[clang] [Clang] Implement P3034R1 Module Declarations Shouldn’t be Macros (PR #90574)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jul 18 06:05:37 PDT 2024

@@ -1121,6 +1153,149 @@ void Preprocessor::CollectPpImportSuffix(SmallVectorImpl<Token> &Toks) {
+std::string ModuleNameInfo::getFlatName() const {
+  std::string FlatModuleName;
+  for (auto &Tok : getTokens()) {
+    switch (Tok.getKind()) {
+    case tok::identifier:
+      FlatModuleName += Tok.getIdentifierInfo()->getName();
+      break;
+    case tok::period:
+      FlatModuleName += '.';
+      break;
+    case tok::colon:
+      FlatModuleName += ':';
+      break;
+    default:
+      llvm_unreachable("Unexpected token in module name");
+    }
+  }
+  return FlatModuleName;
+void ModuleNameInfo::getModuleIdPath(
+    SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<IdentifierInfo *, SourceLocation>> &Path) const {
+  return getModuleIdPath(getTokens(), Path);
+void ModuleNameInfo::getModuleIdPath(
+    ArrayRef<Token> ModuleName,
+    SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<IdentifierInfo *, SourceLocation>> &Path) {
+  for (const auto &Tok : ModuleName) {
+    if (Tok.is(tok::identifier))
+      Path.push_back(
+          std::make_pair(Tok.getIdentifierInfo(), Tok.getLocation()));
+  }
+/// Lex a module name or a partition name.
+///     module-name:
+///           module-name-qualifier[opt] identifier
+///     partition-name: [C++20]
+///           : module-name-qualifier[opt] identifier
+///     module-name-qualifier
+///           module-name-qualifier[opt] identifier .
+bool Preprocessor::LexModuleName(Token &Result, bool IsImport) {
+  bool ExpectsIdentifier = true, IsLexingPartition = false;
+  SmallVector<Token, 8> ModuleName;
+  std::optional<unsigned> ColonTokIndex;
+  auto LexNextToken = [&](Token &Tok) {
+    if (IsImport)
+      Lex(Tok);
+    else
+      LexUnexpandedToken(Tok);
+  };
+  while (true) {
+    LexNextToken(Result);
+    if (ExpectsIdentifier && Result.is(tok::identifier)) {
+      auto *MI = getMacroInfo(Result.getIdentifierInfo());
+      if (getLangOpts().CPlusPlusModules && !IsImport && MI &&
+          MI->isObjectLike()) {
+        Diag(Result, diag::err_module_decl_cannot_be_macros)
+            << Result.getLocation() << IsLexingPartition
+            << Result.getIdentifierInfo();
+      }
+      ModuleName.push_back(Result);
+      ExpectsIdentifier = false;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (!ExpectsIdentifier && Result.is(tok::period)) {
+      ModuleName.push_back(Result);
+      ExpectsIdentifier = true;
+      continue;
+    }
+    // Module partition only allowed in C++20 Modules.
+    if (getLangOpts().CPlusPlusModules && Result.is(tok::colon)) {
+      // Handle the form like: import :P;
+      // If the token after ':' is not an identifier, this is a invalid module
+      // name.
+      if (ModuleName.empty()) {
+        Token Tmp;
+        LexNextToken(Tmp);
+        EnterToken(Tmp, /*IsReiject=*/false);
+        // A private-module-fragment, module :private;
+        if (!IsImport && Tmp.is(tok::kw_private))
+          return true;
+        // import :N;
+        if (IsImport && Tmp.isNot(tok::identifier))
+          return false;
+      } else if (!ExpectsIdentifier) {
+        ExpectsIdentifier = true;
+      }
+      IsLexingPartition = true;
+      ColonTokIndex = ModuleName.size();
+      ModuleName.push_back(Result);
+      continue;
+    }
+    // [cpp.module]/p2: where the pp-tokens (if any) shall not begin with a (
+    // preprocessing token [...]
+    //
+    // We only emit diagnostic in the preprocessor, and in the parser we skip
+    // invalid tokens and recover from errors.
+    if (getLangOpts().CPlusPlusModules && !ExpectsIdentifier &&
+        Result.is(tok::l_paren))
+      Diag(Result, diag::err_unxepected_paren_in_module_decl)
+          << IsLexingPartition;
+    break;
+  }
+  // Put the last token back to stream, it's not a valid part of module name.
+  // We lexed it unexpanded but it might be a valid macro expansion
+  Result.clearFlag(Token::DisableExpand);
+  auto ToksCopy = std::make_unique<Token[]>(1);
+  *ToksCopy.get() = Result;
+  EnterTokenStream(std::move(ToksCopy), 1,
+                   /*DisableMacroExpansion=*/false,
+                   /*IsReinject=*/false);
+  if (ModuleName.empty())
+    return false;
+  Result.startToken();
+  Result.setKind(tok::annot_module_name);
+  Result.setLocation(ModuleName.front().getLocation());
+  Result.setAnnotationEndLoc(ModuleName.back().getLocation());
+  auto AnnotToks = ArrayRef(ModuleName).copy(getPreprocessorAllocator());
+  ArrayRef<Token> ModuleNameToks, PartitionNameToks;
+  if (ColonTokIndex.has_value()) {
+    ModuleNameToks =
+        ArrayRef(AnnotToks.begin(), AnnotToks.begin() + *ColonTokIndex);
+    PartitionNameToks =
+        ArrayRef(AnnotToks.begin() + *ColonTokIndex, AnnotToks.end());
+  } else {
+    ModuleNameToks = AnnotToks;
+  }
yronglin wrote:

Agree! I've moved the logic of creating the two slices to the constructor of ModuleNameInfo.


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