[clang] [clang] Distinguish unresolved templates in UnresolvedLookupExpr (PR #89019)

Alexandre Ganea via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun May 5 09:08:59 PDT 2024

aganea wrote:

This causes a warning when building LLDB on Windows, `clang::BuiltinType::UnresolvedTemplate` isn't handled in the case in the file indicated below (sorry my locale is French). Would you have a chance to take a look @zyn0217 please?
[6325/7521] Building CXX object tools\lldb\source\Plugins\TypeSystem\Clang\CMakeFiles\lldbPluginTypeSystemClang.dir\TypeSystemClang.cpp.obj
C:\src\git\llvm-project\lldb\source\Plugins\TypeSystem\Clang\TypeSystemClang.cpp(4999): warning C4062: L'énumérateur 'clang::BuiltinType::UnresolvedTemplate' dans le commutateur de l'énumération 'clang::BuiltinType::Kind' n'est pas géré.
C:\src\git\llvm-project\clang\include\clang/AST/Type.h(2983): note: voir la déclaration de 'clang::BuiltinType::Kind'


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