[clang-tools-extra] Added options to readability-implicit-bool-conversion (PR #120087)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Dec 19 18:35:13 PST 2024

@@ -287,72 +292,83 @@ void ImplicitBoolConversionCheck::registerMatchers(MatchFinder *Finder) {
   auto BoolXor =
       binaryOperator(hasOperatorName("^"), hasLHS(ImplicitCastFromBool),
-  auto ComparisonInCall = allOf(
-      hasParent(callExpr()),
-      hasSourceExpression(binaryOperator(hasAnyOperatorName("==", "!="))));
   auto IsInCompilerGeneratedFunction = hasAncestor(namedDecl(anyOf(
       isImplicit(), functionDecl(isDefaulted()), functionTemplateDecl())));
-  Finder->addMatcher(
-      traverse(TK_AsIs,
-               implicitCastExpr(
-                   anyOf(hasCastKind(CK_IntegralToBoolean),
-                         hasCastKind(CK_FloatingToBoolean),
-                         hasCastKind(CK_PointerToBoolean),
-                         hasCastKind(CK_MemberPointerToBoolean)),
-                   // Exclude cases of C23 comparison result.
-                   unless(allOf(isC23(),
-                                hasSourceExpression(ignoringParens(
-                                    binaryOperator(hasAnyOperatorName(
-                                        ">", ">=", "==", "!=", "<", "<=")))))),
-                   // Exclude case of using if or while statements with variable
-                   // declaration, e.g.:
-                   //   if (int var = functionCall()) {}
-                   unless(hasParent(
-                       stmt(anyOf(ifStmt(), whileStmt()), has(declStmt())))),
-                   // Exclude cases common to implicit cast to and from bool.
-                   unless(ExceptionCases), unless(has(BoolXor)),
-                   // Exclude C23 cases common to implicit cast to bool.
-                   unless(ComparisonInCall),
-                   // Retrieve also parent statement, to check if we need
-                   // additional parens in replacement.
-                   optionally(hasParent(stmt().bind("parentStmt"))),
-                   unless(isInTemplateInstantiation()),
-                   unless(IsInCompilerGeneratedFunction))
-                   .bind("implicitCastToBool")),
-      this);
-  auto BoolComparison = binaryOperator(hasAnyOperatorName("==", "!="),
-                                       hasLHS(ImplicitCastFromBool),
-                                       hasRHS(ImplicitCastFromBool));
-  auto BoolOpAssignment = binaryOperator(hasAnyOperatorName("|=", "&="),
-                                         hasLHS(expr(hasType(booleanType()))));
-  auto BitfieldAssignment = binaryOperator(
-      hasLHS(memberExpr(hasDeclaration(fieldDecl(hasBitWidth(1))))));
-  auto BitfieldConstruct = cxxConstructorDecl(hasDescendant(cxxCtorInitializer(
-      withInitializer(equalsBoundNode("implicitCastFromBool")),
-      forField(hasBitWidth(1)))));
-  Finder->addMatcher(
-      traverse(
-          TK_AsIs,
-          implicitCastExpr(
-              ImplicitCastFromBool, unless(ExceptionCases),
-              // Exclude comparisons of bools, as they are always cast to
-              // integers in such context:
-              //   bool_expr_a == bool_expr_b
-              //   bool_expr_a != bool_expr_b
-              unless(hasParent(
-                  binaryOperator(anyOf(BoolComparison, BoolXor,
-                                       BoolOpAssignment, BitfieldAssignment)))),
-              implicitCastExpr().bind("implicitCastFromBool"),
-              unless(hasParent(BitfieldConstruct)),
-              // Check also for nested casts, for example: bool -> int -> float.
-              anyOf(hasParent(implicitCastExpr().bind("furtherImplicitCast")),
-                    anything()),
-              unless(isInTemplateInstantiation()),
-              unless(IsInCompilerGeneratedFunction))),
-      this);
+  if (CheckConversionToBool) {
4m4n-x-B4w4ne wrote:

Done Thanks. Sorry for my carelessness.


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