:       SLOT0123
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Vw_equals_Vsf(Vu)                                                   \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vconv_w_sf)(Vu)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 73 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 73
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vd32.bf=vcvt(Vu32.sf,Vv32.sf)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_Vbf_vcvt_VsfVsf(HVX_Vector Vu,
+   HVX_Vector Vv) Instruction Type:      CVI_VX Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Vbf_vcvt_VsfVsf(Vu, Vv)                                             \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vcvt_bf_sf)(Vu, Vv)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 73 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 73
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Qd4=vcmp.gt(Vu32.bf,Vv32.bf)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_VectorPred Q6_Q_vcmp_gt_VbfVbf(HVX_Vector Vu,
+   HVX_Vector Vv) Instruction Type:      CVI_VA Execution Slots:       SLOT0123
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Q_vcmp_gt_VbfVbf(Vu, Vv)                                            \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vandqrt)                          \
+  ((__BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vgtbf)(Vu, Vv)), -1)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 73 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 73
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Qx4&=vcmp.gt(Vu32.bf,Vv32.bf)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_VectorPred Q6_Q_vcmp_gtand_QVbfVbf(HVX_VectorPred
+   Qx, HVX_Vector Vu, HVX_Vector Vv) Instruction Type:      CVI_VA Execution
+   Slots:       SLOT0123
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Q_vcmp_gtand_QVbfVbf(Qx, Vu, Vv)                                    \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vandqrt)                          \
+  ((__BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vgtbf_and)(                     \
+       __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vandvrt)((Qx), -1), Vu,      \
+       Vv)),                                                                   \
+   -1)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 73 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 73
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Qx4|=vcmp.gt(Vu32.bf,Vv32.bf)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_VectorPred Q6_Q_vcmp_gtor_QVbfVbf(HVX_VectorPred
+   Qx, HVX_Vector Vu, HVX_Vector Vv) Instruction Type:      CVI_VA Execution
+   Slots:       SLOT0123
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Q_vcmp_gtor_QVbfVbf(Qx, Vu, Vv)                                     \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vandqrt)                          \
+  ((__BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vgtbf_or)(                      \
+       __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vandvrt)((Qx), -1), Vu,      \
+       Vv)),                                                                   \
+   -1)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 73 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 73
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Qx4^=vcmp.gt(Vu32.bf,Vv32.bf)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_VectorPred Q6_Q_vcmp_gtxacc_QVbfVbf(HVX_VectorPred
+   Qx, HVX_Vector Vu, HVX_Vector Vv) Instruction Type:      CVI_VA Execution
+   Slots:       SLOT0123
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Q_vcmp_gtxacc_QVbfVbf(Qx, Vu, Vv)                                   \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vandqrt)                          \
+  ((__BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vgtbf_xor)(                     \
+       __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vandvrt)((Qx), -1), Vu,      \
+       Vv)),                                                                   \
+   -1)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 73 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 73
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vd32.bf=vmax(Vu32.bf,Vv32.bf)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_Vbf_vmax_VbfVbf(HVX_Vector Vu,
+   HVX_Vector Vv) Instruction Type:      CVI_VX_LATE Execution Slots: SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Vbf_vmax_VbfVbf(Vu, Vv)                                             \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vmax_bf)(Vu, Vv)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 73 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 73
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vd32.bf=vmin(Vu32.bf,Vv32.bf)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_Vbf_vmin_VbfVbf(HVX_Vector Vu,
+   HVX_Vector Vv) Instruction Type:      CVI_VX_LATE Execution Slots: SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Vbf_vmin_VbfVbf(Vu, Vv)                                             \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vmin_bf)(Vu, Vv)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 73 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 73
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vdd32.sf=vmpy(Vu32.bf,Vv32.bf)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_VectorPair Q6_Wsf_vmpy_VbfVbf(HVX_Vector Vu,
+   HVX_Vector Vv) Instruction Type:      CVI_VX_DV Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Wsf_vmpy_VbfVbf(Vu, Vv)                                             \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vmpy_sf_bf)(Vu, Vv)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 73 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 73
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vxx32.sf+=vmpy(Vu32.bf,Vv32.bf)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_VectorPair Q6_Wsf_vmpyacc_WsfVbfVbf(HVX_VectorPair
+   Vxx, HVX_Vector Vu, HVX_Vector Vv) Instruction Type:      CVI_VX_DV Execution
+   Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Wsf_vmpyacc_WsfVbfVbf(Vxx, Vu, Vv)                                  \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vmpy_sf_bf_acc)(Vxx, Vu, Vv)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 73 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 73
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vdd32.sf=vsub(Vu32.bf,Vv32.bf)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_VectorPair Q6_Wsf_vsub_VbfVbf(HVX_Vector Vu,
+   HVX_Vector Vv) Instruction Type:      CVI_VX_DV Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Wsf_vsub_VbfVbf(Vu, Vv)                                             \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vsub_sf_bf)(Vu, Vv)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 73 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vd32=vgetqfext(Vu32.x,Rt32)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_V_vgetqfext_VR(HVX_Vector Vu, Word32 Rt)
+   Instruction Type:      CVI_VX
+   Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_V_vgetqfext_VR(Vu, Rt)                                              \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_get_qfext)(Vu, Rt)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vx32|=vgetqfext(Vu32.x,Rt32)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_V_vgetqfextor_VVR(HVX_Vector Vx,
+   HVX_Vector Vu, Word32 Rt) Instruction Type:      CVI_VX Execution Slots:
+   SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_V_vgetqfextor_VVR(Vx, Vu, Rt)                                       \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_get_qfext_oracc)(Vx, Vu, Rt)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vd32.x=vsetqfext(Vu32,Rt32)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_V_vsetqfext_VR(HVX_Vector Vu, Word32 Rt)
+   Instruction Type:      CVI_VX
+   Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_V_vsetqfext_VR(Vu, Rt)                                              \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_set_qfext)(Vu, Rt)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vd32.f8=vabs(Vu32.f8)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_V_vabs_V(HVX_Vector Vu)
+   Instruction Type:      CVI_VX_LATE
+   Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_V_vabs_V(Vu) __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vabs_f8)(Vu)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vdd32.hf=vadd(Vu32.f8,Vv32.f8)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_VectorPair Q6_Whf_vadd_VV(HVX_Vector Vu,
+   HVX_Vector Vv) Instruction Type:      CVI_VX_DV Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Whf_vadd_VV(Vu, Vv)                                                 \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vadd_hf_f8)(Vu, Vv)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vd32.b=vcvt2(Vu32.hf,Vv32.hf)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_Vb_vcvt2_VhfVhf(HVX_Vector Vu,
+   HVX_Vector Vv) Instruction Type:      CVI_VX Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Vb_vcvt2_VhfVhf(Vu, Vv)                                             \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vcvt2_b_hf)(Vu, Vv)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vdd32.hf=vcvt2(Vu32.b)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_VectorPair Q6_Whf_vcvt2_Vb(HVX_Vector Vu)
+   Instruction Type:      CVI_VX_DV
+   Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Whf_vcvt2_Vb(Vu)                                                    \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vcvt2_hf_b)(Vu)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vdd32.hf=vcvt2(Vu32.ub)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_VectorPair Q6_Whf_vcvt2_Vub(HVX_Vector Vu)
+   Instruction Type:      CVI_VX_DV
+   Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Whf_vcvt2_Vub(Vu)                                                   \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vcvt2_hf_ub)(Vu)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vd32.ub=vcvt2(Vu32.hf,Vv32.hf)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_Vub_vcvt2_VhfVhf(HVX_Vector Vu,
+   HVX_Vector Vv) Instruction Type:      CVI_VX Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Vub_vcvt2_VhfVhf(Vu, Vv)                                            \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vcvt2_ub_hf)(Vu, Vv)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vd32.f8=vcvt(Vu32.hf,Vv32.hf)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_V_vcvt_VhfVhf(HVX_Vector Vu, HVX_Vector
+   Vv) Instruction Type:      CVI_VX Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_V_vcvt_VhfVhf(Vu, Vv)                                               \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vcvt_f8_hf)(Vu, Vv)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vdd32.hf=vcvt(Vu32.f8)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_VectorPair Q6_Whf_vcvt_V(HVX_Vector Vu)
+   Instruction Type:      CVI_VX_DV
+   Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Whf_vcvt_V(Vu)                                                      \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vcvt_hf_f8)(Vu)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vd32.f8=vfmax(Vu32.f8,Vv32.f8)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_V_vfmax_VV(HVX_Vector Vu, HVX_Vector Vv)
+   Instruction Type:      CVI_VX_LATE
+   Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_V_vfmax_VV(Vu, Vv)                                                  \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vfmax_f8)(Vu, Vv)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vd32.f8=vfmin(Vu32.f8,Vv32.f8)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_V_vfmin_VV(HVX_Vector Vu, HVX_Vector Vv)
+   Instruction Type:      CVI_VX_LATE
+   Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_V_vfmin_VV(Vu, Vv)                                                  \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vfmin_f8)(Vu, Vv)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vd32.f8=vfneg(Vu32.f8)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_V_vfneg_V(HVX_Vector Vu)
+   Instruction Type:      CVI_VX_LATE
+   Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_V_vfneg_V(Vu)                                                       \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vfneg_f8)(Vu)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vd32=vmerge(Vu32.x,Vv32.w)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_V_vmerge_VVw(HVX_Vector Vu, HVX_Vector
+   Vv) Instruction Type:      CVI_VS Execution Slots:       SLOT0123
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_V_vmerge_VVw(Vu, Vv)                                                \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vmerge_qf)(Vu, Vv)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vdd32.hf=vmpy(Vu32.f8,Vv32.f8)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_VectorPair Q6_Whf_vmpy_VV(HVX_Vector Vu,
+   HVX_Vector Vv) Instruction Type:      CVI_VX_DV Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Whf_vmpy_VV(Vu, Vv)                                                 \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vmpy_hf_f8)(Vu, Vv)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vxx32.hf+=vmpy(Vu32.f8,Vv32.f8)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_VectorPair Q6_Whf_vmpyacc_WhfVV(HVX_VectorPair
+   Vxx, HVX_Vector Vu, HVX_Vector Vv) Instruction Type:      CVI_VX_DV Execution
+   Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Whf_vmpyacc_WhfVV(Vxx, Vu, Vv)                                      \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vmpy_hf_f8_acc)(Vxx, Vu, Vv)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vd32.qf16=vmpy(Vu32.hf,Rt32.hf)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_Vqf16_vmpy_VhfRhf(HVX_Vector Vu, Word32
+   Rt) Instruction Type:      CVI_VX_DV Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Vqf16_vmpy_VhfRhf(Vu, Rt)                                           \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vmpy_rt_hf)(Vu, Rt)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vd32.qf16=vmpy(Vu32.qf16,Rt32.hf)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_Vqf16_vmpy_Vqf16Rhf(HVX_Vector Vu,
+   Word32 Rt) Instruction Type:      CVI_VX_DV Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Vqf16_vmpy_Vqf16Rhf(Vu, Rt)                                         \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vmpy_rt_qf16)(Vu, Rt)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vd32.qf32=vmpy(Vu32.sf,Rt32.sf)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_Vector Q6_Vqf32_vmpy_VsfRsf(HVX_Vector Vu, Word32
+   Rt) Instruction Type:      CVI_VX_DV Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Vqf32_vmpy_VsfRsf(Vu, Rt)                                           \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vmpy_rt_sf)(Vu, Rt)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
+#if __HVX_ARCH__ >= 79
+/* ==========================================================================
+   Assembly Syntax:       Vdd32.hf=vsub(Vu32.f8,Vv32.f8)
+   C Intrinsic Prototype: HVX_VectorPair Q6_Whf_vsub_VV(HVX_Vector Vu,
+   HVX_Vector Vv) Instruction Type:      CVI_VX_DV Execution Slots:       SLOT23
+   ========================================================================== */
+#define Q6_Whf_vsub_VV(Vu, Vv)                                                 \
+  __BUILTIN_VECTOR_WRAP(__builtin_HEXAGON_V6_vsub_hf_f8)(Vu, Vv)
+#endif /* __HEXAGON_ARCH___ >= 79 */
 #endif /* __HVX__ */

diff  --git a/clang/test/Driver/hexagon-toolchain-elf.c b/clang/test/Driver/hexagon-toolchain-elf.c
index 37d24d4b2b99dc..be812dda40d575 100644
--- a/clang/test/Driver/hexagon-toolchain-elf.c
+++ b/clang/test/Driver/hexagon-toolchain-elf.c
@@ -159,6 +159,13 @@
 // CHECK240: "-cc1" {{.*}} "-target-cpu" "hexagonv75"
 // CHECK240: hexagon-link{{.*}}/Inputs/hexagon_tree/Tools/bin/../target/hexagon/lib/v75/crt0
+// RUN: not %clang -### --target=hexagon-unknown-elf \
+// RUN:   -ccc-install-dir %S/Inputs/hexagon_tree/Tools/bin \
+// RUN:   -mcpu=hexagonv79 -fuse-ld=hexagon-link \
+// RUN:   %s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK250 %s
+// CHECK250: "-cc1" {{.*}} "-target-cpu" "hexagonv79"
+// CHECK250: hexagon-link{{.*}}/Inputs/hexagon_tree/Tools/bin/../target/hexagon/lib/v79/crt0
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Test Linker related args
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

diff  --git a/clang/test/Misc/target-invalid-cpu-note/hexagon.c b/clang/test/Misc/target-invalid-cpu-note/hexagon.c
index 7c3f0999a53cc1..e3f5ef0fae1b37 100644
--- a/clang/test/Misc/target-invalid-cpu-note/hexagon.c
+++ b/clang/test/Misc/target-invalid-cpu-note/hexagon.c
@@ -19,4 +19,5 @@
 // CHECK-SAME: {{^}}, hexagonv71t
 // CHECK-SAME: {{^}}, hexagonv73
 // CHECK-SAME: {{^}}, hexagonv75
+// CHECK-SAME: {{^}}, hexagonv79
 // CHECK-SAME: {{$}}

diff  --git a/clang/test/Preprocessor/hexagon-predefines.c b/clang/test/Preprocessor/hexagon-predefines.c
index ad92c40e744c72..eebf48117d80ca 100644
--- a/clang/test/Preprocessor/hexagon-predefines.c
+++ b/clang/test/Preprocessor/hexagon-predefines.c
@@ -154,6 +154,23 @@
 // CHECK-V75HVX-128B: #define __HVX__ 1
 // CHECK-V75HVX-128B: #define __hexagon__ 1
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -E -dM -triple hexagon-unknown-elf -target-cpu hexagonv79 %s\
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix CHECK-V79
+// CHECK-V79: #define __HEXAGON_ARCH__ 79
+// CHECK-V79: #define __HEXAGON_V79__ 1
+// CHECK-V79: #define __hexagon__ 1
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -E -dM -triple hexagon-unknown-elf -target-cpu hexagonv79 \
+// RUN: -target-feature +hvxv79 -target-feature +hvx-length128b %s | FileCheck \
+// RUN: %s -check-prefix CHECK-V79HVX-128B
+// CHECK-V79HVX-128B: #define __HEXAGON_ARCH__ 79
+// CHECK-V79HVX-128B: #define __HEXAGON_V79__ 1
+// CHECK-V79HVX-128B: #define __HVX_ARCH__ 79
+// CHECK-V79HVX-128B: #define __HVX_LENGTH__ 128
+// CHECK-V79HVX-128B: #define __HVX__ 1
+// CHECK-V79HVX-128B: #define __hexagon__ 1
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -E -dM -triple hexagon-unknown-elf -target-cpu hexagonv67 \
 // RUN: -target-feature +hvxv67 -target-feature +hvx-length128b %s | FileCheck \
 // RUN: %s -check-prefix CHECK-ELF

diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h b/llvm/include/llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h
index 7858e59b2cc927..8abacf1b546a0f 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h
@@ -630,6 +630,7 @@ enum {
   EF_HEXAGON_MACH_V71T = 0x00008071, // Hexagon V71T
   EF_HEXAGON_MACH_V73 = 0x00000073,  // Hexagon V73
   EF_HEXAGON_MACH_V75 = 0x00000075,  // Hexagon V75
+  EF_HEXAGON_MACH_V79 = 0x00000079,  // Hexagon V79
   EF_HEXAGON_MACH = 0x000003ff,      // Hexagon V..
   // Highest ISA version flags
@@ -650,6 +651,7 @@ enum {
   EF_HEXAGON_ISA_V71 = 0x00000071,  // Hexagon V71 ISA
   EF_HEXAGON_ISA_V73 = 0x00000073,  // Hexagon V73 ISA
   EF_HEXAGON_ISA_V75 = 0x00000075,  // Hexagon V75 ISA
+  EF_HEXAGON_ISA_V79 = 0x00000079,  // Hexagon V79 ISA
   EF_HEXAGON_ISA = 0x000003ff,      // Hexagon V.. ISA

diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicsHexagonDep.td b/llvm/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicsHexagonDep.td
index 29b0da0d766bc1..0cd6008b986fdb 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicsHexagonDep.td
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicsHexagonDep.td
@@ -6705,3 +6705,130 @@ Hexagon_v32i32_v16i32v16i32_Intrinsic<"HEXAGON_V6_vsub_sf_bf">;
 def int_hexagon_V6_vsub_sf_bf_128B :
+// V79 HVX Instructions.
+def int_hexagon_V6_get_qfext :
+def int_hexagon_V6_get_qfext_128B :
+def int_hexagon_V6_get_qfext_oracc :
+def int_hexagon_V6_get_qfext_oracc_128B :
+def int_hexagon_V6_set_qfext :
+def int_hexagon_V6_set_qfext_128B :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vabs_f8 :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vabs_f8_128B :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vadd_hf_f8 :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vadd_hf_f8_128B :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vcvt2_b_hf :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vcvt2_b_hf_128B :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vcvt2_hf_b :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vcvt2_hf_b_128B :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vcvt2_hf_ub :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vcvt2_hf_ub_128B :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vcvt2_ub_hf :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vcvt2_ub_hf_128B :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vcvt_f8_hf :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vcvt_f8_hf_128B :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vcvt_hf_f8 :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vcvt_hf_f8_128B :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vfmax_f8 :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vfmax_f8_128B :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vfmin_f8 :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vfmin_f8_128B :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vfneg_f8 :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vfneg_f8_128B :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vmerge_qf :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vmerge_qf_128B :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vmpy_hf_f8 :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vmpy_hf_f8_128B :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vmpy_hf_f8_acc :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vmpy_hf_f8_acc_128B :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vmpy_rt_hf :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vmpy_rt_hf_128B :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vmpy_rt_qf16 :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vmpy_rt_qf16_128B :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vmpy_rt_sf :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vmpy_rt_sf_128B :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vsub_hf_f8 :
+def int_hexagon_V6_vsub_hf_f8_128B :

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/Hexagon.td b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/Hexagon.td
index 79c958cb0b6f7c..0dbe743d13ede9 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/Hexagon.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/Hexagon.td
@@ -73,6 +73,12 @@ def ExtensionHVXV75: SubtargetFeature<"hvxv75", "HexagonHVXVersion",
        ExtensionHVXV67, ExtensionHVXV68, ExtensionHVXV69, ExtensionHVXV71,
+def ExtensionHVXV79: SubtargetFeature<"hvxv79", "HexagonHVXVersion",
+      "Hexagon::ArchEnum::V79", "Hexagon HVX instructions",
+      [ExtensionHVXV60, ExtensionHVXV62, ExtensionHVXV65, ExtensionHVXV66,
+       ExtensionHVXV67, ExtensionHVXV68, ExtensionHVXV69, ExtensionHVXV71,
+       ExtensionHVXV73, ExtensionHVXV75]>;
 def ExtensionHVX64B: SubtargetFeature<"hvx-length64b", "UseHVX64BOps",
       "true", "Hexagon HVX 64B instructions", [ExtensionHVX]>;
 def ExtensionHVX128B: SubtargetFeature<"hvx-length128b", "UseHVX128BOps",
@@ -145,6 +151,8 @@ def UseHVXV73          : Predicate<"HST->useHVXV73Ops()">,
                          AssemblerPredicate<(all_of ExtensionHVXV73)>;
 def UseHVXV75          : Predicate<"HST->useHVXV75Ops()">,
                          AssemblerPredicate<(all_of ExtensionHVXV75)>;
+def UseHVXV79          : Predicate<"HST->useHVXV79Ops()">,
+                         AssemblerPredicate<(all_of ExtensionHVXV79)>;
 def UseAudio           : Predicate<"HST->useAudioOps()">,
                          AssemblerPredicate<(all_of ExtensionAudio)>;
 def UseZReg            : Predicate<"HST->useZRegOps()">,
@@ -475,6 +483,11 @@ def : Proc<"hexagonv75", HexagonModelV75,
            ArchV68, ArchV69, ArchV71, ArchV73, ArchV75, FeatureCompound,
            FeatureDuplex, FeatureMemNoShuf, FeatureMemops, FeatureNVJ,
            FeatureNVS, FeaturePackets, FeatureSmallData]>;
+def : Proc<"hexagonv79", HexagonModelV79,
+           [ArchV5, ArchV55, ArchV60, ArchV62, ArchV65, ArchV66, ArchV67,
+           ArchV68, ArchV69, ArchV71, ArchV73, ArchV75, ArchV79,
+           FeatureCompound, FeatureDuplex, FeatureMemNoShuf, FeatureMemops,
+           FeatureNVJ, FeatureNVS, FeaturePackets, FeatureSmallData]>;
 // Need to update the correct features for tiny core.
 // Disable NewValueJumps since the packetizer is unable to handle a packet with

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonDepArch.h b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonDepArch.h
index 7c20bd11721307..89845348a9e31c 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonDepArch.h
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonDepArch.h
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ enum class ArchEnum {
-  V75
+  V75,
+  V79
 inline std::optional<Hexagon::ArchEnum> getCpu(StringRef CPU) {
@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ inline std::optional<Hexagon::ArchEnum> getCpu(StringRef CPU) {
       .Case("hexagonv71t", Hexagon::ArchEnum::V71)
       .Case("hexagonv73", Hexagon::ArchEnum::V73)
       .Case("hexagonv75", Hexagon::ArchEnum::V75)
+      .Case("hexagonv79", Hexagon::ArchEnum::V79)
 } // namespace Hexagon

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonDepArch.td b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonDepArch.td
index 6b62ffbec6e754..8ec1d93f6c436c 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonDepArch.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonDepArch.td
@@ -32,3 +32,5 @@ def ArchV73: SubtargetFeature<"v73", "HexagonArchVersion", "Hexagon::ArchEnum::V
 def HasV73 : Predicate<"HST->hasV73Ops()">, AssemblerPredicate<(all_of ArchV73)>;
 def ArchV75: SubtargetFeature<"v75", "HexagonArchVersion", "Hexagon::ArchEnum::V75", "Enable Hexagon V75 architecture">;
 def HasV75 : Predicate<"HST->hasV75Ops()">, AssemblerPredicate<(all_of ArchV75)>;
+def ArchV79: SubtargetFeature<"v79", "HexagonArchVersion", "Hexagon::ArchEnum::V79", "Enable Hexagon V79 architecture">;
+def HasV79 : Predicate<"HST->hasV79Ops()">, AssemblerPredicate<(all_of ArchV79)>;

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonDepIICHVX.td b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonDepIICHVX.td
index d1d331175ba8b6..93696e0e3b4eae 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonDepIICHVX.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonDepIICHVX.td
@@ -6630,3 +6630,595 @@ class DepHVXItinV75 {
       [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>
+class DepHVXItinV79 {
+  list<InstrItinData> DepHVXItinV79_list = [
+    InstrItinData <tc_0390c1ca, /*SLOT01,LOAD,VA,VX_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_LD], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01]>], [9, 1, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_04da405a, /*SLOT0123,VP_VS*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_XLSHF]>], [9, 5],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_05ca8cfd, /*SLOT0123,VS*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_SHIFT]>], [9, 5, 5],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_08a4f1b6, /*SLOT23,VX_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01]>], [9, 7, 5, 5],
+    InstrItinData <tc_0afc8be9, /*SLOT23,VX_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01]>], [9, 5],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_0b04c6c7, /*SLOT23,VX_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01]>], [9, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_0ec46cf9, /*SLOT0123,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [9, 7],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_131f1c81, /*SLOT0,NOSLOT1,STORE,VP*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_XLANE]>], [2, 1, 2, 5],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_1381a97c, /*SLOT0123,4SLOT*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ALL]>], [],
+      []>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_15fdf750, /*SLOT23,VS_VX*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [9, 7, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_16ff9ef8, /*SLOT0123,VS*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_SHIFT]>], [9, 5, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_191381c1, /*SLOT0,STORE,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [3, 7, 1, 2, 7],
+      [Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_1ad8a370, /*SLOT23,VX_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01]>], [9, 5, 2, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_1ba8a0cd, /*SLOT01,LOAD,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_LD], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [9, 3, 1, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_20a4bbec, /*SLOT0,STORE*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST]>], [3, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_227864f7, /*SLOT0,STORE,VA,VX_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01]>], [3, 1, 2, 5],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_257f6f7c, /*SLOT0123,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [9, 7, 7, 7],
+    InstrItinData <tc_26a377fe, /*SLOT23,4SLOT_MPY*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ALL_NOMEM]>], [9, 3, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_2b4c548e, /*SLOT23,VX_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01]>], [9, 5, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_2c745bb8, /*SLOT0123,VP_VS*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_XLSHF]>], [9, 7, 5],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_2d4051cd, /*SLOT23,4SLOT_MPY*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ALL_NOMEM]>], [9, 3, 7, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_2e8f5f6e, /*SLOT23,VX*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1]>], [9, 7, 7, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_309dbb4f, /*SLOT0123,VS*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_SHIFT]>], [9, 7, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_37820f4c, /*SLOT23,VX*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1]>], [9, 7, 5, 5],
+    InstrItinData <tc_3904b926, /*SLOT01,LOAD*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_LD]>], [9, 2, 1, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_3aacf4a8, /*SLOT0123,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [9, 2, 7],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_3ad719fb, /*SLOT01,ZW*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ZW]>], [3, 2, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_3c56e5ce, /*SLOT0,NOSLOT1,LOAD,VP*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_LD], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_XLANE]>], [9, 3, 1, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_3c8c15d0, /*SLOT23,VX*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1]>], [9, 5],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_3ce09744, /*SLOT0,STORE*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST]>], [1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_3e2aaafc, /*SLOT0,STORE,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [3, 1, 2, 7],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_447d9895, /*SLOT0,STORE,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [7, 1, 2, 7],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_453fe68d, /*SLOT01,LOAD,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_LD], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [9, 3, 2, 1, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_46d6c3e0, /*SLOT0123,VP*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_XLANE]>], [9, 5, 5],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_4942646a, /*SLOT23,VX*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1]>], [9, 7, 5, 5, 2],
+    InstrItinData <tc_51d0ecc3, /*SLOT0123,VS*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_SHIFT]>], [9, 5],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_52447ecc, /*SLOT01,LOAD*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_LD]>], [9, 1, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_531b383c, /*SLOT0123*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [9, 5, 5],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_540c3da3, /*SLOT0,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [4, 7, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_54a0dc47, /*SLOT0,STORE,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [3, 2, 1, 2, 7],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_561aaa58, /*SLOT0123,VP_VS*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_XLSHF]>], [9, 9, 5, 5, 2],
+    InstrItinData <tc_56c4f9fe, /*SLOT0123,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [9, 7, 7],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_56e64202, /*SLOT0123,VP*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_XLANE]>], [9, 5, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_58d21193, /*SLOT0,STORE,VA_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01, CVI_XLSHF]>], [7, 1, 2, 7, 7],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_5bf8afbb, /*SLOT0123,VP*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_XLANE]>], [9, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_5cdf8c84, /*SLOT23,VX*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1]>], [9, 7],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_61bf7c03, /*SLOT23,4SLOT_MPY*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ALL_NOMEM]>], [9, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_649072c2, /*SLOT23,VX*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1]>], [9, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_660769f1, /*SLOT23,VX_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01]>], [9, 7, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_663c80a7, /*SLOT01,LOAD*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_LD]>], [9, 3, 1, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_6942b6e0, /*SLOT0,STORE*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST]>], [3, 1, 2, 5],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_6e7fa133, /*SLOT0123,VP*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_XLANE]>], [9, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_7095ecba, /*SLOT01,LOAD,VA_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_LD], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01, CVI_XLSHF]>], [1, 2, 7],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_71646d06, /*SLOT0123,VA_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01, CVI_XLSHF]>], [9, 7, 7, 7],
+    InstrItinData <tc_7177e272, /*SLOT0,STORE*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST]>], [2, 1, 2, 5],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_718b5c53, /*SLOT0123,VA_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01, CVI_XLSHF]>], [9],
+      [HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_7273323b, /*SLOT0,STORE,VA_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01, CVI_XLSHF]>], [1, 2, 7, 7],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_72e2b393, /*SLOT23,VX*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1]>], [9, 7, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_73efe966, /*SLOT23,VX*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1]>], [9, 5, 5],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_7417e785, /*SLOT0123,VS*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_SHIFT]>], [9, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_767c4e9d, /*SLOT0123,4SLOT*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ALL]>], [3, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_7d68d5c2, /*SLOT01,LOAD,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_LD], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [7, 1, 2, 7],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_7e6a3e89, /*SLOT0123,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [9, 9, 7, 7, 7],
+    InstrItinData <tc_8772086c, /*SLOT0123,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [9, 7, 7],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_87adc037, /*SLOT0123,VP_VS*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_XLSHF]>], [9, 5, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_8e420e4d, /*SLOT0,STORE,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [7, 1, 2, 7, 7],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_90bcc1db, /*SLOT2,VX_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01]>], [9, 5, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_933f2b39, /*SLOT23,4SLOT_MPY*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ALL_NOMEM]>], [9, 7, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_946013d8, /*SLOT0123,VP*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_XLANE]>], [9, 5],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_9a1cab75, /*SLOT01,LOAD,VA,VX_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_LD], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01]>], [9, 3, 1, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_9aff7a2a, /*SLOT0,STORE,VA,VX_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01]>], [1, 2, 5],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_9d1dc972, /*SLOT0123,VP_VS*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_XLSHF]>], [9, 7, 5, 5, 2],
+    InstrItinData <tc_9f363d21, /*SLOT0,STORE,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [1, 2, 7, 7],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_a02a10a8, /*SLOT0,STORE,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [2, 1, 2, 7],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_a0dbea28, /*SLOT01,ZW*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ZW]>], [3, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_a19b9305, /*SLOT23,VX*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1]>], [9, 7, 5, 5],
+    InstrItinData <tc_a28f32b5, /*SLOT01,LOAD,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_LD], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [1, 2, 7],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_a69eeee1, /*SLOT01,LOAD,VA_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_LD], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01, CVI_XLSHF]>], [7, 1, 2, 7],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_a7e6707d, /*SLOT0,NOSLOT1,LOAD,VP*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_LD], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_XLANE]>], [9, 1, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_ab23f776, /*SLOT0,STORE*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST]>], [1, 2, 5],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_abe8c3b2, /*SLOT01,LOAD,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_LD], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [9, 2, 1, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_ac4046bc, /*SLOT23,VX*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1]>], [9, 7, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_af25efd9, /*SLOT0123,VA_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01, CVI_XLSHF]>], [9, 2, 7, 7],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_b091f1c6, /*SLOT23,VX*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1]>], [9, 7, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_b28e51aa, /*SLOT0123,4SLOT*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ALL]>], [2],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_b4416217, /*SLOT0123,VA_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01, CVI_XLSHF]>], [9, 7],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_b9db8205, /*SLOT01,LOAD*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_LD]>], [9, 3, 2, 1, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_bb599486, /*SLOT23,VX_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01]>], [9, 7, 5, 5, 2],
+    InstrItinData <tc_c0749f3c, /*SLOT01,LOAD,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_LD], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [9, 1, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_c127de3a, /*SLOT23,VX*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1]>], [9, 5, 5],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_c4edf264, /*SLOT23,VX*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1]>], [9, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_c5dba46e, /*SLOT0,STORE,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [1, 2, 7],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_c7039829, /*SLOT0,NOSLOT1,STORE,VP*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_XLANE]>], [3, 2, 1, 2, 5],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_cd94bfe0, /*SLOT23,VS_VX*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [9, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_cda936da, /*SLOT23,VX*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1]>], [9, 7, 7],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_d8287c14, /*SLOT23,VX_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01]>], [9, 5, 5],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_db5555f3, /*SLOT0123,VA_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01, CVI_XLSHF]>], [9, 7, 7],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_dcca380f, /*SLOT23,VX*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1]>], [9, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_dd5b0695, /*SLOT01,ZW*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ZW]>], [2, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_df80eeb0, /*SLOT0123,VP_VS*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_XLSHF]>], [9, 7, 5, 5],
+    InstrItinData <tc_e2d2e9e5, /*SLOT0,NOSLOT1,STORE,VP*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_XLANE]>], [3, 1, 2, 5],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_e2fdd6e6, /*SLOT0123*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [9, 5],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_e35c1e93, /*SLOT0123,VA*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_XLANE]>], [9, 9, 7, 7],
+    InstrItinData <tc_e3f68a46, /*SLOT0123,4SLOT*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ALL]>], [3],
+      [HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_e675c45a, /*SLOT23,VX_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01]>], [9, 7, 5, 2, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_e699ae41, /*SLOT01,ZW*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ZW]>], [1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_e99d4c2e, /*SLOT0,STORE*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST]>], [3, 2, 1, 2, 5],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_f175e046, /*SLOT23,VX*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1]>], [9, 5, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_f1de44ef, /*SLOT2,VX_DV*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_MPY01]>], [9, 5, 2],
+      [HVX_FWD, HVX_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_f21e8abb, /*SLOT0,NOSLOT1,STORE,VP*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [SLOT1], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_ST], 0>,
+       InstrStage<1, [CVI_XLANE]>], [1, 2, 5],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD]>
+  ];

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonDepIICScalar.td b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonDepIICScalar.td
index a422e598309705..7a1ad3ea7dd12f 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonDepIICScalar.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonDepIICScalar.td
@@ -12852,3 +12852,891 @@ class DepScalarItinV75 {
       [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>
+class DepScalarItinV79 {
+  list<InstrItinData> DepScalarItinV79_list = [
+    InstrItinData <tc_011e0e9d, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [2, 1, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_01d44cb2, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_01e1be3b, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_02fe1c65, /*tc_4x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [5, 1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_0655b949, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_075c8dd8, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 3, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_0a195f2c, /*tc_4x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [5, 2, 1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_0a43be35, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [1],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_0a6c20ae, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [2, 1, 1, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_0ba0d5da, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2]>], [1],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_0dfac0a7, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_0fac1eb8, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [3, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_112d30d6, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [2],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_1242dc2a, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [2],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_1248597c, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_139ef484, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2]>], [1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_14ab4f41, /*tc_newvjump*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [3, 3, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_151bf368, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_158aa3f7, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [1, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_197dce51, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_1981450d, /*tc_newvjump*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [3],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_1c2c7a4a, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 2, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_1c7522a8, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 3, 2, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_1d41f8b7, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 4, 2, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_1fcb8495, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_1fe4ab69, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [2, 1, 1, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_20131976, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_2237d952, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_23708a21, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [],
+      []>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_2471c1c8, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [4, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_24e109c7, /*tc_newvjump*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [3, 3, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_24f426ab, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [2, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_27106296, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [4, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_280f7fe1, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [1, 1, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_28e55c6f, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_2c13e7f5, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_2c3e17fc, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [1],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_2f573607, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2]>], [2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_33e7e673, /*tc_2early*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2]>], [],
+      []>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_362b0be2, /*tc_3*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2]>], [1],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_38382228, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_388f9897, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_38e0bae9, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 4, 2, 1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_3d14a17b, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [3, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_3edca78f, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [4, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_3fbf1042, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [3],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_407e96f9, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_40d64c94, /*tc_newvjump*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [3, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_4222e6bf, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_42ff66ba, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2]>], [2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_442395f3, /*tc_2latepred*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 3, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_449acf79, /*tc_latepredstaia*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 3, 1, 2, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_44d5a428, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_44fffc58, /*tc_3*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [2],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_45791fb8, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 2, 1, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_45f9d1be, /*tc_2early*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2]>], [2],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_46c18ecf, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [4, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_49fdfd4b, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [4, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_4a55d03c, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_4abdbdc6, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_4ac61d92, /*tc_2latepred*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 3, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_4bf903b0, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [3],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_503ce0f3, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 2, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_512b1653, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_53c851ab, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2]>], [4, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_54f0cee2, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [1],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_5502c366, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_55255f2b, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [],
+      []>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_556f6577, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_55a9a350, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [1, 2, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_55b33fda, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_56a124a7, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_57a55b54, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_5944960d, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [1, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_59a7822c, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_5a222e89, /*tc_2early*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2]>], [1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_5a4b5e58, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [4, 1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_5b347363, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [3, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_5ceb2f9e, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 3, 1, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_5da50c4b, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_5deb5e47, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [1, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_5e4cf0e8, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_5f2afaf7, /*tc_latepredldaia*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 4, 3, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_60e324ff, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2]>], [2],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_63567288, /*tc_2latepred*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_64b00d8a, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [4, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_651cbe02, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_65279839, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_65cbd974, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [3, 1, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_69bfb303, /*tc_3*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_6aa823ab, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [4, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_6ae3426b, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [4, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_6d861a95, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [2, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_6e20402a, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_6f42bc60, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [4, 1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_6fb52018, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_6fc5dbea, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 2, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_711c805f, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_713b66bf, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_7401744f, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 4, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_7476d766, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [4, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_74a42bda, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [3, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_759e57be, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2]>], [4, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_76bb5435, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_7d6a2568, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2]>], [1],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_77f94a5e, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [],
+      []>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_788b1d09, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 1, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_78f87ed3, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [],
+      []>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_7af3a37e, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [1, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_7b9187d3, /*tc_newvjump*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [3, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_7c28bd7e, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [3],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_7c31e19a, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [1, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_7c6d32e4, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_7dc63b5c, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [4, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_7f58404a, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [],
+      []>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_7f7f45f5, /*tc_4x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [5, 5, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_7f8ae742, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_8035e91f, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [2, 1, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_822c3c68, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 3, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_829d8a86, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [3, 1, 1, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_838c4d7a, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [1, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_84a7500d, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_86173609, /*tc_2latepred*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 3, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_887d1bb7, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [1, 2, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_8a6d0d94, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_8a825db2, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_8b5bd4f5, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_8e82e8ca, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [3, 1, 1, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_8f36a2fd, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_9124c04f, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_92240447, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [3, 1, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_934753bb, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [3, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_937dd41c, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [],
+      []>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_9406230a, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [2, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_95a33176, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_95f43c5e, /*tc_3*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2]>], [1],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_96ef76ef, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [1, 1, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_975a4e54, /*tc_newvjump*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [3, 3, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_9783714b, /*tc_4x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [5, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_9b20a062, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2]>], [4, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_9b34f5e0, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2]>], [],
+      []>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_9b3c0462, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_9bcfb2ee, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [1, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_9c52f549, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_9e27f2f9, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [2, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_9e72dc89, /*tc_4x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [5, 2, 1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_9edb7c77, /*tc_4x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [5, 2, 1, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_9edefe01, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [3, 2, 1, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_9f6cd987, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_a08b630b, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_a1297125, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_a154b476, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_a2b365d2, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [3, 1, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_a3070909, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_a32e03e7, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 2, 1, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_a38c45dc, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 1, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_a4e22bbd, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_a4ee89db, /*tc_2early*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [],
+      []>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_a724463d, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [4, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_a7a13fac, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 2, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_a7bdb22c, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_a9edeffa, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [1, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_abfd9a6d, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 1, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_ac65613f, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 3, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_addc37a8, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [3, 1, 2, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_ae5babd7, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [1, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_aee6250c, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_af6af259, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 3, 1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_b1ae5f67, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [1],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_b2196a3f, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_b3d46584, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [],
+      []>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_b4dc7630, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [3, 1, 2, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_b7c4062a, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 3, 1, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_b837298f, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [],
+      []>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_b9bec29e, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2]>], [],
+      []>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_ba9255a6, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [2, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_bb07f2c5, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [3, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_bb78483e, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [4, 1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_bb831a7c, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 2, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_bf2ffc0f, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 1, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_c20701f0, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_c21d7447, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_c57d9f39, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_c818ff7f, /*tc_newvjump*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [],
+      []>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_ce59038e, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [3, 2, 1, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_cfa0e29b, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [2, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_d03278fd, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [2, 1, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_d234b61a, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [1],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_d33e5eee, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_d3632d88, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_d45ba9cd, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [1],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_d57d649c, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2]>], [2],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_d61dfdc3, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_d68dca5c, /*tc_3stall*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_d71ea8fa, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [2, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_d7718fbe, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [1],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_db596beb, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_db96aa6b, /*tc_st*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [1],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_dc51281d, /*tc_3*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2]>], [2, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_decdde8a, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [2],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_df5d53f9, /*tc_newvjump*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [3, 2, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_e3d699e3, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_e60def48, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [2],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_e9170fb7, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_ed03645c, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2]>], [3, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_ed3f8d2a, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [4, 1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_eed07714, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_eeda4109, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_ef921005, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [3, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_f098b237, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_f0cdeccf, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 1, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_f0e8e832, /*tc_4x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [5, 1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_f34c1c21, /*tc_2*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [4, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_f38f92e1, /*tc_newvjump*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [2],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_f529831b, /*tc_latepredstaia*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [4, 3, 1, 2, 3],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_f6e2aff9, /*tc_newvjump*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0]>], [3, 2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_f7569068, /*tc_4x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [5, 5, 1, 1],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_f97707c1, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT2]>], [2],
+      [Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_f999c66e, /*tc_1*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>], [2, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_fae9dfa5, /*tc_3x*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT3]>], [4, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>,
+    InstrItinData <tc_fedb7e19, /*tc_ld*/
+      [InstrStage<1, [SLOT0, SLOT1]>], [4, 2, 1, 2],
+      [Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD, Hex_FWD]>
+  ];

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonSchedule.td b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonSchedule.td
index c14fa4c4736e45..b8a9cf3c0f5698 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonSchedule.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonSchedule.td
@@ -74,3 +74,4 @@ include "HexagonScheduleV71.td"
 include "HexagonScheduleV71T.td"
 include "HexagonScheduleV73.td"
 include "HexagonScheduleV75.td"
+include "HexagonScheduleV79.td"

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonScheduleV75.td b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonScheduleV75.td
index bce344f225a926..0f23f39b2f509c 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonScheduleV75.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonScheduleV75.td
@@ -7,10 +7,6 @@
-// ScalarItin, SilverV65Itin and HVXItin contain some old itineraries
-// still used by a handful of instructions. Hopefully, we will be able
-// to get rid of them soon.
 def HexagonV75ItinList : DepScalarItinV75, ScalarItin,
                          DepHVXItinV75, HVXItin, PseudoItin {
   list<InstrItinData> ItinList =

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonScheduleV79.td b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonScheduleV79.td
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..f178f65e7c4f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonScheduleV79.td
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+//=-HexagonScheduleV79.td - HexagonV79 Scheduling Definitions *- tablegen -*-=//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+def HexagonV79ItinList : DepScalarItinV79, ScalarItin,
+                         DepHVXItinV79, HVXItin, PseudoItin {
+  list<InstrItinData> ItinList =
+    !listconcat(DepScalarItinV79_list, ScalarItin_list,
+                DepHVXItinV79_list, HVXItin_list, PseudoItin_list);
+def HexagonItinerariesV79 :
+      ProcessorItineraries<[SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3, SLOT_ENDLOOP,
+                            CVI_ST, CVI_XLANE, CVI_SHIFT, CVI_MPY0, CVI_MPY1,
+                            CVI_LD, CVI_XLSHF, CVI_MPY01, CVI_ALL,
+                            CVI_ALL_NOMEM, CVI_ZW],
+                            [Hex_FWD, HVX_FWD],
+                            HexagonV79ItinList.ItinList>;
+def HexagonModelV79 : SchedMachineModel {
+  // Max issue per cycle == bundle width.
+  let IssueWidth = 4;
+  let Itineraries = HexagonItinerariesV79;
+  let LoadLatency = 1;
+  let CompleteModel = 0;

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonSubtarget.h b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonSubtarget.h
index 58a14268f5de19..36ec3f949c6d15 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonSubtarget.h
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonSubtarget.h
@@ -216,6 +216,12 @@ class HexagonSubtarget : public HexagonGenSubtargetInfo {
   bool hasV75OpsOnly() const {
     return getHexagonArchVersion() == Hexagon::ArchEnum::V75;
+  bool hasV79Ops() const {
+    return getHexagonArchVersion() >= Hexagon::ArchEnum::V79;
+  }
+  bool hasV79OpsOnly() const {
+    return getHexagonArchVersion() == Hexagon::ArchEnum::V79;
+  }
   bool useAudioOps() const { return UseAudioOps; }
   bool useCompound() const { return UseCompound; }

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/MCTargetDesc/HexagonMCELFStreamer.cpp b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/MCTargetDesc/HexagonMCELFStreamer.cpp
index 32d9f1f822af98..13ecc231a70b2c 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/MCTargetDesc/HexagonMCELFStreamer.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/MCTargetDesc/HexagonMCELFStreamer.cpp
@@ -185,6 +185,9 @@ static unsigned featureToArchVersion(unsigned Feature) {
   case Hexagon::ArchV75:
   case Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV75:
     return 75;
+  case Hexagon::ArchV79:
+  case Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV79:
+    return 79;
   llvm_unreachable("Expected valid arch feature");
   return 0;

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/MCTargetDesc/HexagonMCTargetDesc.cpp b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/MCTargetDesc/HexagonMCTargetDesc.cpp
index dfa1f5471ad24e..a98f6048b051cc 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/MCTargetDesc/HexagonMCTargetDesc.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/MCTargetDesc/HexagonMCTargetDesc.cpp
@@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ cl::opt<bool> MV73("mv73", cl::Hidden, cl::desc("Build for Hexagon V73"),
 cl::opt<bool> MV75("mv75", cl::Hidden, cl::desc("Build for Hexagon V75"),
+cl::opt<bool> MV79("mv79", cl::Hidden, cl::desc("Build for Hexagon V79"),
+                   cl::init(false));
 } // namespace
 cl::opt<Hexagon::ArchEnum> EnableHVX(
@@ -107,6 +109,7 @@ cl::opt<Hexagon::ArchEnum> EnableHVX(
                clEnumValN(Hexagon::ArchEnum::V71, "v71", "Build for HVX v71"),
                clEnumValN(Hexagon::ArchEnum::V73, "v73", "Build for HVX v73"),
                clEnumValN(Hexagon::ArchEnum::V75, "v75", "Build for HVX v75"),
+               clEnumValN(Hexagon::ArchEnum::V79, "v79", "Build for HVX v79"),
                // Sentinel for no value specified.
                clEnumValN(Hexagon::ArchEnum::Generic, "", "")),
     // Sentinel for flag not present.
@@ -153,6 +156,9 @@ static StringRef HexagonGetArchVariant() {
     return "hexagonv73";
   if (MV75)
     return "hexagonv75";
+  if (MV79)
+    return "hexagonv79";
   return "";
@@ -451,6 +457,10 @@ std::string selectHexagonFS(StringRef CPU, StringRef FS) {
   case Hexagon::ArchEnum::V75:
+  case Hexagon::ArchEnum::V79:
+    Result.push_back("+hvxv79");
+    break;
   case Hexagon::ArchEnum::Generic: {
                          .Case("hexagonv60", "+hvxv60")
@@ -464,7 +474,8 @@ std::string selectHexagonFS(StringRef CPU, StringRef FS) {
                          .Case("hexagonv71", "+hvxv71")
                          .Case("hexagonv71t", "+hvxv71")
                          .Case("hexagonv73", "+hvxv73")
-                         .Case("hexagonv75", "+hvxv75"));
+                         .Case("hexagonv75", "+hvxv75")
+                         .Case("hexagonv79", "+hvxv79"));
   case Hexagon::ArchEnum::NoArch:
@@ -512,8 +523,9 @@ FeatureBitset Hexagon_MC::completeHVXFeatures(const FeatureBitset &S) {
   // turns on hvxvNN, corresponding to the existing ArchVNN.
   FeatureBitset FB = S;
   unsigned CpuArch = ArchV5;
-  for (unsigned F : {ArchV75, ArchV73, ArchV71, ArchV69, ArchV68, ArchV67,
-                     ArchV66, ArchV65, ArchV62, ArchV60, ArchV55, ArchV5}) {
+  for (unsigned F :
+       {ArchV79, ArchV75, ArchV73, ArchV71, ArchV69, ArchV68, ArchV67, ArchV66,
+        ArchV65, ArchV62, ArchV60, ArchV55, ArchV5}) {
     if (!FB.test(F))
     CpuArch = F;
@@ -530,7 +542,7 @@ FeatureBitset Hexagon_MC::completeHVXFeatures(const FeatureBitset &S) {
   for (unsigned F :
        {ExtensionHVXV60, ExtensionHVXV62, ExtensionHVXV65, ExtensionHVXV66,
         ExtensionHVXV67, ExtensionHVXV68, ExtensionHVXV69, ExtensionHVXV71,
-        ExtensionHVXV73, ExtensionHVXV75}) {
+        ExtensionHVXV73, ExtensionHVXV75, ExtensionHVXV79}) {
     if (!FB.test(F))
     HasHvxVer = true;
@@ -543,6 +555,9 @@ FeatureBitset Hexagon_MC::completeHVXFeatures(const FeatureBitset &S) {
   // HasHvxVer is false, and UseHvx is true.
   switch (CpuArch) {
+  case ArchV79:
+    FB.set(ExtensionHVXV79);
+    [[fallthrough]];
   case ArchV75:
@@ -640,11 +655,12 @@ void Hexagon_MC::addArchSubtarget(MCSubtargetInfo const *STI, StringRef FS) {
 Hexagon_MC::getHVXVersion(const FeatureBitset &Features) {
-  for (auto Arch : {Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV75, Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV73,
-                    Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV71, Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV69,
-                    Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV68, Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV67,
-                    Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV66, Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV65,
-                    Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV62, Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV60})
+  for (auto Arch : {Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV79, Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV75,
+                    Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV73, Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV71,
+                    Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV69, Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV68,
+                    Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV67, Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV66,
+                    Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV65, Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV62,
+                    Hexagon::ExtensionHVXV60})
     if (Features.test(Arch))
       return Arch;
   return {};
@@ -652,12 +668,13 @@ Hexagon_MC::getHVXVersion(const FeatureBitset &Features) {
 unsigned Hexagon_MC::getArchVersion(const FeatureBitset &Features) {
   for (auto Arch :
-       {Hexagon::ArchV75, Hexagon::ArchV73, Hexagon::ArchV71, Hexagon::ArchV69,
-        Hexagon::ArchV68, Hexagon::ArchV67, Hexagon::ArchV66, Hexagon::ArchV65,
-        Hexagon::ArchV62, Hexagon::ArchV60, Hexagon::ArchV55, Hexagon::ArchV5})
+       {Hexagon::ArchV79, Hexagon::ArchV75, Hexagon::ArchV73, Hexagon::ArchV71,
+        Hexagon::ArchV69, Hexagon::ArchV68, Hexagon::ArchV67, Hexagon::ArchV66,
+        Hexagon::ArchV65, Hexagon::ArchV62, Hexagon::ArchV60, Hexagon::ArchV55,
+        Hexagon::ArchV5})
     if (Features.test(Arch))
       return Arch;
-  llvm_unreachable("Expected arch v5-v75");
+  llvm_unreachable("Expected arch v5-v79");
   return 0;
@@ -677,7 +694,8 @@ unsigned Hexagon_MC::GetELFFlags(const MCSubtargetInfo &STI) {
       .Case("hexagonv71", llvm::ELF::EF_HEXAGON_MACH_V71)
       .Case("hexagonv71t", llvm::ELF::EF_HEXAGON_MACH_V71T)
       .Case("hexagonv73", llvm::ELF::EF_HEXAGON_MACH_V73)
-      .Case("hexagonv75", llvm::ELF::EF_HEXAGON_MACH_V75);
+      .Case("hexagonv75", llvm::ELF::EF_HEXAGON_MACH_V75)
+      .Case("hexagonv79", llvm::ELF::EF_HEXAGON_MACH_V79);
 llvm::ArrayRef<MCPhysReg> Hexagon_MC::GetVectRegRev() {

diff  --git a/llvm/test/MC/Hexagon/arch-support.s b/llvm/test/MC/Hexagon/arch-support.s
index 634370ca2c38ce..99364cc9369129 100644
--- a/llvm/test/MC/Hexagon/arch-support.s
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/Hexagon/arch-support.s
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 # RUN: llvm-mc -triple=hexagon -mv71 -filetype=obj %s | llvm-readelf -h - | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-V71 %s
 # RUN: llvm-mc -triple=hexagon -mv73 -filetype=obj %s | llvm-readelf -h - | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-V73 %s
 # RUN: llvm-mc -triple=hexagon -mv75 -filetype=obj %s | llvm-readelf -h - | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-V75 %s
+# RUN: llvm-mc -triple=hexagon -mv79 -filetype=obj %s | llvm-readelf -h - | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-V79 %s
 # RUN: llvm-mc -triple=hexagon -mv5 -filetype=obj %s | llvm-objdump --disassemble - | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-OBJDUMP %s
 # RUN: llvm-mc -triple=hexagon -mv55 -filetype=obj %s | llvm-objdump --disassemble - | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-OBJDUMP %s
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@
 # RUN: llvm-mc -triple=hexagon -mv71 -filetype=obj %s | llvm-objdump --disassemble - | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-OBJDUMP %s
 # RUN: llvm-mc -triple=hexagon -mv73 -filetype=obj %s | llvm-objdump --disassemble - | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-OBJDUMP %s
 # RUN: llvm-mc -triple=hexagon -mv75 -filetype=obj %s | llvm-objdump --disassemble - | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-OBJDUMP %s
+# RUN: llvm-mc -triple=hexagon -mv79 -filetype=obj %s | llvm-objdump --disassemble - | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-OBJDUMP %s
 r1 = r1
@@ -35,5 +37,6 @@ r1 = r1
 # CHECK-V71: Flags:{{.*}}0x71
 # CHECK-V73: Flags:{{.*}}0x73
 # CHECK-V75: Flags:{{.*}}0x75
+# CHECK-V79: Flags:{{.*}}0x79
 # CHECK-OBJDUMP: { r1 = r1 }

diff  --git a/llvm/test/MC/Hexagon/v79_arch.s b/llvm/test/MC/Hexagon/v79_arch.s
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..6e87b4eb6a2162
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/MC/Hexagon/v79_arch.s
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# RUN: llvm-mc -arch=hexagon -mcpu=hexagonv79 -filetype=obj %s | llvm-objdump -d - | FileCheck %s
+# RUN: llvm-mc -arch=hexagon -mcpu=hexagonv79 -mhvx -filetype=obj %s | llvm-objdump -d - | FileCheck %s
+{ r0=r0
+  memw(r0)=r0.new }
+# CHECK: { r1 = memw(r0+#0x0) }
+# CHECK: { r0 = r0
+# CHECK:   memw(r0+#0x0) = r0.new }


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