[clang] [RISCV] Merging RISCVToolChain and BareMetal toolchains (PR #118809)

Garvit Gupta via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 11 15:31:28 PST 2024

@@ -110,20 +111,95 @@ static std::string computeBaseSysRoot(const Driver &D, bool IncludeTriple) {
   return std::string(SysRootDir);
+// GCC sysroot here means form sysroot from either --gcc-install-dir, or from
+// --gcc-toolchain or if the toolchain is installed alongside clang in
+// bin/../<TargetTriple> directory if it is not explicitly specified on the
+// command line through `--sysroot` option. libc here will be newlib.
+std::string BareMetal::computeGCCSysRoot() const {
+  if (!getDriver().SysRoot.empty())
+    return getDriver().SysRoot;
+  SmallString<128> SysRootDir;
+  if (GCCInstallation.isValid()) {
+    StringRef LibDir = GCCInstallation.getParentLibPath();
+    StringRef TripleStr = GCCInstallation.getTriple().str();
+    llvm::sys::path::append(SysRootDir, LibDir, "..", TripleStr);
+  } else {
+    // Use the triple as provided to the driver. Unlike the parsed triple
+    // this has not been normalized to always contain every field.
+    llvm::sys::path::append(SysRootDir, getDriver().Dir, "..",
+                            getDriver().getTargetTriple());
+  }
+  if (!llvm::sys::fs::exists(SysRootDir))
+    return std::string();
+  return std::string(SysRootDir);
+std::string BareMetal::computeSysRoot() const {
+  if (!SysRoot.empty())
+    return SysRoot;
+  std::string SysRoot = getDriver().SysRoot;
+  if (!SysRoot.empty() && llvm::sys::fs::exists(SysRoot))
+    return SysRoot;
+  // Verify the GCC installation from -gcc-install-dir, --gcc-toolchain, or
+  // alongside clang. If valid, form the sysroot. Otherwise, check
+  // lib/clang-runtimes above the driver.
+  SysRoot = computeGCCSysRoot();
+  if (!SysRoot.empty())
+    return SysRoot;
+  SysRoot =
+      computeInstalledToolchainSysRoot(getDriver(), /*IncludeTriple*/ true);
+  return SysRoot;
+static void addMultilibsFilePaths(const Driver &D, const MultilibSet &Multilibs,
+                                  const Multilib &Multilib,
+                                  StringRef InstallPath,
+                                  ToolChain::path_list &Paths) {
+  if (const auto &PathsCallback = Multilibs.filePathsCallback())
+    for (const auto &Path : PathsCallback(Multilib))
+      addPathIfExists(D, InstallPath + Path, Paths);
 BareMetal::BareMetal(const Driver &D, const llvm::Triple &Triple,
                      const ArgList &Args)
-    : ToolChain(D, Triple, Args),
-      SysRoot(computeBaseSysRoot(D, /*IncludeTriple=*/true)) {
-  getProgramPaths().push_back(getDriver().Dir);
-  findMultilibs(D, Triple, Args);
-  SmallString<128> SysRoot(computeSysRoot());
-  if (!SysRoot.empty()) {
-    for (const Multilib &M : getOrderedMultilibs()) {
-      SmallString<128> Dir(SysRoot);
-      llvm::sys::path::append(Dir, M.osSuffix(), "lib");
-      getFilePaths().push_back(std::string(Dir));
-      getLibraryPaths().push_back(std::string(Dir));
+    : Generic_ELF(D, Triple, Args) {
+  GCCInstallation.init(Triple, Args);
+  SysRoot = computeSysRoot();
+  UseLD =
+      Args.getLastArgValue(options::OPT_fuse_ld_EQ).equals_insensitive("ld");
quic-garvgupt wrote:

value will be "0". The function to decide the default linker is "getDefaultLinker" which calls "isUsingLd". I have made this function virtual which can be overridden in derived classes and can return false for all cases.


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