[clang] Add Clang attribute to ensure that fields are initialized explicitly (PR #102040)

Aaron Ballman via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Nov 22 07:17:19 PST 2024

@@ -1472,3 +1472,144 @@ template<typename T> struct Outer {
 Outer<int>::Inner outerinner;
+struct Polymorphic { virtual ~Polymorphic() { } };
+template<class... Bases>
+struct Inherit : Bases... { // #TYPE_INHERIT
+  int g1; // #FIELD_G1
+template<class... Bases>
+struct InheritWithExplicit : Bases... { // #TYPE_INHERIT_WITH_EXPLICIT
+  int g2 [[clang::requires_explicit_initialization]]; // #FIELD_G2
+struct Special {};
+struct Inherit<Special> {
+  int g3 [[clang::requires_explicit_initialization]]; // #FIELD_G3
+struct InheritWithExplicit<Special> {
+  int g4; // #FIELD_G4
+void aggregate() {
+  struct NonAgg {
+    NonAgg() { }
+    [[clang::requires_explicit_initialization]] int na;  // expected-warning {{'requires_explicit_initialization' attribute is ignored in non-aggregate type 'NonAgg'}}
+  };
+  NonAgg nonagg;  // no-warning
+  (void)nonagg;
+  struct S {
+    [[clang::requires_explicit_initialization]] int s1; // #FIELD_S1
+    int s2;
+    int s3 = 12;
+    [[clang::requires_explicit_initialization]] int s4 = 100; // #FIELD_S4
+    static void foo(S) { }
+  };
+  struct C {
+    [[clang::requires_explicit_initialization]] int c1; // #FIELD_C1
+#if 201703L <= __cplusplus && __cplusplus < 202002L
+    // expected-warning@#FIELD_C1 {{explicit initialization of field 'c1' will not be enforced in C++20 and later because 'C' has a user-declared constructor, making the type no longer an aggregate}}
+    C() = default;  // Test pre-C++20 aggregates
+  };
+  struct D : S { // #TYPE_D
+    int d1;
+    int d2 [[clang::requires_explicit_initialization]]; // #FIELD_D2
+  };
+  struct D2 : D {  // #TYPE_D2
+  };
+  struct E {  // #TYPE_E
+    int e1;
+    D e2 [[clang::requires_explicit_initialization]]; // #FIELD_E2
+    struct {
+      [[clang::requires_explicit_initialization]] D e3;
+      D2 e4 [[clang::requires_explicit_initialization]];
+    };
+  };
+  S::foo(S{1, 2, 3, 4});
+  S::foo(S{.s1 = 100, .s4 = 100});
+  S::foo(S{.s1 = 100}); // expected-warning {{field 's4' requires explicit initialization but is not explicitly initialized}} expected-note@#FIELD_S4 {{'s4' declared here}}
+  S s{.s1 = 100, .s4 = 100};
+  (void)s;
+  S t{.s4 = 100}; // expected-warning {{field 's1' requires explicit initialization but is not explicitly initialized}} expected-note@#FIELD_S1 {{'s1' declared here}}
+  (void)t;
+  S *ptr1 = new S; // expected-warning {{field in 'S' requires explicit initialization but is not explicitly initialized}} expected-note@#FIELD_S4 {{'s4' declared here}} expected-note@#FIELD_S1 {{'s1' declared here}}
+  delete ptr1;
+  S *ptr2 = new S{.s1 = 100, .s4 = 100};
+  delete ptr2;
+#if __cplusplus >= 202002L
AaronBallman wrote:

Both `RUN` lines specify `-std=c++1z` so this is never being tested. Add new `RUN` lines?


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