[clang] [flang] [Flang][OpenMP] Add -fopenmp-default-none command line flag (PR #120287)
Leandro Lupori via cfe-commits
cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 18 11:05:44 PST 2024
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+! RUN: %python %S/../test_errors.py %s %flang -fopenmp -fopenmp-default-none
+! Test that -fopenmp-default-none shows the same errors as DEFAULT(NONE)
+subroutine default_none()
+ integer a(3)
+ integer, parameter :: D=10
+ A = 1
+ B = 2
+ !$omp parallel private(c)
+ !ERROR: The DEFAULT(NONE) clause requires that 'a' must be listed in a data-sharing attribute clause
+ A(1:2) = 3
+ !ERROR: The DEFAULT(NONE) clause requires that 'b' must be listed in a data-sharing attribute clause
+ B = 4
+ C = 5 + D
+ !$omp end parallel
+end subroutine default_none
+! Test that indices of sequential loops are privatised and hence do not error
+! for -fopenmp-default-none.
+subroutine default_none_seq_loop
+ integer :: i
+ !$omp parallel do
+ do i = 1, 10
+ do j = 1, 20
+ enddo
+ enddo
+end subroutine
+program mm
+ call default_none()
+ call default_none_seq_loop()
luporl wrote:
It would be nice to add a test for a construct that doesn't support data-sharing clauses, such as `workshare`, to make sure no error is reported.
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