[clang] [flang] [llvm] [mlir] [flang][OpenMP] Add frontend support for ompx_bare clause (PR #111106)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 11 04:31:42 PST 2024

github-actions[bot] wrote:

<!--LLVM CODE FORMAT COMMENT: {clang-format}-->

:warning: C/C++ code formatter, clang-format found issues in your code. :warning:

You can test this locally with the following command:

git-clang-format --diff 8eb12f6775d288eece9a2bf090d2675c025bf457 977c8394f5f838ee360485e0e01de94aae66e23d --extensions cpp,h -- clang/lib/Parse/ParseOpenMP.cpp flang/lib/Lower/OpenMP/ClauseProcessor.cpp flang/lib/Lower/OpenMP/ClauseProcessor.h flang/lib/Lower/OpenMP/OpenMP.cpp flang/lib/Parser/openmp-parsers.cpp flang/lib/Semantics/check-omp-structure.cpp llvm/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/ConstructDecompositionT.h mlir/lib/Dialect/OpenMP/IR/OpenMPDialect.cpp mlir/lib/Target/LLVMIR/Dialect/OpenMP/OpenMPToLLVMIRTranslation.cpp


View the diff from clang-format here.

diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/OpenMP/IR/OpenMPDialect.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/OpenMP/IR/OpenMPDialect.cpp
index 77454a6f35..37d2257516 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/OpenMP/IR/OpenMPDialect.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/OpenMP/IR/OpenMPDialect.cpp
@@ -1714,8 +1714,8 @@ void TargetOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state,
                   clauses.ifExpr, /*in_reduction_vars=*/{},
                   /*in_reduction_byref=*/nullptr, /*in_reduction_syms=*/nullptr,
                   clauses.isDevicePtrVars, clauses.mapVars, clauses.nowait,
-                  clauses.privateVars,
-                  makeArrayAttr(ctx, clauses.privateSyms), clauses.threadLimit);
+                  clauses.privateVars, makeArrayAttr(ctx, clauses.privateSyms),
+                  clauses.threadLimit);
 LogicalResult TargetOp::verify() {
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Target/LLVMIR/Dialect/OpenMP/OpenMPToLLVMIRTranslation.cpp b/mlir/lib/Target/LLVMIR/Dialect/OpenMP/OpenMPToLLVMIRTranslation.cpp
index 4da659dfe1..3122873f30 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Target/LLVMIR/Dialect/OpenMP/OpenMPToLLVMIRTranslation.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Target/LLVMIR/Dialect/OpenMP/OpenMPToLLVMIRTranslation.cpp
@@ -158,179 +158,185 @@ static LogicalResult checkImplementationStatus(Operation &op) {
     if (!op.getAllocateVars().empty() || !op.getAllocatorVars().empty())
       result = todo("allocate");
-  auto checkBare = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
-    if (op.getBare()) {
-      result = todo("ompx_bare");
-  };
-  auto checkDepend = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
-    if (!op.getDependVars().empty() || op.getDependKinds())
-      result = todo("depend");
-  };
-  auto checkDevice = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
-    if (op.getDevice())
-      result = todo("device");
-  };
-  auto checkHasDeviceAddr = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
-    if (!op.getHasDeviceAddrVars().empty())
-      result = todo("has_device_addr");
-  };
-  auto checkHint = [](auto op, LogicalResult &) {
-    if (op.getHint())
-      op.emitWarning("hint clause discarded");
-  };
-  auto checkIf = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
-    if (op.getIfExpr())
-      result = todo("if");
-  };
-  auto checkInReduction = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
-    if (!op.getInReductionVars().empty() || op.getInReductionByref() ||
-        op.getInReductionSyms())
-      result = todo("in_reduction");
-  };
-  auto checkIsDevicePtr = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
-    if (!op.getIsDevicePtrVars().empty())
-      result = todo("is_device_ptr");
-  };
-  auto checkLinear = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
-    if (!op.getLinearVars().empty() || !op.getLinearStepVars().empty())
-      result = todo("linear");
-  };
-  auto checkNontemporal = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
-    if (!op.getNontemporalVars().empty())
-      result = todo("nontemporal");
-  };
-  auto checkNowait = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
-    if (op.getNowait())
-      result = todo("nowait");
-  };
-  auto checkOrder = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
-    if (op.getOrder() || op.getOrderMod())
-      result = todo("order");
-  };
-  auto checkParLevelSimd = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
-    if (op.getParLevelSimd())
-      result = todo("parallelization-level");
-  };
-  auto checkPriority = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
-    if (op.getPriority())
-      result = todo("priority");
-  };
-  auto checkPrivate = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
-    if (!op.getPrivateVars().empty() || op.getPrivateSyms())
-      result = todo("privatization");
-  };
-  auto checkReduction = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
-    if (!op.getReductionVars().empty() || op.getReductionByref() ||
-        op.getReductionSyms())
-      result = todo("reduction");
-  };
-  auto checkThreadLimit = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
-    if (op.getThreadLimit())
-      result = todo("thread_limit");
-  };
-  auto checkTaskReduction = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
-    if (!op.getTaskReductionVars().empty() || op.getTaskReductionByref() ||
-        op.getTaskReductionSyms())
-      result = todo("task_reduction");
-  };
-  auto checkUntied = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
-    if (op.getUntied())
-      result = todo("untied");
-  };
-  LogicalResult result = success();
-  llvm::TypeSwitch<Operation &>(op)
-      .Case([&](omp::OrderedRegionOp op) { checkParLevelSimd(op, result); })
-      .Case([&](omp::SectionsOp op) {
-        checkAllocate(op, result);
-        checkPrivate(op, result);
-      })
-      .Case([&](omp::SingleOp op) {
-        checkAllocate(op, result);
-        checkPrivate(op, result);
-      })
-      .Case([&](omp::TeamsOp op) {
-        checkAllocate(op, result);
-        checkPrivate(op, result);
-        checkReduction(op, result);
-      })
-      .Case([&](omp::TaskOp op) {
-        checkAllocate(op, result);
-        checkInReduction(op, result);
-        checkPriority(op, result);
-        checkUntied(op, result);
-      })
-      .Case([&](omp::TaskgroupOp op) {
-        checkAllocate(op, result);
-        checkTaskReduction(op, result);
-      })
-      .Case([&](omp::TaskwaitOp op) {
-        checkDepend(op, result);
-        checkNowait(op, result);
-      })
-      .Case([&](omp::WsloopOp op) {
-        checkAllocate(op, result);
-        checkLinear(op, result);
-        checkOrder(op, result);
-      })
-      .Case([&](omp::ParallelOp op) { checkAllocate(op, result); })
-      .Case([&](omp::SimdOp op) {
-        checkAligned(op, result);
-        checkLinear(op, result);
-        checkNontemporal(op, result);
-        checkPrivate(op, result);
-        checkReduction(op, result);
-      })
-      .Case<omp::AtomicReadOp, omp::AtomicWriteOp, omp::AtomicUpdateOp,
-            omp::AtomicCaptureOp>([&](auto op) { checkHint(op, result); })
-      .Case<omp::TargetEnterDataOp, omp::TargetExitDataOp, omp::TargetUpdateOp>(
-          [&](auto op) { checkDepend(op, result); })
-      .Case([&](omp::TargetOp op) {
-        checkAllocate(op, result);
-        checkBare(op, result);
-        checkDevice(op, result);
-        checkHasDeviceAddr(op, result);
-        checkIf(op, result);
-        checkInReduction(op, result);
-        checkIsDevicePtr(op, result);
-        // Privatization clauses are supported, except on some situations, so we
-        // need to check here whether any of these unsupported cases are being
-        // translated.
-        if (std::optional<ArrayAttr> privateSyms = op.getPrivateSyms()) {
-          for (Attribute privatizerNameAttr : *privateSyms) {
-            omp::PrivateClauseOp privatizer = findPrivatizer(
-                op.getOperation(), cast<SymbolRefAttr>(privatizerNameAttr));
-            if (privatizer.getDataSharingType() ==
-                omp::DataSharingClauseType::FirstPrivate)
-              result = todo("firstprivate");
-            if (!privatizer.getDeallocRegion().empty())
-              result = op.emitError("not yet implemented: privatization of "
-                                    "structures in omp.target operation");
-          }
-        }
-        checkThreadLimit(op, result);
-      })
-      .Default([](Operation &) {
-        // Assume all clauses for an operation can be translated unless they are
-        // checked above.
-      });
-  return result;
+  auto checkBare =
+      [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
+        if (op.getBare()) {
+          result = todo("ompx_bare");
+        };
+        auto checkDepend = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
+          if (!op.getDependVars().empty() || op.getDependKinds())
+            result = todo("depend");
+        };
+        auto checkDevice = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
+          if (op.getDevice())
+            result = todo("device");
+        };
+        auto checkHasDeviceAddr = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
+          if (!op.getHasDeviceAddrVars().empty())
+            result = todo("has_device_addr");
+        };
+        auto checkHint = [](auto op, LogicalResult &) {
+          if (op.getHint())
+            op.emitWarning("hint clause discarded");
+        };
+        auto checkIf = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
+          if (op.getIfExpr())
+            result = todo("if");
+        };
+        auto checkInReduction = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
+          if (!op.getInReductionVars().empty() || op.getInReductionByref() ||
+              op.getInReductionSyms())
+            result = todo("in_reduction");
+        };
+        auto checkIsDevicePtr = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
+          if (!op.getIsDevicePtrVars().empty())
+            result = todo("is_device_ptr");
+        };
+        auto checkLinear = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
+          if (!op.getLinearVars().empty() || !op.getLinearStepVars().empty())
+            result = todo("linear");
+        };
+        auto checkNontemporal = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
+          if (!op.getNontemporalVars().empty())
+            result = todo("nontemporal");
+        };
+        auto checkNowait = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
+          if (op.getNowait())
+            result = todo("nowait");
+        };
+        auto checkOrder = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
+          if (op.getOrder() || op.getOrderMod())
+            result = todo("order");
+        };
+        auto checkParLevelSimd = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
+          if (op.getParLevelSimd())
+            result = todo("parallelization-level");
+        };
+        auto checkPriority = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
+          if (op.getPriority())
+            result = todo("priority");
+        };
+        auto checkPrivate = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
+          if (!op.getPrivateVars().empty() || op.getPrivateSyms())
+            result = todo("privatization");
+        };
+        auto checkReduction = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
+          if (!op.getReductionVars().empty() || op.getReductionByref() ||
+              op.getReductionSyms())
+            result = todo("reduction");
+        };
+        auto checkThreadLimit = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
+          if (op.getThreadLimit())
+            result = todo("thread_limit");
+        };
+        auto checkTaskReduction = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
+          if (!op.getTaskReductionVars().empty() ||
+              op.getTaskReductionByref() || op.getTaskReductionSyms())
+            result = todo("task_reduction");
+        };
+        auto checkUntied = [&todo](auto op, LogicalResult &result) {
+          if (op.getUntied())
+            result = todo("untied");
+        };
+        LogicalResult result = success();
+        llvm::TypeSwitch<Operation &>(op)
+            .Case(
+                [&](omp::OrderedRegionOp op) { checkParLevelSimd(op, result); })
+            .Case([&](omp::SectionsOp op) {
+              checkAllocate(op, result);
+              checkPrivate(op, result);
+            })
+            .Case([&](omp::SingleOp op) {
+              checkAllocate(op, result);
+              checkPrivate(op, result);
+            })
+            .Case([&](omp::TeamsOp op) {
+              checkAllocate(op, result);
+              checkPrivate(op, result);
+              checkReduction(op, result);
+            })
+            .Case([&](omp::TaskOp op) {
+              checkAllocate(op, result);
+              checkInReduction(op, result);
+              checkPriority(op, result);
+              checkUntied(op, result);
+            })
+            .Case([&](omp::TaskgroupOp op) {
+              checkAllocate(op, result);
+              checkTaskReduction(op, result);
+            })
+            .Case([&](omp::TaskwaitOp op) {
+              checkDepend(op, result);
+              checkNowait(op, result);
+            })
+            .Case([&](omp::WsloopOp op) {
+              checkAllocate(op, result);
+              checkLinear(op, result);
+              checkOrder(op, result);
+            })
+            .Case([&](omp::ParallelOp op) { checkAllocate(op, result); })
+            .Case([&](omp::SimdOp op) {
+              checkAligned(op, result);
+              checkLinear(op, result);
+              checkNontemporal(op, result);
+              checkPrivate(op, result);
+              checkReduction(op, result);
+            })
+            .Case<omp::AtomicReadOp, omp::AtomicWriteOp, omp::AtomicUpdateOp,
+                  omp::AtomicCaptureOp>([&](auto op) { checkHint(op, result); })
+            .Case<omp::TargetEnterDataOp, omp::TargetExitDataOp,
+                  omp::TargetUpdateOp>(
+                [&](auto op) { checkDepend(op, result); })
+            .Case([&](omp::TargetOp op) {
+              checkAllocate(op, result);
+              checkBare(op, result);
+              checkDevice(op, result);
+              checkHasDeviceAddr(op, result);
+              checkIf(op, result);
+              checkInReduction(op, result);
+              checkIsDevicePtr(op, result);
+              // Privatization clauses are supported, except on some situations,
+              // so we need to check here whether any of these unsupported cases
+              // are being translated.
+              if (std::optional<ArrayAttr> privateSyms = op.getPrivateSyms()) {
+                for (Attribute privatizerNameAttr : *privateSyms) {
+                  omp::PrivateClauseOp privatizer =
+                      findPrivatizer(op.getOperation(),
+                                     cast<SymbolRefAttr>(privatizerNameAttr));
+                  if (privatizer.getDataSharingType() ==
+                      omp::DataSharingClauseType::FirstPrivate)
+                    result = todo("firstprivate");
+                  if (!privatizer.getDeallocRegion().empty())
+                    result =
+                        op.emitError("not yet implemented: privatization of "
+                                     "structures in omp.target operation");
+                }
+              }
+              checkThreadLimit(op, result);
+            })
+            .Default([](Operation &) {
+              // Assume all clauses for an operation can be translated unless
+              // they are checked above.
+            });
+        return result;
+      }
-static LogicalResult handleError(llvm::Error error, Operation &op) {
-  LogicalResult result = success();
-  if (error) {
-    llvm::handleAllErrors(
-        std::move(error),
-        [&](const PreviouslyReportedError &) { result = failure(); },
-        [&](const llvm::ErrorInfoBase &err) {
-          result = op.emitError(err.message());
-        });
+  static LogicalResult
+  handleError(llvm::Error error, Operation & op) {
+    LogicalResult result = success();
+    if (error) {
+      llvm::handleAllErrors(
+          std::move(error),
+          [&](const PreviouslyReportedError &) { result = failure(); },
+          [&](const llvm::ErrorInfoBase &err) {
+            result = op.emitError(err.message());
+          });
+    }
+    return result;
-  return result;
 template <typename T>
 static LogicalResult handleError(llvm::Expected<T> &result, Operation &op) {




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