[clang] nonblocking/nonallocating attributes (was: nolock/noalloc) (PR #84983)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu May 2 19:06:04 PDT 2024

Sirraide wrote:

> I think this is now as complete as I can make it without further feedback. Should I update the description and make it no longer a draft? Squash and make a new PR?

Hmm, that’s a good question; I think updating the description and removing the draft status is probably fine. At least from what I can tell, there isn’t much of a precedent for opening new prs even if they end up getting rather long in terms of commits/conversations.

I personally quite dislike squashing/force-pushing because I then never know what changes are new and which ones I’ve already reviewed (we squash on merge anyway, so it’s not really helpful while the pr is still being worked on).

> Thanks for all the help @Sirraide !

No problem!


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