[clang] [llvm] [openmp] [OpenMP] Use generic IR for the OpenMP DeviceRTL (PR #119091)
Joseph Huber via cfe-commits
cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Dec 22 20:39:09 PST 2024
https://github.com/jhuber6 updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/119091
>From 767d34a0469aa67c2c47a35bc9bff29d20ae1222 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joseph Huber <huberjn at outlook.com>
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2024 13:47:23 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] [OpenMP] Use generic IR for the OpenMP DeviceRTL
We previously built this for every single architecture to deal with
incompatibility. This patch updates it to use the 'generic' IR that
`libc` and other projects use. Who knows if this will have any
side-effects, probably worth testing more but it passes the tests I
expect to pass on my side.
update with comment
release notes
clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst | 3 +
clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/CommonArgs.cpp | 3 +-
clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Cuda.cpp | 1 -
...t-nvptx-sm_52.bc => libomptarget-nvptx.bc} | 0
...t-nvptx-sm_52.bc => libomptarget-nvptx.bc} | 0
clang/test/Driver/openmp-offload-gpu.c | 4 +-
offload/DeviceRTL/CMakeLists.txt | 76 ++++------------
offload/DeviceRTL/src/Reduction.cpp | 91 ++++++++++---------
openmp/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst | 6 ++
9 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-)
rename clang/test/Driver/Inputs/libomptarget/{libomptarget-nvptx-sm_52.bc => libomptarget-nvptx.bc} (100%)
rename clang/test/Driver/Inputs/libomptarget/subdir/{libomptarget-nvptx-sm_52.bc => libomptarget-nvptx.bc} (100%)
diff --git a/clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst b/clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
index 8b984ecaefecaf..ba5aafe25cc934 100644
--- a/clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
+++ b/clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
@@ -1250,6 +1250,9 @@ OpenMP Support
- Added support for 'omp assume' directive.
- Added support for 'omp scope' directive.
- Added support for allocator-modifier in 'allocate' clause.
+- Changed the OpenMP DeviceRTL to use 'generic' IR. The
+ ``LIBOMPTARGET_DEVICE_ARCHITECTURES`` CMake argument is now unused and will
+ always build support for AMDGPU and NVPTX targets.
diff --git a/clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/CommonArgs.cpp b/clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/CommonArgs.cpp
index 47df650e5b9486..e606a7d3d44199 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/CommonArgs.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/CommonArgs.cpp
@@ -2837,8 +2837,7 @@ void tools::addOpenMPDeviceRTL(const Driver &D,
: options::OPT_libomptarget_nvptx_bc_path_EQ;
StringRef ArchPrefix = Triple.isAMDGCN() ? "amdgpu" : "nvptx";
- std::string LibOmpTargetName =
- ("libomptarget-" + ArchPrefix + "-" + BitcodeSuffix + ".bc").str();
+ std::string LibOmpTargetName = ("libomptarget-" + ArchPrefix + ".bc").str();
// First check whether user specifies bc library
if (const Arg *A = DriverArgs.getLastArg(LibomptargetBCPathOpt)) {
diff --git a/clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Cuda.cpp b/clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Cuda.cpp
index 102794829795da..214f1e5d83478f 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Cuda.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Cuda.cpp
@@ -851,7 +851,6 @@ void CudaToolChain::addClangTargetOptions(
HostTC.addClangTargetOptions(DriverArgs, CC1Args, DeviceOffloadingKind);
StringRef GpuArch = DriverArgs.getLastArgValue(options::OPT_march_EQ);
- assert(!GpuArch.empty() && "Must have an explicit GPU arch.");
assert((DeviceOffloadingKind == Action::OFK_OpenMP ||
DeviceOffloadingKind == Action::OFK_Cuda) &&
"Only OpenMP or CUDA offloading kinds are supported for NVIDIA GPUs.");
diff --git a/clang/test/Driver/Inputs/libomptarget/libomptarget-nvptx-sm_52.bc b/clang/test/Driver/Inputs/libomptarget/libomptarget-nvptx.bc
similarity index 100%
rename from clang/test/Driver/Inputs/libomptarget/libomptarget-nvptx-sm_52.bc
rename to clang/test/Driver/Inputs/libomptarget/libomptarget-nvptx.bc
diff --git a/clang/test/Driver/Inputs/libomptarget/subdir/libomptarget-nvptx-sm_52.bc b/clang/test/Driver/Inputs/libomptarget/subdir/libomptarget-nvptx.bc
similarity index 100%
rename from clang/test/Driver/Inputs/libomptarget/subdir/libomptarget-nvptx-sm_52.bc
rename to clang/test/Driver/Inputs/libomptarget/subdir/libomptarget-nvptx.bc
diff --git a/clang/test/Driver/openmp-offload-gpu.c b/clang/test/Driver/openmp-offload-gpu.c
index f6e2245dcdbc05..74bd2a6aeee468 100644
--- a/clang/test/Driver/openmp-offload-gpu.c
+++ b/clang/test/Driver/openmp-offload-gpu.c
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@
// RUN: %s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHK-ENV-BCLIB %s
// CHK-BCLIB: clang{{.*}}-triple{{.*}}nvptx64-nvidia-cuda{{.*}}-mlink-builtin-bitcode{{.*}}libomptarget-nvptx-test.bc
-// CHK-BCLIB-DIR: clang{{.*}}-triple{{.*}}nvptx64-nvidia-cuda{{.*}}-mlink-builtin-bitcode{{.*}}libomptarget{{/|\\\\}}libomptarget-nvptx-sm_52.bc
-// CHK-ENV-BCLIB: clang{{.*}}-triple{{.*}}nvptx64-nvidia-cuda{{.*}}-mlink-builtin-bitcode{{.*}}subdir{{/|\\\\}}libomptarget-nvptx-sm_52.bc
+// CHK-BCLIB-DIR: clang{{.*}}-triple{{.*}}nvptx64-nvidia-cuda{{.*}}-mlink-builtin-bitcode{{.*}}libomptarget{{/|\\\\}}libomptarget-nvptx.bc
+// CHK-ENV-BCLIB: clang{{.*}}-triple{{.*}}nvptx64-nvidia-cuda{{.*}}-mlink-builtin-bitcode{{.*}}subdir{{/|\\\\}}libomptarget-nvptx.bc
// CHK-BCLIB-NOT: {{error:|warning:}}
/// ###########################################################################
diff --git a/offload/DeviceRTL/CMakeLists.txt b/offload/DeviceRTL/CMakeLists.txt
index 11176a567a6439..22940264f9b19a 100644
--- a/offload/DeviceRTL/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/offload/DeviceRTL/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -42,43 +42,6 @@ set(devicertl_base_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
set(include_directory ${devicertl_base_directory}/include)
set(source_directory ${devicertl_base_directory}/src)
-set(all_amdgpu_architectures "gfx700;gfx701;gfx801;gfx803"
- "gfx9-generic;gfx900;gfx902;gfx906;gfx908"
- "gfx90a;gfx90c"
- "gfx9-4-generic;gfx940;gfx941;gfx942;gfx950"
- "gfx10-1-generic;gfx1010;gfx1012"
- "gfx10-3-generic;gfx1030;gfx1031;gfx1032;gfx1033"
- "gfx1034;gfx1035;gfx1036"
- "gfx11-generic;gfx1100;gfx1101;gfx1102;gfx1103"
- "gfx1150;gfx1151;gfx1152;gfx1153"
- "gfx12-generic")
-set(all_nvptx_architectures "sm_35;sm_37;sm_50;sm_52;sm_53;sm_60;sm_61;sm_62"
- "sm_70;sm_72;sm_75;sm_80;sm_86;sm_87;sm_89;sm_90")
- "${all_amdgpu_architectures};${all_nvptx_architectures}")
- "List of device architectures to be used to compile the OpenMP DeviceRTL.")
- set(LIBOMPTARGET_DEVICE_ARCHITECTURES ${all_gpu_architectures})
- set(LIBOMPTARGET_DEVICE_ARCHITECTURES ${all_amdgpu_architectures})
- set(LIBOMPTARGET_DEVICE_ARCHITECTURES ${all_nvptx_architectures})
- message(FATAL_ERROR
- "Could not find 'amdgpu-arch' and 'nvptx-arch' tools required for 'auto'")
- message(FATAL_ERROR "No AMD or NVIDIA GPU found on the system when using 'auto'")
- endif()
@@ -146,20 +109,22 @@ set(bc_flags -c -foffload-lto -std=c++17 -fvisibility=hidden
# first create an object target
add_library(omptarget.devicertl.all_objs OBJECT IMPORTED)
-function(compileDeviceRTLLibrary target_cpu target_name target_triple)
+function(compileDeviceRTLLibrary target_name target_triple)
set(target_bc_flags ${ARGN})
set(bc_files "")
foreach(src ${src_files})
get_filename_component(infile ${src} ABSOLUTE)
get_filename_component(outfile ${src} NAME)
- set(outfile "${outfile}-${target_cpu}.bc")
+ set(outfile "${outfile}-${target_name}.bc")
set(depfile "${outfile}.d")
+ # Passing an empty CPU to -march= suppressed target specific metadata.
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${outfile}
- --offload-arch=${target_cpu}
+ -fopenmp-targets=${target_triple}
+ -Xopenmp-target=${target_triple} -march=
-MD -MF ${depfile}
${infile} -o ${outfile}
@@ -182,7 +147,7 @@ function(compileDeviceRTLLibrary target_cpu target_name target_triple)
list(APPEND bc_files ${outfile})
- set(bclib_name "libomptarget-${target_name}-${target_cpu}.bc")
+ set(bclib_name "libomptarget-${target_name}.bc")
# Link to a bitcode library.
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/linked_${bclib_name}
@@ -222,7 +187,7 @@ function(compileDeviceRTLLibrary target_cpu target_name target_triple)
- set(bclib_target_name "omptarget-${target_name}-${target_cpu}-bc")
+ set(bclib_target_name "omptarget-${target_name}-bc")
add_custom_target(${bclib_target_name} DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${bclib_name})
# Copy library to destination.
@@ -244,7 +209,7 @@ function(compileDeviceRTLLibrary target_cpu target_name target_triple)
# Package the bitcode in the bitcode and embed it in an ELF for the static library
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/packaged_${bclib_name}
- "--image=file=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${bclib_name},${target_feature},triple=${target_triple},arch=${target_cpu},kind=openmp"
+ "--image=file=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${bclib_name},${target_feature},triple=${target_triple},arch=generic,kind=openmp"
COMMENT "Packaging LLVM offloading binary ${bclib_name}.out"
@@ -254,14 +219,14 @@ function(compileDeviceRTLLibrary target_cpu target_name target_triple)
- set(output_name "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/devicertl-${target_name}-${target_cpu}.o")
+ set(output_name "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/devicertl-${target_name}.o")
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${output_name}
COMMAND ${CLANG_TOOL} --std=c++17 -c -nostdlib
-Xclang -fembed-offload-object=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/packaged_${bclib_name}
-o ${output_name}
DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/packaged_${bclib_name} ${source_directory}/Stub.cpp
- COMMENT "Embedding LLVM offloading binary in devicertl-${target_name}-${target_cpu}.o"
+ COMMENT "Embedding LLVM offloading binary in devicertl-${target_name}.o"
if(TARGET clang)
@@ -274,11 +239,11 @@ function(compileDeviceRTLLibrary target_cpu target_name target_triple)
set_property(TARGET omptarget.devicertl.all_objs APPEND PROPERTY IMPORTED_OBJECTS ${output_name})
- set(ide_target_name omptarget-ide-${target_name}-${target_cpu})
+ set(ide_target_name omptarget-ide-${target_name})
add_library(${ide_target_name} STATIC EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${src_files})
target_compile_options(${ide_target_name} PRIVATE
- -fopenmp --offload-arch=${target_cpu} -fopenmp-cuda-mode
- -mllvm -openmp-opt-disable
+ -fopenmp-targets=${target_triple} -Xopenmp-target=${target_triple} -march=
+ -fopenmp -fopenmp-cuda-mode -mllvm -openmp-opt-disable
-foffload-lto -fvisibility=hidden --offload-device-only
-nocudalib -nogpulib -nogpuinc -nostdlibinc -Wno-unknown-cuda-version
@@ -293,18 +258,11 @@ function(compileDeviceRTLLibrary target_cpu target_name target_triple)
-# Generate a Bitcode library for all the gpu architectures the user requested.
- if("${gpu_arch}" IN_LIST all_amdgpu_architectures)
- compileDeviceRTLLibrary(${gpu_arch} amdgpu amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -Xclang -mcode-object-version=none)
- elseif("${gpu_arch}" IN_LIST all_nvptx_architectures)
- compileDeviceRTLLibrary(${gpu_arch} nvptx nvptx64-nvidia-cuda --cuda-feature=+ptx63)
- else()
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown GPU architecture '${gpu_arch}'")
- endif()
+compileDeviceRTLLibrary(amdgpu amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -Xclang -mcode-object-version=none)
+compileDeviceRTLLibrary(nvptx nvptx64-nvidia-cuda --cuda-feature=+ptx63)
# Archive all the object files generated above into a static library
add_library(omptarget.devicertl STATIC)
diff --git a/offload/DeviceRTL/src/Reduction.cpp b/offload/DeviceRTL/src/Reduction.cpp
index 57df159d3f28e5..d3b4528401953c 100644
--- a/offload/DeviceRTL/src/Reduction.cpp
+++ b/offload/DeviceRTL/src/Reduction.cpp
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ void gpu_irregular_warp_reduce(void *reduce_data, ShuffleReductFnTy shflFct,
-#if !defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) || __CUDA_ARCH__ < 700
static uint32_t gpu_irregular_simd_reduce(void *reduce_data,
ShuffleReductFnTy shflFct) {
uint32_t size, remote_id, physical_lane_id;
@@ -63,7 +62,6 @@ static uint32_t gpu_irregular_simd_reduce(void *reduce_data,
} while (logical_lane_id % 2 == 0 && size > 1);
return (logical_lane_id == 0);
static int32_t nvptx_parallel_reduce_nowait(void *reduce_data,
ShuffleReductFnTy shflFct,
@@ -74,49 +72,53 @@ static int32_t nvptx_parallel_reduce_nowait(void *reduce_data,
uint32_t NumThreads = omp_get_num_threads();
if (NumThreads == 1)
return 1;
- /*
- * This reduce function handles reduction within a team. It handles
- * parallel regions in both L1 and L2 parallelism levels. It also
- * supports Generic, SPMD, and NoOMP modes.
- *
- * 1. Reduce within a warp.
- * 2. Warp master copies value to warp 0 via shared memory.
- * 3. Warp 0 reduces to a single value.
- * 4. The reduced value is available in the thread that returns 1.
- */
-#if defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) && __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 700
- uint32_t WarpsNeeded =
- (NumThreads + mapping::getWarpSize() - 1) / mapping::getWarpSize();
- uint32_t WarpId = mapping::getWarpIdInBlock();
- // Volta execution model:
- // For the Generic execution mode a parallel region either has 1 thread and
- // beyond that, always a multiple of 32. For the SPMD execution mode we may
- // have any number of threads.
- if ((NumThreads % mapping::getWarpSize() == 0) || (WarpId < WarpsNeeded - 1))
- gpu_regular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct);
- else if (NumThreads > 1) // Only SPMD execution mode comes thru this case.
- gpu_irregular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct,
- /*LaneCount=*/NumThreads % mapping::getWarpSize(),
- /*LaneId=*/mapping::getThreadIdInBlock() %
- mapping::getWarpSize());
- // When we have more than [mapping::getWarpSize()] number of threads
- // a block reduction is performed here.
- //
- // Only L1 parallel region can enter this if condition.
- if (NumThreads > mapping::getWarpSize()) {
- // Gather all the reduced values from each warp
- // to the first warp.
- cpyFct(reduce_data, WarpsNeeded);
+ //
+ // This reduce function handles reduction within a team. It handles
+ // parallel regions in both L1 and L2 parallelism levels. It also
+ // supports Generic, SPMD, and NoOMP modes.
+ //
+ // 1. Reduce within a warp.
+ // 2. Warp master copies value to warp 0 via shared memory.
+ // 3. Warp 0 reduces to a single value.
+ // 4. The reduced value is available in the thread that returns 1.
+ //
- if (WarpId == 0)
- gpu_irregular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct, WarpsNeeded,
- BlockThreadId);
+#if __has_builtin(__nvvm_reflect)
+ if (__nvvm_reflect("__CUDA_ARCH") >= 700) {
+ uint32_t WarpsNeeded =
+ (NumThreads + mapping::getWarpSize() - 1) / mapping::getWarpSize();
+ uint32_t WarpId = mapping::getWarpIdInBlock();
+ // Volta execution model:
+ // For the Generic execution mode a parallel region either has 1 thread and
+ // beyond that, always a multiple of 32. For the SPMD execution mode we may
+ // have any number of threads.
+ if ((NumThreads % mapping::getWarpSize() == 0) ||
+ (WarpId < WarpsNeeded - 1))
+ gpu_regular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct);
+ else if (NumThreads > 1) // Only SPMD execution mode comes thru this case.
+ gpu_irregular_warp_reduce(
+ reduce_data, shflFct,
+ /*LaneCount=*/NumThreads % mapping::getWarpSize(),
+ /*LaneId=*/mapping::getThreadIdInBlock() % mapping::getWarpSize());
+ // When we have more than [mapping::getWarpSize()] number of threads
+ // a block reduction is performed here.
+ //
+ // Only L1 parallel region can enter this if condition.
+ if (NumThreads > mapping::getWarpSize()) {
+ // Gather all the reduced values from each warp
+ // to the first warp.
+ cpyFct(reduce_data, WarpsNeeded);
+ if (WarpId == 0)
+ gpu_irregular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct, WarpsNeeded,
+ BlockThreadId);
+ }
+ return BlockThreadId == 0;
- return BlockThreadId == 0;
__kmpc_impl_lanemask_t Liveness = mapping::activemask();
if (Liveness == lanes::All) // Full warp
gpu_regular_warp_reduce(reduce_data, shflFct);
@@ -150,10 +152,9 @@ static int32_t nvptx_parallel_reduce_nowait(void *reduce_data,
return BlockThreadId == 0;
- // Get the OMP thread Id. This is different from BlockThreadId in the case of
- // an L2 parallel region.
+ // Get the OMP thread Id. This is different from BlockThreadId in the case
+ // of an L2 parallel region.
return BlockThreadId == 0;
-#endif // __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 700
uint32_t roundToWarpsize(uint32_t s) {
diff --git a/openmp/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst b/openmp/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
index d4a4b1a99f7813..0089f1aa31d144 100644
--- a/openmp/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
+++ b/openmp/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
@@ -19,3 +19,9 @@ from the `LLVM releases web site <https://llvm.org/releases/>`_.
Non-comprehensive list of changes in this release
+Device Runtime
+- Changed the OpenMP DeviceRTL to use 'generic' IR. The
+ ``LIBOMPTARGET_DEVICE_ARCHITECTURES`` CMake argument is now unused and will
+ always build support for AMDGPU and NVPTX targets.
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