[clang] [X86][AVX10.2] Add comments for the avx10_2convertintrin.h file (PR #120766)

Phoebe Wang via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Dec 21 19:26:21 PST 2024

=?utf-8?q?Mikołaj_Piróg?= <mikolajpirog at gmail.com>,
=?utf-8?q?Mikołaj_Piróg?= <mikolajpirog at gmail.com>,
=?utf-8?q?Mikołaj_Piróg?= <mikolajpirog at gmail.com>,
=?utf-8?q?Mikołaj_Piróg?= <mikolajpirog at gmail.com>
In-Reply-To: <llvm.org/llvm/llvm-project/pull/120766 at github.com>

@@ -24,573 +24,3369 @@
   __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__, __target__("avx10.2-256"),    \
+//clang-format off
+/// Convert two 128-bit vectors, \a __A and \a __B, containing packed
+///    single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements to a 128-bit vector
+///    containing FP16 elements.
+/// \code{.operation}
+/// FOR i := 0 to 7
+/// 	IF i < 4
+/// 		dst.fp16[i] := convert_fp32_to_fp16(__B.fp32[i])
+/// 	ELSE
+/// 		dst.fp16[i] := convert_fp32_to_fp16(__A.fp32[i - 4])
+/// 	FI
+/// dst[MAX:127] := 0
+/// \endcode
+/// \headerfile <immintrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VCVT2PS2PHX instruction.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
+/// \returns
+///    A 128-bit vector of [8 x fp16]. Lower elements correspond to the
+///    (converted) elements from \a __B; higher order elements correspond to the
+///    (converted) elements from \a __A.
 static __inline__ __m128h __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128 _mm_cvtx2ps_ph(__m128 __A,
                                                                __m128 __B) {
   return (__m128h)__builtin_ia32_vcvt2ps2phx128_mask(
       (__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B, (__v8hf)_mm_setzero_ph(), (__mmask8)(-1));
+/// Convert two 128-bit vectors, \a __A and \a __B, containing packed
+///    single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements to a 128-bit vector
+///    containing FP16 elements. Merging mask \a __U is used to determine if given
+///    element should be taken from \a __W instead.
+/// \code{.operation}
+/// FOR i := 0 to 7
+/// 	IF __U[i]
+/// 		IF i < 4
+/// 			dst.fp16[i] := convert_fp32_to_fp16(__B.fp32[i])
+/// 		ELSE
+/// 			dst.fp16[i] := convert_fp32_to_fp16(__A.fp32[i - 4])
+/// 		FI
+/// 	ELSE
+/// 		dst.fp16[i] := __W.fp16[i]
+/// 	FI
+/// dst[MAX:127] := 0
+/// \endcode
+/// \headerfile <immintrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VCVT2PS2PHX instruction.
+/// \param __W
+///    A 128-bit vector of [8 x fp16].
+/// \param __U
+///    A 8-bit merging mask.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
+/// \returns
+///    A 128-bit vector of [8 x fp16]. Lower elements correspond to the
+///    (converted) elements from \a __B; higher order elements correspond to the
+///    (converted) elements from \a __A. If corresponding mask bit is not set, then
+///    element from \a __W is taken instead.
 static __inline__ __m128h __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128
 _mm_mask_cvtx2ps_ph(__m128h __W, __mmask8 __U, __m128 __A, __m128 __B) {
   return (__m128h)__builtin_ia32_vcvt2ps2phx128_mask(
       (__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B, (__v8hf)__W, (__mmask8)__U);
+/// Convert two 128-bit vectors, \a __A and \a __B, containing packed
+///    single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements to a 128-bit vector
+///    containing FP16 elements. Zeroing mask \a __U is used to determine if given
+///    element should be zeroed instead.
+/// \code{.operation}
+/// FOR i := 0 to 7
+/// 	IF __U[i]
+/// 		IF i < 4
+/// 			dst.fp16[i] := convert_fp32_to_fp16(__B.fp32[i])
+/// 		ELSE
+/// 			dst.fp16[i] := convert_fp32_to_fp16(__A.fp32[i - 4])
+/// 		FI
+/// 	ELSE
+/// 		dst.fp16[i] := 0
+/// 	FI
+/// dst[MAX:127] := 0
+/// \endcode
+/// \headerfile <immintrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VCVT2PS2PHX instruction.
+/// \param __U
+///    A 8-bit zeroing mask.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
+/// \returns
+///    A 128-bit vector of [8 x fp16]. Lower elements correspond to the
+///    (converted) elements from \a __B; higher order elements correspond to the
+///    (converted) elements from \a __A. If corresponding mask bit is not set,
+///    then zero is taken instead.
 static __inline__ __m128h __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128
 _mm_maskz_cvtx2ps_ph(__mmask8 __U, __m128 __A, __m128 __B) {
   return (__m128h)__builtin_ia32_vcvt2ps2phx128_mask(
       (__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B, (__v8hf)_mm_setzero_ph(), (__mmask8)__U);
+/// Convert two 256-bit vectors, \a __A and \a __B, containing packed
+///    single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements to a 256-bit vector
+///    containing FP16 elements.
+/// \code{.operation}
+/// FOR i := 0 to 15 
+/// 	IF i < 8
+/// 		dst.fp16[i] := convert_fp32_to_fp16(__B.fp32[i])
+/// 	ELSE
+/// 		dst.fp16[i] := convert_fp32_to_fp16(__A.fp32[i - 8])
+/// 	FI
+/// dst[MAX:256] := 0
+/// \endcode
+/// \headerfile <immintrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VCVT2PS2PHX instruction.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \returns
+///    A 256-bit vector of [16 x fp16]. Lower elements correspond to the
+///    (converted) elements from \a __B; higher order elements correspond to the
+///    (converted) elements from \a __A.
 static __inline__ __m256h __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS256 _mm256_cvtx2ps_ph(__m256 __A,
                                                                   __m256 __B) {
   return (__m256h)__builtin_ia32_vcvt2ps2phx256_mask(
       (__v8sf)__A, (__v8sf)__B, (__v16hf)_mm256_setzero_ph(), (__mmask16)(-1),
+/// Convert two 256-bit vectors, \a __A and \a __B, containing packed
+///    single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements to a 256-bit vector
+///    containing FP16 elements. Merging mask \a __U is used to determine if given
+///    element should be taken from \a __W instead.
+/// \code{.operation}
+/// FOR i := 0 to 15
+/// 	IF __U[i]
+/// 		IF i < 8
+/// 			dst.fp16[i] := convert_fp32_to_fp16(__B.fp32[i])
+/// 		ELSE
+/// 			dst.fp16[i] := convert_fp32_to_fp16(__A.fp32[i - 8])
+/// 		FI
+/// 	ELSE
+/// 		dst.fp16[i] := __W.fp16[i]
+/// 	FI
+/// dst[MAX:256] := 0
+/// \endcode
+/// \headerfile <immintrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VCVT2PS2PHX instruction.
+/// \param __W
+///    A 256-bit vector of [16 x fp16].
+/// \param __U
+///    A 16-bit merging mask.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \returns
+///    A 256-bit vector of [16 x fp16]. Lower elements correspond to the
+///    (converted) elements from \a __B; higher order elements correspond to the
+///    (converted) elements from \a __A. If corresponding mask bit is not set, then
+///    element from \a __W is taken instead.
 static __inline__ __m256h __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS256
 _mm256_mask_cvtx2ps_ph(__m256h __W, __mmask16 __U, __m256 __A, __m256 __B) {
   return (__m256h)__builtin_ia32_vcvt2ps2phx256_mask(
       (__v8sf)__A, (__v8sf)__B, (__v16hf)__W, (__mmask16)__U,
+/// Convert two 256-bit vectors, \a __A and \a __B, containing packed
+///    single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements to a 256-bit vector
+///    containing FP16 elements. Zeroing mask \a __U is used to determine if given
+///    element should be zeroed instead.
+/// \code{.operation}
+/// FOR i := 0 to 15 
+/// 	IF __U[i]
+/// 		IF i < 8
+/// 			dst.fp16[i] := convert_fp32_to_fp16(__B.fp32[i])
+/// 		ELSE
+/// 			dst.fp16[i] := convert_fp32_to_fp16(__A.fp32[i - 8])
+/// 		FI
+/// 	ELSE
+/// 		dst.fp16[i] := 0
+/// 	FI
+/// dst[MAX:256] := 0
+/// \endcode
+/// \headerfile <immintrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VCVT2PS2PHX instruction.
+/// \param __U
+///    A 16-bit zeroing mask.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \returns
+///    A 256-bit vector of [16 x fp16]. Lower elements correspond to the
+///    (converted) elements from \a __B; higher order elements correspond to the
+///    (converted) elements from \a __A. If corresponding mask bit is not set,
+///    then zero is taken instead.
 static __inline__ __m256h __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS256
 _mm256_maskz_cvtx2ps_ph(__mmask16 __U, __m256 __A, __m256 __B) {
   return (__m256h)__builtin_ia32_vcvt2ps2phx256_mask(
       (__v8sf)__A, (__v8sf)__B, (__v16hf)_mm256_setzero_ph(), (__mmask16)__U,
+/// Convert two 256-bit vectors, \a __A and \a __B, containing packed
+///    single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements to a 256-bit vector
+///    containing FP16 elements. Rounding mode \a __R needs to be provided.
+/// \code{.operation}
+/// FOR i := 0 to 15 
+/// 	IF i < 8
+/// 		dst.fp16[i] := convert_fp32_to_fp16(__B.fp32[i])
+/// 	ELSE
+/// 		dst.fp16[i] := convert_fp32_to_fp16(__A.fp32[i - 8])
+/// 	FI
+/// dst[MAX:256] := 0
+/// \endcode
+/// \headerfile <immintrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VCVT2PS2PHX instruction.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \param __R
+///    Rounding mode. Valid inputs are: _MM_FROUND_CUR_DIRECTION or
+///    result of bitwise or of _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC with at most one of the following:
+/// \returns
+///    A 256-bit vector of [16 x fp16]. Lower elements correspond to the
+///    (converted) elements from \a __B; higher order elements correspond to the
+///    (converted) elements from \a __A.
 #define _mm256_cvtx_round2ps_ph(A, B, R)                                       \
   ((__m256h)__builtin_ia32_vcvt2ps2phx256_mask(                                \
       (__v8sf)(A), (__v8sf)(B), (__v16hf)_mm256_undefined_ph(),                \
       (__mmask16)(-1), (const int)(R)))
+/// Convert two 256-bit vectors, \a __A and \a __B, containing packed
+///    single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements to a 256-bit vector
+///    containing FP16 elements. Merging mask \a __U is used to determine if given
+///    element should be taken from \a __W instead. Rounding mode \a __R needs to
+///    be provided.
+/// \code{.operation}
+/// FOR i := 0 to 15
+/// 	IF __U[i]
+/// 		IF i < 8
+/// 			dst.fp16[i] := convert_fp32_to_fp16(__B.fp32[i])
+/// 		ELSE
+/// 			dst.fp16[i] := convert_fp32_to_fp16(__A.fp32[i - 8])
+/// 		FI
+/// 	ELSE
+/// 		dst.fp16[i] := __W.fp16[i]
+/// 	FI
+/// dst[MAX:256] := 0
+/// \endcode
+/// \headerfile <immintrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VCVT2PS2PHX instruction.
+/// \param __W
+///    A 256-bit vector of [16 x fp16].
+/// \param __U
+///    A 16-bit merging mask.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \param __R
+///    Rounding mode. Valid inputs are: _MM_FROUND_CUR_DIRECTION or
+///    result of bitwise or of _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC with at most one of the following:
+/// \returns
+///    A 256-bit vector of [16 x fp16]. Lower elements correspond to the
+///    (converted) elements from \a __B; higher order elements correspond to the
+///    (converted) elements from \a __A. If corresponding mask bit is not set, then
+///    element from \a __W is taken instead.
 #define _mm256_mask_cvtx_round2ps_ph(W, U, A, B, R)                            \
   ((__m256h)__builtin_ia32_vcvt2ps2phx256_mask(                                \
       (__v8sf)(A), (__v8sf)(B), (__v16hf)(W), (__mmask16)(U), (const int)(R)))
+/// Convert two 256-bit vectors, \a __A and \a __B, containing packed
+///    single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements to a 256-bit vector
+///    containing FP16 elements. Zeroing mask \a __U is used to determine if given
+///    element should be zeroed instead. Rounding mode \a __R needs to be provided.
+/// \code{.operation}
+/// FOR i := 0 to 15 
+/// 	IF __U[i]
+/// 		IF i < 8
+/// 			dst.fp16[i] := convert_fp32_to_fp16(__B.fp32[i])
+/// 		ELSE
+/// 			dst.fp16[i] := convert_fp32_to_fp16(__A.fp32[i - 8])
+/// 		FI
+/// 	ELSE
+/// 		dst.fp16[i] := 0
+/// 	FI
+/// dst[MAX:256] := 0
+/// \endcode
+/// \headerfile <immintrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VCVT2PS2PHX instruction.
+/// \param __U
+///    A 16-bit zeroing mask.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \param __R
+///    Rounding mode. Valid inputs are: _MM_FROUND_CUR_DIRECTION or
+///    result of bitwise or of _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC with at most one of the following:
+/// \returns
+///    A 256-bit vector of [16 x fp16]. Lower elements correspond to the
+///    (converted) elements from \a __B; higher order elements correspond to the
+///    (converted) elements from \a __A. If corresponding mask bit is not set,
+///    then zero is taken instead.
 #define _mm256_maskz_cvtx_round2ps_ph(U, A, B, R)                              \
   ((__m256h)__builtin_ia32_vcvt2ps2phx256_mask(                                \
       (__v8sf)(A), (__v8sf)(B), (__v16hf)(_mm256_setzero_ph()),                \
       (__mmask16)(U), (const int)(R)))
+/// Add two 128-bit vectors, \a __A and \a __B, containing packed FP16
+///    floating-point elements and 8-bit integers stored in the lower half of
+///    packed 16-bit integers, respectively. Results are converted to FP8 E5M2.
+/// \code{.operation}
+/// FOR i := 0 to 7
+/// 	dst.fp8[i] := add_convert_fp16_to_fp8_bias(__A.fp16[i], __B.int8[2i])
+/// dst[MAX:64] := 0
+/// \endcode
+/// \headerfile <immintrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VCVTBIASPH2BF8 instruction.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 128-bit vector of [8 x fp16].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 128-bit vector of [8 x int16].
phoebewang wrote:



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