[clang] [clang-format] fix incorrectly indents lambda trailing return (PR #94560)

Emilia Kond via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Jun 9 07:07:47 PDT 2024

rymiel wrote:

Technically also applies to attributes applied to the return type of the lambda, i.e.
int main() {
      // also happens with constexpr specifier
      [](auto n) [[attribute]]
      -> std::enable_if_t<
          std::is_arithmetic<decltype(n)>::value &&
          !std::is_same<std::remove_cv_t<decltype(n)>, bool>::value> {
        do_something(n * 2);
...but currently at least no valid C++ attribute can go in that spot


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