[clang] [BoundsSafety] Allow 'counted_by' attribute on pointers in structs in C (PR #90786)

Bill Wendling via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri May 10 15:08:03 PDT 2024

bwendling wrote:

@rapidsna @delcypher @apple-fcloutier @kees:

Okay, I think I see what the complication is. Are you trying to prevent the use case of someone writing something like:

struct bar;

struct foo {
  size_t count;
  struct bar *ptr __counted_by(count);

where `ptr` is a pointer to one large space where that the user splits up into `count` number of `struct bar` objects?

struct foo *alloc_foo(size_t count) {
  struct foo *p = malloc(sizeof(struct foo));

  p->ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct bar) * count); // struct bar can't be incomplete here
  return p;


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