[clang] [llvm] [MC/DC][Coverage] Loosen the limit of NumConds from 6 (PR #82448)
NAKAMURA Takumi via cfe-commits
cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon May 20 05:11:23 PDT 2024
https://github.com/chapuni updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/82448
>From d168e0cb85eb150caa7ab241f136c5a23f79ba38 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2024 00:33:40 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 01/27] Implement MCDCTVIdxBuilder and MCDCTestVectorBuilder
(LLVM side)
This accept current version of profdata. The output might be different.
See also
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h | 24 ++
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp | 226 +++++++++++++-----
llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test | 28 +--
llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test | 16 +-
4 files changed, 214 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
index 88ec60c7aa33c..62867275a8524 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
+#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
@@ -557,6 +558,29 @@ struct MCDCRecord {
+class MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
+ struct MCDCNode {
+ int InCount = 0;
+ unsigned Width;
+ struct {
+ int ID;
+ int Idx;
+ } Conds[2];
+ };
+ SmallVector<MCDCNode> Nodes;
+ unsigned NumTestVectors;
+ using NodeIDs = std::tuple<unsigned, // ID1 (ends with 0)
+ unsigned, // ID1 for False
+ unsigned // ID1 for True
+ >;
+ MCDCTVIdxBuilder(std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher);
/// A Counter mapping context is used to connect the counters, expressions
/// and the obtained counter values.
class CounterMappingContext {
diff --git a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
index 39e43f86eab5e..d3a60c664b9e9 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
@@ -223,6 +223,171 @@ Expected<int64_t> CounterMappingContext::evaluate(const Counter &C) const {
return LastPoppedValue;
+ std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher) {
+ // Build Nodes and set up each InCount
+ int MaxID = -1;
+ Nodes.resize(std::get<0>(Fetcher(true)));
+ while (true) {
+ auto [ID1, FalseID1, TrueID1] = Fetcher(false);
+ if (ID1 == 0)
+ break;
+ if (Nodes.size() < ID1)
+ Nodes.resize(ID1);
+ int ID = ID1 - 1;
+ MaxID = std::max(MaxID, ID);
+ auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
+ Node.Conds[0].ID = FalseID1 - 1;
+ Node.Conds[1].ID = TrueID1 - 1;
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
+ int NextID = Node.Conds[I].ID;
+ if (NextID >= 0)
+ ++Nodes[NextID].InCount;
+ }
+ }
+ if (MaxID < 0)
+ return;
+ // Sort key ordered by <-Width, Ord>
+ SmallVector<std::tuple<int, /// -Width
+ unsigned, /// Ord
+ int, /// ID
+ unsigned /// Cond (0 or 1)
+ >>
+ Decisions;
+ // Traverse Nodes to assign Idx
+ SmallVector<int> Q;
+ assert(Nodes[0].InCount == 0);
+ Nodes[0].Width = 1;
+ Q.push_back(0);
+ unsigned Ord = 0;
+ while (!Q.empty()) {
+ int ID = *Q.begin();
+ Q.erase(Q.begin());
+ auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
+ assert(Node.Width > 0);
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
+ int NextID = Node.Conds[I].ID;
+ assert(NextID != 0);
+ if (NextID < 0) {
+ Decisions.emplace_back(-Node.Width, Ord++, ID, I);
+ assert(Ord == Decisions.size());
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto &NextNode = Nodes[NextID];
+ assert(NextNode.InCount > 0);
+ Node.Conds[I].Idx = NextNode.Width; // ???
+ NextNode.Width += Node.Width;
+ if (--NextNode.InCount == 0)
+ Q.push_back(NextID);
+ }
+ }
+ std::sort(Decisions.begin(), Decisions.end());
+ // Assign TestVector Index
+ unsigned CurIdx = 0;
+ for (auto [NegWidth, Ord, ID, C] : Decisions) {
+ unsigned Width = -NegWidth;
+ auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
+ assert(Node.Width == Width);
+ assert(Node.Conds[C].Idx == 0);
+ assert(Node.Conds[C].ID < 0);
+ Node.Conds[C].Idx = CurIdx;
+ CurIdx += Width;
+ }
+ NumTestVectors = CurIdx;
+namespace {
+class MCDCTestVectorBuilder : public MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
+ MCDCRecord::TestVectors TestVectors;
+ const BitVector &Bitmap;
+ unsigned BitmapIdx;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DenseSet<unsigned> TVIDs;
+ class BranchProvider {
+ ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches;
+ unsigned BranchIdx = 0;
+ public:
+ BranchProvider(ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches)
+ : Branches(Branches) {}
+ std::function<NodeIDs(bool)> getFetcher() {
+ return [this](bool TellSize) {
+ if (TellSize)
+ return NodeIDs(Branches.size(), 0, 0);
+ if (BranchIdx >= Branches.size())
+ return NodeIDs(0, 0, 0);
+ const auto *B = Branches[BranchIdx++];
+ return NodeIDs(B->MCDCParams.ID, B->MCDCParams.FalseID,
+ B->MCDCParams.TrueID);
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ MCDCTestVectorBuilder(ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches,
+ const BitVector &Bitmap, unsigned BitmapIdx)
+ : MCDCTVIdxBuilder(BranchProvider(Branches).getFetcher()), Bitmap(Bitmap),
+ BitmapIdx(BitmapIdx) {}
+ MCDCRecord::TestVector TempTV;
+ void buildTestVector(int ID = 0, unsigned TVIdx = 0, unsigned Index = 0) {
+ const auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
+ auto MCDCCond = (I ? MCDCRecord::MCDC_True : MCDCRecord::MCDC_False);
+ const auto &Cond = Node.Conds[I];
+ auto NextID = Cond.ID;
+ Index |= I << ID;
+ TempTV[ID] = MCDCCond;
+ if (NextID >= 0) {
+ buildTestVector(NextID, TVIdx + Cond.Idx, Index);
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto FinalTVIdx = Cond.Idx + TVIdx;
+ assert(TVIdx < Node.Width);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ assert(!TVIDs.contains(FinalTVIdx));
+ TVIDs.insert(FinalTVIdx);
+ assert(BitmapIdx + Index < Bitmap.size() && "Bitmap overrun");
+ if (!Bitmap[BitmapIdx + Index])
+ continue;
+ TestVectors.push_back(TempTV);
+ TestVectors.back().push_back(MCDCCond);
+ }
+ // Reset back to DontCare.
+ TempTV[ID] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare;
+ }
+ MCDCRecord::TestVectors findExecutedTestVectors() {
+ TempTV.resize(Nodes.size(), MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare);
+ buildTestVector();
+ assert(TVIDs.size() == NumTestVectors);
+ return std::move(TestVectors);
+ }
+} // namespace
class MCDCRecordProcessor {
/// A bitmap representing the executed test vectors for a boolean expression.
/// Each index of the bitmap corresponds to a possible test vector. An index
@@ -251,9 +416,6 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
/// Mapping of calculated MC/DC Independence Pairs for each condition.
MCDCRecord::TVPairMap IndependencePairs;
- /// Total number of possible Test Vectors for the boolean expression.
- MCDCRecord::TestVectors TestVectors;
/// Actual executed Test Vectors for the boolean expression, based on
/// ExecutedTestVectorBitmap.
MCDCRecord::TestVectors ExecVectors;
@@ -265,56 +427,9 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
: Bitmap(Bitmap), Region(Region), Branches(Branches),
BitmapIdx(Region.MCDCParams.BitmapIdx * CHAR_BIT),
- Folded(NumConditions, false), IndependencePairs(NumConditions),
- TestVectors((size_t)1 << NumConditions) {}
+ Folded(NumConditions, false), IndependencePairs(NumConditions) {}
- void recordTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, unsigned Index,
- MCDCRecord::CondState Result) {
- // Copy the completed test vector to the vector of testvectors.
- TestVectors[Index] = TV;
- // The final value (T,F) is equal to the last non-dontcare state on the
- // path (in a short-circuiting system).
- TestVectors[Index].push_back(Result);
- }
- // Walk the binary decision diagram and try assigning both false and true to
- // each node. When a terminal node (ID == 0) is reached, fill in the value in
- // the truth table.
- void buildTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, unsigned ID,
- unsigned Index) {
- const CounterMappingRegion *Branch = Map[ID];
- TV[ID - 1] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_False;
- if (Branch->MCDCParams.FalseID > 0)
- buildTestVector(TV, Branch->MCDCParams.FalseID, Index);
- else
- recordTestVector(TV, Index, MCDCRecord::MCDC_False);
- Index |= 1 << (ID - 1);
- TV[ID - 1] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_True;
- if (Branch->MCDCParams.TrueID > 0)
- buildTestVector(TV, Branch->MCDCParams.TrueID, Index);
- else
- recordTestVector(TV, Index, MCDCRecord::MCDC_True);
- // Reset back to DontCare.
- TV[ID - 1] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare;
- }
- /// Walk the bits in the bitmap. A bit set to '1' indicates that the test
- /// vector at the corresponding index was executed during a test run.
- void findExecutedTestVectors() {
- for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < (1u << NumConditions); ++Idx) {
- assert(BitmapIdx + Idx < Bitmap.size() && "Bitmap overrun");
- if (Bitmap[BitmapIdx + Idx] == 0)
- continue;
- assert(!TestVectors[Idx].empty() && "Test Vector doesn't exist.");
- ExecVectors.push_back(TestVectors[Idx]);
- }
- }
// Find an independence pair for each condition:
// - The condition is true in one test and false in the other.
// - The decision outcome is true one test and false in the other.
@@ -378,14 +493,9 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
Folded[I++] = (B->Count.isZero() && B->FalseCount.isZero());
- // Walk the binary decision diagram to enumerate all possible test vectors.
- // We start at the root node (ID == 1) with all values being DontCare.
- // `Index` encodes the bitmask of true values and is initially 0.
- MCDCRecord::TestVector TV(NumConditions, MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare);
- buildTestVector(TV, 1, 0);
// Using Profile Bitmap from runtime, mark the executed test vectors.
- findExecutedTestVectors();
+ ExecVectors = MCDCTestVectorBuilder(Branches, Bitmap, BitmapIdx)
+ .findExecutedTestVectors();
// Compare executed test vectors against each other to find an independence
// pairs for each condition. This processing takes the most time.
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test
index 0b2c9c98d5355..5424625cf6a6b 100644
--- a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test
+++ b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, T = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, T = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
@@ -151,26 +151,26 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: covered: (2,3)
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 100.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, -, C = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, T, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, T, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, -, C = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, -, C = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, T, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, T, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, -, C = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, T = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, T = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test
index 753036bedaf17..4b59ce59d638e 100644
--- a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test
+++ b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test
@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@
// CHECK-NEXT: | C1, C2, C3, C4 Result
// CHECK-NEXT: | 1 { F, -, F, - = F }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 2 { T, F, F, - = F }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 3 { F, -, T, F = F }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 2 { F, -, T, F = F }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 3 { T, F, F, - = F }
// CHECK-NEXT: | 4 { T, F, T, F = F }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 5 { T, T, -, - = T }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 6 { T, F, T, T = T }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 5 { T, F, T, T = T }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 6 { T, T, -, - = T }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C1-Pair: covered: (1,5)
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C2-Pair: covered: (2,5)
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C3-Pair: covered: (2,6)
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C4-Pair: covered: (4,6)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C1-Pair: covered: (1,6)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C2-Pair: covered: (3,6)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C3-Pair: covered: (3,5)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C4-Pair: covered: (4,5)
// CHECK-NEXT: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 100.00%
// CHECK-NEXT: ------------------
>From 35b19ea47f34bb14b30fca25572fcd55a3b6b3b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2024 17:21:04 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 02/27] Revert "Implement MCDCTVIdxBuilder and
MCDCTestVectorBuilder (LLVM side)"
This reverts commit d168e0cb85eb150caa7ab241f136c5a23f79ba38.
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h | 24 --
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp | 226 +++++-------------
llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test | 28 +--
llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test | 16 +-
4 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 214 deletions(-)
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
index 62867275a8524..88ec60c7aa33c 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
-#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
@@ -558,29 +557,6 @@ struct MCDCRecord {
-class MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
- struct MCDCNode {
- int InCount = 0;
- unsigned Width;
- struct {
- int ID;
- int Idx;
- } Conds[2];
- };
- SmallVector<MCDCNode> Nodes;
- unsigned NumTestVectors;
- using NodeIDs = std::tuple<unsigned, // ID1 (ends with 0)
- unsigned, // ID1 for False
- unsigned // ID1 for True
- >;
- MCDCTVIdxBuilder(std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher);
/// A Counter mapping context is used to connect the counters, expressions
/// and the obtained counter values.
class CounterMappingContext {
diff --git a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
index d3a60c664b9e9..39e43f86eab5e 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
@@ -223,171 +223,6 @@ Expected<int64_t> CounterMappingContext::evaluate(const Counter &C) const {
return LastPoppedValue;
- std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher) {
- // Build Nodes and set up each InCount
- int MaxID = -1;
- Nodes.resize(std::get<0>(Fetcher(true)));
- while (true) {
- auto [ID1, FalseID1, TrueID1] = Fetcher(false);
- if (ID1 == 0)
- break;
- if (Nodes.size() < ID1)
- Nodes.resize(ID1);
- int ID = ID1 - 1;
- MaxID = std::max(MaxID, ID);
- auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
- Node.Conds[0].ID = FalseID1 - 1;
- Node.Conds[1].ID = TrueID1 - 1;
- for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
- int NextID = Node.Conds[I].ID;
- if (NextID >= 0)
- ++Nodes[NextID].InCount;
- }
- }
- if (MaxID < 0)
- return;
- // Sort key ordered by <-Width, Ord>
- SmallVector<std::tuple<int, /// -Width
- unsigned, /// Ord
- int, /// ID
- unsigned /// Cond (0 or 1)
- >>
- Decisions;
- // Traverse Nodes to assign Idx
- SmallVector<int> Q;
- assert(Nodes[0].InCount == 0);
- Nodes[0].Width = 1;
- Q.push_back(0);
- unsigned Ord = 0;
- while (!Q.empty()) {
- int ID = *Q.begin();
- Q.erase(Q.begin());
- auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
- assert(Node.Width > 0);
- for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
- int NextID = Node.Conds[I].ID;
- assert(NextID != 0);
- if (NextID < 0) {
- Decisions.emplace_back(-Node.Width, Ord++, ID, I);
- assert(Ord == Decisions.size());
- continue;
- }
- auto &NextNode = Nodes[NextID];
- assert(NextNode.InCount > 0);
- Node.Conds[I].Idx = NextNode.Width; // ???
- NextNode.Width += Node.Width;
- if (--NextNode.InCount == 0)
- Q.push_back(NextID);
- }
- }
- std::sort(Decisions.begin(), Decisions.end());
- // Assign TestVector Index
- unsigned CurIdx = 0;
- for (auto [NegWidth, Ord, ID, C] : Decisions) {
- unsigned Width = -NegWidth;
- auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
- assert(Node.Width == Width);
- assert(Node.Conds[C].Idx == 0);
- assert(Node.Conds[C].ID < 0);
- Node.Conds[C].Idx = CurIdx;
- CurIdx += Width;
- }
- NumTestVectors = CurIdx;
-namespace {
-class MCDCTestVectorBuilder : public MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
- MCDCRecord::TestVectors TestVectors;
- const BitVector &Bitmap;
- unsigned BitmapIdx;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- DenseSet<unsigned> TVIDs;
- class BranchProvider {
- ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches;
- unsigned BranchIdx = 0;
- public:
- BranchProvider(ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches)
- : Branches(Branches) {}
- std::function<NodeIDs(bool)> getFetcher() {
- return [this](bool TellSize) {
- if (TellSize)
- return NodeIDs(Branches.size(), 0, 0);
- if (BranchIdx >= Branches.size())
- return NodeIDs(0, 0, 0);
- const auto *B = Branches[BranchIdx++];
- return NodeIDs(B->MCDCParams.ID, B->MCDCParams.FalseID,
- B->MCDCParams.TrueID);
- };
- }
- };
- MCDCTestVectorBuilder(ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches,
- const BitVector &Bitmap, unsigned BitmapIdx)
- : MCDCTVIdxBuilder(BranchProvider(Branches).getFetcher()), Bitmap(Bitmap),
- BitmapIdx(BitmapIdx) {}
- MCDCRecord::TestVector TempTV;
- void buildTestVector(int ID = 0, unsigned TVIdx = 0, unsigned Index = 0) {
- const auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
- for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
- auto MCDCCond = (I ? MCDCRecord::MCDC_True : MCDCRecord::MCDC_False);
- const auto &Cond = Node.Conds[I];
- auto NextID = Cond.ID;
- Index |= I << ID;
- TempTV[ID] = MCDCCond;
- if (NextID >= 0) {
- buildTestVector(NextID, TVIdx + Cond.Idx, Index);
- continue;
- }
- auto FinalTVIdx = Cond.Idx + TVIdx;
- assert(TVIdx < Node.Width);
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- assert(!TVIDs.contains(FinalTVIdx));
- TVIDs.insert(FinalTVIdx);
- assert(BitmapIdx + Index < Bitmap.size() && "Bitmap overrun");
- if (!Bitmap[BitmapIdx + Index])
- continue;
- TestVectors.push_back(TempTV);
- TestVectors.back().push_back(MCDCCond);
- }
- // Reset back to DontCare.
- TempTV[ID] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare;
- }
- MCDCRecord::TestVectors findExecutedTestVectors() {
- TempTV.resize(Nodes.size(), MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare);
- buildTestVector();
- assert(TVIDs.size() == NumTestVectors);
- return std::move(TestVectors);
- }
-} // namespace
class MCDCRecordProcessor {
/// A bitmap representing the executed test vectors for a boolean expression.
/// Each index of the bitmap corresponds to a possible test vector. An index
@@ -416,6 +251,9 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
/// Mapping of calculated MC/DC Independence Pairs for each condition.
MCDCRecord::TVPairMap IndependencePairs;
+ /// Total number of possible Test Vectors for the boolean expression.
+ MCDCRecord::TestVectors TestVectors;
/// Actual executed Test Vectors for the boolean expression, based on
/// ExecutedTestVectorBitmap.
MCDCRecord::TestVectors ExecVectors;
@@ -427,9 +265,56 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
: Bitmap(Bitmap), Region(Region), Branches(Branches),
BitmapIdx(Region.MCDCParams.BitmapIdx * CHAR_BIT),
- Folded(NumConditions, false), IndependencePairs(NumConditions) {}
+ Folded(NumConditions, false), IndependencePairs(NumConditions),
+ TestVectors((size_t)1 << NumConditions) {}
+ void recordTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, unsigned Index,
+ MCDCRecord::CondState Result) {
+ // Copy the completed test vector to the vector of testvectors.
+ TestVectors[Index] = TV;
+ // The final value (T,F) is equal to the last non-dontcare state on the
+ // path (in a short-circuiting system).
+ TestVectors[Index].push_back(Result);
+ }
+ // Walk the binary decision diagram and try assigning both false and true to
+ // each node. When a terminal node (ID == 0) is reached, fill in the value in
+ // the truth table.
+ void buildTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, unsigned ID,
+ unsigned Index) {
+ const CounterMappingRegion *Branch = Map[ID];
+ TV[ID - 1] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_False;
+ if (Branch->MCDCParams.FalseID > 0)
+ buildTestVector(TV, Branch->MCDCParams.FalseID, Index);
+ else
+ recordTestVector(TV, Index, MCDCRecord::MCDC_False);
+ Index |= 1 << (ID - 1);
+ TV[ID - 1] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_True;
+ if (Branch->MCDCParams.TrueID > 0)
+ buildTestVector(TV, Branch->MCDCParams.TrueID, Index);
+ else
+ recordTestVector(TV, Index, MCDCRecord::MCDC_True);
+ // Reset back to DontCare.
+ TV[ID - 1] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare;
+ }
+ /// Walk the bits in the bitmap. A bit set to '1' indicates that the test
+ /// vector at the corresponding index was executed during a test run.
+ void findExecutedTestVectors() {
+ for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < (1u << NumConditions); ++Idx) {
+ assert(BitmapIdx + Idx < Bitmap.size() && "Bitmap overrun");
+ if (Bitmap[BitmapIdx + Idx] == 0)
+ continue;
+ assert(!TestVectors[Idx].empty() && "Test Vector doesn't exist.");
+ ExecVectors.push_back(TestVectors[Idx]);
+ }
+ }
// Find an independence pair for each condition:
// - The condition is true in one test and false in the other.
// - The decision outcome is true one test and false in the other.
@@ -493,9 +378,14 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
Folded[I++] = (B->Count.isZero() && B->FalseCount.isZero());
+ // Walk the binary decision diagram to enumerate all possible test vectors.
+ // We start at the root node (ID == 1) with all values being DontCare.
+ // `Index` encodes the bitmask of true values and is initially 0.
+ MCDCRecord::TestVector TV(NumConditions, MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare);
+ buildTestVector(TV, 1, 0);
// Using Profile Bitmap from runtime, mark the executed test vectors.
- ExecVectors = MCDCTestVectorBuilder(Branches, Bitmap, BitmapIdx)
- .findExecutedTestVectors();
+ findExecutedTestVectors();
// Compare executed test vectors against each other to find an independence
// pairs for each condition. This processing takes the most time.
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test
index 5424625cf6a6b..0b2c9c98d5355 100644
--- a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test
+++ b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, - = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, - = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, T = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, T = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
@@ -151,26 +151,26 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: covered: (2,3)
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 100.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, T, C = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, -, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, -, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, T, C = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, - = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, - = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, T, C = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, -, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, -, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, T, C = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, T = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, T = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test
index 4b59ce59d638e..753036bedaf17 100644
--- a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test
+++ b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test
@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@
// CHECK-NEXT: | C1, C2, C3, C4 Result
// CHECK-NEXT: | 1 { F, -, F, - = F }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 2 { F, -, T, F = F }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 3 { T, F, F, - = F }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 2 { T, F, F, - = F }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 3 { F, -, T, F = F }
// CHECK-NEXT: | 4 { T, F, T, F = F }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 5 { T, F, T, T = T }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 6 { T, T, -, - = T }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 5 { T, T, -, - = T }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 6 { T, F, T, T = T }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C1-Pair: covered: (1,6)
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C2-Pair: covered: (3,6)
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C3-Pair: covered: (3,5)
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C4-Pair: covered: (4,5)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C1-Pair: covered: (1,5)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C2-Pair: covered: (2,5)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C3-Pair: covered: (2,6)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C4-Pair: covered: (4,6)
// CHECK-NEXT: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 100.00%
// CHECK-NEXT: ------------------
>From 8c777ebbea6f5d005de2112b88eceec9b5eeeadd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2024 17:06:11 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 03/27] [Coverage] MCDCRecordProcessor: Find `ExecVectors`
Deprecate `TestVectors`, since no one uses it.
This affects the output order of ExecVectors.
The current impl emits sorted by binary value of ExecVector.
This impl emits along the traversal of `buildTestVector()`.
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp | 31 +++++++------------
llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test | 28 ++++++++---------
llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test | 16 +++++-----
3 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
diff --git a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
index 6b189c3146328..eb0996e33b70d 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
@@ -253,9 +253,6 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
/// Mapping of calculated MC/DC Independence Pairs for each condition.
MCDCRecord::TVPairMap IndependencePairs;
- /// Total number of possible Test Vectors for the boolean expression.
- MCDCRecord::TestVectors TestVectors;
/// Actual executed Test Vectors for the boolean expression, based on
/// ExecutedTestVectorBitmap.
MCDCRecord::TestVectors ExecVectors;
@@ -267,18 +264,20 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
: Bitmap(Bitmap), Region(Region), Branches(Branches),
BitmapIdx(Region.MCDCParams.BitmapIdx * CHAR_BIT),
- Folded(NumConditions, false), IndependencePairs(NumConditions),
- TestVectors((size_t)1 << NumConditions) {}
+ Folded(NumConditions, false), IndependencePairs(NumConditions) {}
void recordTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, unsigned Index,
MCDCRecord::CondState Result) {
+ if (!Bitmap[BitmapIdx + Index])
+ return;
// Copy the completed test vector to the vector of testvectors.
- TestVectors[Index] = TV;
+ ExecVectors.push_back(TV);
// The final value (T,F) is equal to the last non-dontcare state on the
// path (in a short-circuiting system).
- TestVectors[Index].push_back(Result);
+ ExecVectors.back().push_back(Result);
// Walk the binary decision diagram and try assigning both false and true to
@@ -308,13 +307,11 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
/// Walk the bits in the bitmap. A bit set to '1' indicates that the test
/// vector at the corresponding index was executed during a test run.
void findExecutedTestVectors() {
- for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < (1u << NumConditions); ++Idx) {
- assert(BitmapIdx + Idx < Bitmap.size() && "Bitmap overrun");
- if (Bitmap[BitmapIdx + Idx] == 0)
- continue;
- assert(!TestVectors[Idx].empty() && "Test Vector doesn't exist.");
- ExecVectors.push_back(TestVectors[Idx]);
- }
+ // Walk the binary decision diagram to enumerate all possible test vectors.
+ // We start at the root node (ID == 1) with all values being DontCare.
+ // `Index` encodes the bitmask of true values and is initially 0.
+ MCDCRecord::TestVector TV(NumConditions, MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare);
+ buildTestVector(TV, 1, 0);
// Find an independence pair for each condition:
@@ -380,12 +377,6 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
Folded[I++] = (B->Count.isZero() && B->FalseCount.isZero());
- // Walk the binary decision diagram to enumerate all possible test vectors.
- // We start at the root node (ID == 1) with all values being DontCare.
- // `Index` encodes the bitmask of true values and is initially 0.
- MCDCRecord::TestVector TV(NumConditions, MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare);
- buildTestVector(TV, 1, 0);
// Using Profile Bitmap from runtime, mark the executed test vectors.
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test
index 0b2c9c98d5355..5424625cf6a6b 100644
--- a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test
+++ b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-const.test
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, T = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, T = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
@@ -151,26 +151,26 @@
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: covered: (2,3)
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 100.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, -, C = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, T, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, T, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, -, C = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, - = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, -, C = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, T, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, T, C = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, -, C = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 0.00%
-// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { T, C, - = T }
-// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { F, C, T = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE: | 1 { F, C, T = T }
+// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | 2 { T, C, - = T }
// CHECKFULLCASE: | C1-Pair: not covered
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C2-Pair: constant folded
// CHECKFULLCASE-NEXT: | C3-Pair: not covered
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test
index 753036bedaf17..4b59ce59d638e 100644
--- a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test
+++ b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-general.test
@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@
// CHECK-NEXT: | C1, C2, C3, C4 Result
// CHECK-NEXT: | 1 { F, -, F, - = F }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 2 { T, F, F, - = F }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 3 { F, -, T, F = F }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 2 { F, -, T, F = F }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 3 { T, F, F, - = F }
// CHECK-NEXT: | 4 { T, F, T, F = F }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 5 { T, T, -, - = T }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | 6 { T, F, T, T = T }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 5 { T, F, T, T = T }
+// CHECK-NEXT: | 6 { T, T, -, - = T }
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C1-Pair: covered: (1,5)
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C2-Pair: covered: (2,5)
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C3-Pair: covered: (2,6)
-// CHECK-NEXT: | C4-Pair: covered: (4,6)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C1-Pair: covered: (1,6)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C2-Pair: covered: (3,6)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C3-Pair: covered: (3,5)
+// CHECK-NEXT: | C4-Pair: covered: (4,5)
// CHECK-NEXT: | MC/DC Coverage for Decision: 100.00%
// CHECK-NEXT: ------------------
>From 5432aecffd203f232842607ff581a20cbbf1ba3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2024 00:33:40 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 04/27] Implement MCDCTVIdxBuilder (LLVM side)
This accepts current version of profdata. The output might be different.
See also
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h | 24 +++
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp | 162 +++++++++++++++---
2 files changed, 166 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
index 88ec60c7aa33c..45c28e6cfd792 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
+#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
@@ -557,6 +558,29 @@ struct MCDCRecord {
+class MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
+ struct MCDCNode {
+ int InCount = 0;
+ int Width;
+ struct {
+ int ID;
+ int Idx;
+ } Conds[2];
+ };
+ SmallVector<MCDCNode> Nodes;
+ unsigned NumTestVectors;
+ using NodeIDs = std::tuple<unsigned, // ID1 (ends with 0)
+ unsigned, // ID1 for False
+ unsigned // ID1 for True
+ >;
+ MCDCTVIdxBuilder(std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher);
/// A Counter mapping context is used to connect the counters, expressions
/// and the obtained counter values.
class CounterMappingContext {
diff --git a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
index eb0996e33b70d..5eb78f7a78571 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
@@ -223,9 +223,119 @@ Expected<int64_t> CounterMappingContext::evaluate(const Counter &C) const {
return LastPoppedValue;
+ std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher) {
+ // Build Nodes and set up each InCount
+ int MaxID = -1;
+ Nodes.resize(std::get<0>(Fetcher(true)));
+ while (true) {
+ auto [ID1, FalseID1, TrueID1] = Fetcher(false);
+ if (ID1 == 0)
+ break;
+ int ID = ID1 - 1;
+ MaxID = std::max(MaxID, ID);
+ auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
+ Node.Conds[0].ID = FalseID1 - 1;
+ Node.Conds[1].ID = TrueID1 - 1;
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ Node.Conds[I].Idx = INT_MIN;
+ int NextID = Node.Conds[I].ID;
+ if (NextID >= 0)
+ ++Nodes[NextID].InCount;
+ }
+ }
+ if (MaxID < 0)
+ return;
+ // Sort key ordered by <-Width, Ord>
+ SmallVector<std::tuple<int, /// -Width
+ unsigned, /// Ord
+ int, /// ID
+ unsigned /// Cond (0 or 1)
+ >>
+ Decisions;
+ // Traverse Nodes to assign Idx
+ SmallVector<int> Q;
+ assert(Nodes[0].InCount == 0);
+ Nodes[0].Width = 1;
+ Q.push_back(0);
+ unsigned Ord = 0;
+ while (!Q.empty()) {
+ int ID = *Q.begin();
+ Q.erase(Q.begin());
+ auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
+ assert(Node.Width > 0);
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
+ int NextID = Node.Conds[I].ID;
+ assert(NextID != 0);
+ if (NextID < 0) {
+ Decisions.emplace_back(-Node.Width, Ord++, ID, I);
+ assert(Ord == Decisions.size());
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto &NextNode = Nodes[NextID];
+ assert(NextNode.InCount > 0);
+ assert(Node.Conds[I].Idx == INT_MIN);
+ Node.Conds[I].Idx = NextNode.Width;
+ NextNode.Width += Node.Width;
+ if (--NextNode.InCount == 0)
+ Q.push_back(NextID);
+ }
+ }
+ std::sort(Decisions.begin(), Decisions.end());
+ // Assign TestVector Index
+ unsigned CurIdx = 0;
+ for (auto [NegWidth, Ord, ID, C] : Decisions) {
+ int Width = -NegWidth;
+ assert(Nodes[ID].Width == Width);
+ assert(Nodes[ID].Conds[C].Idx == INT_MIN);
+ assert(Nodes[ID].Conds[C].ID < 0);
+ Nodes[ID].Conds[C].Idx = CurIdx;
+ CurIdx += Width;
+ }
+ NumTestVectors = CurIdx;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ for (const auto &Node : Nodes)
+ for (const auto &Cond : Node.Conds)
+ assert(Cond.Idx != INT_MIN);
namespace {
-class MCDCRecordProcessor {
+class BranchProvider {
+ using NodeIDs = MCDCTVIdxBuilder::NodeIDs;
+ ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches;
+ unsigned BranchIdx = 0;
+ BranchProvider(ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches)
+ : Branches(Branches) {}
+ std::function<NodeIDs(bool)> getFetcher() {
+ return [this](bool TellSize) {
+ if (TellSize)
+ return NodeIDs(Branches.size(), 0, 0);
+ if (BranchIdx >= Branches.size())
+ return NodeIDs(0, 0, 0);
+ const auto *B = Branches[BranchIdx++];
+ return NodeIDs(B->MCDCParams.ID, B->MCDCParams.FalseID,
+ B->MCDCParams.TrueID);
+ };
+ }
+class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
/// A bitmap representing the executed test vectors for a boolean expression.
/// Each index of the bitmap corresponds to a possible test vector. An index
/// with a bit value of '1' indicates that the corresponding Test Vector
@@ -257,18 +367,28 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
/// ExecutedTestVectorBitmap.
MCDCRecord::TestVectors ExecVectors;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DenseSet<unsigned> TVIDs;
MCDCRecordProcessor(const BitVector &Bitmap,
const CounterMappingRegion &Region,
ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches)
- : Bitmap(Bitmap), Region(Region), Branches(Branches),
+ : MCDCTVIdxBuilder(BranchProvider(Branches).getFetcher()), Bitmap(Bitmap),
+ Region(Region), Branches(Branches),
BitmapIdx(Region.MCDCParams.BitmapIdx * CHAR_BIT),
Folded(NumConditions, false), IndependencePairs(NumConditions) {}
- void recordTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, unsigned Index,
+ void recordTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, int TVIdx, unsigned Index,
MCDCRecord::CondState Result) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ assert(!TVIDs.contains(TVIdx));
+ TVIDs.insert(TVIdx);
if (!Bitmap[BitmapIdx + Index])
@@ -283,25 +403,26 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
// Walk the binary decision diagram and try assigning both false and true to
// each node. When a terminal node (ID == 0) is reached, fill in the value in
// the truth table.
- void buildTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, unsigned ID,
+ void buildTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, int ID, int TVIdx,
unsigned Index) {
- const CounterMappingRegion *Branch = Map[ID];
- TV[ID - 1] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_False;
- if (Branch->MCDCParams.FalseID > 0)
- buildTestVector(TV, Branch->MCDCParams.FalseID, Index);
- else
- recordTestVector(TV, Index, MCDCRecord::MCDC_False);
- Index |= 1 << (ID - 1);
- TV[ID - 1] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_True;
- if (Branch->MCDCParams.TrueID > 0)
- buildTestVector(TV, Branch->MCDCParams.TrueID, Index);
- else
- recordTestVector(TV, Index, MCDCRecord::MCDC_True);
+ const auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
+ auto MCDCCond = (I ? MCDCRecord::MCDC_True : MCDCRecord::MCDC_False);
+ const auto &Cond = Node.Conds[I];
+ auto NextID = Cond.ID;
+ Index |= I << ID;
+ TV[ID] = MCDCCond;
+ if (NextID >= 0) {
+ buildTestVector(TV, NextID, TVIdx + Cond.Idx, Index);
+ } else {
+ assert(TVIdx < Node.Width);
+ recordTestVector(TV, Cond.Idx + TVIdx, Index, MCDCCond);
+ }
+ }
// Reset back to DontCare.
- TV[ID - 1] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare;
+ TV[ID] = MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare;
/// Walk the bits in the bitmap. A bit set to '1' indicates that the test
@@ -311,7 +432,8 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor {
// We start at the root node (ID == 1) with all values being DontCare.
// `Index` encodes the bitmask of true values and is initially 0.
MCDCRecord::TestVector TV(NumConditions, MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare);
- buildTestVector(TV, 1, 0);
+ buildTestVector(TV, 0, 0, 0);
+ assert(TVIDs.size() == NumTestVectors);
// Find an independence pair for each condition:
>From 3ee8a6131de896869edd03f18e07e193c3229fe4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2024 21:41:43 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 05/27] Update comments and assertions
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h | 14 +++++++---
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp | 28 +++++++++++--------
2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
index 45c28e6cfd792..7341b41aed63d 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
@@ -558,14 +558,15 @@ struct MCDCRecord {
+/// Compute Conds[].Idx from Branch-like structure
class MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
struct MCDCNode {
- int InCount = 0;
- int Width;
+ int InCount = 0; /// Reference count; temporary use
+ int Width; /// Number of paths (>= 1)
struct {
- int ID;
- int Idx;
+ int Idx; /// Index in TestVectors bitmap
+ int ID; /// Final Decision if ID<0, or NextID
} Conds[2];
@@ -578,6 +579,11 @@ class MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
unsigned // ID1 for True
+ /// Assign Idx
+ /// \param Fetcher Function to fetch NodeIDs.
+ /// returns {size,0,0} with TellSize=ture
+ /// returns {ID1,TrueID1,FalseID1} as the value
+ /// returns {0,0,0} as the terminator
MCDCTVIdxBuilder(std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher);
diff --git a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
index 5eb78f7a78571..cafb36c19c27f 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
@@ -266,25 +266,32 @@ MCDCTVIdxBuilder::MCDCTVIdxBuilder(
unsigned Ord = 0;
while (!Q.empty()) {
- int ID = *Q.begin();
- Q.erase(Q.begin());
+ auto IID = Q.begin();
+ int ID = *IID;
+ Q.erase(IID);
auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
assert(Node.Width > 0);
for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
int NextID = Node.Conds[I].ID;
- assert(NextID != 0);
+ assert(NextID != 0 && "NextID should not point to the top");
if (NextID < 0) {
+ // Decision
Decisions.emplace_back(-Node.Width, Ord++, ID, I);
assert(Ord == Decisions.size());
+ // Inter Node
auto &NextNode = Nodes[NextID];
assert(NextNode.InCount > 0);
assert(Node.Conds[I].Idx == INT_MIN);
+ // Assign Idx
Node.Conds[I].Idx = NextNode.Width;
NextNode.Width += Node.Width;
+ // Ready if all incomings are processed.
if (--NextNode.InCount == 0)
@@ -292,7 +299,7 @@ MCDCTVIdxBuilder::MCDCTVIdxBuilder(
std::sort(Decisions.begin(), Decisions.end());
- // Assign TestVector Index
+ // Assign TestVector Indices in Decision Nodes
unsigned CurIdx = 0;
for (auto [NegWidth, Ord, ID, C] : Decisions) {
int Width = -NegWidth;
@@ -313,6 +320,7 @@ MCDCTVIdxBuilder::MCDCTVIdxBuilder(
namespace {
+/// Returns the fetcher to return {ID1,TrueID1,FalseID1} from Branches
class BranchProvider {
using NodeIDs = MCDCTVIdxBuilder::NodeIDs;
ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches;
@@ -368,7 +376,7 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
MCDCRecord::TestVectors ExecVectors;
#ifndef NDEBUG
- DenseSet<unsigned> TVIDs;
+ DenseSet<unsigned> TVIdxs;
@@ -384,10 +392,7 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
void recordTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, int TVIdx, unsigned Index,
MCDCRecord::CondState Result) {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- assert(!TVIDs.contains(TVIdx));
- TVIDs.insert(TVIdx);
+ assert(TVIdxs.insert(TVIdx).second && "Duplicate TVIdx");
if (!Bitmap[BitmapIdx + Index])
@@ -429,11 +434,12 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
/// vector at the corresponding index was executed during a test run.
void findExecutedTestVectors() {
// Walk the binary decision diagram to enumerate all possible test vectors.
- // We start at the root node (ID == 1) with all values being DontCare.
+ // We start at the root node (ID == 0) with all values being DontCare.
+ // `TVIdx` starts with 0 and is in the traversal.
// `Index` encodes the bitmask of true values and is initially 0.
MCDCRecord::TestVector TV(NumConditions, MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare);
buildTestVector(TV, 0, 0, 0);
- assert(TVIDs.size() == NumTestVectors);
+ assert(TVIdxs.size() == NumTestVectors && "TVIdxs wasn't fulfilled");
// Find an independence pair for each condition:
>From 1f0f3fc963fdd8b4e637a45f362c49c8e907ae4b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2024 18:10:18 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 06/27] Reorganize TVIdxBuilder
* Split out `Indices[ID][Cond]`
* Let `Nodes` debug-only.
* Introduce `Offset`
* Introduce `HardMaxTVs`
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h | 45 ++++++++----
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp | 71 ++++++++++++-------
2 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
index 7341b41aed63d..bafb1ce2ce5e0 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
@@ -558,33 +558,48 @@ struct MCDCRecord {
-/// Compute Conds[].Idx from Branch-like structure
+/// Compute Indices from Branch-like structure
class MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
struct MCDCNode {
int InCount = 0; /// Reference count; temporary use
- int Width; /// Number of paths (>= 1)
- struct {
- int Idx; /// Index in TestVectors bitmap
- int ID; /// Final Decision if ID<0, or NextID
- } Conds[2];
+ int Width; /// Number of accumulated paths (>= 1)
+ std::array<int, 2> NextIDs;
- SmallVector<MCDCNode> Nodes;
- unsigned NumTestVectors;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /// This is no longer needed after the assignment.
+ /// It may be used in assert() for reconfirmation.
+ SmallVector<MCDCNode> SavedNodes;
- using NodeIDs = std::tuple<unsigned, // ID1 (ends with 0)
- unsigned, // ID1 for False
- unsigned // ID1 for True
- >;
+ /// Output: Index for TestVectors bitmap
+ SmallVector<std::array<int, 2>> Indices;
+ /// Output: The number of test vectors.
+ /// Error with HardMaxTVs if the number has exploded.
+ int NumTestVectors;
- /// Assign Idx
+ /// Hard limit of test vectors
+ static constexpr auto HardMaxTVs =
+ std::numeric_limits<decltype(NumTestVectors)>::max();
+ /// Inputs: to gather MCDCBranch-like ID to construct the BDD.
+ using NodeIDs =
+ std::tuple<CounterMappingRegion::MCDCConditionID, // ID1 (ends with 0)
+ CounterMappingRegion::MCDCConditionID, // ID1 for False
+ CounterMappingRegion::MCDCConditionID // ID1 for True
+ >;
+ /// Calculate and assign Indices
/// \param Fetcher Function to fetch NodeIDs.
/// returns {size,0,0} with TellSize=ture
/// returns {ID1,TrueID1,FalseID1} as the value
/// returns {0,0,0} as the terminator
- MCDCTVIdxBuilder(std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher);
+ /// \param Offset Offset of index to final decisions.
+ MCDCTVIdxBuilder(std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher,
+ int Offset = 0);
/// A Counter mapping context is used to connect the counters, expressions
diff --git a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
index cafb36c19c27f..83932b9b6317c 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
@@ -224,10 +224,12 @@ Expected<int64_t> CounterMappingContext::evaluate(const Counter &C) const {
- std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher) {
- // Build Nodes and set up each InCount
+ std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher, int Offset) {
+ // Construct Nodes and set up each InCount
int MaxID = -1;
- Nodes.resize(std::get<0>(Fetcher(true)));
+ auto N = std::get<0>(Fetcher(true));
+ SmallVector<MCDCNode> Nodes(N);
+ Indices.resize(N);
while (true) {
auto [ID1, FalseID1, TrueID1] = Fetcher(false);
if (ID1 == 0)
@@ -235,13 +237,13 @@ MCDCTVIdxBuilder::MCDCTVIdxBuilder(
int ID = ID1 - 1;
MaxID = std::max(MaxID, ID);
auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
- Node.Conds[0].ID = FalseID1 - 1;
- Node.Conds[1].ID = TrueID1 - 1;
+ Node.NextIDs[0] = FalseID1 - 1;
+ Node.NextIDs[1] = TrueID1 - 1;
for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
- Node.Conds[I].Idx = INT_MIN;
+ Indices[ID][I] = INT_MIN;
- int NextID = Node.Conds[I].ID;
+ auto NextID = Node.NextIDs[I];
if (NextID >= 0)
@@ -273,7 +275,7 @@ MCDCTVIdxBuilder::MCDCTVIdxBuilder(
assert(Node.Width > 0);
for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
- int NextID = Node.Conds[I].ID;
+ auto NextID = Node.NextIDs[I];
assert(NextID != 0 && "NextID should not point to the top");
if (NextID < 0) {
// Decision
@@ -285,13 +287,19 @@ MCDCTVIdxBuilder::MCDCTVIdxBuilder(
// Inter Node
auto &NextNode = Nodes[NextID];
assert(NextNode.InCount > 0);
- assert(Node.Conds[I].Idx == INT_MIN);
// Assign Idx
- Node.Conds[I].Idx = NextNode.Width;
- NextNode.Width += Node.Width;
+ assert(Indices[ID][I] == INT_MIN);
+ Indices[ID][I] = NextNode.Width;
+ auto NextWidth = int64_t(NextNode.Width) + Node.Width;
+ if (NextWidth > HardMaxTVs) {
+ NumTestVectors = HardMaxTVs; // Overflow
+ return;
+ }
+ NextNode.Width = NextWidth;
// Ready if all incomings are processed.
+ // Or NextNode.Width hasn't been confirmed yet.
if (--NextNode.InCount == 0)
@@ -300,21 +308,28 @@ MCDCTVIdxBuilder::MCDCTVIdxBuilder(
std::sort(Decisions.begin(), Decisions.end());
// Assign TestVector Indices in Decision Nodes
- unsigned CurIdx = 0;
+ int64_t CurIdx = 0;
for (auto [NegWidth, Ord, ID, C] : Decisions) {
int Width = -NegWidth;
assert(Nodes[ID].Width == Width);
- assert(Nodes[ID].Conds[C].Idx == INT_MIN);
- assert(Nodes[ID].Conds[C].ID < 0);
- Nodes[ID].Conds[C].Idx = CurIdx;
+ assert(Nodes[ID].NextIDs[C] < 0);
+ assert(Indices[ID][C] == INT_MIN);
+ Indices[ID][C] = Offset + CurIdx;
CurIdx += Width;
+ if (CurIdx > HardMaxTVs) {
+ NumTestVectors = HardMaxTVs; // Overflow
+ return;
+ }
+ assert(CurIdx < HardMaxTVs);
NumTestVectors = CurIdx;
#ifndef NDEBUG
- for (const auto &Node : Nodes)
- for (const auto &Cond : Node.Conds)
- assert(Cond.Idx != INT_MIN);
+ for (const auto &Idxs : Indices)
+ for (auto Idx : Idxs)
+ assert(Idx != INT_MIN);
+ SavedNodes = std::move(Nodes);
@@ -363,7 +378,7 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
unsigned BitmapIdx;
/// Mapping of a condition ID to its corresponding branch region.
- llvm::DenseMap<unsigned, const CounterMappingRegion *> Map;
+ llvm::DenseMap<int, std::array<int, 2>> NextIDsMap;
/// Vector used to track whether a condition is constant folded.
MCDCRecord::BoolVector Folded;
@@ -410,19 +425,19 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
// the truth table.
void buildTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, int ID, int TVIdx,
unsigned Index) {
- const auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
+ const auto &NextIDs = NextIDsMap[ID];
for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
auto MCDCCond = (I ? MCDCRecord::MCDC_True : MCDCRecord::MCDC_False);
- const auto &Cond = Node.Conds[I];
- auto NextID = Cond.ID;
+ auto NextID = NextIDs[I];
+ assert(NextID == SavedNodes[ID].NextIDs[I]);
Index |= I << ID;
TV[ID] = MCDCCond;
if (NextID >= 0) {
- buildTestVector(TV, NextID, TVIdx + Cond.Idx, Index);
+ buildTestVector(TV, NextID, TVIdx + Indices[ID][I], Index);
} else {
- assert(TVIdx < Node.Width);
- recordTestVector(TV, Cond.Idx + TVIdx, Index, MCDCCond);
+ assert(TVIdx < SavedNodes[ID].Width);
+ recordTestVector(TV, Indices[ID][I] + TVIdx, Index, MCDCCond);
@@ -439,7 +454,8 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
// `Index` encodes the bitmask of true values and is initially 0.
MCDCRecord::TestVector TV(NumConditions, MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare);
buildTestVector(TV, 0, 0, 0);
- assert(TVIdxs.size() == NumTestVectors && "TVIdxs wasn't fulfilled");
+ assert(TVIdxs.size() == unsigned(NumTestVectors) &&
+ "TVIdxs wasn't fulfilled");
// Find an independence pair for each condition:
@@ -499,7 +515,8 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
// - Record whether the condition is constant folded so that we exclude it
// from being measured.
for (const auto *B : Branches) {
- Map[B->MCDCParams.ID] = B;
+ NextIDsMap[B->MCDCParams.ID - 1] = {int(B->MCDCParams.FalseID) - 1,
+ int(B->MCDCParams.TrueID) - 1};
PosToID[I] = B->MCDCParams.ID - 1;
CondLoc[I] = B->startLoc();
Folded[I++] = (B->Count.isZero() && B->FalseCount.isZero());
>From e3de6478e296c7dca9244d70fd8f5063232c32ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2024 20:19:53 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 07/27] [CoverageMapping] Refactor `mcdc::TVIdxBuilder`
* Sink `TVIdxBuilder` into `mcdc::`.
* The ctor accepts `SmallVector<ConditionIDs>` indexed by `ID`.
* `class NextIDsBuilder` provides `NextIDs` as`SmallVector<ConditionIDs>`,
for `TVIdxBuilder` to use it before `MCDCRecordProcessor()`.
It was `BranchParamsMap` or `Map` as `DenseMap<Branch>`.
* `NodeIDs` and `Fetcher` function are deprecated.
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h | 22 ++----
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp | 72 ++++++++-----------
2 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
index cb3b260973e9f..4ac1d88f9206d 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
@@ -551,13 +551,14 @@ struct MCDCRecord {
+namespace mcdc {
/// Compute Indices from Branch-like structure
-class MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
+class TVIdxBuilder {
struct MCDCNode {
int InCount = 0; /// Reference count; temporary use
int Width; /// Number of accumulated paths (>= 1)
- std::array<int, 2> NextIDs;
+ ConditionIDs NextIDs;
#ifndef NDEBUG
@@ -566,7 +567,7 @@ class MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
SmallVector<MCDCNode> SavedNodes;
- /// Output: Index for TestVectors bitmap
+ /// Output: Index for TestVectors bitmap (These are not CondIDs)
SmallVector<std::array<int, 2>> Indices;
/// Output: The number of test vectors.
@@ -578,21 +579,12 @@ class MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
- /// Inputs: to gather MCDCBranch-like ID to construct the BDD.
- using NodeIDs = std::tuple<mcdc::ConditionID, // ID (ends with -1)
- mcdc::ConditionID, // ID for False
- mcdc::ConditionID // ID for True
- >;
/// Calculate and assign Indices
- /// \param Fetcher Function to fetch NodeIDs.
- /// returns {size,0,0} with TellSize=ture
- /// returns {ID1,TrueID1,FalseID1} as the value
- /// returns {0,0,0} as the terminator
+ /// \param NextIDs The list of {FalseID, TrueID} indexed by ID
/// \param Offset Offset of index to final decisions.
- MCDCTVIdxBuilder(std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher,
- int Offset = 0);
+ TVIdxBuilder(const SmallVectorImpl<ConditionIDs> &NextIDs, int Offset = 0);
+} // namespace mcdc
/// A Counter mapping context is used to connect the counters, expressions
/// and the obtained counter values.
diff --git a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
index 6896603debf7f..8e6205c4b6166 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
@@ -223,34 +223,24 @@ Expected<int64_t> CounterMappingContext::evaluate(const Counter &C) const {
return LastPoppedValue;
- std::function<NodeIDs(bool TellSize)> Fetcher, int Offset) {
+mcdc::TVIdxBuilder::TVIdxBuilder(const SmallVectorImpl<ConditionIDs> &NextIDs,
+ int Offset)
+ : Indices(NextIDs.size()) {
// Construct Nodes and set up each InCount
- mcdc::ConditionID MaxID = -1;
- auto N = std::get<0>(Fetcher(true));
+ auto N = NextIDs.size();
SmallVector<MCDCNode> Nodes(N);
- Indices.resize(N);
- while (true) {
- auto [ID, FalseID, TrueID] = Fetcher(false);
- if (ID < 0)
- break;
- MaxID = std::max(MaxID, ID);
- auto &Node = Nodes[ID];
- Node.NextIDs[0] = FalseID;
- Node.NextIDs[1] = TrueID;
- for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
+ for (unsigned ID = 0; ID < N; ++ID) {
+ for (unsigned C = 0; C < 2; ++C) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
- Indices[ID][I] = INT_MIN;
+ Indices[ID][C] = INT_MIN;
- auto NextID = Node.NextIDs[I];
+ auto NextID = NextIDs[ID][C];
+ Nodes[ID].NextIDs[C] = NextID;
if (NextID >= 0)
- if (MaxID < 0)
- return;
// Sort key ordered by <-Width, Ord>
SmallVector<std::tuple<int, /// -Width
unsigned, /// Ord
@@ -334,29 +324,29 @@ MCDCTVIdxBuilder::MCDCTVIdxBuilder(
namespace {
-/// Returns the fetcher to return {ID1,TrueID1,FalseID1} from Branches
-class BranchProvider {
- using NodeIDs = MCDCTVIdxBuilder::NodeIDs;
- ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches;
- unsigned BranchIdx = 0;
+/// Construct this->NextIDs with Branches for TVIdxBuilder to use it
+/// before MCDCRecordProcessor().
+class NextIDsBuilder {
+ SmallVector<mcdc::ConditionIDs> NextIDs;
- BranchProvider(ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches)
- : Branches(Branches) {}
- std::function<NodeIDs(bool)> getFetcher() {
- return [this](bool TellSize) {
- if (TellSize)
- return NodeIDs(Branches.size(), 0, 0);
- if (BranchIdx >= Branches.size())
- return NodeIDs(-1, 0, 0);
- const auto &B = Branches[BranchIdx++]->getBranchParams();
- return NodeIDs(B.ID, B.Conds[false], B.Conds[true]);
- };
+ NextIDsBuilder(const ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches)
+ : NextIDs(Branches.size()) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ DenseSet<mcdc::ConditionID> SeenIDs;
+ for (const auto *Branch : Branches) {
+ const auto &BranchParams = Branch->getBranchParams();
+ assert(BranchParams.ID >= 0 && "CondID isn't set");
+ assert(SeenIDs.insert(BranchParams.ID).second && "Duplicate CondID");
+ NextIDs[BranchParams.ID] = BranchParams.Conds;
+ }
+ assert(SeenIDs.size() == Branches.size());
-class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
+class MCDCRecordProcessor : NextIDsBuilder, mcdc::TVIdxBuilder {
/// A bitmap representing the executed test vectors for a boolean expression.
/// Each index of the bitmap corresponds to a possible test vector. An index
/// with a bit value of '1' indicates that the corresponding Test Vector
@@ -376,9 +366,6 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
unsigned BitmapIdx;
- /// Mapping of a condition ID to its corresponding branch params.
- llvm::DenseMap<mcdc::ConditionID, mcdc::ConditionIDs> NextIDsMap;
/// Vector used to track whether a condition is constant folded.
MCDCRecord::BoolVector Folded;
@@ -397,7 +384,7 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
MCDCRecordProcessor(const BitVector &Bitmap,
const CounterMappingRegion &Region,
ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches)
- : MCDCTVIdxBuilder(BranchProvider(Branches).getFetcher()), Bitmap(Bitmap),
+ : NextIDsBuilder(Branches), TVIdxBuilder(this->NextIDs), Bitmap(Bitmap),
Region(Region), DecisionParams(Region.getDecisionParams()),
Branches(Branches), NumConditions(DecisionParams.NumConditions),
BitmapIdx(DecisionParams.BitmapIdx * CHAR_BIT),
@@ -416,7 +403,7 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
static_assert(MCDCRecord::MCDC_True == 1);
Index |= MCDCCond << ID;
TV[ID] = MCDCCond;
- auto NextID = NextIDsMap[ID][MCDCCond];
+ auto NextID = NextIDs[ID][MCDCCond];
auto NextTVIdx = TVIdx + Indices[ID][MCDCCond];
assert(NextID == SavedNodes[ID].NextIDs[MCDCCond]);
if (NextID >= 0) {
@@ -513,7 +500,6 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : MCDCTVIdxBuilder {
// from being measured.
for (const auto *B : Branches) {
const auto &BranchParams = B->getBranchParams();
- NextIDsMap[BranchParams.ID] = BranchParams.Conds;
PosToID[I] = BranchParams.ID;
CondLoc[I] = B->startLoc();
Folded[I++] = (B->Count.isZero() && B->FalseCount.isZero());
>From 753d0ad692c56b81d471d4c8282bb41432fcd815 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2024 22:18:19 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 08/27] remove <functional>
llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h | 1 -
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
index 4ac1d88f9206d..c34c6f70de6b3 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
-#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
>From 17cbac7f99d2b800dc008d3413886495d03531d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2024 09:02:02 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 09/27] Update comments.
.../llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h | 16 +++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
index c34c6f70de6b3..b39f262c3d976 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
@@ -551,7 +551,20 @@ struct MCDCRecord {
namespace mcdc {
-/// Compute Indices from Branch-like structure
+/// Compute TestVector Indices "TVIdx" from the Conds graph.
+/// Clang CodeGen handles the bitmap index based on TVIdx.
+/// llvm-cov reconstructs conditions from TVIdx.
+/// For each leaf "The final decision",
+/// - TVIdx should be unique.
+/// - TVIdx has the Width.
+/// - The width represents the number of possible paths.
+/// - The minimum width is 1 "deterministic".
+/// - The order of leaves are sorted by Width DESC. It expects
+/// latter TVIdx(s) (with Width=1) could be pruned and altered to
+/// other simple branch conditions.
class TVIdxBuilder {
struct MCDCNode {
@@ -580,6 +593,7 @@ class TVIdxBuilder {
/// Calculate and assign Indices
/// \param NextIDs The list of {FalseID, TrueID} indexed by ID
+ /// The first element [0] should be the root node.
/// \param Offset Offset of index to final decisions.
TVIdxBuilder(const SmallVectorImpl<ConditionIDs> &NextIDs, int Offset = 0);
>From 1a4ffa7f2dc2b6ed1af1ef128865c29bf9cfc752 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2024 09:02:02 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 10/27] Add unittest
.../ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp | 56 +++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 56 insertions(+)
diff --git a/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp b/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp
index 425b3d10510af..c5b7c26bef9a7 100644
--- a/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp
+++ b/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "llvm/Testing/Support/SupportHelpers.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include <map>
#include <ostream>
#include <utility>
@@ -1074,4 +1075,59 @@ TEST(CoverageMappingTest, filename_compilation_dir) {
+TEST(CoverageMappingTest, TVIdxBuilder) {
+ // ((n0 && n3) || (n2 && n4) || (n1 && n5))
+ static const std::array<mcdc::ConditionIDs, 6> Branches = {{
+ {2, 3},
+ {-1, 5},
+ {1, 4},
+ {2, -1},
+ {1, -1},
+ {-1, -1},
+ }};
+ int Offset = 1000;
+ auto TheBuilder = mcdc::TVIdxBuilder(
+ SmallVector<mcdc::ConditionIDs>(ArrayRef(Branches)), Offset);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(TheBuilder.NumTestVectors < TheBuilder.HardMaxTVs);
+ ASSERT_EQ(TheBuilder.Indices.size(), 6u);
+ ASSERT_EQ(TheBuilder.NumTestVectors, 15);
+ std::map<int, int> Decisions;
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I < TheBuilder.Indices.size(); ++I) {
+ struct Rec {
+ int Width;
+ std::array<int, 2> Indices;
+ };
+ static const std::array<Rec, 6> IndicesRefs = {{
+ {1, {0, 0}},
+ {4, {1000, 0}},
+ {2, {0, 0}},
+ {1, {1, 1014}},
+ {2, {2, 1012}},
+ {4, {1004, 1008}},
+ }};
+ ASSERT_EQ(TheBuilder.Indices[I], IndicesRefs[I].Indices);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ const auto &Node = TheBuilder.SavedNodes[I];
+ ASSERT_EQ(Node.Width, IndicesRefs[I].Width);
+ for (int C = 0; C < 2; ++C) {
+ auto Index = TheBuilder.Indices[I][C];
+ if (Node.NextIDs[C] < 0)
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Decisions.insert({Index, Node.Width}).second);
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ int NextIdx = Offset;
+ for (const auto [Index, Width] : Decisions) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(Index, NextIdx);
+ NextIdx += Width;
+ }
+ // The sum of Width(s) is NumTVs.
+ ASSERT_EQ(NextIdx, Offset + TheBuilder.NumTestVectors);
} // end anonymous namespace
>From b5ecfcc22cffdd560dc5b6a050889b6c6deacbdb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2024 00:09:41 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 11/27] [MC/DC][Coverage] Loosen the limit of NumConds from 6
clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPGO.cpp | 61 +++++-----
clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp | 115 +++++++++++++++++-
clang/lib/CodeGen/MCDCState.h | 18 ++-
.../CoverageMapping/branch-constfolded.cpp | 34 +++---
clang/test/CoverageMapping/logical.cpp | 8 +-
clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-class.cpp | 4 +-
.../CoverageMapping/mcdc-error-conditions.cpp | 86 ++++++++++++-
.../mcdc-logical-scalar-ids.cpp | 30 ++---
.../mcdc-logical-stmt-ids-all.cpp | 32 ++---
.../CoverageMapping/mcdc-logical-stmt-ids.cpp | 30 ++---
clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc-logicalop-ternary.c | 6 +-
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp | 32 ++---
.../llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-const-folding.o | Bin 34504 -> 34528 bytes
.../Inputs/mcdc-const-folding.proftext | 36 +++---
llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-const.o | Bin 5112 -> 5112 bytes
.../tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-const.proftext | 6 +-
.../test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-general.o | Bin 6200 -> 6232 bytes
.../llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-general.proftext | 11 +-
llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-macro.o | Bin 6424 -> 6480 bytes
.../tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-macro.proftext | 15 +--
llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-maxbs.o | Bin 4632 -> 4112 bytes
llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-maxbs.test | 2 +-
.../ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp | 2 +-
23 files changed, 348 insertions(+), 180 deletions(-)
diff --git a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPGO.cpp b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPGO.cpp
index 48c5e68a3b7ba..b004bf45fa75d 100644
--- a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPGO.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPGO.cpp
@@ -163,8 +163,7 @@ struct MapRegionCounters : public RecursiveASTVisitor<MapRegionCounters> {
PGOHash Hash;
/// The map of statements to counters.
llvm::DenseMap<const Stmt *, unsigned> &CounterMap;
- /// The next bitmap byte index to assign.
- unsigned NextMCDCBitmapIdx;
+ /// The state of MC/DC Coverage in this function.
MCDC::State &MCDCState;
/// Maximum number of supported MC/DC conditions in a boolean expression.
unsigned MCDCMaxCond;
@@ -178,7 +177,7 @@ struct MapRegionCounters : public RecursiveASTVisitor<MapRegionCounters> {
MCDC::State &MCDCState, unsigned MCDCMaxCond,
DiagnosticsEngine &Diag)
: NextCounter(0), Hash(HashVersion), CounterMap(CounterMap),
- NextMCDCBitmapIdx(0), MCDCState(MCDCState), MCDCMaxCond(MCDCMaxCond),
+ MCDCState(MCDCState), MCDCMaxCond(MCDCMaxCond),
ProfileVersion(ProfileVersion), Diag(Diag) {}
// Blocks and lambdas are handled as separate functions, so we need not
@@ -306,11 +305,8 @@ struct MapRegionCounters : public RecursiveASTVisitor<MapRegionCounters> {
return false;
- // Otherwise, allocate the number of bytes required for the bitmap
- // based on the number of conditions. Must be at least 1-byte long.
- MCDCState.BitmapMap[BinOp] = NextMCDCBitmapIdx;
- unsigned SizeInBits = std::max<unsigned>(1L << NumCond, CHAR_BIT);
- NextMCDCBitmapIdx += SizeInBits / CHAR_BIT;
+ // Otherwise, allocate the Decision.
+ MCDCState.BitmapMap[BinOp].BitmapIdx = 0;
return true;
@@ -983,7 +979,7 @@ void CodeGenPGO::mapRegionCounters(const Decl *D) {
// for most embedded applications. Setting a maximum value prevents the
// bitmap footprint from growing too large without the user's knowledge. In
// the future, this value could be adjusted with a command-line option.
- unsigned MCDCMaxConditions = (CGM.getCodeGenOpts().MCDCCoverage) ? 6 : 0;
+ unsigned MCDCMaxConditions = (CGM.getCodeGenOpts().MCDCCoverage) ? 32767 : 0;
RegionCounterMap.reset(new llvm::DenseMap<const Stmt *, unsigned>);
RegionMCDCState.reset(new MCDC::State);
@@ -999,7 +995,6 @@ void CodeGenPGO::mapRegionCounters(const Decl *D) {
Walker.TraverseDecl(const_cast<CapturedDecl *>(CD));
assert(Walker.NextCounter > 0 && "no entry counter mapped for decl");
NumRegionCounters = Walker.NextCounter;
- RegionMCDCState->BitmapBytes = Walker.NextMCDCBitmapIdx;
FunctionHash = Walker.Hash.finalize();
@@ -1124,9 +1119,11 @@ void CodeGenPGO::emitMCDCParameters(CGBuilderTy &Builder) {
// Emit intrinsic representing MCDC bitmap parameters at function entry.
// This is used by the instrumentation pass, but it isn't actually lowered to
// anything.
- llvm::Value *Args[3] = {llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(FuncNameVar, I8PtrTy),
- Builder.getInt64(FunctionHash),
- Builder.getInt32(RegionMCDCState->BitmapBytes)};
+ llvm::Value *Args[3] = {
+ llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(FuncNameVar, I8PtrTy),
+ Builder.getInt64(FunctionHash),
+ Builder.getInt32(llvm::alignTo(RegionMCDCState->BitmapBits, CHAR_BIT) /
CGM.getIntrinsic(llvm::Intrinsic::instrprof_mcdc_parameters), Args);
@@ -1139,12 +1136,9 @@ void CodeGenPGO::emitMCDCTestVectorBitmapUpdate(CGBuilderTy &Builder,
S = S->IgnoreParens();
- auto ExprMCDCBitmapMapIterator = RegionMCDCState->BitmapMap.find(S);
- if (ExprMCDCBitmapMapIterator == RegionMCDCState->BitmapMap.end())
+ if (!RegionMCDCState->BitmapMap.contains(S))
- // Extract the ID of the global bitmap associated with this expression.
- unsigned MCDCTestVectorBitmapID = ExprMCDCBitmapMapIterator->second;
auto *I8PtrTy = llvm::PointerType::getUnqual(CGM.getLLVMContext());
// Emit intrinsic responsible for updating the global bitmap corresponding to
@@ -1154,9 +1148,8 @@ void CodeGenPGO::emitMCDCTestVectorBitmapUpdate(CGBuilderTy &Builder,
// index represents an executed test vector.
llvm::Value *Args[5] = {llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(FuncNameVar, I8PtrTy),
- Builder.getInt32(RegionMCDCState->BitmapBytes),
- Builder.getInt32(MCDCTestVectorBitmapID),
- MCDCCondBitmapAddr.getPointer()};
+ Builder.getInt32(RegionMCDCState->BitmapBits),
+ Builder.getInt32(0), MCDCCondBitmapAddr.getPointer()};
CGM.getIntrinsic(llvm::Intrinsic::instrprof_mcdc_tvbitmap_update), Args);
@@ -1195,21 +1188,23 @@ void CodeGenPGO::emitMCDCCondBitmapUpdate(CGBuilderTy &Builder, const Expr *S,
// Extract the ID of the condition we are setting in the bitmap.
- auto CondID = ExprMCDCConditionIDMapIterator->second;
- assert(CondID >= 0 && "Condition has no ID!");
+ const auto &Branch = ExprMCDCConditionIDMapIterator->second;
+ assert(Branch.ID >= 0 && "Condition has no ID!");
- auto *I8PtrTy = llvm::PointerType::getUnqual(CGM.getLLVMContext());
+ // Cancel the emission if the Decision is erased after the allocation.
+ const auto DecisionIter =
+ RegionMCDCState->BitmapMap.find(Branch.DecisionStmt);
+ if (DecisionIter == RegionMCDCState->BitmapMap.end())
+ return;
- // Emit intrinsic that updates a dedicated temporary value on the stack after
- // a condition is evaluated. After the set of conditions has been updated,
- // the resulting value is used to update the boolean expression's bitmap.
- llvm::Value *Args[5] = {llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(FuncNameVar, I8PtrTy),
- Builder.getInt64(FunctionHash),
- Builder.getInt32(CondID),
- MCDCCondBitmapAddr.getPointer(), Val};
- Builder.CreateCall(
- CGM.getIntrinsic(llvm::Intrinsic::instrprof_mcdc_condbitmap_update),
- Args);
+ const auto &TVIdxs = DecisionIter->second.Indices[Branch.ID];
+ auto *CurTV = Builder.CreateLoad(MCDCCondBitmapAddr,
+ "mcdc." + Twine(Branch.ID + 1) + ".cur");
+ auto *NewTV = Builder.CreateAdd(CurTV, Builder.getInt32(TVIdxs[true]));
+ NewTV = Builder.CreateSelect(
+ Val, NewTV, Builder.CreateAdd(CurTV, Builder.getInt32(TVIdxs[false])));
+ Builder.CreateStore(NewTV, MCDCCondBitmapAddr);
void CodeGenPGO::setValueProfilingFlag(llvm::Module &M) {
diff --git a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
index c10d85ea89ee6..ec51023a2d205 100644
--- a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
@@ -182,6 +182,16 @@ class SourceMappingRegion {
bool isBranch() const { return FalseCount.has_value(); }
+ bool isMCDCBranch() const {
+ const auto *BranchParams = std::get_if<mcdc::BranchParameters>(&MCDCParams);
+ assert(!BranchParams || BranchParams->ID >= 0);
+ return BranchParams;
+ }
+ const auto &getMCDCBranchParams() const {
+ return mcdc::getParams<const mcdc::BranchParameters>(MCDCParams);
+ }
bool isMCDCDecision() const {
const auto *DecisionParams =
@@ -194,6 +204,8 @@ class SourceMappingRegion {
const mcdc::Parameters &getMCDCParams() const { return MCDCParams; }
+ void resetMCDCParams() { MCDCParams = mcdc::Parameters(); }
/// Spelling locations for the start and end of a source region.
@@ -684,7 +696,9 @@ struct MCDCCoverageBuilder {
llvm::SmallVector<mcdc::ConditionIDs> DecisionStack;
MCDC::State &MCDCState;
- llvm::DenseMap<const Stmt *, mcdc::ConditionID> &CondIDs;
+ llvm::DenseMap<const Stmt *, MCDC::State::Branch> &CondIDs;
+ const Stmt *DecisionStmt = nullptr;
+ llvm::DenseMap<mcdc::ConditionID, mcdc::ConditionIDs> cache;
mcdc::ConditionID NextID = 0;
bool NotMapped = false;
@@ -714,7 +728,7 @@ struct MCDCCoverageBuilder {
/// Set the given condition's ID.
void setCondID(const Expr *Cond, mcdc::ConditionID ID) {
- CondIDs[CodeGenFunction::stripCond(Cond)] = ID;
+ CondIDs[CodeGenFunction::stripCond(Cond)] = {ID, DecisionStmt};
/// Return the ID of a given condition.
@@ -723,7 +737,15 @@ struct MCDCCoverageBuilder {
if (I == CondIDs.end())
return -1;
- return I->second;
+ return I->second.ID;
+ }
+ void ccc(const Expr *CondExpr, mcdc::ConditionIDs IDs) {
+ auto ID = getCondID(CondExpr);
+ if (ID < 0)
+ return;
+ if (!cache.contains(ID))
+ cache[ID] = IDs;
/// Return the LHS Decision ([0,0] if not set).
@@ -745,6 +767,12 @@ struct MCDCCoverageBuilder {
if (NotMapped)
+ if (NextID == 0) {
+ cache.clear();
+ DecisionStmt = E;
+ assert(MCDCState.BitmapMap.contains(E));
+ }
const mcdc::ConditionIDs &ParentDecision = DecisionStack.back();
// If the operator itself has an assigned ID, this means it represents a
@@ -794,9 +822,33 @@ struct MCDCCoverageBuilder {
// Set number of conditions and reset.
unsigned TotalConds = NextID;
+ llvm::SmallVector<mcdc::ConditionIDs> R(cache.size());
+ for (auto [ID, Conds] : cache)
+ R[ID] = Conds;
+ mcdc::TVIdxBuilder xxx(R, MCDCState.BitmapBits);
+ auto NumTVs = xxx.NumTestVectors;
+ assert(MCDCState.BitmapMap.contains(E));
+ auto MaxTVs = mcdc::TVIdxBuilder::HardMaxTVs;
+ if (NumTVs == MaxTVs) {
+ auto &Diag = CGM.getDiags();
+ unsigned DiagID =
+ Diag.getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Warning,
+ "unsupported MC/DC boolean expression; "
+ "number of test vectors (%0) exceeds max (%1). "
+ "Expression will not be covered");
+ Diag.Report(E->getBeginLoc(), DiagID) << NumTVs << MaxTVs;
+ MCDCState.BitmapMap[E].BitmapIdx = 0; // Mark to be erased
+ } else {
+ // Last pos
+ MCDCState.BitmapMap[E] = {MCDCState.BitmapBits += NumTVs,
+ std::move(xxx.Indices)};
+ }
// Reset ID back to beginning.
NextID = 0;
+ // Return the number even if the Decision will be erased.
return TotalConds;
@@ -853,7 +905,9 @@ struct CounterCoverageMappingBuilder
return Counter::getCounter(CounterMap[S]);
- unsigned getRegionBitmap(const Stmt *S) { return MCDCState.BitmapMap[S]; }
+ auto getRegionBitmap(const Stmt *S) {
+ return MCDCState.BitmapMap[S].BitmapIdx;
+ }
/// Push a region onto the stack.
@@ -1959,9 +2013,44 @@ struct CounterCoverageMappingBuilder
subtractCounters(ParentCount, TrueCount));
+ void RewindDecision(unsigned Since) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ llvm::DenseSet<mcdc::ConditionID> SeenIDs;
+ unsigned NConds = 0;
+ assert(Since <= SourceRegions.size());
+ auto I = SourceRegions.begin() + Since;
+ while (I != SourceRegions.end()) {
+ if (I->isMCDCDecision()) {
+ assert(I->getMCDCDecisionParams().BitmapIdx == 0 &&
+ "It should be valid");
+ assert(NConds == 0 && "Duplicate MCDCDecision");
+ NConds = I->getMCDCDecisionParams().NumConditions;
+ assert(NConds > 0 && "Malformed MCDCDecision");
+ I = SourceRegions.erase(I);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (I->isMCDCBranch()) {
+ assert(SeenIDs.insert(I->getMCDCBranchParams().ID).second &&
+ "Duplicate CondID");
+ I->resetMCDCParams();
+ }
+ ++I;
+ }
+ assert(NConds > 0 && "MCDCDecision wasn't found");
+ assert(SeenIDs.size() == NConds && "Unexpected number of MCDCBranch(es)");
+ (void)NConds;
+ }
void VisitBinLAnd(const BinaryOperator *E) {
bool IsRootNode = MCDCBuilder.isIdle();
+ unsigned SourceRegionsSince = SourceRegions.size();
// Keep track of Binary Operator and assign MCDC condition IDs.
@@ -1979,6 +2068,9 @@ struct CounterCoverageMappingBuilder
// Track RHS True/False Decision.
const auto DecisionRHS = MCDCBuilder.back();
+ MCDCBuilder.ccc(E->getLHS(), DecisionLHS);
+ MCDCBuilder.ccc(E->getRHS(), DecisionRHS);
// Create MCDC Decision Region if at top-level (root).
unsigned NumConds = 0;
if (IsRootNode && (NumConds = MCDCBuilder.getTotalConditionsAndReset(E)))
@@ -2000,6 +2092,11 @@ struct CounterCoverageMappingBuilder
// Create Branch Region around RHS condition.
createBranchRegion(E->getRHS(), RHSTrueCnt,
subtractCounters(RHSExecCnt, RHSTrueCnt), DecisionRHS);
+ if (IsRootNode && NumConds > 0 && getRegionBitmap(E) == 0) {
+ RewindDecision(SourceRegionsSince);
+ MCDCState.BitmapMap.erase(E);
+ }
// Determine whether the right side of OR operation need to be visited.
@@ -2015,6 +2112,8 @@ struct CounterCoverageMappingBuilder
void VisitBinLOr(const BinaryOperator *E) {
bool IsRootNode = MCDCBuilder.isIdle();
+ unsigned SourceRegionsSince = SourceRegions.size();
// Keep track of Binary Operator and assign MCDC condition IDs.
@@ -2032,6 +2131,9 @@ struct CounterCoverageMappingBuilder
// Track RHS True/False Decision.
const auto DecisionRHS = MCDCBuilder.back();
+ MCDCBuilder.ccc(E->getLHS(), DecisionLHS);
+ MCDCBuilder.ccc(E->getRHS(), DecisionRHS);
// Create MCDC Decision Region if at top-level (root).
unsigned NumConds = 0;
if (IsRootNode && (NumConds = MCDCBuilder.getTotalConditionsAndReset(E)))
@@ -2057,6 +2159,11 @@ struct CounterCoverageMappingBuilder
// Create Branch Region around RHS condition.
createBranchRegion(E->getRHS(), subtractCounters(RHSExecCnt, RHSFalseCnt),
RHSFalseCnt, DecisionRHS);
+ if (IsRootNode && NumConds > 0 && getRegionBitmap(E) == 0) {
+ RewindDecision(SourceRegionsSince);
+ MCDCState.BitmapMap.erase(E);
+ }
void VisitLambdaExpr(const LambdaExpr *LE) {
diff --git a/clang/lib/CodeGen/MCDCState.h b/clang/lib/CodeGen/MCDCState.h
index e6e39237a1b41..d1763ef23b282 100644
--- a/clang/lib/CodeGen/MCDCState.h
+++ b/clang/lib/CodeGen/MCDCState.h
@@ -26,9 +26,21 @@ using namespace llvm::coverage::mcdc;
/// Per-Function MC/DC state
struct State {
- unsigned BitmapBytes = 0;
- llvm::DenseMap<const Stmt *, unsigned> BitmapMap;
- llvm::DenseMap<const Stmt *, ConditionID> CondIDMap;
+ unsigned BitmapBits = 0;
+ struct Decision {
+ unsigned BitmapIdx;
+ llvm::SmallVector<std::array<int, 2>> Indices;
+ };
+ llvm::DenseMap<const Stmt *, Decision> BitmapMap;
+ struct Branch {
+ ConditionID ID;
+ const Stmt *DecisionStmt;
+ };
+ llvm::DenseMap<const Stmt *, Branch> CondIDMap;
} // namespace clang::CodeGen::MCDC
diff --git a/clang/test/CoverageMapping/branch-constfolded.cpp b/clang/test/CoverageMapping/branch-constfolded.cpp
index c8755d5d752b6..1e7e32808e838 100644
--- a/clang/test/CoverageMapping/branch-constfolded.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/CoverageMapping/branch-constfolded.cpp
@@ -4,93 +4,93 @@
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple %itanium_abi_triple -std=c++11 -fcoverage-mcdc -fprofile-instrument=clang -fcoverage-mapping -dump-coverage-mapping -emit-llvm-only -main-file-name branch-constfolded.cpp %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=MCDC
// CHECK-LABEL: _Z6fand_0b:
-bool fand_0(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:20 = M:0, C:2
+bool fand_0(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:20 = M:3, C:2
return false && a; // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE]]:10 -> [[@LINE]]:15 = 0, 0
} // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:19 -> [[@LINE-1]]:20 = #2, (#1 - #2)
// CHECK-LABEL: _Z6fand_1b:
-bool fand_1(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:19 = M:0, C:2
+bool fand_1(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:19 = M:3, C:2
return a && true; // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE]]:10 -> [[@LINE]]:11 = #1, (#0 - #1)
} // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:15 -> [[@LINE-1]]:19 = 0, 0
// CHECK-LABEL: _Z6fand_2bb:
-bool fand_2(bool a, bool b) {// MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:25 = M:0, C:3
+bool fand_2(bool a, bool b) {// MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:25 = M:4, C:3
return false && a && b; // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE]]:10 -> [[@LINE]]:15 = 0, 0
} // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:19 -> [[@LINE-1]]:20 = #4, (#3 - #4)
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-2]]:24 -> [[@LINE-2]]:25 = #2, (#1 - #2)
// CHECK-LABEL: _Z6fand_3bb:
-bool fand_3(bool a, bool b) {// MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:24 = M:0, C:3
+bool fand_3(bool a, bool b) {// MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:24 = M:4, C:3
return a && true && b; // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE]]:10 -> [[@LINE]]:11 = #3, (#0 - #3)
} // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:15 -> [[@LINE-1]]:19 = 0, 0
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-2]]:23 -> [[@LINE-2]]:24 = #2, (#1 - #2)
// CHECK-LABEL: _Z6fand_4bb:
-bool fand_4(bool a, bool b) {// MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:25 = M:0, C:3
+bool fand_4(bool a, bool b) {// MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:25 = M:4, C:3
return a && b && false; // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE]]:10 -> [[@LINE]]:11 = #3, (#0 - #3)
} // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:15 -> [[@LINE-1]]:16 = #4, (#3 - #4)
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-2]]:20 -> [[@LINE-2]]:25 = 0, 0
// CHECK-LABEL: _Z6fand_5b:
-bool fand_5(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:23 = M:0, C:2
+bool fand_5(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:23 = M:3, C:2
return false && true; // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE]]:10 -> [[@LINE]]:15 = 0, 0
} // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:19 -> [[@LINE-1]]:23 = 0, 0
// CHECK-LABEL: _Z6fand_6b:
-bool fand_6(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:19 = M:0, C:2
+bool fand_6(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:19 = M:3, C:2
return true && a; // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE]]:10 -> [[@LINE]]:14 = 0, 0
} // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:18 -> [[@LINE-1]]:19 = #2, (#1 - #2)
// CHECK-LABEL: _Z6fand_7b:
-bool fand_7(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:20 = M:0, C:2
+bool fand_7(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:20 = M:3, C:2
return a && false; // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE]]:10 -> [[@LINE]]:11 = #1, (#0 - #1)
} // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:15 -> [[@LINE-1]]:20 = 0, 0
// CHECK-LABEL: _Z5for_0b:
-bool for_0(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:19 = M:0, C:2
+bool for_0(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:19 = M:3, C:2
return true || a; // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE]]:10 -> [[@LINE]]:14 = 0, 0
} // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:18 -> [[@LINE-1]]:19 = (#1 - #2), #2
// CHECK-LABEL: _Z5for_1b:
-bool for_1(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:20 = M:0, C:2
+bool for_1(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:20 = M:3, C:2
return a || false; // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE]]:10 -> [[@LINE]]:11 = (#0 - #1), #1
} // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:15 -> [[@LINE-1]]:20 = 0, 0
// CHECK-LABEL: _Z5for_2bb:
-bool for_2(bool a, bool b) {// MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:24 = M:0, C:3
+bool for_2(bool a, bool b) {// MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:24 = M:4, C:3
return true || a || b; // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE]]:10 -> [[@LINE]]:14 = 0, 0
} // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:18 -> [[@LINE-1]]:19 = (#3 - #4), #4
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-2]]:23 -> [[@LINE-2]]:24 = (#1 - #2), #2
// CHECK-LABEL: _Z5for_3bb:
-bool for_3(bool a, bool b) {// MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:25 = M:0, C:3
+bool for_3(bool a, bool b) {// MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:25 = M:4, C:3
return a || false || b; // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE]]:10 -> [[@LINE]]:11 = (#0 - #3), #3
} // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:15 -> [[@LINE-1]]:20 = 0, 0
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-2]]:24 -> [[@LINE-2]]:25 = (#1 - #2), #2
// CHECK-LABEL: _Z5for_4bb:
-bool for_4(bool a, bool b) {// MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:24 = M:0, C:3
+bool for_4(bool a, bool b) {// MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:24 = M:4, C:3
return a || b || true; // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE]]:10 -> [[@LINE]]:11 = (#0 - #3), #3
} // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:15 -> [[@LINE-1]]:16 = (#3 - #4), #4
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-2]]:20 -> [[@LINE-2]]:24 = 0, 0
// CHECK-LABEL: _Z5for_5b:
-bool for_5(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:23 = M:0, C:2
+bool for_5(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:23 = M:3, C:2
return true || false; // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE]]:10 -> [[@LINE]]:14 = 0, 0
} // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:18 -> [[@LINE-1]]:23 = 0, 0
// CHECK-LABEL: _Z5for_6b:
-bool for_6(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:20 = M:0, C:2
+bool for_6(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:20 = M:3, C:2
return false || a; // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE]]:10 -> [[@LINE]]:15 = 0, 0
} // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:19 -> [[@LINE-1]]:20 = (#1 - #2), #2
// CHECK-LABEL: _Z5for_7b:
-bool for_7(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:19 = M:0, C:2
+bool for_7(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:10 -> [[@LINE+1]]:19 = M:3, C:2
return a || true; // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE]]:10 -> [[@LINE]]:11 = (#0 - #1), #1
} // CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:15 -> [[@LINE-1]]:19 = 0, 0
// CHECK-LABEL: _Z5for_8b:
-bool for_8(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+3]]:7 -> [[@LINE+3]]:20 = M:0, C:2
+bool for_8(bool a) { // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+3]]:7 -> [[@LINE+3]]:20 = M:3, C:2
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE+2]]:7 -> [[@LINE+2]]:11 = 0, 0
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:15 -> [[@LINE+1]]:20 = 0, 0
if (true && false)
diff --git a/clang/test/CoverageMapping/logical.cpp b/clang/test/CoverageMapping/logical.cpp
index 7de59e1429808..2a22d6cca4518 100644
--- a/clang/test/CoverageMapping/logical.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/CoverageMapping/logical.cpp
@@ -3,22 +3,22 @@
int main() { // CHECK: File 0, [[@LINE]]:12 -> [[@LINE+23]]:2 = #0
bool bt = true;
- bool bf = false; // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:12 -> [[@LINE+1]]:20 = M:0, C:2
+ bool bf = false; // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:12 -> [[@LINE+1]]:20 = M:3, C:2
bool a = bt && bf; // CHECK-NEXT: File 0, [[@LINE]]:12 -> [[@LINE]]:14 = #0
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:12 -> [[@LINE-1]]:14 = #1, (#0 - #1)
// CHECK-NEXT: File 0, [[@LINE-2]]:18 -> [[@LINE-2]]:20 = #1
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-3]]:18 -> [[@LINE-3]]:20 = #2, (#1 - #2)
- // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:7 -> [[@LINE+2]]:9 = M:1, C:2
+ // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:7 -> [[@LINE+2]]:9 = M:6, C:2
a = bt && // CHECK-NEXT: File 0, [[@LINE]]:7 -> [[@LINE]]:9 = #0
bf; // CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:7 -> [[@LINE-1]]:9 = #3, (#0 - #3)
// CHECK-NEXT: File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:7 -> [[@LINE-1]]:9 = #3
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-2]]:7 -> [[@LINE-2]]:9 = #4, (#3 - #4)
- // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:7 -> [[@LINE+1]]:15 = M:2, C:2
+ // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:7 -> [[@LINE+1]]:15 = M:9, C:2
a = bf || bt; // CHECK-NEXT: File 0, [[@LINE]]:7 -> [[@LINE]]:9 = #0
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:7 -> [[@LINE-1]]:9 = (#0 - #5), #5
// CHECK-NEXT: File 0, [[@LINE-2]]:13 -> [[@LINE-2]]:15 = #5
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-3]]:13 -> [[@LINE-3]]:15 = (#5 - #6), #6
- // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:7 -> [[@LINE+2]]:9 = M:3, C:2
+ // MCDC: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:7 -> [[@LINE+2]]:9 = M:12, C:2
a = bf || // CHECK-NEXT: File 0, [[@LINE]]:7 -> [[@LINE]]:9 = #0
bt; // CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:7 -> [[@LINE-1]]:9 = (#0 - #7), #7
// CHECK-NEXT: File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:7 -> [[@LINE-1]]:9 = #7
diff --git a/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-class.cpp b/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-class.cpp
index dcf6123ee0fc7..7b2937830be76 100644
--- a/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-class.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-class.cpp
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ Value::~Value(void) {
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 18:7 -> 18:31 = M:0, C:2
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 18:7 -> 18:31 = M:3, C:2
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 18:7 -> 18:17 = (#0 - #2), #2 [1,0,2]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 18:21 -> 18:31 = (#2 - #3), #3 [2,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 22:7 -> 22:31 = M:0, C:2
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 22:7 -> 22:31 = M:3, C:2
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 22:7 -> 22:17 = (#0 - #2), #2 [1,0,2]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 22:21 -> 22:31 = (#2 - #3), #3 [2,0,0]
diff --git a/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-error-conditions.cpp b/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-error-conditions.cpp
index d34ed69343479..d2042e576159b 100644
--- a/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-error-conditions.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-error-conditions.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,87 @@
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple %itanium_abi_triple -std=c++11 -fcoverage-mcdc -fprofile-instrument=clang -fcoverage-mapping -dump-coverage-mapping -emit-llvm-only %s 2>&1| FileCheck %s
-bool func_conditions(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f, bool g) {
- return a && b && c && d && e && f && g;
+// From clang-tidy/misc/MisleadingIdentifier.cpp
+bool func_conditions(unsigned CP) {
+ return (CP == 0x0590) || (CP == 0x05BE) || (CP == 0x05C0) || (CP == 0x05C3) ||
+ (CP == 0x05C6) || (0x05C8 <= CP && CP <= 0x05CF) ||
+ (0x05D0 <= CP && CP <= 0x05EA) || (0x05EB <= CP && CP <= 0x05EE) ||
+ (0x05EF <= CP && CP <= 0x05F2) || (0x05F3 <= CP && CP <= 0x05F4) ||
+ (0x05F5 <= CP && CP <= 0x05FF) || (0x07C0 <= CP && CP <= 0x07C9) ||
+ (0x07CA <= CP && CP <= 0x07EA) || (0x07F4 <= CP && CP <= 0x07F5) ||
+ (CP == 0x07FA) || (0x07FB <= CP && CP <= 0x07FC) ||
+ (0x07FE <= CP && CP <= 0x07FF) || (0x0800 <= CP && CP <= 0x0815) ||
+ (CP == 0x081A) || (CP == 0x0824) || (CP == 0x0828) ||
+ (0x082E <= CP && CP <= 0x082F) || (0x0830 <= CP && CP <= 0x083E) ||
+ (CP == 0x083F) || (0x0840 <= CP && CP <= 0x0858) ||
+ (0x085C <= CP && CP <= 0x085D) || (CP == 0x085E) || (CP == 0x085F) ||
+ (CP == 0x200F) || (CP == 0xFB1D) || (0xFB1F <= CP && CP <= 0xFB28) ||
+ (0xFB2A <= CP && CP <= 0xFB36) || (CP == 0xFB37) ||
+ (0xFB38 <= CP && CP <= 0xFB3C) || (CP == 0xFB3D) || (CP == 0xFB3E) ||
+ (CP == 0xFB3F) || (0xFB40 <= CP && CP <= 0xFB41) || (CP == 0xFB42) ||
+ (0xFB43 <= CP && CP <= 0xFB44) || (CP == 0xFB45) ||
+ (0xFB46 <= CP && CP <= 0xFB4F) || (0x10800 <= CP && CP <= 0x10805) ||
+ (0x10806 <= CP && CP <= 0x10807) || (CP == 0x10808) ||
+ (CP == 0x10809) || (0x1080A <= CP && CP <= 0x10835) ||
+ (CP == 0x10836) || (0x10837 <= CP && CP <= 0x10838) ||
+ (0x10839 <= CP && CP <= 0x1083B) || (CP == 0x1083C) ||
+ (0x1083D <= CP && CP <= 0x1083E) || (0x1083F <= CP && CP <= 0x10855) ||
+ (CP == 0x10856) || (CP == 0x10857) ||
+ (0x10858 <= CP && CP <= 0x1085F) || (0x10860 <= CP && CP <= 0x10876) ||
+ (0x10877 <= CP && CP <= 0x10878) || (0x10879 <= CP && CP <= 0x1087F) ||
+ (0x10880 <= CP && CP <= 0x1089E) || (0x1089F <= CP && CP <= 0x108A6) ||
+ (0x108A7 <= CP && CP <= 0x108AF) || (0x108B0 <= CP && CP <= 0x108DF) ||
+ (0x108E0 <= CP && CP <= 0x108F2) || (CP == 0x108F3) ||
+ (0x108F4 <= CP && CP <= 0x108F5) || (0x108F6 <= CP && CP <= 0x108FA) ||
+ (0x108FB <= CP && CP <= 0x108FF) || (0x10900 <= CP && CP <= 0x10915) ||
+ (0x10916 <= CP && CP <= 0x1091B) || (0x1091C <= CP && CP <= 0x1091E) ||
+ (0x10920 <= CP && CP <= 0x10939) || (0x1093A <= CP && CP <= 0x1093E) ||
+ (CP == 0x1093F) || (0x10940 <= CP && CP <= 0x1097F) ||
+ (0x10980 <= CP && CP <= 0x109B7) || (0x109B8 <= CP && CP <= 0x109BB) ||
+ (0x109BC <= CP && CP <= 0x109BD) || (0x109BE <= CP && CP <= 0x109BF) ||
+ (0x109C0 <= CP && CP <= 0x109CF) || (0x109D0 <= CP && CP <= 0x109D1) ||
+ (0x109D2 <= CP && CP <= 0x109FF) || (CP == 0x10A00) ||
+ (CP == 0x10A04) || (0x10A07 <= CP && CP <= 0x10A0B) ||
+ (0x10A10 <= CP && CP <= 0x10A13) || (CP == 0x10A14) ||
+ (0x10A15 <= CP && CP <= 0x10A17) || (CP == 0x10A18) ||
+ (0x10A19 <= CP && CP <= 0x10A35) || (0x10A36 <= CP && CP <= 0x10A37) ||
+ (0x10A3B <= CP && CP <= 0x10A3E) || (0x10A40 <= CP && CP <= 0x10A48) ||
+ (0x10A49 <= CP && CP <= 0x10A4F) || (0x10A50 <= CP && CP <= 0x10A58) ||
+ (0x10A59 <= CP && CP <= 0x10A5F) || (0x10A60 <= CP && CP <= 0x10A7C) ||
+ (0x10A7D <= CP && CP <= 0x10A7E) || (CP == 0x10A7F) ||
+ (0x10A80 <= CP && CP <= 0x10A9C) || (0x10A9D <= CP && CP <= 0x10A9F) ||
+ (0x10AA0 <= CP && CP <= 0x10ABF) || (0x10AC0 <= CP && CP <= 0x10AC7) ||
+ (CP == 0x10AC8) || (0x10AC9 <= CP && CP <= 0x10AE4) ||
+ (0x10AE7 <= CP && CP <= 0x10AEA) || (0x10AEB <= CP && CP <= 0x10AEF) ||
+ (0x10AF0 <= CP && CP <= 0x10AF6) || (0x10AF7 <= CP && CP <= 0x10AFF) ||
+ (0x10B00 <= CP && CP <= 0x10B35) || (0x10B36 <= CP && CP <= 0x10B38) ||
+ (0x10B40 <= CP && CP <= 0x10B55) || (0x10B56 <= CP && CP <= 0x10B57) ||
+ (0x10B58 <= CP && CP <= 0x10B5F) || (0x10B60 <= CP && CP <= 0x10B72) ||
+ (0x10B73 <= CP && CP <= 0x10B77) || (0x10B78 <= CP && CP <= 0x10B7F) ||
+ (0x10B80 <= CP && CP <= 0x10B91) || (0x10B92 <= CP && CP <= 0x10B98) ||
+ (0x10B99 <= CP && CP <= 0x10B9C) || (0x10B9D <= CP && CP <= 0x10BA8) ||
+ (0x10BA9 <= CP && CP <= 0x10BAF) || (0x10BB0 <= CP && CP <= 0x10BFF) ||
+ (0x10C00 <= CP && CP <= 0x10C48) || (0x10C49 <= CP && CP <= 0x10C7F) ||
+ (0x10C80 <= CP && CP <= 0x10CB2) || (0x10CB3 <= CP && CP <= 0x10CBF) ||
+ (0x10CC0 <= CP && CP <= 0x10CF2) || (0x10CF3 <= CP && CP <= 0x10CF9) ||
+ (0x10CFA <= CP && CP <= 0x10CFF) || (0x10D40 <= CP && CP <= 0x10E5F) ||
+ (CP == 0x10E7F) || (0x10E80 <= CP && CP <= 0x10EA9) ||
+ (CP == 0x10EAA) || (CP == 0x10EAD) ||
+ (0x10EAE <= CP && CP <= 0x10EAF) || (0x10EB0 <= CP && CP <= 0x10EB1) ||
+ (0x10EB2 <= CP && CP <= 0x10EFF) || (0x10F00 <= CP && CP <= 0x10F1C) ||
+ (0x10F1D <= CP && CP <= 0x10F26) || (CP == 0x10F27) ||
+ (0x10F28 <= CP && CP <= 0x10F2F) || (0x10F70 <= CP && CP <= 0x10F81) ||
+ (0x10F86 <= CP && CP <= 0x10F89) || (0x10F8A <= CP && CP <= 0x10FAF) ||
+ (0x10FB0 <= CP && CP <= 0x10FC4) || (0x10FC5 <= CP && CP <= 0x10FCB) ||
+ (0x10FCC <= CP && CP <= 0x10FDF) || (0x10FE0 <= CP && CP <= 0x10FF6) ||
+ (0x10FF7 <= CP && CP <= 0x10FFF) || (0x1E800 <= CP && CP <= 0x1E8C4) ||
+ (0x1E8C5 <= CP && CP <= 0x1E8C6) || (0x1E8C7 <= CP && CP <= 0x1E8CF) ||
+ (0x1E8D7 <= CP && CP <= 0x1E8FF) || (0x1E900 <= CP && CP <= 0x1E943) ||
+ (CP == 0x1E94B) || (0x1E94C <= CP && CP <= 0x1E94F) ||
+ (0x1E950 <= CP && CP <= 0x1E959) || (0x1E95A <= CP && CP <= 0x1E95D) ||
+ (0x1E95E <= CP && CP <= 0x1E95F) || (0x1E960 <= CP && CP <= 0x1EC6F) ||
+ (0x1ECC0 <= CP && CP <= 0x1ECFF) || (0x1ED50 <= CP && CP <= 0x1EDFF);
-// CHECK: warning: unsupported MC/DC boolean expression; number of conditions{{.*}} exceeds max
+// CHECK: warning: unsupported MC/DC boolean expression; number of test vectors{{.*}} exceeds max
+// CHECK-NOT: Decision,
+// CHECK-NOT: Branch,{{.*}}]
diff --git a/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-logical-scalar-ids.cpp b/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-logical-scalar-ids.cpp
index c820b5df5ad3a..0694f7dbc294a 100644
--- a/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-logical-scalar-ids.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-logical-scalar-ids.cpp
@@ -10,25 +10,25 @@ bool func_scalar_and(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f) {
return bar(res1, res2, res3, res4, res5);
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 5:17 -> 5:23 = M:0, C:2
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 5:17 -> 5:23 = M:3, C:2
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 5:17 -> 5:18 = #1, (#0 - #1) [1,2,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 5:22 -> 5:23 = #2, (#1 - #2) [2,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 6:17 -> 6:28 = M:1, C:3
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 6:17 -> 6:28 = M:7, C:3
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 6:17 -> 6:18 = #5, (#0 - #5) [1,3,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 6:22 -> 6:23 = #6, (#5 - #6) [3,2,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 6:27 -> 6:28 = #4, (#3 - #4) [2,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 7:17 -> 7:33 = M:2, C:4
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 7:17 -> 7:33 = M:12, C:4
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 7:17 -> 7:18 = #11, (#0 - #11) [1,4,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 7:22 -> 7:23 = #12, (#11 - #12) [4,3,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 7:27 -> 7:28 = #10, (#9 - #10) [3,2,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 7:32 -> 7:33 = #8, (#7 - #8) [2,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 8:17 -> 8:38 = M:4, C:5
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 8:17 -> 8:38 = M:18, C:5
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 8:17 -> 8:18 = #19, (#0 - #19) [1,5,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 8:22 -> 8:23 = #20, (#19 - #20) [5,4,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 8:27 -> 8:28 = #18, (#17 - #18) [4,3,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 8:32 -> 8:33 = #16, (#15 - #16) [3,2,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 8:37 -> 8:38 = #14, (#13 - #14) [2,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 9:17 -> 9:43 = M:8, C:6
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 9:17 -> 9:43 = M:25, C:6
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 9:17 -> 9:18 = #29, (#0 - #29) [1,6,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 9:22 -> 9:23 = #30, (#29 - #30) [6,5,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 9:27 -> 9:28 = #28, (#27 - #28) [5,4,0]
@@ -45,25 +45,25 @@ bool func_scalar_or(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f) {
return bar(res1, res2, res3, res4, res5);
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 40:17 -> 40:23 = M:0, C:2
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 40:17 -> 40:23 = M:3, C:2
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 40:17 -> 40:18 = (#0 - #1), #1 [1,0,2]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 40:22 -> 40:23 = (#1 - #2), #2 [2,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 41:17 -> 41:28 = M:1, C:3
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 41:17 -> 41:28 = M:7, C:3
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 41:17 -> 41:18 = (#0 - #5), #5 [1,0,3]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 41:22 -> 41:23 = (#5 - #6), #6 [3,0,2]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 41:27 -> 41:28 = (#3 - #4), #4 [2,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 42:17 -> 42:33 = M:2, C:4
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 42:17 -> 42:33 = M:12, C:4
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 42:17 -> 42:18 = (#0 - #11), #11 [1,0,4]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 42:22 -> 42:23 = (#11 - #12), #12 [4,0,3]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 42:27 -> 42:28 = (#9 - #10), #10 [3,0,2]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 42:32 -> 42:33 = (#7 - #8), #8 [2,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 43:17 -> 43:38 = M:4, C:5
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 43:17 -> 43:38 = M:18, C:5
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 43:17 -> 43:18 = (#0 - #19), #19 [1,0,5]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 43:22 -> 43:23 = (#19 - #20), #20 [5,0,4]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 43:27 -> 43:28 = (#17 - #18), #18 [4,0,3]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 43:32 -> 43:33 = (#15 - #16), #16 [3,0,2]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 43:37 -> 43:38 = (#13 - #14), #14 [2,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 44:17 -> 44:43 = M:8, C:6
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 44:17 -> 44:43 = M:25, C:6
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 44:17 -> 44:18 = (#0 - #29), #29 [1,0,6]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 44:22 -> 44:23 = (#29 - #30), #30 [6,0,5]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 44:27 -> 44:28 = (#27 - #28), #28 [5,0,4]
@@ -81,26 +81,26 @@ bool func_scalar_mix(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f) {
return bar(res1, res2, res3, res4, res5);
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 76:17 -> 76:23 = M:0, C:2
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 76:17 -> 76:23 = M:3, C:2
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 76:17 -> 76:18 = (#0 - #1), #1 [1,0,2]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 76:22 -> 76:23 = (#1 - #2), #2 [2,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 77:17 -> 77:30 = M:1, C:3
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 77:17 -> 77:30 = M:7, C:3
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 77:17 -> 77:18 = #3, (#0 - #3) [1,2,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 77:23 -> 77:24 = (#3 - #4), #4 [2,0,3]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 77:28 -> 77:29 = (#4 - #5), #5 [3,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 78:17 -> 78:37 = M:2, C:4
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 78:17 -> 78:37 = M:14, C:4
// CHECK-NEXT: File 0
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 78:18 -> 78:19 = (#0 - #7), #7 [1,2,3]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 78:23 -> 78:24 = (#7 - #8), #8 [3,2,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 78:30 -> 78:31 = (#6 - #9), #9 [2,0,4]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 78:35 -> 78:36 = (#9 - #10), #10 [4,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 79:17 -> 79:42 = M:4, C:5
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 79:17 -> 79:42 = M:22, C:5
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 79:17 -> 79:18 = #12, (#0 - #12) [1,3,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 79:23 -> 79:24 = (#12 - #13), #13 [3,2,4]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 79:28 -> 79:29 = (#13 - #14), #14 [4,2,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 79:35 -> 79:36 = (#11 - #15), #15 [2,0,5]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 79:40 -> 79:41 = (#15 - #16), #16 [5,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 80:17 -> 80:49 = M:8, C:6
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 80:17 -> 80:49 = M:37, C:6
// CHECK-NEXT: File 0
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 80:18 -> 80:19 = (#0 - #19), #19 [1,3,4]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 80:23 -> 80:24 = (#19 - #20), #20 [4,3,0]
diff --git a/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-logical-stmt-ids-all.cpp b/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-logical-stmt-ids-all.cpp
index 6f47a4b901a8a..d7436079d1810 100644
--- a/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-logical-stmt-ids-all.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-logical-stmt-ids-all.cpp
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ bool func_if_and(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f) {
return false;
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 4:7 -> 4:33 = M:0, C:6
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 4:7 -> 4:33 = M:7, C:6
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 4:7 -> 4:8 = #10, (#0 - #10) [1,6,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 4:12 -> 4:13 = #11, (#10 - #11) [6,5,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 4:17 -> 4:18 = #9, (#8 - #9) [5,4,0]
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ bool func_if_or(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f) {
return false;
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 18:7 -> 18:33 = M:0, C:6
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 18:7 -> 18:33 = M:7, C:6
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 18:7 -> 18:8 = (#0 - #10), #10 [1,0,6]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 18:12 -> 18:13 = (#10 - #11), #11 [6,0,5]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 18:17 -> 18:18 = (#8 - #9), #9 [5,0,4]
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ bool func_while_and(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f) {
return false;
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 32:10 -> 32:36 = M:0, C:6
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 32:10 -> 32:36 = M:7, C:6
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 32:10 -> 32:11 = #10, (#0 - #10) [1,6,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 32:15 -> 32:16 = #11, (#10 - #11) [6,5,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 32:20 -> 32:21 = #9, (#8 - #9) [5,4,0]
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ bool func_while_or(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f) {
return false;
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 45:10 -> 45:36 = M:0, C:6
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 45:10 -> 45:36 = M:7, C:6
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 45:10 -> 45:11 = (#0 - #10), #10 [1,0,6]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 45:15 -> 45:16 = (#10 - #11), #11 [6,0,5]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 45:20 -> 45:21 = (#8 - #9), #9 [5,0,4]
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ bool func_for_and(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f) {
return false;
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 58:9 -> 58:35 = M:0, C:6
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 58:9 -> 58:35 = M:7, C:6
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 58:9 -> 58:10 = #10, (#0 - #10) [1,6,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 58:14 -> 58:15 = #11, (#10 - #11) [6,5,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 58:19 -> 58:20 = #9, (#8 - #9) [5,4,0]
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ bool func_for_or(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f) {
return false;
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 71:9 -> 71:35 = M:0, C:6
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 71:9 -> 71:35 = M:7, C:6
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 71:9 -> 71:10 = (#0 - #10), #10 [1,0,6]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 71:14 -> 71:15 = (#10 - #11), #11 [6,0,5]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 71:19 -> 71:20 = (#8 - #9), #9 [5,0,4]
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ bool func_do_and(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f) {
return false;
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 84:16 -> 84:42 = M:0, C:6
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 84:16 -> 84:42 = M:7, C:6
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 84:16 -> 84:17 = #10, ((#0 + #1) - #10) [1,6,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 84:21 -> 84:22 = #11, (#10 - #11) [6,5,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 84:26 -> 84:27 = #9, (#8 - #9) [5,4,0]
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ bool func_do_or(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f) {
return false;
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 97:16 -> 97:42 = M:0, C:6
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 97:16 -> 97:42 = M:7, C:6
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 97:16 -> 97:17 = ((#0 + #1) - #10), #10 [1,0,6]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 97:21 -> 97:22 = (#10 - #11), #11 [6,0,5]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 97:26 -> 97:27 = (#8 - #9), #9 [5,0,4]
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ bool func_ternary_and(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f) {
return (a && b && c && d && e && f) ? true : false;
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 110:11 -> 110:37 = M:0, C:6
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 110:11 -> 110:37 = M:7, C:6
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 110:11 -> 110:12 = #10, (#0 - #10) [1,6,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 110:16 -> 110:17 = #11, (#10 - #11) [6,5,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 110:21 -> 110:22 = #9, (#8 - #9) [5,4,0]
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ bool func_ternary_or(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f) {
return (a || b || c || d || e || f) ? true : false;
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 122:11 -> 122:37 = M:0, C:6
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 122:11 -> 122:37 = M:7, C:6
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 122:11 -> 122:12 = (#0 - #10), #10 [1,0,6]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 122:16 -> 122:17 = (#10 - #11), #11 [6,0,5]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 122:21 -> 122:22 = (#8 - #9), #9 [5,0,4]
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ bool func_if_nested_if(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e) {
return false;
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 134:7 -> 134:30 = M:0, C:5
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 134:7 -> 134:30 = M:8, C:5
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 134:7 -> 134:8 = (#0 - #6), #6 [1,0,4]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 134:13 -> 134:14 = #7, (#6 - #7) [4,5,3]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 134:18 -> 134:19 = #8, (#7 - #8) [5,0,3]
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ bool func_ternary_nested_if(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e) {
return (a || (b && c) || d || e) ? true : false;
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 148:11 -> 148:34 = M:0, C:5
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 148:11 -> 148:34 = M:8, C:5
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 148:11 -> 148:12 = (#0 - #6), #6 [1,0,4]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 148:17 -> 148:18 = #7, (#6 - #7) [4,5,3]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 148:22 -> 148:23 = #8, (#7 - #8) [5,0,3]
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ bool func_if_nested_if_2(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e) {
return false;
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 159:7 -> 159:32 = M:0, C:5
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 159:7 -> 159:32 = M:9, C:5
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 159:7 -> 159:8 = (#0 - #2), #2 [1,0,2]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 159:14 -> 159:15 = #7, (#2 - #7) [2,5,4]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 159:19 -> 159:20 = #8, (#7 - #8) [5,3,4]
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ bool func_ternary_nested_if_2(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e) {
return (a || ((b && c) || d) && e) ? true : false;
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 173:11 -> 173:36 = M:0, C:5
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 173:11 -> 173:36 = M:9, C:5
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 173:11 -> 173:12 = (#0 - #2), #2 [1,0,2]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 173:18 -> 173:19 = #7, (#2 - #7) [2,5,4]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 173:23 -> 173:24 = #8, (#7 - #8) [5,3,4]
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ bool func_if_nested_if_3(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f) {
return false;
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 184:7 -> 184:39 = M:0, C:6
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 184:7 -> 184:39 = M:12, C:6
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 184:8 -> 184:9 = #5, (#0 - #5) [1,4,3]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 184:14 -> 184:15 = (#5 - #6), #6 [4,2,5]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 184:19 -> 184:20 = (#6 - #7), #7 [5,2,3]
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ bool func_ternary_nested_if_3(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f) {
return ((a && (b || c) || (d && e)) && f) ? true : false;
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 199:11 -> 199:43 = M:0, C:6
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 199:11 -> 199:43 = M:12, C:6
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 199:12 -> 199:13 = #5, (#0 - #5) [1,4,3]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 199:18 -> 199:19 = (#5 - #6), #6 [4,2,5]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 199:23 -> 199:24 = (#6 - #7), #7 [5,2,3]
diff --git a/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-logical-stmt-ids.cpp b/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-logical-stmt-ids.cpp
index 99854ec27a3fb..655bbf25ee103 100644
--- a/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-logical-stmt-ids.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-logical-stmt-ids.cpp
@@ -10,25 +10,25 @@ bool func_if_and(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f) {
return false;
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 4:7 -> 4:13 = M:0, C:2
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 4:7 -> 4:13 = M:3, C:2
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 4:7 -> 4:8 = #2, (#0 - #2) [1,2,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 4:12 -> 4:13 = #3, (#2 - #3) [2,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 5:9 -> 5:20 = M:1, C:3
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 5:9 -> 5:20 = M:7, C:3
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 5:9 -> 5:10 = #7, (#1 - #7) [1,3,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 5:14 -> 5:15 = #8, (#7 - #8) [3,2,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 5:19 -> 5:20 = #6, (#5 - #6) [2,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 6:11 -> 6:27 = M:2, C:4
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 6:11 -> 6:27 = M:12, C:4
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 6:11 -> 6:12 = #14, (#4 - #14) [1,4,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 6:16 -> 6:17 = #15, (#14 - #15) [4,3,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 6:21 -> 6:22 = #13, (#12 - #13) [3,2,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 6:26 -> 6:27 = #11, (#10 - #11) [2,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 7:13 -> 7:34 = M:4, C:5
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 7:13 -> 7:34 = M:18, C:5
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 7:13 -> 7:14 = #23, (#9 - #23) [1,5,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 7:18 -> 7:19 = #24, (#23 - #24) [5,4,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 7:23 -> 7:24 = #22, (#21 - #22) [4,3,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 7:28 -> 7:29 = #20, (#19 - #20) [3,2,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 7:33 -> 7:34 = #18, (#17 - #18) [2,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 8:16 -> 8:42 = M:8, C:6
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 8:16 -> 8:42 = M:25, C:6
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 8:16 -> 8:17 = #34, (#16 - #34) [1,6,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 8:21 -> 8:22 = #35, (#34 - #35) [6,5,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 8:26 -> 8:27 = #33, (#32 - #33) [5,4,0]
@@ -46,25 +46,25 @@ bool func_if_or(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f) {
return false;
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 40:7 -> 40:13 = M:0, C:2
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 40:7 -> 40:13 = M:3, C:2
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 40:7 -> 40:8 = (#0 - #2), #2 [1,0,2]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 40:12 -> 40:13 = (#2 - #3), #3 [2,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 41:9 -> 41:20 = M:1, C:3
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 41:9 -> 41:20 = M:7, C:3
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 41:9 -> 41:10 = (#1 - #7), #7 [1,0,3]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 41:14 -> 41:15 = (#7 - #8), #8 [3,0,2]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 41:19 -> 41:20 = (#5 - #6), #6 [2,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 42:11 -> 42:27 = M:2, C:4
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 42:11 -> 42:27 = M:12, C:4
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 42:11 -> 42:12 = (#4 - #14), #14 [1,0,4]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 42:16 -> 42:17 = (#14 - #15), #15 [4,0,3]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 42:21 -> 42:22 = (#12 - #13), #13 [3,0,2]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 42:26 -> 42:27 = (#10 - #11), #11 [2,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 43:13 -> 43:34 = M:4, C:5
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 43:13 -> 43:34 = M:18, C:5
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 43:13 -> 43:14 = (#9 - #23), #23 [1,0,5]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 43:18 -> 43:19 = (#23 - #24), #24 [5,0,4]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 43:23 -> 43:24 = (#21 - #22), #22 [4,0,3]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 43:28 -> 43:29 = (#19 - #20), #20 [3,0,2]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 43:33 -> 43:34 = (#17 - #18), #18 [2,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 44:16 -> 44:42 = M:8, C:6
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 44:16 -> 44:42 = M:25, C:6
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 44:16 -> 44:17 = (#16 - #34), #34 [1,0,6]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 44:21 -> 44:22 = (#34 - #35), #35 [6,0,5]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 44:26 -> 44:27 = (#32 - #33), #33 [5,0,4]
@@ -82,26 +82,26 @@ bool func_if_mix(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f) {
return false;
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 76:7 -> 76:13 = M:0, C:2
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 76:7 -> 76:13 = M:3, C:2
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 76:7 -> 76:8 = (#0 - #2), #2 [1,0,2]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 76:12 -> 76:13 = (#2 - #3), #3 [2,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 77:9 -> 77:22 = M:1, C:3
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 77:9 -> 77:22 = M:7, C:3
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 77:9 -> 77:10 = #5, (#1 - #5) [1,2,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 77:15 -> 77:16 = (#5 - #6), #6 [2,0,3]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 77:20 -> 77:21 = (#6 - #7), #7 [3,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 78:11 -> 78:31 = M:2, C:4
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 78:11 -> 78:31 = M:14, C:4
// CHECK-NEXT: File 0
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 78:12 -> 78:13 = (#4 - #10), #10 [1,2,3]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 78:17 -> 78:18 = (#10 - #11), #11 [3,2,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 78:24 -> 78:25 = (#9 - #12), #12 [2,0,4]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 78:29 -> 78:30 = (#12 - #13), #13 [4,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 79:13 -> 79:38 = M:4, C:5
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 79:13 -> 79:38 = M:22, C:5
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 79:13 -> 79:14 = #16, (#8 - #16) [1,3,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 79:19 -> 79:20 = (#16 - #17), #17 [3,2,4]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 79:24 -> 79:25 = (#17 - #18), #18 [4,2,0]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 79:31 -> 79:32 = (#15 - #19), #19 [2,0,5]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 79:36 -> 79:37 = (#19 - #20), #20 [5,0,0]
-// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 80:15 -> 80:47 = M:8, C:6
+// CHECK-LABEL: Decision,File 0, 80:15 -> 80:47 = M:37, C:6
// CHECK-NEXT: File 0
// CHECK-NEXT: Branch,File 0, 80:16 -> 80:17 = (#14 - #24), #24 [1,3,4]
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, 80:21 -> 80:22 = (#24 - #25), #25 [4,3,0]
diff --git a/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc-logicalop-ternary.c b/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc-logicalop-ternary.c
index 558643f422021..04384d71bf272 100644
--- a/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc-logicalop-ternary.c
+++ b/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc-logicalop-ternary.c
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ int test(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f) {
// NOMCDC-NOT: __profbm_test
-// MCDC: @__profbm_test = private global [3 x i8] zeroinitializer
+// MCDC: @__profbm_test = private global [2 x i8] zeroinitializer
// MCDC-LABEL: @test(
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ int test(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f) {
// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = lshr i32 %[[TEMP]], 3
// MCDC: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i32 %[[LAB1]] to i64
-// MCDC: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i64 ptrtoint (ptr getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8], ptr @__profbm_test, i32 0, i32 1) to i64), %[[LAB2]]
+// MCDC: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i64 ptrtoint (ptr @__profbm_test to i64), %[[LAB2]]
// MCDC: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = inttoptr i64 %[[LAB3]] to ptr
// MCDC: %[[LAB5:[0-9]+]] = and i32 %[[TEMP]], 7
// MCDC: %[[LAB6:[0-9]+]] = trunc i32 %[[LAB5]] to i8
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ int test(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f) {
// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = lshr i32 %[[TEMP]], 3
// MCDC: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i32 %[[LAB1]] to i64
-// MCDC: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i64 ptrtoint (ptr getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8], ptr @__profbm_test, i32 0, i32 2) to i64), %[[LAB2]]
+// MCDC: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i64 ptrtoint (ptr @__profbm_test to i64), %[[LAB2]]
// MCDC: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = inttoptr i64 %[[LAB3]] to ptr
// MCDC: %[[LAB5:[0-9]+]] = and i32 %[[TEMP]], 7
// MCDC: %[[LAB6:[0-9]+]] = trunc i32 %[[LAB5]] to i8
diff --git a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
index 8e6205c4b6166..51cc29fd26ce8 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
@@ -387,34 +387,31 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : NextIDsBuilder, mcdc::TVIdxBuilder {
: NextIDsBuilder(Branches), TVIdxBuilder(this->NextIDs), Bitmap(Bitmap),
Region(Region), DecisionParams(Region.getDecisionParams()),
Branches(Branches), NumConditions(DecisionParams.NumConditions),
- BitmapIdx(DecisionParams.BitmapIdx * CHAR_BIT),
- Folded(NumConditions, false), IndependencePairs(NumConditions) {}
+ BitmapIdx(DecisionParams.BitmapIdx), Folded(NumConditions, false),
+ IndependencePairs(NumConditions) {}
// Walk the binary decision diagram and try assigning both false and true to
// each node. When a terminal node (ID == 0) is reached, fill in the value in
// the truth table.
void buildTestVector(MCDCRecord::TestVector &TV, mcdc::ConditionID ID,
- int TVIdx, unsigned Index) {
- assert((Index & (1 << ID)) == 0);
+ int TVIdx) {
for (auto MCDCCond : {MCDCRecord::MCDC_False, MCDCRecord::MCDC_True}) {
static_assert(MCDCRecord::MCDC_False == 0);
static_assert(MCDCRecord::MCDC_True == 1);
- Index |= MCDCCond << ID;
TV[ID] = MCDCCond;
auto NextID = NextIDs[ID][MCDCCond];
auto NextTVIdx = TVIdx + Indices[ID][MCDCCond];
assert(NextID == SavedNodes[ID].NextIDs[MCDCCond]);
if (NextID >= 0) {
- buildTestVector(TV, NextID, NextTVIdx, Index);
+ buildTestVector(TV, NextID, NextTVIdx);
assert(TVIdx < SavedNodes[ID].Width);
assert(TVIdxs.insert(NextTVIdx).second && "Duplicate TVIdx");
- if (!Bitmap[BitmapIdx + Index])
+ if (!Bitmap[BitmapIdx - NumTestVectors + NextTVIdx])
// Copy the completed test vector to the vector of testvectors.
@@ -437,7 +434,7 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : NextIDsBuilder, mcdc::TVIdxBuilder {
// `TVIdx` starts with 0 and is in the traversal.
// `Index` encodes the bitmask of true values and is initially 0.
MCDCRecord::TestVector TV(NumConditions, MCDCRecord::MCDC_DontCare);
- buildTestVector(TV, 0, 0, 0);
+ buildTestVector(TV, 0, 0);
assert(TVIdxs.size() == unsigned(NumTestVectors) &&
"TVIdxs wasn't fulfilled");
@@ -615,21 +612,12 @@ static unsigned getMaxCounterID(const CounterMappingContext &Ctx,
static unsigned getMaxBitmapSize(const CounterMappingContext &Ctx,
const CoverageMappingRecord &Record) {
unsigned MaxBitmapIdx = 0;
- unsigned NumConditions = 0;
- // Scan max(BitmapIdx).
- // Note that `<=` is used insted of `<`, because `BitmapIdx == 0` is valid
- // and `MaxBitmapIdx is `unsigned`. `BitmapIdx` is unique in the record.
for (const auto &Region : reverse(Record.MappingRegions)) {
- if (Region.Kind != CounterMappingRegion::MCDCDecisionRegion)
- continue;
- const auto &DecisionParams = Region.getDecisionParams();
- if (MaxBitmapIdx <= DecisionParams.BitmapIdx) {
- MaxBitmapIdx = DecisionParams.BitmapIdx;
- NumConditions = DecisionParams.NumConditions;
- }
+ if (Region.Kind == CounterMappingRegion::MCDCDecisionRegion)
+ MaxBitmapIdx =
+ std::max(MaxBitmapIdx, Region.getDecisionParams().BitmapIdx);
- unsigned SizeInBits = llvm::alignTo(uint64_t(1) << NumConditions, CHAR_BIT);
- return MaxBitmapIdx * CHAR_BIT + SizeInBits;
+ return MaxBitmapIdx;
namespace {
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-const-folding.o b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-const-folding.o
index 4f54fa7b8a1a1492a9a455bbf6fa651844345c59..7a16162f29c00777d9a05f5fed1cc4cbf333c56c 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 5899
zH4AGy)jC3}v@*q-rh(Q;F-g~IQmY_3+D at BV5TmH9T0C_t6J;YJqNS~tedqeV<i_o`
zC%xl)&i9?~o_p?n&+qN$?ZeO8UnmyC(MOAOtH-9=a7D&K52#^W+_L-LiS8;F_UM at s
zwZ}#Da&Eow4QaxYOPCM_>C}BCqJF|7qV=1TLsie*3uUQLzlcw{l at _=AhRzH6yQs-f
zD<4d at a!hadKhxIdl&Rcs79TJBr4`?D+PL-EXxp4*P$YvmXa2aX<-AB9QI#6G;XFO$
zkc&iD>n2s5Cgr{^UC}HRJ5;DAeYO|7 at v5l0@^O`8DJxcwT~bVhRY at w)JBwaVH|9(}
z3P%wQWjt0Ixt(%c#;5Szj at +nnp8j3G_5$f$LEmxAllx+$I>$UQg-$xwz+RJf&NLpk
zV%|es*|>*<9NLO#B!A|kYm$ycZYsoztpN6=iZ#)^0*}}{u%;mDbQP(jH`8sl2W at s+
z^QooO=#D7VnpY_FeHFL1;RE=*Iu~%htV#w{yiCQd8lF?}NJ at N>ieF8}?Y5?YX}(|D
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z9 at cbvsTQ1<s0a3Cw(bFq*#V|<Z5JuN#K?MAL)$5DsX?DC$rS%0*HS}#&bCJ2--0h*
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z=MDsLTYYozF~Y at h{ry^)61QpyXz|C9WA&#t8K<`bE_YCIxWcH$X`&I--=-<(Z>f{y
zHUon<3a?#y!EL}cd+}`~F?gf!s>!nj^KA#V#Vh)yHw<qSUM|J9`l)XRu&rJZmR at 1d
zK{vNnh at 0%826LNVJVCK-ekwGPwT;)qUZ3fpJ=-g$74nBNuAOvlUAd^E#CAXTbcY`u
zGIxNtGlvFuc*Q6s;1xcVLkogl at fn#xKd)k^A6-rafz$&ry_n0aUq^!&LCf@`L(Hio
zb0 at TRL2D<k!ZeZ5fQ+ZO9_GC#dA*c)3dn9C_1q<MH?%OyC9}aVO3Aa!55BnzT6>_i
zi#NTwSN0CJni6}Vbr4$nywFc at 2E0LdFG^lN#lUMPb3c$qAp5=4cK~~_r-BNbkas|K
z4diKPb|sm8 at CTpfHwQECNakx~c0n@?qzjtIzznaV1;^y+Ip!BZioxEb#4+d{hh8`I
zkW8G+7#OG at wqNqv$vnZmioxEY1ngPzJi}uX_A|*jO9_lC$P at 7kKbf#~6q7aqd!0Nd
delta 6068
zcmai2dr(x at 8Q*gSVHI6K;BrwBf|+1?Q(YBVFtTid5u!Fcd_Te?%0qmBg0dKetzsb6
z8OYb9WG0zNr)kr)X;@7<(SNc`G~&c*HBB;UO{daHGj at oRFt!X!?9ku2dk&m#)AY>T
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zbGBIpat6+^@bs-GI at +8n#QhPFYK{%dMw59=RZfhXTnXP&Tv3_P=4FM6p(Vzv%=I&-
ztlO2)g4blMPAgVnmlcBx at GKd!$rX;)J>Ncyp0yHfzZwzB${IMlO$dd&Bc%5NyYyys
zl`H2W2V&LZFt|B&7)1Q{@X&gro~ZliUX+7UqGvv6>$vkB at jP!qwxDZ-FE~Wb%R-1d
zmi?P$*E=}!wq at tX@_vV9?{Is5W8BIZmQFqMpI{j at H2(p%l<cVw0CA?yVQXl0>Pp}~
zT at 1Q3-DZooX||=5zF0S^1-e4~whHzoDgpb3Kr_Ve62V?4AJ_;HW~pF5#)-?7SCD_P
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z2-j at o=X0FD&{z@;Ez=E|BTqR7ml$mO9>p!!nTtHIh1?pOc`!8Y8HbB|^HxcXVCzFS
z7Mq0ry@^meLVZwp#<D-58}NKZ at tmu8zDg`hH~JMeO<~_9C)leBo2sy%P-T|RzOd|F
zw at UJXtykC_pfZPp<Okap#?G at w+H9w22<&rVtgQCy6ql_V=M*+iQNB!`Y at K~<+0Upk
z3D`d<EMM(1!y)qJpps#%R320Cjf!Rj_8o7W-hoS2(m_LrWhm at 6h0UP2T;0f0*h;W6
z6AyWEbyh@;uv at t`_9>p_icT~2!KagM!1i)$yrOvWQ&{HzD`G2k<6VW_rRZECC)iIE
z*;*=r-OjC1qj(-tbPkXYK0flp_Hb+TDxR(I6t}k5Xb9|E3frRSd_ZxlboLQ>VE at 8x
z64<|UTlAIUnW5<XOTiyh at agyx;Eh)!4VNgLEr$HiOrasz2e~zzis$|ClqX&`#pUa4
zd%^PT&nPV3Umm^aGi9s?tbEseuHfpadoK)^dm)7e5Ni=%f at nNeH!hipi$=h%QP}4c
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z8Y at kpm`$eUngPdBI*o28 at 8;218JNwc{ZoD_qE(S+!&*8GB!8wv27ttDG3~ESBA$)#
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zd*_sQy$gTg at kEL#co69}K>Co$z9w%23Vg`a#t>w$o9UKQJ9(R+*a*cY6icV^MkqF;
zSh|ewt9A+JehM~2 at emXbo9sGy4?*#;seP(b>j5_o1|Iend5=J`35rLs2$E^M35qRP
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-const-folding.proftext b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-const-folding.proftext
index 82335a8195faa..97d78a39f4356 100644
--- a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-const-folding.proftext
+++ b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-const-folding.proftext
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ _Z5case2b
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ _Z5case3b
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ _Z5case4b
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ _Z5case5b
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ _Z5case6b
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ _Z5caseabb
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ _Z5casebbb
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ _Z5casecbb
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ _Z5casedbb
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ _Z5caseebb
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ _Z5casefbb
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ _Z5casegbb
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ _Z5caseibb
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ _Z5casejbb
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ _Z5casekbb
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ _Z5caselbb
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ _Z5casembb
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ _Z5casenbb
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-const.o b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-const.o
index 1232088ee60fa0e1c96960f1ba11a0e7e7e982eb..915125370cb3d5b7a40bde18c50fd9b2f0e3ae5a 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 68
delta 70
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-const.proftext b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-const.proftext
index 10253f26e0a68..16eba3a018080 100644
--- a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-const.proftext
+++ b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-const.proftext
@@ -14,12 +14,10 @@ _Z4testbbbb
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-general.o b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-general.o
index afe6f95cf0b829a79efebe9718d3cbd04718d4aa..2d6934989b900ddc63bb498d2173b8a7127757ec 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 1562
zy!^!c$gh3UJooEKbEEvkyzJu!-{5NF^~A{%@5BZ_yQ6loPLWU5PBn%Vtx5*7^4 at O?
zBH&HG#P0R~moLQ`!`|qXEki2!jdtax at 0R~kCs((BOZOk<X8b+1l$M+NS$j8oBKzL)
zpAK)Wo}2QQP#Rm*w?nUzHmA2VcpqcRfsPH|U*F|w at CJ3*iITE6zS(rHt8dbFyrqs)
z6bot}wW6l>Q(_^r?HZAa`S3C=VkXj&`htv1*618E+J}sI*3gEHo at 4kSvNKv?>xQyM
zArxaay at q_uc8*CNK1t9k&nIy{Zc;rl$yMxb>BjAtMza`cv7OH)AOA9gPG92+Q~h5P
qahz{!Ck4eemj+N_ at f}#UOQRUET_tYfx;;RHsMszJr!};<cm4;v&X1D-
delta 1631
zcmZ8fZD<r{5Z>9noV%CJ?tLYDS8a_{NLoUgrIx5@)(c5J at q@N#p`wToKMJKy+G|M*
zw!@sgR?tgS at ER9n>(aUFrMt at b?KPKR at lLkTB4pI0$`#qdb^+WKZn<qWHS2Nn)!e(x
z`mILrEW458AuMYae1^q{1$l&smHyJlROtM)-mnR at iF2Nq9XK3OcU|@IM85%!ulaC|
z&i`@!?>=1cH*s9WQp6hjJCHrZ at xMM?sIgexyIpVFJ<MCfcOvi*J>K*>;{r?i at I(WT
zKf9P5C55fU+szhq3vX}tiTZ~a at Zn-5ul4|*Znn~g0@?RmT}k=~Gr9$*@EyHl15>20
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-general.proftext b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-general.proftext
index a83f036ddf2c9..2faca9da1b1e0 100644
--- a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-general.proftext
+++ b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-general.proftext
@@ -24,14 +24,11 @@ _Z4testbbbb
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-macro.o b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-macro.o
index 667ccd132d2fb848ae86b9bbbc72f7b3a917feab..8f458b962fe9ba316297da6b6b50ce72162c5d58 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 1280
z$XlZsAu^78qYLKPJOqg}WH8 at xlR-M%za?DPTlEMx7kY%9)UcgW+?Ft;Zx`yL8$#q2
zes-2v;TNkB8w5-~;!gCMx>@*G;wNTsSb`(~cPvesADcDMju<QSz#1>M at QTKJM$Pw4
zW31^m;guF%)OfCy_w?m|BhN4r%6k*`eZV^PQcM?dIT at DOB=FMOM=GJZR3>%MiP%KZ
zt)YMhefRXG)YAl`6Go6dlS_8l{YHKj;>ZpZu{I-r1YePzE at I6_{sJ6jvO7`4b{Tm}
zuYJ1*y9A*!nXFI;@(rfZ=SP8(eyG3kwrON^wv^r=Mt-_TE at jGr*kp15s_inV(eWrO
zEK`m5(;k|i1^dndXAU~;ADltsM09GpHc6t1&k!;OUa^gca7%2ou3B at VIY^3)<Rqj;
zmEE?0&(TaSLCB#J2I7c!A&tm^*Qt^qgb=47jwnJJ at ilnMRiZ!$aSq~$^N>b-23|>p
v3YBGe at X5`TkX3RP;)wl_mR0M3B{$131e8X$froyjnG8T&QDIX;PsQ^WqhlLQ
delta 1379
z|BrKXv)pvEX);V#)v5Y$%~A8nCtc|$W_qimAPE at hzuTjQRKZlImy%smgS8i<nU=gd
zuWg}Zh-OmH>^pQWiAjTZ%%A7|V1opX7h4dlqHy|0f<5yzn&p at u{C!w!l5CA-X-htN
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z98E-8=y42CSQA~4k at gWc{3V?s`(W7lL3an%XvD>0oegX%o>oO~RYIl`HkHOP>6&=m
zahW<62*V*;^O%aOU1>b=E+Ygm{rtjjPM|)!6vAa(K7k4Xg>m_dU at bxxNC@mFc~dAx
z1slpdtRs87EIxz{RQH#u<#T>)SLg at Rt&t(<uF`^IWlmP-Tf2%NjKepm&g at WcaP<ef
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-macro.proftext b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-macro.proftext
index 35ecc42b5802a..44057ffd7d885 100644
--- a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-macro.proftext
+++ b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-macro.proftext
@@ -27,21 +27,12 @@ func
# Num Bitmap Bytes:
# Bitmap Byte Values:
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-maxbs.o b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/Inputs/mcdc-maxbs.o
index 8e592cf6563da92b98429e83244084649d49fd81..3aee8e5e4489cb55a322385b9b90c570f2d72c73 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 680
z$oSXw^QDr#R-~ndOF^hgQ6??iSb7=_4RqX9awEo at rpkY?F1*&JcyQ$l{f24C(iuDt
zD%Fj9u+ at BTtO9=4Daf66zA9 at UG<ugSXT$VqgjfOklbgUbNfpzF5n3>hV<>6e^l9E4
delta 1144
zA=37N)RTgOl9MGA8!t@|e}V^#y@<DXD(%IJcu`p2?9P^LE)MLz_rC9Y- at KXK`NK=G
z*Q(BmGm|d_RF%-yv~JHla at tfre#vPoVonJ3(rc8$EWJ!g<umQ1RDveU(jmAa>D}*a
z{(y01nB{#?Rt#2Su%#Gsi2r at KVvtn^S<wd*sv-9aP=aN3kj?pEOEp+hf<)M0c?l*k
zq+}>#SV9iNsstH!0BUNSJw=N)12)wT7z!uZM at OEQA<=HI5Rw?Wa0Cp;e7tKh5@$&q
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-maxbs.test b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-maxbs.test
index bbb5fb8b6059a..15f4e4dc481f3 100644
--- a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-maxbs.test
+++ b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-maxbs.test
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
# Instructions for regenerating the test object:
cd %S/Inputs # or copy %S/Inputs/mcdc-maxbs.c into the working directory
-clang -O3 -fcoverage-mcdc -fprofile-instr-generate \
+clang -Os -fcoverage-mcdc -fprofile-instr-generate \
-fcoverage-mapping -fcoverage-compilation-dir=. \
-mllvm -enable-name-compression=false \
mcdc-maxbs.c -c -o mcdc-maxbs.o
diff --git a/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp b/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp
index c5b7c26bef9a7..fcfa65f6e29e1 100644
--- a/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp
+++ b/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp
@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ TEST_P(CoverageMappingTest, non_code_region_bitmask) {
addCMR(Counter::getCounter(2), "file", 1, 1, 5, 5);
addCMR(Counter::getCounter(3), "file", 1, 1, 5, 5);
- addMCDCDecisionCMR(0, 2, "file", 7, 1, 7, 6);
+ addMCDCDecisionCMR(3, 2, "file", 7, 1, 7, 6);
addMCDCBranchCMR(Counter::getCounter(0), Counter::getCounter(1), 0, {-1, 1},
"file", 7, 2, 7, 3);
addMCDCBranchCMR(Counter::getCounter(2), Counter::getCounter(3), 1, {-1, -1},
>From 0ffad9c01ec8c7074534cd0205f9f8eab8d22665 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2024 23:44:11 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 12/27] Update testcases
clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc-class.cpp | 36 ++++++-------
clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc-nested-ternary.c | 34 ++++++------
clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc-not.c | 52 +++++++++---------
clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc.c | 62 ++++++++++------------
4 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)
diff --git a/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc-class.cpp b/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc-class.cpp
index 2206a39ee4ffb..488e7a47a57c4 100644
--- a/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc-class.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc-class.cpp
@@ -36,23 +36,23 @@ Value::~Value(void) {
// MCDCCTOR: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = load i32, ptr %value, align 4
// MCDCCTOR-DAG: %[[BOOL:cmp[0-9]*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[LAB1]], 2
-// MCDCCTOR-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDCCTOR-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i1 %[[BOOL]] to i32
-// MCDCCTOR-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = shl i32 %[[LAB2]], 0
-// MCDCCTOR-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = or i32 %[[TEMP]], %[[LAB3]]
+// MCDCCTOR-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDCCTOR-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDCCTOR-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDCCTOR-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = select i1 %[[BOOL]], i32 %[[LAB2]], i32 %[[LAB3]]
// MCDCCTOR-DAG: store i32 %[[LAB4]], ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// MCDCCTOR: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = load i32, ptr %value2, align 4
// MCDCCTOR-DAG: %[[BOOL:cmp[0-9]*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[LAB1]], 6
-// MCDCCTOR-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDCCTOR-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i1 %[[BOOL]] to i32
-// MCDCCTOR-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = shl i32 %[[LAB2]], 1
-// MCDCCTOR-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = or i32 %[[TEMP]], %[[LAB3]]
+// MCDCCTOR-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDCCTOR-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 2
+// MCDCCTOR-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 1
+// MCDCCTOR-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = select i1 %[[BOOL]], i32 %[[LAB2]], i32 %[[LAB3]]
// MCDCCTOR-DAG: store i32 %[[LAB4]], ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDCCTOR-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDCCTOR-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// MCDCCTOR: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = lshr i32 %[[TEMP]], 3
// MCDCCTOR: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i32 %[[LAB1]] to i64
// MCDCCTOR: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i64 ptrtoint (ptr @__profbm__ZN5ValueC2Ev to i64), %[[LAB2]]
@@ -75,23 +75,23 @@ Value::~Value(void) {
// MCDCDTOR: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = load i32, ptr %value, align 4
// MCDCDTOR-DAG: %[[BOOL:cmp[0-9]*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[LAB1]], 2
-// MCDCDTOR-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDCDTOR-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i1 %[[BOOL]] to i32
-// MCDCDTOR-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = shl i32 %[[LAB2]], 0
-// MCDCDTOR-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = or i32 %[[TEMP]], %[[LAB3]]
+// MCDCDTOR-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDCDTOR-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDCDTOR-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDCDTOR-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = select i1 %[[BOOL]], i32 %[[LAB2]], i32 %[[LAB3]]
// MCDCDTOR-DAG: store i32 %[[LAB4]], ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// MCDCDTOR: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = load i32, ptr %value2, align 4
// MCDCDTOR-DAG: %[[BOOL:cmp[0-9]*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[LAB1]], 3
-// MCDCDTOR-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDCDTOR-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i1 %[[BOOL]] to i32
-// MCDCDTOR-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = shl i32 %[[LAB2]], 1
-// MCDCDTOR-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = or i32 %[[TEMP]], %[[LAB3]]
+// MCDCDTOR-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDCDTOR-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 2
+// MCDCDTOR-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 1
+// MCDCDTOR-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = select i1 %[[BOOL]], i32 %[[LAB2]], i32 %[[LAB3]]
// MCDCDTOR-DAG: store i32 %[[LAB4]], ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDCDTOR-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDCDTOR-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// MCDCDTOR: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = lshr i32 %[[TEMP]], 3
// MCDCDTOR: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i32 %[[LAB1]] to i64
// MCDCDTOR: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i64 ptrtoint (ptr @__profbm__ZN5ValueD2Ev to i64), %[[LAB2]]
diff --git a/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc-nested-ternary.c b/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc-nested-ternary.c
index 4b014e07f6df5..c5306d7d3ea6a 100644
--- a/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc-nested-ternary.c
+++ b/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc-nested-ternary.c
@@ -20,42 +20,42 @@ int test(int b, int c, int d, int e, int f) {
// MCDC-LABEL: cond.true:
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = load i32, ptr %c.addr, align 4
// MCDC-DAG: %[[BOOL:tobool[0-9]*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[LAB1]], 0
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i1 %[[BOOL]] to i32
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = shl i32 %[[LAB2]], 0
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = or i32 %[[TEMP]], %[[LAB3]]
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = select i1 %[[BOOL]], i32 %[[LAB2]], i32 %[[LAB3]]
// MCDC-DAG: store i32 %[[LAB4]], ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// MCDC-LABEL: cond.false:
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = load i32, ptr %d.addr, align 4
// MCDC-DAG: %[[BOOL:tobool[0-9]*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[LAB1]], 0
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i1 %[[BOOL]] to i32
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = shl i32 %[[LAB2]], 0
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = or i32 %[[TEMP]], %[[LAB3]]
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = select i1 %[[BOOL]], i32 %[[LAB2]], i32 %[[LAB3]]
// MCDC-DAG: store i32 %[[LAB4]], ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = load i32, ptr %e.addr, align 4
// MCDC-DAG: %[[BOOL:tobool[0-9]*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[LAB1]], 0
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i1 %[[BOOL]] to i32
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = shl i32 %[[LAB2]], 2
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = or i32 %[[TEMP]], %[[LAB3]]
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 1
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = select i1 %[[BOOL]], i32 %[[LAB2]], i32 %[[LAB3]]
// MCDC-DAG: store i32 %[[LAB4]], ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = load i32, ptr %f.addr, align 4
// MCDC-DAG: %[[BOOL:tobool[0-9]*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[LAB1]], 0
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i1 %[[BOOL]] to i32
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = shl i32 %[[LAB2]], 1
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = or i32 %[[TEMP]], %[[LAB3]]
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 3
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 2
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = select i1 %[[BOOL]], i32 %[[LAB2]], i32 %[[LAB3]]
// MCDC-DAG: store i32 %[[LAB4]], ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = lshr i32 %[[TEMP]], 3
// MCDC: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i32 %[[LAB1]] to i64
// MCDC: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i64 ptrtoint (ptr @__profbm_test to i64), %[[LAB2]]
diff --git a/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc-not.c b/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc-not.c
index aa638b9680b84..98da3b4581c9a 100644
--- a/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc-not.c
+++ b/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc-not.c
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ int test(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f) {
// NOMCDC-NOT: __profbm_test
-// MCDC: @__profbm_test = private global [8 x i8] zeroinitializer
+// MCDC: @__profbm_test = private global [2 x i8] zeroinitializer
// MCDC: @__profc_test = private global [9 x i64] zeroinitializer
@@ -21,61 +21,61 @@ int test(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f) {
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = load i32, ptr %a.addr, align 4
// MCDC-DAG: %[[BOOL:tobool[0-9]*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[LAB1]], 0
// MCDC-DAG: %[[LNOT:lnot[0-9]*]] = xor i1 %[[BOOL]]
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i1 %[[LNOT]] to i32
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = shl i32 %[[LAB2]], 0
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = or i32 %[[TEMP]], %[[LAB3]]
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = select i1 %[[LNOT]], i32 %[[LAB2]], i32 %[[LAB3]]
// MCDC-DAG: store i32 %[[LAB4]], ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = load i32, ptr %b.addr, align 4
// MCDC-DAG: %[[BOOL:tobool[0-9]*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[LAB1]], 0
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i1 %[[BOOL]] to i32
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = shl i32 %[[LAB2]], 2
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = or i32 %[[TEMP]], %[[LAB3]]
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 14
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 1
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = select i1 %[[BOOL]], i32 %[[LAB2]], i32 %[[LAB3]]
// MCDC-DAG: store i32 %[[LAB4]], ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = load i32, ptr %c.addr, align 4
// MCDC-DAG: %[[BOOL:tobool[0-9]*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[LAB1]], 0
// MCDC-DAG: %[[LNOT:lnot[0-9]*]] = xor i1 %[[BOOL]]
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i1 %[[LNOT]] to i32
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = shl i32 %[[LAB2]], 1
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = or i32 %[[TEMP]], %[[LAB3]]
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = select i1 %[[LNOT]], i32 %[[LAB2]], i32 %[[LAB3]]
// MCDC-DAG: store i32 %[[LAB4]], ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = load i32, ptr %d.addr, align 4
// MCDC-DAG: %[[BOOL:tobool[0-9]*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[LAB1]], 0
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i1 %[[BOOL]] to i32
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = shl i32 %[[LAB2]], 4
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = or i32 %[[TEMP]], %[[LAB3]]
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 12
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 2
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = select i1 %[[BOOL]], i32 %[[LAB2]], i32 %[[LAB3]]
// MCDC-DAG: store i32 %[[LAB4]], ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = load i32, ptr %e.addr, align 4
// MCDC-DAG: %[[BOOL:tobool[0-9]*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[LAB1]], 0
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i1 %[[BOOL]] to i32
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = shl i32 %[[LAB2]], 3
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = or i32 %[[TEMP]], %[[LAB3]]
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = select i1 %[[BOOL]], i32 %[[LAB2]], i32 %[[LAB3]]
// MCDC-DAG: store i32 %[[LAB4]], ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = load i32, ptr %f.addr, align 4
// MCDC-DAG: %[[BOOL:tobool[0-9]*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[LAB1]], 0
// MCDC-DAG: %[[LNOT:lnot[0-9]*]] = xor i1 %[[BOOL]]
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i1 %[[LNOT]] to i32
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = shl i32 %[[LAB2]], 5
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = or i32 %[[TEMP]], %[[LAB3]]
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 8
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 4
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = select i1 %[[LNOT]], i32 %[[LAB2]], i32 %[[LAB3]]
// MCDC-DAG: store i32 %[[LAB4]], ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = lshr i32 %[[TEMP]], 3
// MCDC: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i32 %[[LAB1]] to i64
// MCDC: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i64 ptrtoint (ptr @__profbm_test to i64), %[[LAB2]]
diff --git a/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc.c b/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc.c
index ac845d204853d..7c10fb3618e36 100644
--- a/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc.c
+++ b/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc.c
@@ -11,85 +11,79 @@ int test(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f) {
// NOPROFPASS-NOT: __profbm_test
-// MCDC: @__profbm_test = private global [8 x i8] zeroinitializer
+// MCDC: @__profbm_test = private global [2 x i8] zeroinitializer
// MCDC: @__profc_test = private global [9 x i64] zeroinitializer
-// NOPROFPASS: call void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.parameters(ptr @__profn_test, i64 [[HASH:[0-9]+]], i32 8)
+// NOPROFPASS: call void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.parameters(ptr @__profn_test, i64 [[HASH:[0-9]+]], i32 2)
// MCDC-LABEL: @test(
// MCDC: %mcdc.addr = alloca i32, align 4
// MCDC: store i32 0, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// NOPROFPASS: call void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.condbitmap.update(ptr @__profn_test, i64 [[HASH]], i32 0, ptr %mcdc.addr, i1 %tobool{{[0-9]*}})
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = load i32, ptr %a.addr, align 4
// MCDC-DAG: %[[BOOL:tobool[0-9]*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[LAB1]], 0
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i1 %[[BOOL]] to i32
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = shl i32 %[[LAB2]], 0
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = or i32 %[[TEMP]], %[[LAB3]]
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = select i1 %[[BOOL]], i32 %[[LAB2]], i32 %[[LAB3]]
// MCDC-DAG: store i32 %[[LAB4]], ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// NOPROFPASS-LABEL: land.lhs.true:
-// NOPROFPASS: call void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.condbitmap.update(ptr @__profn_test, i64 [[HASH]], i32 2, ptr %mcdc.addr, i1 %tobool{{[0-9]*}})
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = load i32, ptr %b.addr, align 4
// MCDC-DAG: %[[BOOL:tobool[0-9]*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[LAB1]], 0
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i1 %[[BOOL]] to i32
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = shl i32 %[[LAB2]], 2
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = or i32 %[[TEMP]], %[[LAB3]]
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 14
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 1
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = select i1 %[[BOOL]], i32 %[[LAB2]], i32 %[[LAB3]]
// MCDC-DAG: store i32 %[[LAB4]], ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// NOPROFPASS: call void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.condbitmap.update(ptr @__profn_test, i64 [[HASH]], i32 1, ptr %mcdc.addr, i1 %tobool{{[0-9]*}})
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = load i32, ptr %c.addr, align 4
// MCDC-DAG: %[[BOOL:tobool[0-9]*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[LAB1]], 0
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i1 %[[BOOL]] to i32
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = shl i32 %[[LAB2]], 1
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = or i32 %[[TEMP]], %[[LAB3]]
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = select i1 %[[BOOL]], i32 %[[LAB2]], i32 %[[LAB3]]
// MCDC-DAG: store i32 %[[LAB4]], ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// NOPROFPASS-LABEL: land.lhs.true3:
-// NOPROFPASS: call void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.condbitmap.update(ptr @__profn_test, i64 [[HASH]], i32 4, ptr %mcdc.addr, i1 %tobool{{[0-9]*}})
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = load i32, ptr %d.addr, align 4
// MCDC-DAG: %[[BOOL:tobool[0-9]*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[LAB1]], 0
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i1 %[[BOOL]] to i32
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = shl i32 %[[LAB2]], 4
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = or i32 %[[TEMP]], %[[LAB3]]
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 12
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 2
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = select i1 %[[BOOL]], i32 %[[LAB2]], i32 %[[LAB3]]
// MCDC-DAG: store i32 %[[LAB4]], ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// NOPROFPASS-LABEL: lor.rhs6:
-// NOPROFPASS: call void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.condbitmap.update(ptr @__profn_test, i64 [[HASH]], i32 3, ptr %mcdc.addr, i1 %tobool{{[0-9]*}})
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = load i32, ptr %e.addr, align 4
// MCDC-DAG: %[[BOOL:tobool[0-9]*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[LAB1]], 0
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i1 %[[BOOL]] to i32
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = shl i32 %[[LAB2]], 3
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = or i32 %[[TEMP]], %[[LAB3]]
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 0
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = select i1 %[[BOOL]], i32 %[[LAB2]], i32 %[[LAB3]]
// MCDC-DAG: store i32 %[[LAB4]], ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// NOPROFPASS-LABEL: land.rhs:
-// NOPROFPASS: call void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.condbitmap.update(ptr @__profn_test, i64 [[HASH]], i32 5, ptr %mcdc.addr, i1 %tobool{{[0-9]*}})
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = load i32, ptr %f.addr, align 4
// MCDC-DAG: %[[BOOL:tobool[0-9]*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[LAB1]], 0
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i1 %[[BOOL]] to i32
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = shl i32 %[[LAB2]], 5
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = or i32 %[[TEMP]], %[[LAB3]]
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 8
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP]], 4
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[LAB4:[0-9]+]] = select i1 %[[BOOL]], i32 %[[LAB2]], i32 %[[LAB3]]
// MCDC-DAG: store i32 %[[LAB4]], ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
-// NOPROFPASS: call void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.tvbitmap.update(ptr @__profn_test, i64 [[HASH]], i32 8, i32 0, ptr %mcdc.addr)
-// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
+// NOPROFPASS: call void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.tvbitmap.update(ptr @__profn_test, i64 [[HASH]], i32 15, i32 0, ptr %mcdc.addr)
+// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP:mcdc.*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = lshr i32 %[[TEMP]], 3
// MCDC: %[[LAB2:[0-9]+]] = zext i32 %[[LAB1]] to i64
// MCDC: %[[LAB3:[0-9]+]] = add i64 ptrtoint (ptr @__profbm_test to i64), %[[LAB2]]
>From c96fd2cd04cc9e688877368a8c28c87c88d68533 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 00:20:48 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 13/27] Use llvm::sort
llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
index 8e6205c4b6166..7a0a524fd71f8 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ mcdc::TVIdxBuilder::TVIdxBuilder(const SmallVectorImpl<ConditionIDs> &NextIDs,
- std::sort(Decisions.begin(), Decisions.end());
+ llvm::sort(Decisions);
// Assign TestVector Indices in Decision Nodes
int64_t CurIdx = 0;
>From 357a693081628b916478d69820120025109c61b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 00:28:21 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 14/27] EXPECT_
.../ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp | 16 ++++++++--------
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp b/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp
index c5b7c26bef9a7..f063a33205b30 100644
--- a/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp
+++ b/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp
@@ -1088,9 +1088,9 @@ TEST(CoverageMappingTest, TVIdxBuilder) {
int Offset = 1000;
auto TheBuilder = mcdc::TVIdxBuilder(
SmallVector<mcdc::ConditionIDs>(ArrayRef(Branches)), Offset);
- ASSERT_TRUE(TheBuilder.NumTestVectors < TheBuilder.HardMaxTVs);
- ASSERT_EQ(TheBuilder.Indices.size(), 6u);
- ASSERT_EQ(TheBuilder.NumTestVectors, 15);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(TheBuilder.NumTestVectors < TheBuilder.HardMaxTVs);
+ EXPECT_EQ(TheBuilder.Indices.size(), 6u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(TheBuilder.NumTestVectors, 15);
std::map<int, int> Decisions;
for (unsigned I = 0; I < TheBuilder.Indices.size(); ++I) {
@@ -1106,15 +1106,15 @@ TEST(CoverageMappingTest, TVIdxBuilder) {
{2, {2, 1012}},
{4, {1004, 1008}},
- ASSERT_EQ(TheBuilder.Indices[I], IndicesRefs[I].Indices);
+ EXPECT_EQ(TheBuilder.Indices[I], IndicesRefs[I].Indices);
#ifndef NDEBUG
const auto &Node = TheBuilder.SavedNodes[I];
- ASSERT_EQ(Node.Width, IndicesRefs[I].Width);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Node.Width, IndicesRefs[I].Width);
for (int C = 0; C < 2; ++C) {
auto Index = TheBuilder.Indices[I][C];
if (Node.NextIDs[C] < 0)
- ASSERT_TRUE(Decisions.insert({Index, Node.Width}).second);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Decisions.insert({Index, Node.Width}).second);
@@ -1122,11 +1122,11 @@ TEST(CoverageMappingTest, TVIdxBuilder) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
int NextIdx = Offset;
for (const auto [Index, Width] : Decisions) {
- ASSERT_EQ(Index, NextIdx);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Index, NextIdx);
NextIdx += Width;
// The sum of Width(s) is NumTVs.
- ASSERT_EQ(NextIdx, Offset + TheBuilder.NumTestVectors);
+ EXPECT_EQ(NextIdx, Offset + TheBuilder.NumTestVectors);
>From 14c795eaa2faaf27790598886cd82659348d231b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 01:11:59 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 15/27] Hide NConds
clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp | 5 +++--
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
index ec51023a2d205..5eaf6c8f4222d 100644
--- a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
@@ -2016,8 +2016,8 @@ struct CounterCoverageMappingBuilder
void RewindDecision(unsigned Since) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
llvm::DenseSet<mcdc::ConditionID> SeenIDs;
unsigned NConds = 0;
assert(Since <= SourceRegions.size());
auto I = SourceRegions.begin() + Since;
@@ -2025,9 +2025,11 @@ struct CounterCoverageMappingBuilder
if (I->isMCDCDecision()) {
assert(I->getMCDCDecisionParams().BitmapIdx == 0 &&
"It should be valid");
+#ifndef NDEBUG
assert(NConds == 0 && "Duplicate MCDCDecision");
NConds = I->getMCDCDecisionParams().NumConditions;
assert(NConds > 0 && "Malformed MCDCDecision");
I = SourceRegions.erase(I);
@@ -2043,7 +2045,6 @@ struct CounterCoverageMappingBuilder
assert(NConds > 0 && "MCDCDecision wasn't found");
assert(SeenIDs.size() == NConds && "Unexpected number of MCDCBranch(es)");
- (void)NConds;
void VisitBinLAnd(const BinaryOperator *E) {
>From 662bdd6f390092088608da7d9c9b1fc847e3458a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2024 22:03:23 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 16/27] Reformat
llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-maxbs.test | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-maxbs.test b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-maxbs.test
index e1f76c7eef4a5..c6bd18048fb95 100644
--- a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-maxbs.test
+++ b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-cov/mcdc-maxbs.test
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
# Instructions for regenerating the test object:
cd %S/Inputs # or copy %S/Inputs/mcdc-maxbs.c into the working directory
clang -Os -fcoverage-mcdc -fprofile-instr-generate \
-fcoverage-mapping -fcoverage-compilation-dir=. \
-mllvm -enable-name-compression=false \
>From 90bf8e9ac20df7abe83de84fb75e8e5b68dd458d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 07:30:29 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 17/27] Clarify bool
clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp | 8 ++++----
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
index eac04fe3b5aee..7660be39cece8 100644
--- a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ class SourceMappingRegion {
bool isMCDCBranch() const {
const auto *BranchParams = std::get_if<mcdc::BranchParameters>(&MCDCParams);
- assert(!BranchParams || BranchParams->ID >= 0);
- return BranchParams;
+ assert(BranchParams == nullptr || BranchParams->ID >= 0);
+ return (BranchParams != nullptr);
const auto &getMCDCBranchParams() const {
@@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ class SourceMappingRegion {
bool isMCDCDecision() const {
const auto *DecisionParams =
- assert(!DecisionParams || DecisionParams->NumConditions > 0);
- return DecisionParams;
+ assert(DecisionParams == nullptr || DecisionParams->NumConditions > 0);
+ return (DecisionParams != nullptr);
const auto &getMCDCDecisionParams() const {
>From 9eb695166a3e6d09bae4c0ce337bd3ab6560f723 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 07:30:29 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 18/27] Update comments
clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp | 6 ++++--
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
index 7660be39cece8..41dcba3d32260 100644
--- a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
@@ -1982,6 +1982,7 @@ struct CounterCoverageMappingBuilder
if (NumConds == 0)
+ // Extract [ID, Conds] to construct the graph.
llvm::SmallVector<mcdc::ConditionIDs> CondIDs(NumConds);
for (const auto &SR : ArrayRef(SourceRegions).slice(Since)) {
if (SR.isMCDCBranch()) {
@@ -1990,9 +1991,9 @@ struct CounterCoverageMappingBuilder
+ // Construct the graph and calculate `Indices`.
mcdc::TVIdxBuilder Builder(CondIDs);
auto NumTVs = Builder.NumTestVectors;
- assert(MCDCState.DecisionByStmt.contains(E));
auto MaxTVs = mcdc::TVIdxBuilder::HardMaxTVs;
if (NumTVs >= MaxTVs) {
@@ -2001,7 +2002,8 @@ struct CounterCoverageMappingBuilder
- // The state for CodeGenPGO
+ // Update the state for CodeGenPGO
+ assert(MCDCState.DecisionByStmt.contains(E));
MCDCState.DecisionByStmt[E] = {
MCDCState.BitmapBits, // Top
>From 86d67c65e109cbf9748d264456c4d2e88ade6065 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 07:30:29 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 19/27] Use MutableArrayRef :)
clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp | 9 ++++-----
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
index 41dcba3d32260..2985660a750e4 100644
--- a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
@@ -2030,11 +2030,10 @@ struct CounterCoverageMappingBuilder
Diag.Report(E->getBeginLoc(), DiagID) << NumTVs << MaxTVs;
// Restore MCDCBranch to Branch.
- for (auto I = SourceRegions.begin() + Since, E = SourceRegions.end();
- I != E; ++I) {
- assert(!I->isMCDCDecision() && "Decision shouldn't be seen here");
- if (I->isMCDCBranch())
- I->resetMCDCParams();
+ for (auto &SR : MutableArrayRef(SourceRegions).slice(Since)) {
+ assert(!SR.isMCDCDecision() && "Decision shouldn't be seen here");
+ if (SR.isMCDCBranch())
+ SR.resetMCDCParams();
// Tell CodeGenPGO not to instrument.
>From dd6f8bee84e5c65e8619b6863ebbfc455797953f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2024 16:51:02 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 20/27] Clarify 3rd arg of mcdc.tvbitmap.update is unused
clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPGO.cpp | 2 +-
clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc.c | 2 +-
llvm/docs/LangRef.rst | 7 +++----
3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPGO.cpp b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPGO.cpp
index 0f1dd3c9310e6..1e499208c6c87 100644
--- a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPGO.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPGO.cpp
@@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@ void CodeGenPGO::emitMCDCTestVectorBitmapUpdate(CGBuilderTy &Builder,
// index represents an executed test vector.
llvm::Value *Args[5] = {llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(FuncNameVar, I8PtrTy),
- Builder.getInt32(RegionMCDCState->BitmapBits),
+ Builder.getInt32(0), // Unused
diff --git a/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc.c b/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc.c
index 908dc339b4660..7277f171e610c 100644
--- a/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc.c
+++ b/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc.c
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ int test(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f) {
-// NOPROFPASS: call void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.tvbitmap.update(ptr @__profn_test, i64 [[HASH]], i32 15, i32 0, ptr %mcdc.addr)
+// NOPROFPASS: call void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.tvbitmap.update(ptr @__profn_test, i64 [[HASH]], i32 0, i32 0, ptr %mcdc.addr)
// MCDC-DAG: %[[TEMP0:mcdc.temp[0-9]*]] = load i32, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
// MCDC: %[[TEMP:[0-9]+]] = add i32 %[[TEMP0]], 0
// MCDC: %[[LAB1:[0-9]+]] = lshr i32 %[[TEMP]], 3
diff --git a/llvm/docs/LangRef.rst b/llvm/docs/LangRef.rst
index f6ada292b93b1..9bfab3f5ae4b3 100644
--- a/llvm/docs/LangRef.rst
+++ b/llvm/docs/LangRef.rst
@@ -14337,7 +14337,7 @@ Syntax:
declare void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.tvbitmap.update(ptr <name>, i64 <hash>,
- i32 <bitmap-bytes>)
+ i32 <unused>)
i32 <bitmap-index>,
ptr <mcdc-temp-addr>)
@@ -14362,10 +14362,9 @@ name of the entity being instrumented. This should generally be the
The second argument is a hash value that can be used by the consumer
of the profile data to detect changes to the instrumented source.
-The third argument is the number of bitmap bytes required by the function to
-record the number of test vectors executed for each boolean expression.
+The third argument is not used.
-The fourth argument is the byte index into the global test vector bitmap
+The fourth argument is the bit index into the global test vector bitmap
corresponding to the function.
The fifth argument is the address of the condition bitmap, which contains a
>From cdd553197a2631217529c8379c2956418af840f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 8 May 2024 23:28:39 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 21/27] Modify 3rd arg of mcdc.parameters to bits
clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPGO.cpp | 8 +++-----
clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc.c | 2 +-
llvm/docs/LangRef.rst | 4 ++--
llvm/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicInst.h | 11 +++++++++--
.../lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/InstrProfiling.cpp | 4 ++--
.../InstrProfiling/inline-data-var-create.ll | 6 +++---
6 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
diff --git a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPGO.cpp b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPGO.cpp
index 1e499208c6c87..156f34c3c56bc 100644
--- a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPGO.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPGO.cpp
@@ -1224,11 +1224,9 @@ void CodeGenPGO::emitMCDCParameters(CGBuilderTy &Builder) {
// Emit intrinsic representing MCDC bitmap parameters at function entry.
// This is used by the instrumentation pass, but it isn't actually lowered to
// anything.
- llvm::Value *Args[3] = {
- llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(FuncNameVar, I8PtrTy),
- Builder.getInt64(FunctionHash),
- Builder.getInt32(llvm::alignTo(RegionMCDCState->BitmapBits, CHAR_BIT) /
+ llvm::Value *Args[3] = {llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(FuncNameVar, I8PtrTy),
+ Builder.getInt64(FunctionHash),
+ Builder.getInt32(RegionMCDCState->BitmapBits)};
CGM.getIntrinsic(llvm::Intrinsic::instrprof_mcdc_parameters), Args);
diff --git a/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc.c b/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc.c
index 7277f171e610c..251c18baa861d 100644
--- a/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc.c
+++ b/clang/test/Profile/c-mcdc.c
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ int test(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f) {
-// NOPROFPASS: call void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.parameters(ptr @__profn_test, i64 [[HASH:[0-9]+]], i32 2)
+// NOPROFPASS: call void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.parameters(ptr @__profn_test, i64 [[HASH:[0-9]+]], i32 15)
// MCDC-LABEL: @test(
// MCDC: %mcdc.addr = alloca i32, align 4
// MCDC: store i32 0, ptr %mcdc.addr, align 4
diff --git a/llvm/docs/LangRef.rst b/llvm/docs/LangRef.rst
index 9bfab3f5ae4b3..331029080e32f 100644
--- a/llvm/docs/LangRef.rst
+++ b/llvm/docs/LangRef.rst
@@ -14252,7 +14252,7 @@ Syntax:
declare void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.parameters(ptr <name>, i64 <hash>,
- i32 <bitmap-bytes>)
+ i32 <bitmap-bits>)
@@ -14270,7 +14270,7 @@ name of the entity being instrumented. This should generally be the
The second argument is a hash value that can be used by the consumer
of the profile data to detect changes to the instrumented source.
-The third argument is the number of bitmap bytes required by the function to
+The third argument is the number of bitmap bits required by the function to
record the number of test vectors executed for each boolean expression.
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicInst.h b/llvm/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicInst.h
index 4f22720f1c558..77ef5a4f6f87e 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicInst.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicInst.h
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Value.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
@@ -1564,11 +1565,17 @@ class InstrProfMCDCBitmapInstBase : public InstrProfInstBase {
return isa<IntrinsicInst>(V) && classof(cast<IntrinsicInst>(V));
- /// \return The number of bytes used for the MCDC bitmaps for the instrumented
+ /// \return The number of bits used for the MCDC bitmaps for the instrumented
/// function.
- ConstantInt *getNumBitmapBytes() const {
+ ConstantInt *getNumBitmapBits() const {
return cast<ConstantInt>(const_cast<Value *>(getArgOperand(2)));
+ /// \return The number of bytes used for the MCDC bitmaps for the instrumented
+ /// function.
+ auto getNumBitmapBytes() const {
+ return alignTo(getNumBitmapBits()->getZExtValue(), CHAR_BIT) / CHAR_BIT;
+ }
/// This represents the llvm.instrprof.mcdc.parameters intrinsic.
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/InstrProfiling.cpp b/llvm/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/InstrProfiling.cpp
index 442228e4342e2..0c79eaa812b5f 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/InstrProfiling.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/InstrProfiling.cpp
@@ -1414,7 +1414,7 @@ GlobalVariable *
InstrLowerer::createRegionBitmaps(InstrProfMCDCBitmapInstBase *Inc,
StringRef Name,
GlobalValue::LinkageTypes Linkage) {
- uint64_t NumBytes = Inc->getNumBitmapBytes()->getZExtValue();
+ uint64_t NumBytes = Inc->getNumBitmapBytes();
auto *BitmapTy = ArrayType::get(Type::getInt8Ty(M.getContext()), NumBytes);
auto GV = new GlobalVariable(M, BitmapTy, false, Linkage,
Constant::getNullValue(BitmapTy), Name);
@@ -1433,7 +1433,7 @@ InstrLowerer::getOrCreateRegionBitmaps(InstrProfMCDCBitmapInstBase *Inc) {
// the corresponding profile section.
auto *BitmapPtr = setupProfileSection(Inc, IPSK_bitmap);
PD.RegionBitmaps = BitmapPtr;
- PD.NumBitmapBytes = Inc->getNumBitmapBytes()->getZExtValue();
+ PD.NumBitmapBytes = Inc->getNumBitmapBytes();
return PD.RegionBitmaps;
diff --git a/llvm/test/Instrumentation/InstrProfiling/inline-data-var-create.ll b/llvm/test/Instrumentation/InstrProfiling/inline-data-var-create.ll
index 7c064f547141f..456103164378e 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Instrumentation/InstrProfiling/inline-data-var-create.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Instrumentation/InstrProfiling/inline-data-var-create.ll
@@ -27,21 +27,21 @@ declare void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.parameters(ptr %0, i64 %1, i32 %2)
define internal void @foobar() {
call void @llvm.instrprof.increment(ptr @__profn_foobar, i64 123456, i32 32, i32 0)
- call void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.parameters(ptr @__profn_foobar, i64 123456, i32 99)
+ call void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.parameters(ptr @__profn_foobar, i64 123456, i32 792)
ret void
define void @foo() {
call void @llvm.instrprof.increment(ptr @__profn_foo, i64 123456, i32 32, i32 0)
- call void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.parameters(ptr @__profn_foo, i64 123456, i32 21)
+ call void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.parameters(ptr @__profn_foo, i64 123456, i32 168)
call void @foobar()
ret void
define void @bar() {
call void @llvm.instrprof.increment(ptr @__profn_bar, i64 123456, i32 32, i32 0)
- call void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.parameters(ptr @__profn_bar, i64 123456, i32 23)
+ call void @llvm.instrprof.mcdc.parameters(ptr @__profn_bar, i64 123456, i32 184)
call void @foobar()
ret void
>From 54e60444652745ce88accfcb81bac7ae0d43eb1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2024 19:04:24 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 22/27] isMCDCBranch: Remove assert
clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp | 4 +---
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
index 9c549ba7f4ebd..12e38ab12c739 100644
--- a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
@@ -191,9 +191,7 @@ class SourceMappingRegion {
bool isBranch() const { return FalseCount.has_value(); }
bool isMCDCBranch() const {
- const auto *BranchParams = std::get_if<mcdc::BranchParameters>(&MCDCParams);
- assert(BranchParams == nullptr || BranchParams->ID >= 0);
- return (BranchParams != nullptr);
+ return std::holds_alternative<mcdc::BranchParameters>(MCDCParams);
const auto &getMCDCBranchParams() const {
>From b1a7100e742c5a6f8efd06699214e33bcf6bde87 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2024 19:34:43 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 23/27] isMCDCDecision: Remove assert
clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp | 5 +----
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
index 12e38ab12c739..27f157b2d9951 100644
--- a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
@@ -199,10 +199,7 @@ class SourceMappingRegion {
bool isMCDCDecision() const {
- const auto *DecisionParams =
- std::get_if<mcdc::DecisionParameters>(&MCDCParams);
- assert(DecisionParams == nullptr || DecisionParams->NumConditions > 0);
- return (DecisionParams != nullptr);
+ return std::holds_alternative<mcdc::DecisionParameters>(MCDCParams);
const auto &getMCDCDecisionParams() const {
>From 39802c5daa26921886b449e2359daf26c8f7bc82 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 14 May 2024 23:12:57 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 24/27] Make llvm-cov capable of clang-18's profdata
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h | 3 +-
llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/InstrProf.h | 2 +-
.../ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp | 45 ++++++++++++++-----
3 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
index 7a8b6639f2971..7118e3c5813c9 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.h
@@ -680,7 +680,8 @@ class CounterMappingContext {
/// pairs.
evaluateMCDCRegion(const CounterMappingRegion &Region,
- ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches);
+ ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches,
+ bool IsVersion11);
unsigned getMaxCounterID(const Counter &C) const;
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/InstrProf.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/InstrProf.h
index eb3c10bcba1ca..e990d4de5fb2f 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/InstrProf.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/InstrProf.h
@@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ enum ProfVersion {
Version10 = 10,
// An additional field is used for bitmap bytes.
Version11 = 11,
- // VTable profiling,
+ // VTable profiling, decision record and bitmap are modified for mcdc.
Version12 = 12,
// The current version is 12.
diff --git a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
index 69f75494cbe80..6c8ebb63f1737 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/Coverage/CoverageMapping.cpp
@@ -385,15 +385,18 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : NextIDsBuilder, mcdc::TVIdxBuilder {
DenseSet<unsigned> TVIdxs;
+ bool IsVersion11;
MCDCRecordProcessor(const BitVector &Bitmap,
const CounterMappingRegion &Region,
- ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches)
+ ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches,
+ bool IsVersion11)
: NextIDsBuilder(Branches), TVIdxBuilder(this->NextIDs), Bitmap(Bitmap),
Region(Region), DecisionParams(Region.getDecisionParams()),
Branches(Branches), NumConditions(DecisionParams.NumConditions),
Folded(NumConditions, false), IndependencePairs(NumConditions),
- ExecVectors(ExecVectorsByCond[false]) {}
+ ExecVectors(ExecVectorsByCond[false]), IsVersion11(IsVersion11) {}
// Walk the binary decision diagram and try assigning both false and true to
@@ -416,7 +419,9 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : NextIDsBuilder, mcdc::TVIdxBuilder {
assert(TVIdx < SavedNodes[ID].Width);
assert(TVIdxs.insert(NextTVIdx).second && "Duplicate TVIdx");
- if (!Bitmap[DecisionParams.BitmapIdx - NumTestVectors + NextTVIdx])
+ if (!Bitmap[IsVersion11
+ ? DecisionParams.BitmapIdx * CHAR_BIT + TV.getIndex()
+ : DecisionParams.BitmapIdx - NumTestVectors + NextTVIdx])
// Copy the completed test vector to the vector of testvectors.
@@ -522,9 +527,9 @@ class MCDCRecordProcessor : NextIDsBuilder, mcdc::TVIdxBuilder {
Expected<MCDCRecord> CounterMappingContext::evaluateMCDCRegion(
const CounterMappingRegion &Region,
- ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches) {
+ ArrayRef<const CounterMappingRegion *> Branches, bool IsVersion11) {
- MCDCRecordProcessor MCDCProcessor(Bitmap, Region, Branches);
+ MCDCRecordProcessor MCDCProcessor(Bitmap, Region, Branches, IsVersion11);
return MCDCProcessor.processMCDCRecord();
@@ -611,14 +616,27 @@ static unsigned getMaxCounterID(const CounterMappingContext &Ctx,
/// Returns the bit count
-static unsigned getMaxBitmapSize(const CounterMappingContext &Ctx,
- const CoverageMappingRecord &Record) {
+static unsigned getMaxBitmapSize(const CoverageMappingRecord &Record,
+ bool IsVersion11) {
unsigned MaxBitmapIdx = 0;
+ unsigned NumConditions = 0;
+ // Scan max(BitmapIdx).
+ // Note that `<=` is used insted of `<`, because `BitmapIdx == 0` is valid
+ // and `MaxBitmapIdx is `unsigned`. `BitmapIdx` is unique in the record.
for (const auto &Region : reverse(Record.MappingRegions)) {
- if (Region.Kind == CounterMappingRegion::MCDCDecisionRegion)
- MaxBitmapIdx =
- std::max(MaxBitmapIdx, Region.getDecisionParams().BitmapIdx);
+ if (Region.Kind != CounterMappingRegion::MCDCDecisionRegion)
+ continue;
+ const auto &DecisionParams = Region.getDecisionParams();
+ if (MaxBitmapIdx <= DecisionParams.BitmapIdx) {
+ MaxBitmapIdx = DecisionParams.BitmapIdx;
+ NumConditions = DecisionParams.NumConditions;
+ }
+ if (IsVersion11)
+ MaxBitmapIdx = MaxBitmapIdx * CHAR_BIT +
+ llvm::alignTo(uint64_t(1) << NumConditions, CHAR_BIT);
return MaxBitmapIdx;
@@ -808,6 +826,9 @@ Error CoverageMapping::loadFunctionRecord(
+ bool IsVersion11 =
+ ProfileReader.getVersion() < IndexedInstrProf::ProfVersion::Version12;
BitVector Bitmap;
if (Error E = ProfileReader.getFunctionBitmap(Record.FunctionName,
Record.FunctionHash, Bitmap)) {
@@ -819,7 +840,7 @@ Error CoverageMapping::loadFunctionRecord(
if (IPE != instrprof_error::unknown_function)
return make_error<InstrProfError>(IPE);
- Bitmap = BitVector(getMaxBitmapSize(Ctx, Record));
+ Bitmap = BitVector(getMaxBitmapSize(Record, IsVersion11));
@@ -877,7 +898,7 @@ Error CoverageMapping::loadFunctionRecord(
// DecisionRegion, all of the information is now available to process.
// This is where the bulk of the MC/DC progressing takes place.
Expected<MCDCRecord> Record =
- Ctx.evaluateMCDCRegion(*MCDCDecision, MCDCBranches);
+ Ctx.evaluateMCDCRegion(*MCDCDecision, MCDCBranches, IsVersion11);
if (auto E = Record.takeError()) {
return Error::success();
>From f54c64dbd1900a78f68c0ac37c9c633cf82a0321 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 14:39:11 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 25/27] Fix unittest
llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp b/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp
index 13d4fc4718c59..ef147674591c5 100644
--- a/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp
+++ b/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/CoverageMappingTest.cpp
@@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ TEST_P(CoverageMappingTest, decision_before_expansion) {
addCMR(Counter::getCounter(0), "foo", 3, 23, 5, 2);
// This(4:11) was put after Expansion(4:11) before the fix
- addMCDCDecisionCMR(0, 2, "foo", 4, 11, 4, 20);
+ addMCDCDecisionCMR(3, 2, "foo", 4, 11, 4, 20);
addExpansionCMR("foo", "A", 4, 11, 4, 12);
addExpansionCMR("foo", "B", 4, 19, 4, 20);
>From a6f7eefe6f6d873bbcd76a19a2219ac24d894c41 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2024 19:40:42 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 26/27] Introduce `-fmcdc-max-conditions` and
clang/include/clang/Basic/CodeGenOptions.def | 2 ++
clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td | 8 ++++++++
clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPGO.cpp | 4 +++-
clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp | 7 ++++---
4 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Basic/CodeGenOptions.def b/clang/include/clang/Basic/CodeGenOptions.def
index 340b08dd7e2a3..c8fab3e442f2f 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/Basic/CodeGenOptions.def
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Basic/CodeGenOptions.def
@@ -222,6 +222,8 @@ CODEGENOPT(CoverageMapping , 1, 0) ///< Generate coverage mapping regions to
CODEGENOPT(DumpCoverageMapping , 1, 0) ///< Dump the generated coverage mapping
///< regions.
CODEGENOPT(MCDCCoverage , 1, 0) ///< Enable MC/DC code coverage criteria.
+VALUE_CODEGENOPT(MCDCMaxConds, 16, 32767) ///< MC/DC Maximum conditions.
+VALUE_CODEGENOPT(MCDCMaxTVs, 32, 0x7FFFFFFE) ///< MC/DC Maximum test vectors.
/// If -fpcc-struct-return or -freg-struct-return is specified.
ENUM_CODEGENOPT(StructReturnConvention, StructReturnConventionKind, 2, SRCK_Default)
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td b/clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td
index f745e573eb268..4f8253f7ee219 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td
@@ -1758,6 +1758,14 @@ defm mcdc_coverage : BoolFOption<"coverage-mcdc",
"Enable MC/DC criteria when generating code coverage">,
NegFlag<SetFalse, [], [ClangOption], "Disable MC/DC coverage criteria">,
BothFlags<[], [ClangOption, CLOption]>>;
+def fmcdc_max_conditions_EQ : Joined<["-"], "fmcdc-max-conditions=">,
+ Group<f_Group>, Visibility<[CC1Option]>,
+ HelpText<"Maximum number of conditions in MC/DC coverage">,
+ MarshallingInfoInt<CodeGenOpts<"MCDCMaxConds">, "32767">;
+def fmcdc_max_test_vectors_EQ : Joined<["-"], "fmcdc-max-test-vectors=">,
+ Group<f_Group>, Visibility<[CC1Option]>,
+ HelpText<"Maximum number of test vectors in MC/DC coverage">,
+ MarshallingInfoInt<CodeGenOpts<"MCDCMaxTVs">, "0x7FFFFFFE">;
def fprofile_generate : Flag<["-"], "fprofile-generate">,
Group<f_Group>, Visibility<[ClangOption, CLOption]>,
HelpText<"Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)">;
diff --git a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPGO.cpp b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPGO.cpp
index 156f34c3c56bc..65f9da2bada67 100644
--- a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPGO.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPGO.cpp
@@ -1078,7 +1078,9 @@ void CodeGenPGO::mapRegionCounters(const Decl *D) {
// for most embedded applications. Setting a maximum value prevents the
// bitmap footprint from growing too large without the user's knowledge. In
// the future, this value could be adjusted with a command-line option.
- unsigned MCDCMaxConditions = (CGM.getCodeGenOpts().MCDCCoverage) ? 32767 : 0;
+ unsigned MCDCMaxConditions =
+ (CGM.getCodeGenOpts().MCDCCoverage ? CGM.getCodeGenOpts().MCDCMaxConds
+ : 0);
RegionCounterMap.reset(new llvm::DenseMap<const Stmt *, unsigned>);
RegionMCDCState.reset(new MCDC::State);
diff --git a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
index 27f157b2d9951..6122b9942dae0 100644
--- a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CoverageMappingGen.cpp
@@ -2080,10 +2080,11 @@ struct CounterCoverageMappingBuilder
// Construct the graph and calculate `Indices`.
mcdc::TVIdxBuilder Builder(CondIDs);
- auto NumTVs = Builder.NumTestVectors;
- auto MaxTVs = mcdc::TVIdxBuilder::HardMaxTVs;
+ unsigned NumTVs = Builder.NumTestVectors;
+ unsigned MaxTVs = CVM.getCodeGenModule().getCodeGenOpts().MCDCMaxTVs;
+ assert(MaxTVs < mcdc::TVIdxBuilder::HardMaxTVs);
- if (NumTVs >= MaxTVs) {
+ if (NumTVs > MaxTVs) {
// NumTVs exceeds MaxTVs -- warn and cancel the Decision.
cancelDecision(E, Since, NumTVs, MaxTVs);
>From cf837aee69b4a98ff77a1b503c9c9cb1d157f1c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 20:57:42 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 27/27] mcdc-system-headers.cpp: Update
clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-system-headers.cpp | 8 ++++----
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-system-headers.cpp b/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-system-headers.cpp
index a8a3ddbb506fb..a9df667ace854 100644
--- a/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-system-headers.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/CoverageMapping/mcdc-system-headers.cpp
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
// CHECK: _Z5func0i:
int func0(int a) {
- // CHECK: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+3]]:11 -> [[@LINE+3]]:21 = M:0, C:2
+ // CHECK: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+3]]:11 -> [[@LINE+3]]:21 = M:3, C:2
// W_SYS: Expansion,File 0, [[@LINE+2]]:11 -> [[@LINE+2]]:16 = #0 (Expanded file = 1)
// X_SYS: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:11 -> [[@LINE+1]]:11 = 0, 0 [1,2,0]
return (CONST && a);
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ int func0(int a) {
// CHECK: _Z5func1ii:
int func1(int a, int b) {
- // CHECK: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+2]]:11 -> [[@LINE+2]]:21 = M:0, C:2
+ // CHECK: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+2]]:11 -> [[@LINE+2]]:21 = M:3, C:2
// CHECK: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:11 -> [[@LINE+1]]:12 = (#0 - #1), #1 [1,0,2]
return (a || EXPR1(b));
// W_SYS: Expansion,File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:16 -> [[@LINE-1]]:21 = #1 (Expanded file = 1)
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ int func1(int a, int b) {
// CHECK: _Z5func2ii:
int func2(int a, int b) {
- // W_SYS: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+5]]:11 -> [[@LINE+5]]:28 = M:0, C:3
- // X_SYS: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+4]]:11 -> [[@LINE+4]]:28 = M:0, C:2
+ // W_SYS: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+5]]:11 -> [[@LINE+5]]:28 = M:4, C:3
+ // X_SYS: Decision,File 0, [[@LINE+4]]:11 -> [[@LINE+4]]:28 = M:3, C:2
// W_SYS: Expansion,File 0, [[@LINE+3]]:11 -> [[@LINE+3]]:16 = #0 (Expanded file = 1)
// W_SYS: Expansion,File 0, [[@LINE+2]]:23 -> [[@LINE+2]]:28 = #1 (Expanded file = 2)
// X_SYS: Branch,File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:11 -> [[@LINE+1]]:11 = #1, (#0 - #1) [1,2,0]
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