[clang] [llvm] [Clang][AArch64] Add customisable immediate range checking to NEON (PR #100278)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Aug 20 04:34:54 PDT 2024

@@ -1959,9 +2064,12 @@ multiclass VCMLA_ROTS<string type, string lanety, string laneqty> {
     let isLaneQ = 1 in  {
       // vcmla{ROT}_laneq
+      // ACLE specifies that the fp16 vcmla_#ROT_laneq variant has an immedaite range of 0 <= lane <= 1.
+      // fp16 is the only variant for which these two differ.
+      // https://developer.arm.com/documentation/ihi0073/latest/ 
+      defvar getlanety = !if(!eq(type, "h"), lanety, laneqty);
       def : SOpInst<"vcmla" # ROT # "_laneq", "...QI", type,  Op<(call "vcmla" # ROT, $p0, $p1,
-              (bitcast $p0, (dup_typed lanety, (call "vget_lane", (bitcast laneqty, $p2), $p3))))>>;
+                (bitcast $p0, (dup_typed lanety, (call "vget_lane", (bitcast getlanety, $p2), $p3))))>>;
SpencerAbson wrote:

If we look at what this intrinsic compiles to, [FCMLA](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/ddi0596/2021-03/SIMD-FP-Instructions/FCMLA--by-element---Floating-point-Complex-Multiply-Accumulate--by-element--?lang=en), it looks like the reduced range (`0<=lane<=1`) is due to the fact that we must have `H=='0'` for this instruction to be defined when we use the `'01'` size specifier and `Q='0'` (what is required for this variant). This means that only bit-field `L` can be used to encode `<index>`.

Thanks to @rsandifo-arm for pointing this out.


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