[clang] [flang] [flang][Driver] Don't require -fno-integrated-as when using -save-temps (PR #119624)

Tarun Prabhu via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Dec 12 06:50:03 PST 2024

tarunprabhu wrote:


The build kite shows a failure on Windows on `Driver/pp-fixed-form.f90` with the error

`flang: error: there is no external assembler that can be used on this platform`

This patch forces an external assembler to be used when `-save-temps`. Is this not possible on Windows? 

I am guessing that the failing test "worked" earlier because it would generate an invalid subcommand using the non-existent `-fc1as` assembler driver, but never actually execute it. I don't have access to a Windows machine though, so I cannot check this. 

Do you have any suggestions on how we might handle this case on Windows?


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