[clang] [Clang] Implement C++26’s P2893R3 ‘Variadic friends’ (PR #101448)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Aug 6 02:03:38 PDT 2024

cor3ntin wrote:

> Is there ever a situation that would cause us to have to instantiate a FriendPackDecl in the TemplateDeclInstantiator? We do that for UsingPackDecls, but those are sufficiently different enough from the former that I’m not sure about it. I at least haven’t been able to come up w/ any cases that would cause us to try and instantiate one.

That would be needed for the 

template <typename Ts>
struct S {
  friend class S<Ts>::Nested...;

case, I think?


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