[clang] nonblocking/nonallocating attributes: 2nd pass caller/callee analysis (PR #99656)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Aug 6 14:43:29 PDT 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -fblocks -fcxx-exceptions -verify %s
+// These are in a separate file because errors (e.g. incompatible attributes) currently prevent
+// the AnalysisBasedWarnings pass from running at all.
+// This diagnostic is re-enabled and exercised in isolation later in this file.
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wperf-constraint-implies-noexcept"
+// --- CONSTRAINTS ---
+void nl1() [[clang::nonblocking]]
+	auto* pInt = new int; // expected-warning {{'nonblocking' function must not allocate or deallocate memory}}
+void nl2() [[clang::nonblocking]]
+	static int global; // expected-warning {{'nonblocking' function must not have static locals}}
+void nl3() [[clang::nonblocking]]
+	try {
+		throw 42; // expected-warning {{'nonblocking' function must not throw or catch exceptions}}
+	}
+	catch (...) { // expected-warning {{'nonblocking' function must not throw or catch exceptions}}
+	}
+void nl4_inline() {}
+void nl4_not_inline(); // expected-note {{function cannot be inferred 'nonblocking' because it has no definition in this translation unit}}
+void nl4() [[clang::nonblocking]]
+	nl4_inline(); // OK
+	nl4_not_inline(); // expected-warning {{'nonblocking' function must not call non-'nonblocking' function}}
+struct HasVirtual {
+	virtual void unsafe(); // expected-note {{virtual method cannot be inferred 'nonblocking'}}
+void nl5() [[clang::nonblocking]]
+ 	HasVirtual hv;
+ 	hv.unsafe(); // expected-warning {{'nonblocking' function must not call non-'nonblocking' function}}
+void nl6_unsafe(); // expected-note {{function cannot be inferred 'nonblocking' because it has no definition in this translation unit}}
+void nl6_transitively_unsafe()
+	nl6_unsafe(); // expected-note {{function cannot be inferred 'nonblocking' because it calls non-'nonblocking' function}}
+void nl6() [[clang::nonblocking]]
+	nl6_transitively_unsafe(); // expected-warning {{'nonblocking' function must not call non-'nonblocking' function}}
+thread_local int tl_var{ 42 };
+bool tl_test() [[clang::nonblocking]]
+	return tl_var > 0; // expected-warning {{'nonblocking' function must not use thread-local variables}}
+void nl7()
+	// Make sure we verify blocks
+	auto blk = ^() [[clang::nonblocking]] {
+		throw 42; // expected-warning {{'nonblocking' function must not throw or catch exceptions}}
+	};
+void nl8()
+	// Make sure we verify lambdas
+	auto lambda = []() [[clang::nonblocking]] {
+		throw 42; // expected-warning {{'nonblocking' function must not throw or catch exceptions}}
+	};
+// Make sure template expansions are found and verified.
+	template <typename T>
+	struct Adder {
+		static T add_explicit(T x, T y) [[clang::nonblocking]]
+		{
+			return x + y; // expected-warning {{'nonblocking' function must not call non-'nonblocking' function}}
+		}
+		static T add_implicit(T x, T y)
+		{
+			return x + y; // expected-note {{function cannot be inferred 'nonblocking' because it calls non-'nonblocking' function}}
+		}
+	};
+	struct Stringy {
+		friend Stringy operator+(const Stringy& x, const Stringy& y)
+		{
+			// Do something inferably unsafe
+			auto* z = new char[42]; // expected-note {{function cannot be inferred 'nonblocking' because it allocates/deallocates memory}}
+			return {};
+		}
+	};
+	struct Stringy2 {
+		friend Stringy2 operator+(const Stringy2& x, const Stringy2& y)
+		{
+			// Do something inferably unsafe
+			throw 42; // expected-note {{function cannot be inferred 'nonblocking' because it throws or catches exceptions}}
+		}
+	};
+void nl9() [[clang::nonblocking]]
+	Adder<int>::add_explicit(1, 2);
+	Adder<int>::add_implicit(1, 2);
+	Adder<Stringy>::add_explicit({}, {}); // expected-note {{in template expansion here}}
+	Adder<Stringy2>::add_implicit({}, {}); // expected-warning {{'nonblocking' function must not call non-'nonblocking' function}} \
+		expected-note {{in template expansion here}}
+void nl10(
+	void (*fp1)(), // expected-note {{function pointer cannot be inferred 'nonblocking'}}
+	void (*fp2)() [[clang::nonblocking]]
+	) [[clang::nonblocking]]
+	fp1(); // expected-warning {{'nonblocking' function must not call non-'nonblocking' function}}
+	fp2();
+// Interactions with nonblocking(false)
+void nl11_no_inference_1() [[clang::nonblocking(false)]] // expected-note {{function does not permit inference of 'nonblocking'}}
+void nl11_no_inference_2() [[clang::nonblocking(false)]]; // expected-note {{function does not permit inference of 'nonblocking'}}
+template <bool V>
+struct ComputedNB {
+	void method() [[clang::nonblocking(V)]]; // expected-note {{function does not permit inference of 'nonblocking'}}
+void nl11() [[clang::nonblocking]]
+	nl11_no_inference_1(); // expected-warning {{'nonblocking' function must not call non-'nonblocking' function}}
+	nl11_no_inference_2(); // expected-warning {{'nonblocking' function must not call non-'nonblocking' function}}
+	ComputedNB<true> CNB_true;
+	CNB_true.method();
+	ComputedNB<false> CNB_false;
+	CNB_false.method(); // expected-warning {{'nonblocking' function must not call non-'nonblocking' function}}
+// Verify that when attached to a redeclaration, the attribute successfully attaches.
+void nl12() {
+	static int x; // expected-warning {{'nonblocking' function must not have static locals}}
+void nl12() [[clang::nonblocking]];
+void nl13() [[clang::nonblocking]] { nl12(); }
+// C++ member function pointers
+struct PTMFTester {
+	typedef void (PTMFTester::*ConvertFunction)() [[clang::nonblocking]];
+	void convert() [[clang::nonblocking]];
+	ConvertFunction mConvertFunc;
+void PTMFTester::convert() [[clang::nonblocking]]
+	(this->*mConvertFunc)();
+// Block variables
+void nl17(void (^blk)() [[clang::nonblocking]]) [[clang::nonblocking]] {
+	blk();
+// References to blocks
+void nl18(void (^block)() [[clang::nonblocking]]) [[clang::nonblocking]]
+	auto &ref = block;
+	ref();
+// --- nonblocking implies noexcept ---
+#pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wperf-constraint-implies-noexcept"
+void nl19() [[clang::nonblocking]] // expected-warning {{'nonblocking' function should be declared noexcept}}
Sirraide wrote:

> I would have thought that this would fail simply because bad() isn't constexpr, but it compiles without diagnostics.

That just checks whether `bad()` is a valid expression. This is mainly about the fact that requires expressions are never evaluated so even if one of them contains a blocking function, that doesn’t make the function containing the expression blocking. This probably already works just fine, but still.


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