[clang] [flang] [flang][Driver] Don't require -fno-integrated-as when using -save-temps (PR #119624)

David Truby via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Dec 16 04:33:50 PST 2024

DavidTruby wrote:

That's interesting, there _is_ an external assembler on Windows; in fact, LLVM itself builds one (llvm-ml.exe) as well as MSVC providing one (ml.exe). I wonder why we can't just use llvm-ml here, since we know it must be available?

I can have a look if this works for clang. If so I guess we should support it in flang too. If not then there's probably some other issue with it and we should just disable save-temps on Windows if it doesn't work.


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