[clang] nonblocking/nonallocating attributes: 2nd pass caller/callee analysis (PR #99656)

Doug Wyatt via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Aug 20 06:08:49 PDT 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,1199 @@
+//=== EffectAnalysis.cpp - Sema warnings for function effects -------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file implements caller/callee analysis for function effects.
+#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
+#include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"
+#include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
+#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
+#include "clang/Sema/SemaInternal.h"
+#define DEBUG_TYPE "fxanalysis"
+using namespace clang;
+namespace {
+enum class ViolationID : uint8_t {
+  None = 0, // sentinel for an empty Violation
+  Throws,
+  Catches,
+  CallsObjC,
+  AllocatesMemory,
+  HasStaticLocal,
+  AccessesThreadLocal,
+  // These only apply to callees, where the analysis stops at the Decl
+  DeclDisallowsInference,
+  CallsDeclWithoutEffect,
+  CallsExprWithoutEffect,
+// Represents a violation of the rules, potentially for the entire duration of
+// the analysis phase, in order to refer to it when explaining why a caller has
+// been made unsafe by a callee. Can be transformed into either a Diagnostic
+// (warning or a note), depending on whether the violation pertains to a
+// function failing to be verifed as holding an effect vs. a function failing to
+// be inferred as holding that effect.
+struct Violation {
+  FunctionEffect Effect;
+  FunctionEffect CalleeEffectPreventingInference; // only for certain IDs
+  ViolationID ID = ViolationID::None;
+  SourceLocation Loc;
+  const Decl *Callee = nullptr; // only valid for Calls*
+  Violation() = default;
+  Violation(const FunctionEffect &Effect, ViolationID ID, SourceLocation Loc,
+            const Decl *Callee = nullptr,
+            const FunctionEffect *CalleeEffect = nullptr)
+      : Effect(Effect), ID(ID), Loc(Loc), Callee(Callee) {
+    if (CalleeEffect != nullptr)
+      CalleeEffectPreventingInference = *CalleeEffect;
+  }
+enum class SpecialFuncType : uint8_t { None, OperatorNew, OperatorDelete };
+enum class CallableType {
+  // unknown: probably function pointer
+  Unknown,
+  Function,
+  Virtual,
+  Block
+// Return whether a function's effects CAN be verified.
+// The question of whether it SHOULD be verified is independent.
+static bool functionIsVerifiable(const FunctionDecl *FD) {
+  if (FD->isTrivial()) {
+    // Otherwise `struct x { int a; };` would have an unverifiable default
+    // constructor.
+    return true;
+  }
+  return FD->hasBody();
+static bool isNoexcept(const FunctionDecl *FD) {
+  const auto *FPT = FD->getType()->castAs<FunctionProtoType>();
+  if (FPT->isNothrow() || FD->hasAttr<NoThrowAttr>())
+    return true;
+  return false;
+// Transitory, more extended information about a callable, which can be a
+// function, block, or function pointer.
+struct CallableInfo {
+  // CDecl holds the function's definition, if any.
+  // FunctionDecl if CallableType::Function or Virtual
+  // BlockDecl if CallableType::Block
+  const Decl *CDecl;
+  // Remember whether the callable is a function, block, virtual method,
+  // or (presumed) function pointer.
+  CallableType CType = CallableType::Unknown;
+  // Remember whether the callable is an operator new or delete function,
+  // so that calls to them are reported more meaningfully, as memory
+  // allocations.
+  SpecialFuncType FuncType = SpecialFuncType::None;
+  // We inevitably want to know the callable's declared effects, so cache them.
+  FunctionEffectKindSet Effects;
+  CallableInfo(const Decl &CD, SpecialFuncType FT = SpecialFuncType::None)
+      : CDecl(&CD), FuncType(FT) {
+    FunctionEffectsRef DeclEffects;
+    if (auto *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(CDecl)) {
+      // Use the function's definition, if any.
+      if (const FunctionDecl *Def = FD->getDefinition())
+        CDecl = FD = Def;
+      CType = CallableType::Function;
+      if (auto *Method = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(FD);
+          Method && Method->isVirtual())
+        CType = CallableType::Virtual;
+      DeclEffects = FD->getFunctionEffects();
+    } else if (auto *BD = dyn_cast<BlockDecl>(CDecl)) {
+      CType = CallableType::Block;
+      DeclEffects = BD->getFunctionEffects();
+    } else if (auto *VD = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(CDecl)) {
+      // ValueDecl is function, enum, or variable, so just look at its type.
+      DeclEffects = FunctionEffectsRef::get(VD->getType());
+    }
+    Effects = FunctionEffectKindSet(DeclEffects);
+  }
+  CallableType type() const { return CType; }
+  bool isCalledDirectly() const {
+    return CType == CallableType::Function || CType == CallableType::Block;
+  }
+  bool isVerifiable() const {
+    switch (CType) {
+    case CallableType::Unknown:
+    case CallableType::Virtual:
+      return false;
+    case CallableType::Block:
+      return true;
+    case CallableType::Function:
+      return functionIsVerifiable(dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(CDecl));
+    }
+    llvm_unreachable("undefined CallableType");
+  }
+  /// Generate a name for logging and diagnostics.
+  std::string name(Sema &Sem) const {
+    std::string Name;
+    llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Name);
+    if (auto *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(CDecl))
+      FD->getNameForDiagnostic(OS, Sem.getPrintingPolicy(),
+                               /*Qualified=*/true);
+    else if (auto *BD = dyn_cast<BlockDecl>(CDecl))
+      OS << "(block " << BD->getBlockManglingNumber() << ")";
+    else if (auto *VD = dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(CDecl))
+      VD->printQualifiedName(OS);
+    return Name;
+  }
+// ----------
+// Map effects to single Violations, to hold the first (of potentially many)
+// violations pertaining to an effect, per function.
+class EffectToViolationMap {
+  // Since we currently only have a tiny number of effects (typically no more
+  // than 1), use a sorted SmallVector with an inline capacity of 1. Since it
+  // is often empty, use a unique_ptr to the SmallVector.
+  // Note that Violation itself contains a FunctionEffect which is the key.
+  using ImplVec = llvm::SmallVector<Violation, 1>;
+  std::unique_ptr<ImplVec> Impl;
+  // Insert a new Violation if we do not already have one for its effect.
+  void maybeInsert(const Violation &Viol) {
+    if (Impl == nullptr)
+      Impl = std::make_unique<ImplVec>();
+    auto *Iter = _find(Viol.Effect);
+    if (Iter != Impl->end() && Iter->Effect == Viol.Effect)
+      return;
+    Impl->insert(Iter, Viol);
+  }
+  const Violation *lookup(FunctionEffect Key) {
+    if (Impl == nullptr)
+      return nullptr;
+    auto *Iter = _find(Key);
+    if (Iter != Impl->end() && Iter->Effect == Key)
+      return &*Iter;
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  size_t size() const { return Impl ? Impl->size() : 0; }
+  ImplVec::iterator _find(const FunctionEffect &key) {
+    // A linear search suffices for a tiny number of possible effects.
+    auto *End = Impl->end();
+    for (auto *Iter = Impl->begin(); Iter != End; ++Iter)
+      if (!(Iter->Effect < key))
+        return Iter;
+    return End;
+  }
+// ----------
+// State pertaining to a function whose AST is walked and whose effect analysis
+// is dependent on a subsequent analysis of other functions.
+class PendingFunctionAnalysis {
+  friend class CompleteFunctionAnalysis;
+  struct DirectCall {
+    const Decl *Callee;
+    SourceLocation CallLoc;
+    // Not all recursive calls are detected, just enough
+    // to break cycles.
+    bool Recursed = false;
+    DirectCall(const Decl *D, SourceLocation CallLoc)
+        : Callee(D), CallLoc(CallLoc) {}
+  };
+  // We always have two disjoint sets of effects to verify:
+  // 1. Effects declared explicitly by this function.
+  // 2. All other inferrable effects needing verification.
+  FunctionEffectKindSet DeclaredVerifiableEffects;
+  FunctionEffectKindSet FXToInfer;
+  // Violations pertaining to the function's explicit effects.
+  SmallVector<Violation, 0> ViolationsForExplicitFX;
+  // Violations pertaining to other, non-explicit, inferrable effects.
+  EffectToViolationMap InferrableEffectToFirstViolation;
+  // These unverified direct calls are what keeps the analysis "pending",
+  // until the callees can be verified.
+  SmallVector<DirectCall, 0> UnverifiedDirectCalls;
+  PendingFunctionAnalysis(
+      Sema &Sem, const CallableInfo &CInfo,
+      const FunctionEffectKindSet &AllInferrableEffectsToVerify)
+      : DeclaredVerifiableEffects(CInfo.Effects) {
+    // Check for effects we are not allowed to infer
+    FunctionEffectKindSet InferrableFX;
+    for (const FunctionEffect &effect : AllInferrableEffectsToVerify) {
+      std::optional<FunctionEffect> ProblemCalleeEffect =
+          effect.effectProhibitingInference(*CInfo.CDecl, CInfo.Effects);
+      if (!ProblemCalleeEffect)
+        InferrableFX.insert(effect);
+      else {
+        // Add a Violation for this effect if a caller were to
+        // try to infer it.
+        InferrableEffectToFirstViolation.maybeInsert(Violation(
+            effect, ViolationID::DeclDisallowsInference,
+            CInfo.CDecl->getLocation(), nullptr, &*ProblemCalleeEffect));
+      }
+    }
+    // InferrableFX is now the set of inferrable effects which are not
+    // prohibited
+    FXToInfer = FunctionEffectKindSet::difference(InferrableFX,
+                                                  DeclaredVerifiableEffects);
+  }
+  // Hide the way that Violations for explicitly required effects vs. inferred
+  // ones are handled differently.
+  void checkAddViolation(bool Inferring, const Violation &NewViol) {
+    if (!Inferring)
+      ViolationsForExplicitFX.push_back(NewViol);
+    else
+      InferrableEffectToFirstViolation.maybeInsert(NewViol);
+  }
+  void addUnverifiedDirectCall(const Decl *D, SourceLocation CallLoc) {
+    UnverifiedDirectCalls.emplace_back(D, CallLoc);
+  }
+  // Analysis is complete when there are no unverified direct calls.
+  bool isComplete() const { return UnverifiedDirectCalls.empty(); }
+  const Violation *violationForInferrableEffect(FunctionEffect effect) {
+    return InferrableEffectToFirstViolation.lookup(effect);
+  }
+  SmallVector<DirectCall, 0> &unverifiedCalls() {
+    assert(!isComplete());
+    return UnverifiedDirectCalls;
+  }
+  SmallVector<Violation, 0> &getViolationsForExplicitFX() {
+    return ViolationsForExplicitFX;
+  }
+  void dump(Sema &SemaRef, llvm::raw_ostream &OS) const {
+    OS << "Pending: Declared ";
+    DeclaredVerifiableEffects.dump(OS);
+    OS << ", " << ViolationsForExplicitFX.size() << " violations; ";
+    OS << " Infer ";
+    FXToInfer.dump(OS);
+    OS << ", " << InferrableEffectToFirstViolation.size() << " violations";
+    if (!UnverifiedDirectCalls.empty()) {
+      OS << "; Calls: ";
+      for (const DirectCall &Call : UnverifiedDirectCalls) {
+        CallableInfo CI(*Call.Callee);
+        OS << " " << CI.name(SemaRef);
+      }
+    }
+    OS << "\n";
+  }
+// ----------
+class CompleteFunctionAnalysis {
+  // Current size: 2 pointers
+  // Has effects which are both the declared ones -- not to be inferred -- plus
+  // ones which have been successfully inferred. These are all considered
+  // "verified" for the purposes of callers; any issue with verifying declared
+  // effects has already been reported and is not the problem of any caller.
+  FunctionEffectKindSet VerifiedEffects;
+  // This is used to generate notes about failed inference.
+  EffectToViolationMap InferrableEffectToFirstViolation;
+  // The incoming Pending analysis is consumed (member(s) are moved-from).
+  CompleteFunctionAnalysis(
+      ASTContext &Ctx, PendingFunctionAnalysis &Pending,
+      const FunctionEffectKindSet &DeclaredEffects,
+      const FunctionEffectKindSet &AllInferrableEffectsToVerify)
+      : VerifiedEffects(DeclaredEffects) {
+    for (const FunctionEffect &effect : AllInferrableEffectsToVerify)
+      if (Pending.violationForInferrableEffect(effect) == nullptr)
+        VerifiedEffects.insert(effect);
+    InferrableEffectToFirstViolation =
+        std::move(Pending.InferrableEffectToFirstViolation);
+  }
+  const Violation *firstViolationForEffect(const FunctionEffect &Effect) {
+    return InferrableEffectToFirstViolation.lookup(Effect);
+  }
+  void dump(llvm::raw_ostream &OS) const {
+    OS << "Complete: Verified ";
+    VerifiedEffects.dump(OS);
+    OS << "; Infer ";
+    OS << InferrableEffectToFirstViolation.size() << " violations\n";
+  }
+const Decl *CanonicalFunctionDecl(const Decl *D) {
+  if (auto *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(D)) {
+    FD = FD->getCanonicalDecl();
+    assert(FD != nullptr);
+    return FD;
+  }
+  return D;
+// ==========
+class Analyzer {
+  Sema &Sem;
+  // Subset of Sema.AllEffectsToVerify
+  FunctionEffectKindSet AllInferrableEffectsToVerify;
+  using FuncAnalysisPtr =
+      llvm::PointerUnion<PendingFunctionAnalysis *, CompleteFunctionAnalysis *>;
+  // Map all Decls analyzed to FuncAnalysisPtr. Pending state is larger
+  // than complete state, so use different objects to represent them.
+  // The state pointers are owned by the container.
+  class AnalysisMap : protected llvm::DenseMap<const Decl *, FuncAnalysisPtr> {
+    using Base = llvm::DenseMap<const Decl *, FuncAnalysisPtr>;
+  public:
+    ~AnalysisMap();
+    // Use non-public inheritance in order to maintain the invariant
+    // that lookups and insertions are via the canonical Decls.
+    FuncAnalysisPtr lookup(const Decl *Key) const {
+      return Base::lookup(CanonicalFunctionDecl(Key));
+    }
+    FuncAnalysisPtr &operator[](const Decl *Key) {
+      return Base::operator[](CanonicalFunctionDecl(Key));
+    }
+    /// Shortcut for the case where we only care about completed analysis.
+    CompleteFunctionAnalysis *completedAnalysisForDecl(const Decl *D) const {
+      if (FuncAnalysisPtr AP = lookup(D);
+          isa_and_nonnull<CompleteFunctionAnalysis *>(AP))
+        return AP.get<CompleteFunctionAnalysis *>();
+      return nullptr;
+    }
+    void dump(Sema &SemaRef, llvm::raw_ostream &OS) {
+      OS << "\nAnalysisMap:\n";
+      for (const auto &item : *this) {
+        CallableInfo CI(*item.first);
+        const auto AP = item.second;
+        OS << item.first << " " << CI.name(SemaRef) << " : ";
+        if (AP.isNull())
+          OS << "null\n";
+        else if (isa<CompleteFunctionAnalysis *>(AP)) {
+          auto *CFA = AP.get<CompleteFunctionAnalysis *>();
+          OS << CFA << " ";
+          CFA->dump(OS);
+        } else if (isa<PendingFunctionAnalysis *>(AP)) {
+          auto *PFA = AP.get<PendingFunctionAnalysis *>();
+          OS << PFA << " ";
+          PFA->dump(SemaRef, OS);
+        } else
+          llvm_unreachable("never");
+      }
+      OS << "---\n";
+    }
+  };
+  AnalysisMap DeclAnalysis;
+  Analyzer(Sema &S) : Sem(S) {}
+  void run(const TranslationUnitDecl &TU) {
+    // Gather all of the effects to be verified to see what operations need to
+    // be checked, and to see which ones are inferrable.
+    for (const FunctionEffect &Effect : Sem.AllEffectsToVerify) {
+      const FunctionEffect::Flags Flags = Effect.flags();
+      if (Flags & FunctionEffect::FE_InferrableOnCallees)
+        AllInferrableEffectsToVerify.insert(Effect);
+    }
+    LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "AllInferrableEffectsToVerify: ";
+               AllInferrableEffectsToVerify.dump(llvm::dbgs());
+               llvm::dbgs() << "\n";);
+    // We can use DeclsWithEffectsToVerify as a stack for a
+    // depth-first traversal; there's no need for a second container. But first,
+    // reverse it, so when working from the end, Decls are verified in the order
+    // they are declared.
+    SmallVector<const Decl *> &VerificationQueue = Sem.DeclsWithEffectsToVerify;
+    std::reverse(VerificationQueue.begin(), VerificationQueue.end());
+    while (!VerificationQueue.empty()) {
+      const Decl *D = VerificationQueue.back();
+      if (FuncAnalysisPtr AP = DeclAnalysis.lookup(D)) {
+        if (isa<CompleteFunctionAnalysis *>(AP)) {
+          // already done
+          VerificationQueue.pop_back();
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (isa<PendingFunctionAnalysis *>(AP)) {
+          // All children have been traversed; finish analysis.
+          auto *Pending = AP.get<PendingFunctionAnalysis *>();
+          finishPendingAnalysis(D, Pending);
+          VerificationQueue.pop_back();
+          continue;
+        }
+        llvm_unreachable("unexpected DeclAnalysis item");
+      }
+      // Not previously visited; begin a new analysis for this Decl.
+      PendingFunctionAnalysis *Pending = verifyDecl(D);
+      if (Pending == nullptr) {
+        // completed now
+        VerificationQueue.pop_back();
+        continue;
+      }
+      // Analysis remains pending because there are direct callees to be
+      // verified first. Push them onto the queue.
+      for (PendingFunctionAnalysis::DirectCall &Call :
+           Pending->unverifiedCalls()) {
+        FuncAnalysisPtr AP = DeclAnalysis.lookup(Call.Callee);
+        if (AP.isNull()) {
+          VerificationQueue.push_back(Call.Callee);
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (isa<PendingFunctionAnalysis *>(AP)) {
+          // This indicates recursion (not necessarily direct). For the
+          // purposes of effect analysis, we can just ignore it since
+          // no effects forbid recursion.
+          Call.Recursed = true;
+          continue;
+        }
+        llvm_unreachable("unexpected DeclAnalysis item");
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Verify a single Decl. Return the pending structure if that was the result,
+  // else null. This method must not recurse.
+  PendingFunctionAnalysis *verifyDecl(const Decl *D) {
+    CallableInfo CInfo(*D);
+    bool isExternC = false;
+    if (const FunctionDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(D)) {
+      assert(FD->getBuiltinID() == 0);
+      isExternC = FD->getCanonicalDecl()->isExternCContext();
+    }
+    // For C++, with non-extern "C" linkage only - if any of the Decl's declared
+    // effects forbid throwing (e.g. nonblocking) then the function should also
+    // be declared noexcept.
+    if (Sem.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus && !isExternC) {
+      for (const FunctionEffect &Effect : CInfo.Effects) {
+        if (!(Effect.flags() & FunctionEffect::FE_ExcludeThrow))
+          continue;
+        bool IsNoexcept = false;
+        if (auto *FD = D->getAsFunction()) {
+          IsNoexcept = isNoexcept(FD);
+        } else if (auto *BD = dyn_cast<BlockDecl>(D)) {
+          if (auto *TSI = BD->getSignatureAsWritten()) {
+            auto *FPT = TSI->getType()->getAs<FunctionProtoType>();
+            IsNoexcept = FPT->isNothrow() || BD->hasAttr<NoThrowAttr>();
+          }
+        }
+        if (!IsNoexcept)
+          Sem.Diag(D->getBeginLoc(),
+                   diag::warn_perf_constraint_implies_noexcept)
+              << Effect.name();
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    // Build a PendingFunctionAnalysis on the stack. If it turns out to be
+    // complete, we'll have avoided a heap allocation; if it's incomplete, it's
+    // a fairly trivial move to a heap-allocated object.
+    PendingFunctionAnalysis FAnalysis(Sem, CInfo, AllInferrableEffectsToVerify);
+    LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\nVerifying " << CInfo.name(Sem) << " ";
+               FAnalysis.dump(Sem, llvm::dbgs()););
+    FunctionBodyASTVisitor Visitor(*this, FAnalysis, CInfo);
+    Visitor.run();
+    if (FAnalysis.isComplete()) {
+      completeAnalysis(CInfo, FAnalysis);
+      return nullptr;
+    }
+    // Move the pending analysis to the heap and save it in the map.
+    PendingFunctionAnalysis *PendingPtr =
+        new PendingFunctionAnalysis(std::move(FAnalysis));
+    DeclAnalysis[D] = PendingPtr;
+    LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "inserted pending " << PendingPtr << "\n";
+               DeclAnalysis.dump(Sem, llvm::dbgs()););
+    return PendingPtr;
+  }
+  // Consume PendingFunctionAnalysis, create with it a CompleteFunctionAnalysis,
+  // inserted in the container.
+  void completeAnalysis(const CallableInfo &CInfo,
+                        PendingFunctionAnalysis &Pending) {
+    if (SmallVector<Violation, 0> &Viols = Pending.getViolationsForExplicitFX();
+        !Viols.empty())
+      emitDiagnostics(Viols, CInfo, Sem);
+    CompleteFunctionAnalysis *CompletePtr = new CompleteFunctionAnalysis(
+        Sem.getASTContext(), Pending, CInfo.Effects,
+        AllInferrableEffectsToVerify);
+    DeclAnalysis[CInfo.CDecl] = CompletePtr;
+    LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "inserted complete " << CompletePtr << "\n";
+               DeclAnalysis.dump(Sem, llvm::dbgs()););
+  }
+  // Called after all direct calls requiring inference have been found -- or
+  // not. Repeats calls to FunctionBodyASTVisitor::followCall() but without
+  // the possibility of inference. Deletes Pending.
+  void finishPendingAnalysis(const Decl *D, PendingFunctionAnalysis *Pending) {
+    CallableInfo Caller(*D);
+    LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs()
+                   << "finishPendingAnalysis for " << Caller.name(Sem) << " : ";
+               Pending->dump(Sem, llvm::dbgs()); llvm::dbgs() << "\n";);
+    for (const PendingFunctionAnalysis::DirectCall &Call :
+         Pending->unverifiedCalls()) {
+      if (Call.Recursed)
+        continue;
+      CallableInfo Callee(*Call.Callee);
+      followCall(Caller, *Pending, Callee, Call.CallLoc,
+                 /*AssertNoFurtherInference=*/true);
+    }
+    completeAnalysis(Caller, *Pending);
+    delete Pending;
+  }
+  // Here we have a call to a Decl, either explicitly via a CallExpr or some
+  // other AST construct. PFA pertains to the caller.
+  void followCall(const CallableInfo &Caller, PendingFunctionAnalysis &PFA,
+                  const CallableInfo &Callee, SourceLocation CallLoc,
+                  bool AssertNoFurtherInference) {
+    const bool DirectCall = Callee.isCalledDirectly();
+    // Initially, the declared effects; inferred effects will be added.
+    FunctionEffectKindSet CalleeEffects = Callee.Effects;
+    bool IsInferencePossible = DirectCall;
+    if (DirectCall)
+      if (CompleteFunctionAnalysis *CFA =
+              DeclAnalysis.completedAnalysisForDecl(Callee.CDecl)) {
+        // Combine declared effects with those which may have been inferred.
+        CalleeEffects.insert(CFA->VerifiedEffects);
+        IsInferencePossible = false; // we've already traversed it
+      }
+    if (AssertNoFurtherInference) {
+      assert(!IsInferencePossible);
+    }
+    if (!Callee.isVerifiable())
+      IsInferencePossible = false;
+    LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "followCall from " << Caller.name(Sem) << " to "
+                            << Callee.name(Sem) << "; verifiable: "
+                            << Callee.isVerifiable() << "; callee ";
+               CalleeEffects.dump(llvm::dbgs()); llvm::dbgs() << "\n";
+               llvm::dbgs()
+               << "  callee " << Callee.CDecl << " canonical "
+               << CanonicalFunctionDecl(Callee.CDecl) << " redecls";
+               for (Decl *D
+                    : Callee.CDecl->redecls()) llvm::dbgs()
+               << " " << D;
+               llvm::dbgs() << "\n";);
+    auto check1Effect = [&](const FunctionEffect &Effect, bool Inferring) {
+      if (!Effect.shouldDiagnoseFunctionCall(DirectCall, CalleeEffects))
+        return;
+      // If inference is not allowed, or the target is indirect (virtual
+      // method/function ptr?), generate a Violation now.
+      if (!IsInferencePossible ||
+          !(Effect.flags() & FunctionEffect::FE_InferrableOnCallees)) {
+        if (Callee.FuncType == SpecialFuncType::None)
+          PFA.checkAddViolation(Inferring,
+                                {Effect, ViolationID::CallsDeclWithoutEffect,
+                                 CallLoc, Callee.CDecl});
+        else
+          PFA.checkAddViolation(
+              Inferring, {Effect, ViolationID::AllocatesMemory, CallLoc});
+      } else {
+        // Inference is allowed and necessary; defer it.
+        PFA.addUnverifiedDirectCall(Callee.CDecl, CallLoc);
+      }
+    };
+    for (const FunctionEffect &Effect : PFA.DeclaredVerifiableEffects)
+      check1Effect(Effect, false);
+    for (const FunctionEffect &Effect : PFA.FXToInfer)
+      check1Effect(Effect, true);
+  }
+  // Should only be called when function's analysis is determined to be
+  // complete.
+  void emitDiagnostics(SmallVector<Violation, 0> &Viols,
+                       const CallableInfo &CInfo, Sema &S) {
+    if (Viols.empty())
+      return;
+    const SourceManager &SM = S.getSourceManager();
+    std::sort(Viols.begin(), Viols.end(),
+              [&SM](const Violation &LHS, const Violation &RHS) {
+                return SM.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(LHS.Loc, RHS.Loc);
+              });
+    auto checkAddTemplateNote = [&](const Decl *D) {
+      if (const FunctionDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(D)) {
+        while (FD != nullptr && FD->isTemplateInstantiation()) {
+          S.Diag(FD->getPointOfInstantiation(),
+                 diag::note_func_effect_from_template);
+          FD = FD->getTemplateInstantiationPattern();
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    // Top-level violations are warnings.
+    for (const Violation &Viol1 : Viols) {
+      StringRef effectName = Viol1.Effect.name();
+      switch (Viol1.ID) {
+      case ViolationID::None:
+      case ViolationID::DeclDisallowsInference: // shouldn't happen
+                                                // here
+        llvm_unreachable("Unexpected violation kind");
+        break;
+      case ViolationID::AllocatesMemory:
+        S.Diag(Viol1.Loc, diag::warn_func_effect_allocates) << effectName;
+        checkAddTemplateNote(CInfo.CDecl);
+        break;
+      case ViolationID::Throws:
+      case ViolationID::Catches:
+        S.Diag(Viol1.Loc, diag::warn_func_effect_throws_or_catches)
+            << effectName;
+        checkAddTemplateNote(CInfo.CDecl);
+        break;
+      case ViolationID::HasStaticLocal:
+        S.Diag(Viol1.Loc, diag::warn_func_effect_has_static_local)
+            << effectName;
+        checkAddTemplateNote(CInfo.CDecl);
+        break;
+      case ViolationID::AccessesThreadLocal:
+        S.Diag(Viol1.Loc, diag::warn_func_effect_uses_thread_local)
+            << effectName;
+        checkAddTemplateNote(CInfo.CDecl);
+        break;
+      case ViolationID::CallsObjC:
+        S.Diag(Viol1.Loc, diag::warn_func_effect_calls_objc) << effectName;
+        checkAddTemplateNote(CInfo.CDecl);
+        break;
+      case ViolationID::CallsExprWithoutEffect:
+        S.Diag(Viol1.Loc, diag::warn_func_effect_calls_expr_without_effect)
+            << effectName;
+        checkAddTemplateNote(CInfo.CDecl);
+        break;
+      case ViolationID::CallsDeclWithoutEffect: {
+        CallableInfo CalleeInfo(*Viol1.Callee);
+        std::string CalleeName = CalleeInfo.name(S);
+        S.Diag(Viol1.Loc, diag::warn_func_effect_calls_func_without_effect)
+            << effectName << CalleeName;
+        checkAddTemplateNote(CInfo.CDecl);
+        // Emit notes explaining the transitive chain of inferences: Why isn't
+        // the callee safe?
+        for (const Decl *Callee = Viol1.Callee; Callee != nullptr;) {
+          std::optional<CallableInfo> MaybeNextCallee;
+          CompleteFunctionAnalysis *Completed =
+              DeclAnalysis.completedAnalysisForDecl(CalleeInfo.CDecl);
+          if (Completed == nullptr) {
+            // No result - could be
+            // - non-inline and extern
+            // - indirect (virtual or through function pointer)
+            // - effect has been explicitly disclaimed (e.g. "blocking")
+            CallableType CType = CalleeInfo.type();
+            if (CType == CallableType::Virtual)
+              S.Diag(Callee->getLocation(), diag::note_func_effect_call_virtual)
+                  << effectName;
+            else if (CType == CallableType::Unknown)
+              S.Diag(Callee->getLocation(),
+                     diag::note_func_effect_call_func_ptr)
+                  << effectName;
+            else if (CalleeInfo.Effects.contains(Viol1.Effect.oppositeKind()))
+              S.Diag(Callee->getLocation(),
+                     diag::note_func_effect_call_disallows_inference)
+                  << effectName
+                  << FunctionEffect(Viol1.Effect.oppositeKind()).name();
+            else if (const FunctionDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(Callee);
+                     FD == nullptr || FD->getBuiltinID() == 0) {
+              // A builtin callee generally doesn't have a useful source
+              // location at which to insert a note.
+              S.Diag(Callee->getLocation(), diag::note_func_effect_call_extern)
+                  << effectName;
+            }
+            break;
+          }
+          const Violation *PtrViol2 =
+              Completed->firstViolationForEffect(Viol1.Effect);
+          if (PtrViol2 == nullptr)
+            break;
+          const Violation &Viol2 = *PtrViol2;
+          switch (Viol2.ID) {
+          case ViolationID::None:
+            llvm_unreachable("Unexpected violation kind");
+            break;
+          case ViolationID::DeclDisallowsInference:
+            S.Diag(Viol2.Loc, diag::note_func_effect_call_disallows_inference)
+                << effectName << Viol2.CalleeEffectPreventingInference.name();
+            break;
+          case ViolationID::CallsExprWithoutEffect:
+            S.Diag(Viol2.Loc, diag::note_func_effect_call_func_ptr)
+                << effectName;
+            break;
+          case ViolationID::AllocatesMemory:
+            S.Diag(Viol2.Loc, diag::note_func_effect_allocates) << effectName;
+            break;
+          case ViolationID::Throws:
+          case ViolationID::Catches:
+            S.Diag(Viol2.Loc, diag::note_func_effect_throws_or_catches)
+                << effectName;
+            break;
+          case ViolationID::HasStaticLocal:
+            S.Diag(Viol2.Loc, diag::note_func_effect_has_static_local)
+                << effectName;
+            break;
+          case ViolationID::AccessesThreadLocal:
+            S.Diag(Viol2.Loc, diag::note_func_effect_uses_thread_local)
+                << effectName;
+            break;
+          case ViolationID::CallsObjC:
+            S.Diag(Viol2.Loc, diag::note_func_effect_calls_objc) << effectName;
+            break;
dougsonos wrote:



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