[clang] [llvm] [openmp] [Clang][OpenMP] Add reverse directive (PR #92916)

Alexey Bataev via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jul 17 05:26:07 PDT 2024

@@ -14658,6 +14666,193 @@ StmtResult SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPUnrollDirective(ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses,
                                     buildPreInits(Context, PreInits));
+StmtResult SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPReverseDirective(Stmt *AStmt,
+                                                   SourceLocation StartLoc,
+                                                   SourceLocation EndLoc) {
+  ASTContext &Context = getASTContext();
+  Scope *CurScope = SemaRef.getCurScope();
+  // Empty statement should only be possible if there already was an error.
+  if (!AStmt)
+    return StmtError();
+  constexpr unsigned NumLoops = 1;
+  Stmt *Body = nullptr;
+  SmallVector<OMPLoopBasedDirective::HelperExprs, NumLoops> LoopHelpers(
+      NumLoops);
+  SmallVector<SmallVector<Stmt *, 0>, NumLoops + 1> OriginalInits;
+  if (!checkTransformableLoopNest(OMPD_reverse, AStmt, NumLoops, LoopHelpers,
+                                  Body, OriginalInits))
+    return StmtError();
+  // Delay applying the transformation to when template is completely
+  // instantiated.
+  if (SemaRef.CurContext->isDependentContext())
+    return OMPReverseDirective::Create(Context, StartLoc, EndLoc, AStmt,
+                                       nullptr, nullptr);
+  assert(LoopHelpers.size() == NumLoops &&
+         "Expecting a single-dimensional loop iteration space");
+  assert(OriginalInits.size() == NumLoops &&
+         "Expecting a single-dimensional loop iteration space");
+  OMPLoopBasedDirective::HelperExprs &LoopHelper = LoopHelpers.front();
+  // Find the loop statement.
+  Stmt *LoopStmt = nullptr;
+  collectLoopStmts(AStmt, {LoopStmt});
+  // Determine the PreInit declarations.
+  SmallVector<Stmt *> PreInits;
+  addLoopPreInits(Context, LoopHelper, LoopStmt, OriginalInits[0], PreInits);
+  auto *IterationVarRef = cast<DeclRefExpr>(LoopHelper.IterationVarRef);
+  QualType IVTy = IterationVarRef->getType();
+  uint64_t IVWidth = Context.getTypeSize(IVTy);
+  auto *OrigVar = cast<DeclRefExpr>(LoopHelper.Counters.front());
+  // Iteration variable SourceLocations.
+  SourceLocation OrigVarLoc = OrigVar->getExprLoc();
+  SourceLocation OrigVarLocBegin = OrigVar->getBeginLoc();
+  SourceLocation OrigVarLocEnd = OrigVar->getEndLoc();
+  // Locations pointing to the transformation.
+  SourceLocation TransformLoc = StartLoc;
+  SourceLocation TransformLocBegin = StartLoc;
+  SourceLocation TransformLocEnd = EndLoc;
+  // Internal variable names.
+  std::string OrigVarName = OrigVar->getNameInfo().getAsString();
+  SmallString<64> ForwardIVName(".forward.iv.");
+  ForwardIVName += OrigVarName;
+  SmallString<64> ReversedIVName(".reversed.iv.");
+  ReversedIVName += OrigVarName;
+  // LoopHelper.Updates will read the logical iteration number from
+  // LoopHelper.IterationVarRef, compute the value of the user loop counter of
+  // that logical iteration from it, then assign it to the user loop counter
+  // variable. We cannot directly use LoopHelper.IterationVarRef as the
+  // induction variable of the generated loop because it may cause an underflow:
+  // \code{.c}
+  //   for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+  //     body(i);
+  // \endcode
+  //
+  // Naive reversal:
+  // \code{.c}
+  //   for (unsigned i = n-1; i >= 0; --i)
+  //     body(i);
+  // \endcode
+  //
+  // Instead, we introduce a new iteration variable representing the logical
+  // iteration counter of the original loop, convert it to the logical iteration
+  // number of the reversed loop, then let LoopHelper.Updates compute the user's
+  // loop iteration variable from it.
+  // \code{.cpp}
+  //   for (auto .forward.iv = 0; .forward.iv < n; ++.forward.iv) {
+  //     auto .reversed.iv = n - .forward.iv - 1;
+  //     i = (.reversed.iv + 0) * 1;                // LoopHelper.Updates
+  //     body(i);                                   // Body
+  //   }
+  // \endcode
+  // Subexpressions with more than one use. One of the constraints of an AST is
+  // that every node object must appear at most once, hence we define a lambda
+  // that creates a new AST node at every use.
+  CaptureVars CopyTransformer(SemaRef);
+  auto MakeNumIterations = [&CopyTransformer, &LoopHelper]() -> Expr * {
+    return AssertSuccess(
+        CopyTransformer.TransformExpr(LoopHelper.NumIterations));
+  };
+  // Create the iteration variable for the forward loop (from 0 to n-1).
+  VarDecl *ForwardIVDecl =
+      buildVarDecl(SemaRef, {}, IVTy, ForwardIVName, nullptr, OrigVar);
+  auto MakeForwardRef = [&SemaRef = this->SemaRef, ForwardIVDecl, IVTy,
+                         OrigVarLoc]() {
+    return buildDeclRefExpr(SemaRef, ForwardIVDecl, IVTy, OrigVarLoc);
+  };
+  // Iteration variable for the reversed induction variable (from n-1 downto 0):
+  // Reuse the iteration variable created by checkOpenMPLoop.
+  auto *ReversedIVDecl = cast<VarDecl>(IterationVarRef->getDecl());
+  ReversedIVDecl->setDeclName(
+      &SemaRef.PP.getIdentifierTable().get(ReversedIVName));
+  // For init-statement:
+  // \code{.cpp}
+  //   auto .forward.iv = 0;
+  // \endcode
+  auto *Zero = IntegerLiteral::Create(Context, llvm::APInt::getZero(IVWidth),
+                                      ForwardIVDecl->getType(), OrigVarLoc);
+  SemaRef.AddInitializerToDecl(ForwardIVDecl, Zero, /*DirectInit=*/false);
+  StmtResult Init = new (Context)
+      DeclStmt(DeclGroupRef(ForwardIVDecl), OrigVarLocBegin, OrigVarLocEnd);
+  if (!Init.isUsable())
+    return StmtError();
+  // Forward iv cond-expression:
+  // \code{.cpp}
+  //   .forward.iv < MakeNumIterations()
+  // \endcode
+  ExprResult Cond =
+      SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, LoopHelper.Cond->getExprLoc(), BO_LT,
+                         MakeForwardRef(), MakeNumIterations());
+  if (!Cond.isUsable())
+    return StmtError();
+  // Forward incr-statement:
+  // \code{.c}
+  //   ++.forward.iv
+  // \endcode
+  ExprResult Incr = SemaRef.BuildUnaryOp(CurScope, LoopHelper.Inc->getExprLoc(),
+                                         UO_PreInc, MakeForwardRef());
+  if (!Incr.isUsable())
+    return StmtError();
+  // Reverse the forward-iv:
+  // \code{.cpp}
+  //   auto .reversed.iv = MakeNumIterations() - 1 - .forward.iv
+  // \endcode
+  auto *One = IntegerLiteral::Create(Context, llvm::APInt(IVWidth, 1), IVTy,
+                                     TransformLoc);
+  ExprResult Minus = SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, TransformLoc, BO_Sub,
+                                        MakeNumIterations(), One);
+  if (!Minus.isUsable())
+    return StmtError();
+  Minus = SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, TransformLoc, BO_Sub, Minus.get(),
+                             MakeForwardRef());
+  if (!Minus.isUsable())
+    return StmtError();
+  StmtResult InitReversed = new (Context) DeclStmt(
+      DeclGroupRef(ReversedIVDecl), TransformLocBegin, TransformLocEnd);
+  if (!InitReversed.isUsable())
+    return StmtError();
+  SemaRef.AddInitializerToDecl(ReversedIVDecl, Minus.get(),
+                               /*DirectInit=*/false);
+  // The new loop body.
+  SmallVector<Stmt *, 4> BodyStmts;
+  BodyStmts.reserve(LoopHelper.Updates.size() + 2 +
+                    isa<CXXForRangeStmt>(LoopStmt));
alexey-bataev wrote:

                    (isa<CXXForRangeStmt>(LoopStmt) ? 1 : 0));


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