[clang] [-Wunsafe-buffer-usage] Add user documentation. (PR #111624)

Artem Dergachev via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Oct 10 12:00:47 PDT 2024

https://github.com/haoNoQ updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/111624

>From b5c9082e36efcc7be2cabc73c985749f2fd41725 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Artem Dergachev <adergachev at apple.com>
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2024 20:24:00 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] [-Wunsafe-buffer-usage] Add user documentation.

 clang/docs/SafeBuffers.rst | 585 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 clang/docs/index.rst       |   1 +
 2 files changed, 586 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 clang/docs/SafeBuffers.rst

diff --git a/clang/docs/SafeBuffers.rst b/clang/docs/SafeBuffers.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..124f73799c72cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/docs/SafeBuffers.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+C++ Safe Buffers
+.. contents::
+   :local:
+Clang can be used to harden your C++ code against buffer overflows, an otherwise
+common security issue with C-based languages.
+The solution described in this document is an integrated programming model as
+it combines:
+- a family of opt-in Clang warnings (``-Wunsafe-buffer-usage``) emitted at
+  during compilation to help you update your code to encapsulate and propagate
+  the bounds information associated with pointers;
+- runtime assertions implemented as part of
+  (`libc++ hardening modes <https://libcxx.llvm.org/Hardening.html>`_)
+  that eliminate undefined behavior as long as the coding convention
+  is followed and the bounds information is therefore available and correct.
+The goal of this work is to enable development of bounds-safe C++ code. It is
+not a "push-button" solution; depending on your codebase's existing
+coding style, significant (even if largely mechanical) changes to your code
+may be necessary. However, it allows you to achieve valuable safety guarantees
+on security-critical parts of your codebase.
+This solution is under active development. It is already useful for its purpose
+but more work is being done to improve ergonomics and safety guarantees
+and reduce adoption costs.
+The solution aligns in spirit with the "Ranges" safety profile
+that was `proposed <https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2024/p3274r0.pdf>`_
+by Bjarne Stroustrup for standardization alongside other C++ safety features.
+In order to achieve bounds safety, your codebase needs to have access to
+well-encapsulated bounds-safe container, view, and iterator types.
+If your project uses libc++, standard container and view types such as
+``std::vector`` and ``std::span`` can be made bounds-safe by enabling
+the "fast" `hardening mode <https://libcxx.llvm.org/Hardening.html>`_
+compiler) or any of the stricter hardening modes.
+In order to harden iterators, you'll need to also obtain a libc++ binary
+built with ``_LIBCPP_ABI_BOUNDED_ITERATORS`` -- which is a libc++ ABI setting
+that needs to be set for your entire target platform if you need to maintain
+binary compatibility with the rest of the platform.
+A relatively fresh version of C++ is recommended. In particular, the very useful
+standard view class ``std::span`` requires C++20.
+Other implementations of the C++ standard library may provide different
+flags to enable such hardening hardening.
+If you're using custom containers and views, they will need to be hardened
+this way as well, but you don't necessarily need to do this ahead of time.
+This approach can theoretically be applied to plain C codebases,
+assuming that safe primitives are developed to encapsulate all buffer accesses,
+acting as "hardened custom containers" to replace raw pointers.
+However, such approach would be very unergonomic in C, and safety guarantees
+will be lower due to lack of good encapsulation technology. A better approach
+to bounds safety for non-C++ programs,
+`-fbounds-safety <https://clang.llvm.org/docs/BoundsSafety.html>`_,
+is currently in development.
+Technically, safety guarantees cannot be provided without hardening
+the entire technology stack, including all of your dependencies.
+However, applying such hardening technology to even a small portion
+of your code may be significantly better than nothing.
+The Programming Model for C++
+Assuming that hardened container, view, and iterator classes are available,
+what remains is to make sure they are used consistently in your code.
+Below we define the specific coding convention that needs to be followed
+in order to guarantee safety and how the compiler technology
+around ``-Wunsafe-buffer-usage`` assists with that.
+Buffer operations should never be performed over raw pointers
+Every time a memory access is made, a bounds-safe program must guarantee
+that the range of accessed memory addresses falls into the boundaries
+of the memory allocated for the object that's being accessed.
+In order to establish such a guarantee, the information about such valid range
+of addresses -- the **bounds information** associated with the accessed address
+-- must be formally available every time a memory access is performed.
+A raw pointer does not naturally carry any bounds information.
+The bounds information for the pointer may be available *somewhere*, but
+it is not associated with the pointer in a formal manner, so a memory access
+performed through a raw pointer cannot be automatically verified to be
+bounds-safe by the compiler.
+That said, the Safe Buffers programming model does **not** try to eliminate
+**all** pointer usage. Instead it assumes that most pointers point to
+individual objects, not buffers, and therefore they typically aren't
+associated with buffer overflow risks. For that reason, in order to identify
+the code that requires manual intervention, it is desirable to initially shift
+the focus away from the pointers themselves, and instead focus on their
+**usage patterns**.
+The compiler warning ``-Wunsafe-buffer-usage`` is built to assist you
+with this step of the process. A ``-Wunsafe-buffer-usage`` warning is
+emitted whenever one of the following **buffer operations** are performed
+on a raw pointer:
+- array indexing with ``[]``,
+- pointer arithmetic,
+- bounds-unsafe standard C functions such as ``std::memcpy()``,
+- C++ smart pointer operations such as ``std::unique_ptr<T[N]>::operator[]()``,
+  which unfortunately cannot be made fully safe within the rules of
+  the C++ standard (as of C++23).
+This is sufficient for identifying each raw buffer pointer in the program at
+**at least one point** during its lifetime across your software stack.
+For example, both of the following functions are flagged by
+``-Wunsafe-buffer-usage`` because ``pointer`` gets identified as an unsafe
+buffer pointer. Even though the second function does not directly access
+the buffer, the pointer arithmetic operation inside it may easily be
+the only formal "hint" in the program that the pointer does indeed point
+to a buffer of multiple objects::
+    int get_last_element(int *pointer, size_t size) {
+      return ptr[sz - 1]; // warning: unsafe buffer access
+    }
+    int *get_last_element_ptr(int *pointer, size_t size) {
+      return ptr + (size - 1); // warning: unsafe pointer arithmetic
+    }
+All buffers need to be encapsulated into safe container and view types
+It immediately follows from the previous requirement that once an unsafe pointer
+is identified at any point during its lifetime, it should be immediately wrapped
+into a safe container type (if the allocation site is "nearby") or a safe
+view type (if the allocation site is "far away"). Not only memory accesses,
+but also non-access operations such as pointer arithmetic need to be covered
+this way in order to benefit from the respective runtime bounds checks.
+If a **container** type (``std::array``, ``std::vector``, ``std::string``)
+is used for allocating the buffer, this is the best-case scenario because
+the container naturally has access to the correct bounds information for the
+buffer, and the runtime bounds checks immediately kick in. Additionally,
+the container type may provide automatic lifetime management for the buffer
+(which may or may not be desirable).
+If a **view** type is used (``std::span``, ``std::string_view``), this typically
+means that the bounds information for the "adopted" pointer needs to be passed
+to the view's constructor manually. This makes runtime checks immediately
+kick in with respect to the provided bounds information, which is an immediate
+improvement over the raw pointer. However, this situation is still fundamentally
+insufficient for security purposes, because **bounds information provided
+this way cannot be guaranteed to be correct**.
+For example, the function ``get_last_element()`` we've seen in the previous
+section can be made **slightly** safer this way::
+    int get_last_element(int *pointer, size_t size) {
+      std::span<int> sp(pointer, size);
+      return sp[size - 1]; // warning addressed
+    }
+Here ``std::span`` eliminates the potential concern that the operation
+``size - 1`` may overflow when ``sz`` is equal to ``0``, leading to a buffer
+"underrun". However, such program does not provide a guarantee that
+the variable ``sz`` correctly represents the **actual** size fo the buffer
+pointed to by ``ptr``. The ``std::span`` constructed this way may be ill-formed.
+It may fail to protect you from overrunning the original buffer.
+The following example demonstrates one of the most dangerous anti-patterns
+of this nature::
+    void convert_data(int *source_buf, size_t source_size,
+                      int *target_buf, size_t target_size) {
+      // Terrible: mismatched pointer / size.
+      std::span<int> target_span(target_buf, source_size);
+      // ...
+    }
+The second parameter of ``std::span`` should never be the **desired** size
+of the buffer. It should always be the **actual** size of the buffer.
+Such code often indicates that the original code has already contained
+a vulnerability -- and the use of a safe view class failed to prevent it.
+If ``target_span`` actually needs to be of size ``source_size``, a significantly
+safer way to produce such a span would be to build it with the correct size
+first, and then resize it to the desired size by calling ``.first()``::
+    void convert_data(int *source_buf, size_t source_size,
+                      int *target_buf, size_t target_size) {
+      // Safer.
+      std::span<int> target_span(target_buf, target_size).first(source_size);
+      // ...
+    }
+However, these are still half-measures. This code still accepts the
+bounds information from the caller in an **informal** manner, and such bounds
+information cannot be guaranteed to be correct.
+In order to mitigate problems of this nature in their entirety,
+the third guideline is imposed.
+Encapsulation of bounds information must be respected continuously
+The allocation site of the object is the only reliable source of bounds
+information for that object. For objects with long lifespans across
+multiple functions or even libraries in the software stack, it is essential
+to formally preserve the original bounds information as it's being passed
+from one piece of code to another.
+Standard container and view classes are designed to preserve bounds information
+correctly **by construction**. However, they offer a number of ways to "break"
+encapsulation, which may cause you to temporarily lose track of the correct
+bounds information:
+- The two-parameter constructor ``std::span(ptr, size)`` allows you to
+  assemble an ill-formed ``std::span``;
+- Conversely, you can unwrap a container or a view object into a raw pointer
+  and a raw size by calling its ``.data()`` and ``.size()`` methods.
+- The overloaded ``operator&()`` found on container and iterator classes
+  acts similarly to ``.data()`` in this regard; operations such as
+  ``&span[0]`` and ``&*span.begin()`` are effectively unsafe.
+Additional ``-Wunsafe-buffer-usage`` warnings are emitted when encapsulation
+of **standard** containers is broken in this manner. If you're using
+non-standard containers, you can achieve a similar effect with facilities
+described in the next section: :ref:`customization`.
+For example, our previous attempt to address the warning in
+``get_last_element()`` has actually introduced a new warning along the way,
+that notifies you about the potentially incorrect bounds information
+passed into the two-parameter constructor of ``std::span``::
+    int get_last_element(int *pointer, size_t size) {
+      std::span<int> sp(pointer, size); // warning: unsafe constructor
+      return sp[size - 1];
+    }
+In order to address this warning, you need to make the function receive
+the bounds information from the allocation site in a formal manner.
+The function doesn't necessarily need to know where the allocation site is;
+it simply needs to be able to accept bounds information **when** it's available.
+You can achieve this by refactoring the function to accept a ``std::span``
+as a parameter::
+    int get_last_element(std::span<int> sp) {
+      return sp[size - 1];
+    }
+This solution puts the responsibility for making sure the span is well-formed
+on the **caller**. They should do the same, so that eventually the
+responsibility is placed on the allocation site!
+Such definition is also very ergonomic as it naturally accepts arbitrary
+standard containers without any additional code at the call site::
+    void use_last_element() {
+      std::vector<int> vec { 1, 2, 3 };
+      int x = get_last_element(vec);  // x = 3
+    }
+Such code is naturally bounds-safe because bounds-information is passed down
+from the allocation site to the buffer access site. Only safe operations
+are performed on container types. The containers are never "unforged" into
+raw pointer-size pairs and never "reforged" again. This is what ideal
+bounds-safe C++ code looks like.
+.. _customization:
+Backwards Compatibility, Interoperation with Unsafe Code, Customization
+Some of the code changes described above can be somewhat intrusive.
+For example, changing a function that previously accepted a pointer and a size
+separately, to accept a ``std::span`` instead, may require you to update
+every call site of the function. This is often undesirable and sometimes
+completely unacceptable when backwards compatibility is required.
+In order to facilitate **incremental adoption** of the coding convention
+described above, as well as to handle various unusual situations, the compiler
+provides two additional facilities to give the user more control over
+``-Wunsafe-buffer-usage`` diagnostics:
+- ``#pragma clang unsafe_buffer_usage`` to mark code as unsafe and **suppress**
+  ``-Wunsafe-buffer-usage`` warnings in that code.
+- ``[[clang::unsafe_buffer_usage]]`` to annotate potential sources of
+  discontinuity of bounds information -- thus introducing
+  **additional** ``-Wunsafe-buffer-usage`` warnings.
+In this section we describe these facilities in detail and show how they can
+help you with various unusual situations.
+Suppress unwanted warnings with ``#pragma clang unsafe_buffer_usage``
+If you really need to write unsafe code, you can always suppress all
+``-Wunsafe-buffer-usage`` warnings in a section of code by surrounding
+that code with the ``unsafe_buffer_usage`` pragma. For example, if you don't
+want to address the warning in our example function ``get_last_element()``,
+here is how you can suppress it::
+    int get_last_element(int *pointer, size_t size) {
+      #pragma clang unsafe_buffer_usage begin
+      return ptr[sz - 1]; // warning suppressed
+      #pragma clang unsafe_buffer_usage end
+    }
+This behavior is analogous to ``#pragma clang diagnostic`` (`documentation
+However, ``#pragma clang unsafe_buffer_usage`` is specialized and recommended
+over ``#pragma clang diagnostic`` for a number of technical and non-technical
+reasons. Most importantly, ``#pragma clang unsafe_buffer_usage`` is more
+suitable for security audits because it is significantly simpler and
+describes unsafe code in a more formal manner. On the contrary,
+``#pragma clang diagnostic`` comes with a push/pop syntax (as opposed to
+the begin/end syntax) and it offers ways to suppress warnings without
+mentioning them by name (such as ``-Weverything``), which can make it
+difficult to determine at a glance whether the warning is suppressed
+on any given line of code.
+There are a few natural reasons to use this pragma:
+- In implementations of safe custom containers. You need this because ultimately
+  ``-Wunsafe-buffer-usage`` cannot help you verify that your custom container
+  is safe. It will naturally remind you to audit your container's implementation
+  to make sure it has all the necessary runtime checks, but ultimately you'll
+  need to suppress it once the audit is complete.
+- In performance-critical code where bounds-safety-related runtime checks
+  cause an unacceptable performance regression. The compiler can theoretically
+  optimize them away (eg. replace a repeated bounds check in a loop with
+  a single check before the loop) but it is not guaranteed to do that.
+- For incremental adoption purposes. If you want to adopt the coding convention
+  gradually, you can always surround an entire file with the
+  ``unsafe_buffer_usage`` pragma and then "make holes" in it whenever
+  you address warnings on specific portions of the code.
+- In the code that interoperates with unsafe code. This may be code that
+  will never follow the programming model (such as plain C  code that will
+  never be converted to C++) or with the code that simply haven't been converted
+  yet.
+Interoperation with unsafe code code may require a lot of suppressions.
+You are encouraged to introduce "unsafe wrapper functions" for various unsafe
+operations that you need to perform regularly.
+For example, if you regularly receive pointer/size pairs from unsafe code,
+you may want to introduce a wrapper function for the unsafe span constructor::
+    #pragma clang unsafe_buffer_usage begin
+    template <typename T>
+    std::span<T> unsafe_forge_span(T *pointer, size_t size) {
+      return std::span(pointer, size);
+    }
+    #pragma clang unsafe_buffer_usage end
+Such wrapper function can be used to suppress warnings about unsafe span
+constructor usage in a more ergonomic manner::
+    void use_unsafe_c_struct(unsafe_c_struct *s) {
+      // No warning here.
+      std::span<int> sp = unsafe_forge_span(s->pointer, s->size);
+      // ...
+    }
+The code remains unsafe but it also continues to be nicely readable, and it
+proves that ``-Wunsafe-buffer-usage`` has done it best to notify you about
+the potential unsafety. A security auditor will need to keep an eye on such
+unsafe wrappers. **It is still up to you to confirm that the bounds information
+passed into the wrapper is correct.**
+Flag bounds information discontinuities with ``[[clang::unsafe_buffer_usage]]``
+The clang attribute ``[[clang::unsafe_buffer_usage]]``
+(`attribute documentation
+allows the user to annotate various objects, such as functions or member
+variables, as incompatible with the Safe Buffers programming model.
+You are encouraged to do that for arbitrary reasons, but typically the main
+reason to do that is when an unsafe function needs to be provided for
+backwards compatibility.
+For example, in the previous section we've seen how the example function
+``get_last_element()`` needed to have its parameter types changed in order
+to preserve the continuity of bounds information when receiving a buffer pointer
+from the caller. However, such a change breaks both API and ABI compatibility.
+The code that previously used this function will no longer compile, nor link,
+until every call site of that function is updated. You can reclaim the
+backwards compatibility -- in terms of both API and ABI -- by adding
+a "compatibility overload"::
+    int get_last_element(std::span<int> sp) {
+      return sp[size - 1];
+    }
+    [[clang::unsafe_buffer_usage]] // Please use the new function.
+    int get_last_element(int *pointer, size_t size) {
+      // Avoid code duplication - simply invoke the safe function!
+      // The pragma suppresses the unsafe constructor warning.
+      #pragma clang unsafe_buffer_usage begin
+      return get_last_element(std::span(pointer, size));
+      #pragma clang unsafe_buffer_usage end
+    }
+Such an overload allows the surrounding code to continue to work.
+It is both source-compatible and binary-compatible. It is also strictly safer
+than the original function because the unsafe buffer access through raw pointer
+is replaced with a safe ``std::span`` access no matter how it's called. However,
+because it requires the caller to pass the pointer and the size separately,
+it violates our "bounds information continuity" principle. This means that
+the callers who care about bounds safety needs to be encouraged to use the
+``std::span``-based overload instead. Luckily, the attribute
+``[[clang::unsafe_buffer_usage]]`` causes a ``-Wunsafe-buffer-usage`` warning
+to be displayed at every call site of the compatibility overload in order to
+remind the callers to update their code::
+    void use_last_element() {
+      std::vector<int> vec { 1, 2, 3 };
+      // no warning
+      int x = get_last_element(vec);
+      // warning: this overload introduces unsafe buffer manipulation
+      int x = get_last_element(vec.data(), vec.size());
+    }
+The compatibility overload can be further simplified with the help of the
+``unsafe_forge_span()`` wrapper as described in the previous section --
+and it even makes the pragmas unnecessary::
+    [[clang::unsafe_buffer_usage]] // Please use the new function.
+    int get_last_element(int *pointer, size_t size) {
+      // Avoid code duplication - simply invoke the safe function!
+      return get_last_element(unsafe_forge_span(pointer, size));
+    }
+Notice how the attribute ``[[clang::unsafe_buffer_usage]]`` does **not**
+suppress the warnings within the function on its own. Similarly, functions whose
+entire definitions are covered by ``#pragma clang unsafe_buffer_usage`` do
+**not** become automatically annotated with the attribute
+``[[clang::unsafe_buffer_usage]]``. They serve two different purposes:
+- The pragma says that the function isn't safely **written**;
+- The attribute says that the function isn't safe to **use**.
+Also notice how we've made an **unsafe** wrapper for a **safe** function.
+This is significantly better than making a **safe** wrapper for an **unsafe**
+function. In other words, the following solution is significantly more unsafe
+and undesirable than the previous solution::
+    int get_last_element(std::span<int> sp) {
+      // You've just added that attribute, and now you need to
+      // immediately suppress the warning that comes with it?
+      #pragma clang unsafe_buffer_usage begin
+      return get_last_element(sp.data(), sp.size());
+      #pragma clang unsafe_buffer_usage end
+    }
+    [[clang::unsafe_buffer_usage]]
+    int get_last_element(int *pointer, size_t size) {
+      // This access is still completely unchecked. What's the point of having
+      // perfect bounds information if you aren't performing runtime checks?
+      #pragma clang unsafe_buffer_usage begin
+      return ptr[sz - 1];
+      #pragma clang unsafe_buffer_usage end
+    }
+**Structs and classes**, unlike functions, cannot be overloaded. If a struct
+contains an unsafe buffer (in the form of a nested array or a pointer/size pair)
+then it is typically impossible to replace them with a safe container (such as
+``std::array`` or ``std::span`` respectively) without breaking the layout
+of the struct and introducing both source and binary incompatibilities with
+the surrounding client code.
+Additionally, member variables of a class cannot be naturally "hidden" from
+client code. If a class needs to be used by clients who haven't updated to
+C++20 yet, you cannot use the C++20-specific ``std::span`` as a member variable
+type. If the definition of a struct is shared with plain C code that manipulates
+member variables directly, you cannot use any C++-specific types for these
+member variables.
+In such cases there's usually no backwards-compatible way to use safe types
+directly. The best option is usually to discourage the clients from using
+member variables directly by annotating the member variables with the attribute
+``[[clang::unsafe_buffer_usage]]``, and then to change the interface
+of the class to provide safe "accessors" to the unsafe data.
+For example, let's assume the worst-case scenario: ``struct foo`` is an unsafe
+struct type fully defined in a header shared between plain C code and C++ code::
+    struct foo {
+      int *pointer;
+      size_t size;
+    };
+In this case you can achieve safety in C++ code by annotating the member
+variables as unsafe and encapsulating them into safe accessor methods::
+    struct foo {
+      [[clang::unsafe_buffer_usage]]
+      int *pointer;
+      [[clang::unsafe_buffer_usage]]
+      size_t size;
+    // Avoid showing this code to clients who are unable to digest it.
+    #if __cplusplus >= 202002L
+      std::span<int> get_pointer_as_span() {
+        #pragma clang unsafe_buffer_usage begin
+        return std::span(pointer, size);
+        #pragma clang unsafe_buffer_usage end
+      }
+      void set_pointer_from_span(std::span<int> sp) {
+        #pragma clang unsafe_buffer_usage begin
+        pointer = sp.data();
+        size = sp.size();
+        #pragma clang unsafe_buffer_usage end
+      }
+      // Potentially more utility functions.
+    #endif
+    };
+Future Work
+The ``-Wunsafe-buffer-usage`` technology is in active development. The warning
+is largely ready for everyday use but it is continuously improved to reduce
+unnecessary noise as well as cover some of the trickier unsafe operations.
+Fix-It Hints for ``-Wunsafe-buffer-usage``
+A code transformation tool is in development that can semi-automatically
+transform large bodies of code to follow the C++ Safe Buffers programming model.
+It can currently be accessed by passing the experimental flag
+``-fsafe-buffer-usage-suggestions`` in addition to ``-Wunsafe-buffer-usage``.
+Fixits produced this way currently assume the default approach described
+in this document as they suggest standard containers and views (most notably
+``std::span`` and ``std::array``) as replacements for raw buffer pointers.
+This also additionally requires libc++ hardening in order to make the runtime
+bounds checks actually happen.
+Static Analysis to Identify Suspicious Sources of Bounds Information
+The unsafe constructor ``span(pointer, size)`` is often a necessary evil
+when it comes to interoperation with unsafe code. However, passing the
+correct bounds information to such constructor is often difficult.
+In order to detect those ``span(target_pointer, source_size)`` anti-patterns,
+path-sensitive analysis performed by `the clang static analyzer
+<https://clang-analyzer.llvm.org>`_ can be taught to identify situations
+when the pointer and the size are coming from "suspiciously different" sources.
+Such analysis will be able to identify the source of information with
+significantly higher precision than that of the compiler, making it much better
+at identifying incorrect bounds information in your code while producing
+significantly fewer warnings. It will also need to bypass
+``#pragma clang unsafe_buffer_usage`` suppressions and "see through"
+unsafe wrappers such as ``unsafe_forge_span`` -- something that
+the static analyzer is naturally capable of doing.
diff --git a/clang/docs/index.rst b/clang/docs/index.rst
index 4a497f4d9bcc3c..c1346dcc6e6773 100644
--- a/clang/docs/index.rst
+++ b/clang/docs/index.rst
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ Using Clang as a Compiler
+   SafeBuffers

>From c6f9c1ab9434d4b78523a9eb28cfb2899c9c57ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Artem Dergachev <adergachev at apple.com>
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2024 21:31:24 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Fix an insufficiently long header underline.

 clang/docs/SafeBuffers.rst | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/clang/docs/SafeBuffers.rst b/clang/docs/SafeBuffers.rst
index 124f73799c72cb..5b8708d20430f9 100644
--- a/clang/docs/SafeBuffers.rst
+++ b/clang/docs/SafeBuffers.rst
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ is largely ready for everyday use but it is continuously improved to reduce
 unnecessary noise as well as cover some of the trickier unsafe operations.
 Fix-It Hints for ``-Wunsafe-buffer-usage``
 A code transformation tool is in development that can semi-automatically
 transform large bodies of code to follow the C++ Safe Buffers programming model.

>From f66ed432933e0f4b72306fa5ca39f61a61a9514e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Artem Dergachev <adergachev at apple.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2024 12:00:22 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Fix typo.

 clang/docs/SafeBuffers.rst | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/clang/docs/SafeBuffers.rst b/clang/docs/SafeBuffers.rst
index 5b8708d20430f9..144c3a76a5832f 100644
--- a/clang/docs/SafeBuffers.rst
+++ b/clang/docs/SafeBuffers.rst
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ There are a few natural reasons to use this pragma:
   never be converted to C++) or with the code that simply haven't been converted
-Interoperation with unsafe code code may require a lot of suppressions.
+Interoperation with unsafe code may require a lot of suppressions.
 You are encouraged to introduce "unsafe wrapper functions" for various unsafe
 operations that you need to perform regularly.

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