[clang] [flang] [Clang] Remove ARCMigrate (PR #119269)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Dec 9 13:06:10 PST 2024

Sirraide wrote:

> `test/Rewrite` is for the Objective-C => MSVC-compatible C++ rewriter (`-rewrite-objc`), which is a different feature. That feature might _also_ be obsolete, but we haven't signed off on that yet AFAIK.

I see, we were talking about this earlier today and weren’t quite sure about that part. I presume we should keep that around for now then. Also, to clarify, does that include `clang/lib/Frontend/Rewrite/RewriteModernObjC.cpp` and `clang/lib/Frontend/Rewrite/RewriteModernObjC.cpp`?


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