[clang] ea568a9 - [libclang/python] Improve test coverage (#109846)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Sep 27 09:56:58 PDT 2024

Author: Jannick Kremer
Date: 2024-09-27T18:56:55+02:00
New Revision: ea568a93ce78d150957cf8afc7159596cd85d912

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/ea568a93ce78d150957cf8afc7159596cd85d912
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/ea568a93ce78d150957cf8afc7159596cd85d912.diff

LOG: [libclang/python] Improve test coverage (#109846)

Achieve 100% test coverage on classes Cursor, Diagnostic, Type.




diff  --git a/clang/bindings/python/tests/cindex/test_cursor.py b/clang/bindings/python/tests/cindex/test_cursor.py
index 7476947bde2ea6..77d8ca415708f8 100644
--- a/clang/bindings/python/tests/cindex/test_cursor.py
+++ b/clang/bindings/python/tests/cindex/test_cursor.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 from clang.cindex import TranslationUnit
 from clang.cindex import TypeKind
 from clang.cindex import BinaryOperator
+from clang.cindex import StorageClass
 from .util import get_cursor
 from .util import get_cursors
 from .util import get_tu
@@ -279,6 +280,90 @@ def test_is_default_method(self):
+    def test_is_deleted_method(self):
+        source = "class X { X() = delete; }; class Y { Y(); };"
+        tu = get_tu(source, lang="cpp")
+        xs = get_cursors(tu, "X")
+        ys = get_cursors(tu, "Y")
+        self.assertEqual(len(xs), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(len(ys), 2)
+        xc = xs[1]
+        yc = ys[1]
+        self.assertTrue(xc.is_deleted_method())
+        self.assertFalse(yc.is_deleted_method())
+    def test_is_copy_assignment_operator_method(self):
+        source_with_copy_assignment_operators = """
+        struct Foo {
+           // Those are copy-assignment operators
+           bool operator=(const Foo&);
+           bool operator=(Foo&);
+           Foo operator=(Foo);
+           bool operator=(volatile Foo&);
+           bool operator=(const volatile Foo&);
+        // Positive-check that the recognition works for templated classes too
+        template <typename T>
+        class Bar {
+            bool operator=(const Bar&);
+            Bar operator=(const Bar);
+            bool operator=(Bar<T>&);
+            bool operator=(volatile Bar&);
+            bool operator=(const volatile Bar<T>&);
+        };
+        """
+        source_without_copy_assignment_operators = """
+        struct Foo {
+            // Those are not copy-assignment operators
+            template<typename T>
+            bool operator=(const T&);
+            bool operator=(const bool&);
+            bool operator=(char&);
+            bool operator=(volatile unsigned int&);
+            bool operator=(const volatile unsigned char&);
+            bool operator=(int);
+            bool operator=(Foo&&);
+        };
+        """
+        tu_with_copy_assignment_operators = get_tu(
+            source_with_copy_assignment_operators, lang="cpp"
+        )
+        tu_without_copy_assignment_operators = get_tu(
+            source_without_copy_assignment_operators, lang="cpp"
+        )
+        copy_assignment_operators_cursors = get_cursors(
+            tu_with_copy_assignment_operators, "operator="
+        )
+        non_copy_assignment_operators_cursors = get_cursors(
+            tu_without_copy_assignment_operators, "operator="
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(len(copy_assignment_operators_cursors), 10)
+        self.assertTrue(len(non_copy_assignment_operators_cursors), 9)
+        self.assertTrue(
+            all(
+                [
+                    cursor.is_copy_assignment_operator_method()
+                    for cursor in copy_assignment_operators_cursors
+                ]
+            )
+        )
+        self.assertFalse(
+            any(
+                [
+                    cursor.is_copy_assignment_operator_method()
+                    for cursor in non_copy_assignment_operators_cursors
+                ]
+            )
+        )
     def test_is_move_assignment_operator_method(self):
         """Ensure Cursor.is_move_assignment_operator_method works."""
         source_with_move_assignment_operators = """
@@ -482,6 +567,41 @@ def test_is_scoped_enum(self):
+    def test_get_definition(self):
+        """Ensure Cursor.get_definition works."""
+        tu = get_tu(
+            """
+class A {
+    constexpr static int f(){return 3;}
+struct B {
+    int b = A::f();
+            lang="cpp",
+        )
+        curs = get_cursors(tu, "f")
+        self.assertEqual(len(curs), 4)
+        self.assertEqual(curs[0].kind, CursorKind.CXX_METHOD)
+        self.assertEqual(curs[1].get_definition(), curs[0])
+        self.assertEqual(curs[2].get_definition(), curs[0])
+        self.assertEqual(curs[3].get_definition(), curs[0])
+    def test_get_usr(self):
+        """Ensure Cursor.get_usr works."""
+        tu = get_tu(
+            """
+int add(int, int);
+int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
+int add(float a, float b) { return a + b; }
+            lang="cpp",
+        )
+        curs = get_cursors(tu, "add")
+        self.assertEqual(len(curs), 3)
+        self.assertEqual(curs[0].get_usr(), curs[1].get_usr())
+        self.assertNotEqual(curs[0].get_usr(), curs[2].get_usr())
     def test_underlying_type(self):
         tu = get_tu("typedef int foo;")
         typedef = get_cursor(tu, "foo")
@@ -570,6 +690,23 @@ def test_enum_values_cpp(self):
         self.assertEqual(ham.kind, CursorKind.ENUM_CONSTANT_DECL)
         self.assertEqual(ham.enum_value, 0x10000000000)
+    def test_enum_values_unsigned(self):
+        tu = get_tu("enum TEST : unsigned char { SPAM=0, HAM = 200};", lang="cpp")
+        enum = get_cursor(tu, "TEST")
+        self.assertIsNotNone(enum)
+        self.assertEqual(enum.kind, CursorKind.ENUM_DECL)
+        enum_constants = list(enum.get_children())
+        self.assertEqual(len(enum_constants), 2)
+        spam, ham = enum_constants
+        self.assertEqual(spam.kind, CursorKind.ENUM_CONSTANT_DECL)
+        self.assertEqual(spam.enum_value, 0)
+        self.assertEqual(ham.kind, CursorKind.ENUM_CONSTANT_DECL)
+        self.assertEqual(ham.enum_value, 200)
     def test_annotation_attribute(self):
         tu = get_tu(
             'int foo (void) __attribute__ ((annotate("here be annotation attribute")));'
@@ -625,6 +762,25 @@ def test_result_type_objc_method_decl(self):
         self.assertEqual(cursor.kind, CursorKind.OBJC_INSTANCE_METHOD_DECL)
         self.assertEqual(result_type.kind, TypeKind.VOID)
+    def test_storage_class(self):
+        tu = get_tu(
+            """
+extern int ex;
+register int reg;
+int count(int a, int b){
+    static int counter = 0;
+    return 0;
+            lang="cpp",
+        )
+        cursor = get_cursor(tu, "ex")
+        self.assertEqual(cursor.storage_class, StorageClass.EXTERN)
+        cursor = get_cursor(tu, "counter")
+        self.assertEqual(cursor.storage_class, StorageClass.STATIC)
+        cursor = get_cursor(tu, "reg")
+        self.assertEqual(cursor.storage_class, StorageClass.REGISTER)
     def test_availability(self):
         tu = get_tu("class A { A(A const&) = delete; };", lang="cpp")
@@ -681,6 +837,23 @@ def test_get_token_cursor(self):
         r_cursor = t_cursor.referenced  # should not raise an exception
         self.assertEqual(r_cursor.kind, CursorKind.CLASS_DECL)
+    def test_get_field_offsetof(self):
+        tu = get_tu(
+            "struct myStruct {int a; char b; char c; short d; char e;};", lang="cpp"
+        )
+        c1 = get_cursor(tu, "myStruct")
+        c2 = get_cursor(tu, "a")
+        c3 = get_cursor(tu, "b")
+        c4 = get_cursor(tu, "c")
+        c5 = get_cursor(tu, "d")
+        c6 = get_cursor(tu, "e")
+        self.assertEqual(c1.get_field_offsetof(), -1)
+        self.assertEqual(c2.get_field_offsetof(), 0)
+        self.assertEqual(c3.get_field_offsetof(), 32)
+        self.assertEqual(c4.get_field_offsetof(), 40)
+        self.assertEqual(c5.get_field_offsetof(), 48)
+        self.assertEqual(c6.get_field_offsetof(), 64)
     def test_get_arguments(self):
         tu = get_tu("void foo(int i, int j);")
         foo = get_cursor(tu, "foo")
@@ -799,3 +972,13 @@ def test_binop(self):
         for op, typ in operators.items():
             c = get_cursor(tu, op)
             assert c.binary_operator == typ
+    def test_from_result_null(self):
+        tu = get_tu("int a = 1+2;", lang="cpp")
+        op = next(next(tu.cursor.get_children()).get_children())
+        self.assertEqual(op.kind, CursorKind.BINARY_OPERATOR)
+        self.assertEqual(op.get_definition(), None)
+    def test_from_cursor_result_null(self):
+        tu = get_tu("")
+        self.assertEqual(tu.cursor.semantic_parent, None)

diff  --git a/clang/bindings/python/tests/cindex/test_diagnostics.py b/clang/bindings/python/tests/cindex/test_diagnostics.py
index 57c41baaa25419..041083d12c7f16 100644
--- a/clang/bindings/python/tests/cindex/test_diagnostics.py
+++ b/clang/bindings/python/tests/cindex/test_diagnostics.py
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ def test_diagnostic_fixit(self):
         self.assertEqual(tu.diagnostics[0].location.column, 26)
         self.assertRegex(tu.diagnostics[0].spelling, "use of GNU old-style.*")
         self.assertEqual(len(tu.diagnostics[0].fixits), 1)
+        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
+            tu.diagnostics[0].fixits[1]
         self.assertEqual(tu.diagnostics[0].fixits[0].range.start.line, 1)
         self.assertEqual(tu.diagnostics[0].fixits[0].range.start.column, 26)
         self.assertEqual(tu.diagnostics[0].fixits[0].range.end.line, 1)
@@ -97,6 +99,8 @@ def test_diagnostic_children(self):
         children = d.children
         self.assertEqual(len(children), 1)
+        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
+            children[1]
         self.assertEqual(children[0].severity, Diagnostic.Note)
         self.assertRegex(children[0].spelling, ".*declared here")
         self.assertEqual(children[0].location.line, 1)
@@ -111,3 +115,16 @@ def test_diagnostic_string_repr(self):
             "<Diagnostic severity 3, location <SourceLocation file 't.c', line 1, column 26>, spelling \"expected ';' after struct\">",
+    def test_diagnostic_string_format(self):
+        tu = get_tu("struct MissingSemicolon{}")
+        self.assertEqual(len(tu.diagnostics), 1)
+        d = tu.diagnostics[0]
+        self.assertEqual(str(d), "t.c:1:26: error: expected ';' after struct")
+        self.assertEqual(
+            d.format(0b111111),
+            "t.c:1:26: error: expected ';' after struct [3, Parse Issue]",
+        )
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            d.format(0b1000000)

diff  --git a/clang/bindings/python/tests/cindex/test_type.py b/clang/bindings/python/tests/cindex/test_type.py
index 1dd8db0e3e814c..928a9794e42133 100644
--- a/clang/bindings/python/tests/cindex/test_type.py
+++ b/clang/bindings/python/tests/cindex/test_type.py
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@
 from clang.cindex import CursorKind
 from clang.cindex import TranslationUnit
 from clang.cindex import TypeKind
+from clang.cindex import RefQualifierKind
 from .util import get_cursor
+from .util import get_cursors
 from .util import get_tu
@@ -308,10 +310,10 @@ def test_element_type(self):
     def test_invalid_element_type(self):
         """Ensure Type.element_type raises if type doesn't have elements."""
         tu = get_tu("int i;")
-        i = get_cursor(tu, "i")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(i)
-        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
-            i.element_type
+        ty = get_cursor(tu, "i").type
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as ctx:
+            ty.element_type
+        self.assertEqual(str(ctx.exception), "Element type not available on this type.")
     def test_element_count(self):
         """Ensure Type.element_count works."""
@@ -357,6 +359,49 @@ def test_is_restrict_qualified(self):
+    def test_get_result(self):
+        tu = get_tu("void foo(); int bar(char, short);")
+        foo = get_cursor(tu, "foo")
+        bar = get_cursor(tu, "bar")
+        self.assertEqual(foo.type.get_result().spelling, "void")
+        self.assertEqual(bar.type.get_result().spelling, "int")
+    def test_get_class_type(self):
+        tu = get_tu(
+            """
+class myClass
+   char *myAttr;
+char *myClass::*pMyAttr = &myClass::myAttr;
+            lang="cpp",
+        )
+        cur = get_cursor(tu, "pMyAttr")
+        self.assertEqual(cur.type.get_class_type().spelling, "myClass")
+    def test_get_named_type(self):
+        tu = get_tu("using char_alias = char; char_alias xyz;", lang="cpp")
+        cur = get_cursor(tu, "xyz")
+        self.assertEqual(cur.type.get_named_type().spelling, "char_alias")
+    def test_get_ref_qualifier(self):
+        tu = get_tu(
+            """
+class A
+	const int& getAttr() const &;
+	int getAttr() const &&;
+            lang="cpp",
+        )
+        getters = get_cursors(tu, "getAttr")
+        self.assertEqual(len(getters), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(getters[0].type.get_ref_qualifier(), RefQualifierKind.LVALUE)
+        self.assertEqual(getters[1].type.get_ref_qualifier(), RefQualifierKind.RVALUE)
     def test_record_layout(self):
         """Ensure Cursor.type.get_size, Cursor.type.get_align and
         Cursor.type.get_offset works."""


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