[clang] [llvm] [clang][SPIR-V] Add support for AMDGCN flavoured SPIRV (PR #89796)

Alex Voicu via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed May 8 14:16:25 PDT 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+// REQUIRES: amdgpu-registered-target
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple spirv64-amd-amdhsa -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable
+kernel void test () {
+  int sgpr = 0, vgpr = 0, imm = 0;
+  // sgpr constraints
+  __asm__ ("s_mov_b32 %0, %1" : "=s" (sgpr) : "s" (imm) : );
+  __asm__ ("s_mov_b32 %0, %1" : "={s1}" (sgpr) : "{exec}" (imm) : );
+  __asm__ ("s_mov_b32 %0, %1" : "={s1}" (sgpr) : "{exe" (imm) : ); // expected-error {{invalid input constraint '{exe' in asm}}
+  __asm__ ("s_mov_b32 %0, %1" : "={s1}" (sgpr) : "{exec" (imm) : ); // expected-error {{invalid input constraint '{exec' in asm}}
+  __asm__ ("s_mov_b32 %0, %1" : "={s1}" (sgpr) : "{exec}a" (imm) : ); // expected-error {{invalid input constraint '{exec}a' in asm}}
AlexVlx wrote:

We can use non-flavoured SPIRV for that, no? Once the rest of the toolchain bits are in place, that'll work as well, and will offer neither ASM nor builtins. Surely, if there's actual some groundswell of opposition to ASM, folks will organically migrate. I'd say that's preferable to trying to force users to do anything, which seldom works well.


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