[clang] [CIR] floating-point, pointer, and function types (PR #120484)
Erich Keane via cfe-commits
cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 18 15:17:53 PST 2024
@@ -18,6 +21,87 @@ mlir::MLIRContext &CIRGenTypes::getMLIRContext() const {
return *builder.getContext();
+/// Return true if the specified type in a function parameter or result position
+/// can be converted to a CIR type at this point. This boils down to being
+/// whether it is complete, as well as whether we've temporarily deferred
+/// expanding the type because we're in a recursive context.
+bool CIRGenTypes::isFuncParamTypeConvertible(clang::QualType type) {
+ // Some ABIs cannot have their member pointers represented in LLVM IR unless
+ // certain circumstances have been reached.
+ assert(!type->getAs<MemberPointerType>() && "NYI");
+ // If this isn't a tagged type, we can convert it!
erichkeane wrote:
First, `tag` type, not `tagged` type, as this just represents any of the struct, class, union, or enum types.
Second, is the rest of this true? Non-Tag types include atomics, Attributed types, bitint types, block pointers, complex, various dependent types, vector types, etc. Do we really just mean to do `BuiltinType` here instead? Or do we really mean we can do the rest already?
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