[clang] [clang] Fix sub-integer __builtin_elementwise_(add|sub)_sat (PR #119423)

Fraser Cormack via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 18 04:14:21 PST 2024

frasercrmck wrote:

RFC: https://discourse.llvm.org/t/rfc-change-behaviour-of-elementwise-builtins-on-scalar-integer-types/83725. I don't expect anyone to say anything at all, tbh, especially during the holidays.

> If people aren't using the edge cases, they won't notice if we start error'ing out. If they are, it's pretty easy to adapt the code to build with both old and new compilers. A quick GitHub search shows exactly one user of the builtins outside of clang itself, and that code uses a vector input.

That's useful context, thank you

> We should probably write a release note for this in any case.

Makes sense. I'll implement the RFC in the new year. We might run into further questions about what to do with enums and other things currently handled for us by the usual unary conversions. I think we'll have to roll our own solution as I haven't seen anything suitable. My knowledge of Sema isn't great, though.


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