[clang] [SYCL] The sycl_kernel_entry_point attribute. (PR #111389)

Tom Honermann via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Oct 30 14:52:11 PDT 2024

@@ -455,6 +455,174 @@ The SYCL kernel in the previous code sample meets these expectations.
+def SYCLKernelEntryPointDocs : Documentation {
+  let Category = DocCatFunction;
+  let Content = [{
+The ``sycl_kernel_entry_point`` attribute facilitates the generation of an
+offload kernel entry point, sometimes called a SYCL kernel caller function,
+suitable for invoking a SYCL kernel on an offload device. The attribute is
+intended for use in the implementation of SYCL kernel invocation functions
+like the ``single_task`` and ``parallel_for`` member functions of the
+``sycl::handler`` class specified in section 4.9.4, "Command group ``handler``
+class", of the SYCL 2020 specification.
+The attribute requires a single type argument that specifies a class type that
+meets the requirements for a SYCL kernel name as described in section 5.2,
+"Naming of kernels", of the SYCL 2020 specification. A unique kernel name type
+is required for each function declared with the attribute. The attribute may
+not first appear on a declaration that follows a definition of the function.
+The attribute only appertains to functions and only those that meet the
+following requirements.
+* Has a ``void`` return type.
+* Is not a non-static member function, constructor, or destructor.
+* Is not a C variadic function.
+* Is not a coroutine.
+* Is not defined as deleted or as defaulted.
+* Is not declared with the ``constexpr`` or ``consteval`` specifiers.
+* Is not declared with the ``[[noreturn]]`` attribute.
+Use in the implementation of a SYCL kernel invocation function might look as
+.. code-block:: c++
+  namespace sycl {
+  class handler {
+    template<typename KernelNameType, typename KernelType>
+    [[ clang::sycl_kernel_entry_point(KernelNameType) ]]
+    static void kernel_entry_point(KernelType kernel) {
+      kernel();
+    }
+  public:
+    template<typename KernelNameType, typename KernelType>
+    void single_task(KernelType kernel) {
+      // Call kernel_entry_point() to trigger generation of an offload
+      // kernel entry point.
+      kernel_entry_point<KernelNameType>(kernel);
+      // Call functions appropriate for the desired offload backend
+      // (OpenCL, CUDA, HIP, Level Zero, etc...).
+    }
+  };
+  } // namespace sycl
+A SYCL kernel is a callable object of class type that is constructed on a host,
+often via a lambda expression, and then passed to a SYCL kernel invocation
+function to be executed on an offload device. A SYCL kernel invocation function
+is responsible for copying the provided SYCL kernel object to an offload
+device and initiating a call to it. The SYCL kernel object and its data members
+constitute the parameters of an offload kernel.
+A SYCL kernel type is required to satisfy the device copyability requirements
+specified in section 3.13.1, "Device copyable", of the SYCL 2020 specification.
+Additionally, any data members of the kernel object type are required to satisfy
+section 4.12.4, "Rules for parameter passing to kernels". For most types, these
+rules require that the type is trivially copyable.  However, the SYCL
+specification mandates that certain special SYCL types, such as
+``sycl::accessor`` and ``sycl::stream`` be device copyable even if they are not
+trivially copyable. These types require special handling because they cannot
+be copied to device memory as if by ``memcpy()``. Additionally, some offload
+backends, OpenCL for example, require objects of some of these types to be
+passed as individual arguments to the offload kernel.
+An offload kernel consists of an entry point function that declares the
+parameters of the offload kernel and the set of all functions and variables that
+are directly or indirectly used by the entry point function.
+A SYCL kernel invocation function invokes a SYCL kernel on a device by
+performing the following tasks (likely with the help of an offload backend
+like OpenCL):
+#. Identifying the offload kernel entry point to be used for the SYCL kernel.
+#. Deconstructing the SYCL kernel object, if necessary, to produce the set of
+   offload kernel arguments required by the offload kernel entry point.
+#. Copying the offload kernel arguments to device memory.
+#. Initiating execution of the offload kernel entry point.
+The offload kernel entry point for a SYCL kernel performs the following tasks:
+#. Reconstituting the SYCL kernel object, if necessary, using the offload
+   kernel parameters.
+#. Calling the ``operator()`` member function of the (reconstituted) SYCL kernel
+   object.
+The ``sycl_kernel_entry_point`` attribute automates generation of an offload
+kernel entry point that performs those latter tasks. The parameters and body of
+a function declared with the ``sycl_kernel_entry_point`` attribute specify a
+pattern from which the parameters and body of the entry point function are
+derived. Consider the following call to a SYCL kernel invocation function.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  struct S { int i; };
+  void f(sycl::handler &handler, sycl::stream &sout, S s) {
+    handler.single_task<struct KN>([=] {
+      sout << "The value of s.i is " << s.i << "\n";
+    });
+  }
+The SYCL kernel object is the result of the lambda expression. It has two
+data members corresponding to the captures of ``sout`` and ``s``. Since one
+of these data members corresponds to a special SYCL type that must be passed
+individually as an offload kernel parameter, it is necessary to decompose the
+SYCL kernel object into its constituent parts; the offload kernel will have
+two kernel parameters. Given a SYCL implementation that uses a
tahonermann wrote:

I went with an approach of adding an additional entry to the notes that follow the example.
> The depiction of the ``sycl::stream`` parameter as a single self contained kernel parameter is an oversimplification. SYCL special types may require additional decomposition such that the generated function might have three or more parameters depending on how the SYCL library implementation defines these types.


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