[clang] [compiler-rt] [llvm] [XRay][RISCV] RISCV support for XRay (PR #117368)

Craig Topper via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Dec 10 14:04:51 PST 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+//===-- xray_riscv.cpp ----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file is a part of XRay, a dynamic runtime instrumentation system.
+// Implementation of RISC-V specific routines (32- and 64-bit).
+#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_common.h"
+#include "xray_defs.h"
+#include "xray_interface_internal.h"
+#include <atomic>
+namespace __xray {
+// The machine codes for some instructions used in runtime patching.
+enum PatchOpcodes : uint32_t {
+  PO_ADDI = 0x00000013, // addi rd, rs1, imm
+  PO_ADD = 0x00000033,  // add rd, rs1, rs2
+  PO_SW = 0x00002023,   // sw rs2, imm(rs1)
+  PO_SD = 0x00003023,   // sd rs2, imm(rs1)
+  PO_LUI = 0x00000037,  // lui rd, imm
+  PO_OR = 0x00006033,   // or rd, rs1, rs2
+  PO_SLLI = 0x00001013, // slli rd, rs1, shamt
+  PO_JALR = 0x00000067, // jalr rd, rs1
+  PO_LW = 0x00002003,   // lw rd, imm(rs1)
+  PO_LD = 0x00003003,   // ld rd, imm(rs1)
+  PO_J = 0x0000006f,    // jal imm
+  PO_NOP = PO_ADDI,     // addi x0, x0, 0
+enum RegNum : uint32_t {
+  RN_X0 = 0,
+  RN_RA = 1,
+  RN_SP = 2,
+  RN_T1 = 6,
+  RN_A0 = 10,
+static inline uint32_t encodeRTypeInstruction(uint32_t Opcode, uint32_t Rs1,
+                                              uint32_t Rs2, uint32_t Rd) {
+  return Rs2 << 20 | Rs1 << 15 | Rd << 7 | Opcode;
+static inline uint32_t encodeITypeInstruction(uint32_t Opcode, uint32_t Rs1,
+                                              uint32_t Rd, uint32_t Imm) {
+  return Imm << 20 | Rs1 << 15 | Rd << 7 | Opcode;
+static inline uint32_t encodeSTypeInstruction(uint32_t Opcode, uint32_t Rs1,
+                                              uint32_t Rs2, uint32_t Imm) {
+  uint32_t ImmMSB = (Imm & 0xfe0) << 20;
+  uint32_t ImmLSB = (Imm & 0x01f) << 7;
+  return ImmMSB | Rs2 << 20 | Rs1 << 15 | ImmLSB | Opcode;
+static inline uint32_t encodeUTypeInstruction(uint32_t Opcode, uint32_t Rd,
+                                              uint32_t Imm) {
+  return Imm << 12 | Rd << 7 | Opcode;
+static inline uint32_t encodeJTypeInstruction(uint32_t Opcode, uint32_t Rd,
+                                              uint32_t Imm) {
+  uint32_t ImmMSB = (Imm & 0x100000) << 11;
+  uint32_t ImmLSB = (Imm & 0x7fe) << 20;
+  uint32_t Imm11 = (Imm & 0x800) << 9;
+  uint32_t Imm1912 = (Imm & 0xff000);
+  return ImmMSB | ImmLSB | Imm11 | Imm1912 | Rd << 7 | Opcode;
+static uint32_t hi20(uint32_t val) { return (val + 0x800) >> 12; }
+static uint32_t lo12(uint32_t val) { return val & 0xfff; }
+static inline bool patchSled(const bool Enable, const uint32_t FuncId,
+                             const XRaySledEntry &Sled,
+                             void (*TracingHook)()) XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
+  // When |Enable| == true,
+  // We replace the following compile-time stub (sled):
+  //
+  // xray_sled_n:
+  //	J .tmpN
+  //	25 or 33 C.NOPs (50 or 66 bytes)
+  //	.tmpN
+  //
+  // With one of the following runtime patches:
+  //
+  // xray_sled_n (32-bit):
+  //    addi sp, sp, -16                                ;create stack frame
+  //    sw ra, 12(sp)                                   ;save return address
+  //    sw a0, 8(sp)                                    ;save register a0
+  //    lui ra, %hi(__xray_FunctionEntry/Exit)
+  //    addi ra, ra, %lo(__xray_FunctionEntry/Exit)
+  //    lui a0, %hi(function_id)
+  //    addi a0, a0, %lo(function_id)                   ;pass function id
+  //    jalr ra                                         ;call Tracing hook
+  //    lw a0, 8(sp)                                    ;restore register a0
+  //    lw ra, 12(sp)                                   ;restore return address
+  //    addi sp, sp, 16                                 ;delete stack frame
+  //
+  // xray_sled_n (64-bit):
+  //    addi sp, sp, -32                                ;create stack frame
+  //    sd ra, 24(sp)                                   ;save return address
+  //    sd a0, 16(sp)                                   ;save register a0
+  //    sd t1, 8(sp)                                    ;save register t1
+  //    lui t1, %highest(__xray_FunctionEntry/Exit)
+  //    addi t1, t1, %higher(__xray_FunctionEntry/Exit)
+  //    slli t1, t1, 32
+  //    lui ra, ra, %hi(__xray_FunctionEntry/Exit)
+  //    addi ra, ra, %lo(__xray_FunctionEntry/Exit)
+  //    add ra, t1, ra
+  //    lui a0, %hi(function_id)
+  //    addi a0, a0, %lo(function_id)                   ;pass function id
+  //    jalr ra                                         ;call Tracing hook
+  //    ld t1, 8(sp)                                    ;restore register t1
+  //    ld a0, 16(sp)                                   ;restore register a0
+  //    ld ra, 24(sp)                                   ;restore return address
+  //    addi sp, sp, 32                                 ;delete stack frame
+  //
+  // Replacement of the first 4-byte instruction should be the last and atomic
+  // operation, so that the user code which reaches the sled concurrently
+  // either jumps over the whole sled, or executes the whole sled when the
+  // latter is ready.
+  //
+  // When |Enable|==false, we set back the first instruction in the sled to be
+  //   J 44 bytes (rv32)
+  //   J 68 bytes (rv64)
+  uint32_t *Address = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(Sled.address());
+  if (Enable) {
+#if __riscv_xlen == 64
+    // If the ISA is RV64, the Tracing Hook needs to be typecast to a 64 bit
+    // value.
+    uint32_t LoTracingHookAddr = lo12(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(TracingHook));
+    uint32_t HiTracingHookAddr = hi20(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(TracingHook));
+    uint32_t HigherTracingHookAddr =
+        lo12((reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(TracingHook) + 0x80000000) >> 32);
+    uint32_t HighestTracingHookAddr =
+        hi20((reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(TracingHook) + 0x80000000) >> 32);
+#elif __riscv_xlen == 32
+    // We typecast the Tracing Hook to a 32 bit value for RV32
+    uint32_t LoTracingHookAddr = lo12(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(TracingHook));
+    uint32_t HiTracingHookAddr = hi20((reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(TracingHook));
+    uint32_t LoFunctionID = lo12(FuncId);
+    uint32_t HiFunctionID = hi20(FuncId);
+    // The sled that is patched in for RISCV64 defined below. We need the entire
+    // sleds corresponding to both ISAs to be protected by defines because the
+    // first few instructions are all different, because we store doubles in
+    // case of RV64 and store words for RV32. Subsequently, we have LUI - and in
+    // case of RV64, we need extra instructions from this point on, so we see
+    // differences in addresses to which instructions are stored.
+    size_t Idx = 1U;
+    const uint32_t XLenBytes = __riscv_xlen / 8;
+#if __riscv_xlen == 64
+    const unsigned LoadOp = PatchOpcodes::PO_LD;
topperc wrote:



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