[clang] [clang][CodeGen] Fix in codegen for __builtin_popcountg/ctzg/clzg (PR #90845)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu May 2 03:50:04 PDT 2024

llvmbot wrote:



Author: Björn Pettersson (bjope)


Make sure that the result from the popcnt/ctlz/cttz intrinsics is unsigned casted to int, rather than casted as a signed value, when expanding the __builtin_popcountg/__builtin_ctzg/__builtin_clzg builtins.

An example would be
  unsigned _BitInt(1) x = ...;
  int y = __builtin_popcountg(x);
which previously was incorrectly expanded to
  %1 = call i1 @<!-- -->llvm.ctpop.i1(i1 %0)
  %cast = sext i1 %1 to i32

Since the input type is generic for those "g" versions of the builtins the intrinsic call may return a value for which the sign bit is set (that could typically for BitInt of size 1 and 2). So we need to emit a zext rather than a sext to avoid negative results.

Full diff: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/90845.diff

2 Files Affected:

- (modified) clang/lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp (+3-3) 
- (modified) clang/test/CodeGen/builtins.c (+10-10) 

diff --git a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp
index a370734e00d3e1..fc1dbb87ed1bf2 100644
--- a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp
@@ -3239,7 +3239,7 @@ RValue CodeGenFunction::EmitBuiltinExpr(const GlobalDecl GD, unsigned BuiltinID,
         Builder.getInt1(HasFallback || getTarget().isCLZForZeroUndef());
     Value *Result = Builder.CreateCall(F, {ArgValue, ZeroUndef});
     if (Result->getType() != ResultType)
-      Result = Builder.CreateIntCast(Result, ResultType, /*isSigned*/true,
+      Result = Builder.CreateIntCast(Result, ResultType, /*isSigned*/false,
     if (!HasFallback)
       return RValue::get(Result);
@@ -3271,7 +3271,7 @@ RValue CodeGenFunction::EmitBuiltinExpr(const GlobalDecl GD, unsigned BuiltinID,
         Builder.getInt1(HasFallback || getTarget().isCLZForZeroUndef());
     Value *Result = Builder.CreateCall(F, {ArgValue, ZeroUndef});
     if (Result->getType() != ResultType)
-      Result = Builder.CreateIntCast(Result, ResultType, /*isSigned*/true,
+      Result = Builder.CreateIntCast(Result, ResultType, /*isSigned*/false,
     if (!HasFallback)
       return RValue::get(Result);
@@ -3351,7 +3351,7 @@ RValue CodeGenFunction::EmitBuiltinExpr(const GlobalDecl GD, unsigned BuiltinID,
     llvm::Type *ResultType = ConvertType(E->getType());
     Value *Result = Builder.CreateCall(F, ArgValue);
     if (Result->getType() != ResultType)
-      Result = Builder.CreateIntCast(Result, ResultType, /*isSigned*/true,
+      Result = Builder.CreateIntCast(Result, ResultType, /*isSigned*/false,
     return RValue::get(Result);
diff --git a/clang/test/CodeGen/builtins.c b/clang/test/CodeGen/builtins.c
index 407e0857d22311..b41efb59e61dbc 100644
--- a/clang/test/CodeGen/builtins.c
+++ b/clang/test/CodeGen/builtins.c
@@ -949,12 +949,12 @@ void test_builtin_popcountg(unsigned char uc, unsigned short us,
   pop = __builtin_popcountg(uc);
   // CHECK: %1 = load i8, ptr %uc.addr, align 1
   // CHECK-NEXT: %2 = call i8 @llvm.ctpop.i8(i8 %1)
-  // CHECK-NEXT: %cast = sext i8 %2 to i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT: %cast = zext i8 %2 to i32
   // CHECK-NEXT: store volatile i32 %cast, ptr %pop, align 4
   pop = __builtin_popcountg(us);
   // CHECK-NEXT: %3 = load i16, ptr %us.addr, align 2
   // CHECK-NEXT: %4 = call i16 @llvm.ctpop.i16(i16 %3)
-  // CHECK-NEXT: %cast1 = sext i16 %4 to i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT: %cast1 = zext i16 %4 to i32
   // CHECK-NEXT: store volatile i32 %cast1, ptr %pop, align 4
   pop = __builtin_popcountg(ui);
   // CHECK-NEXT: %5 = load i32, ptr %ui.addr, align 4
@@ -992,12 +992,12 @@ void test_builtin_clzg(unsigned char uc, unsigned short us, unsigned int ui,
   lz = __builtin_clzg(uc);
   // CHECK: %1 = load i8, ptr %uc.addr, align 1
   // CHECK-NEXT: %2 = call i8 @llvm.ctlz.i8(i8 %1, i1 true)
-  // CHECK-NEXT: %cast = sext i8 %2 to i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT: %cast = zext i8 %2 to i32
   // CHECK-NEXT: store volatile i32 %cast, ptr %lz, align 4
   lz = __builtin_clzg(us);
   // CHECK-NEXT: %3 = load i16, ptr %us.addr, align 2
   // CHECK-NEXT: %4 = call i16 @llvm.ctlz.i16(i16 %3, i1 true)
-  // CHECK-NEXT: %cast1 = sext i16 %4 to i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT: %cast1 = zext i16 %4 to i32
   // CHECK-NEXT: store volatile i32 %cast1, ptr %lz, align 4
   lz = __builtin_clzg(ui);
   // CHECK-NEXT: %5 = load i32, ptr %ui.addr, align 4
@@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ void test_builtin_clzg(unsigned char uc, unsigned short us, unsigned int ui,
   lz = __builtin_clzg(uc, sc);
   // CHECK-NEXT: %15 = load i8, ptr %uc.addr, align 1
   // CHECK-NEXT: %16 = call i8 @llvm.ctlz.i8(i8 %15, i1 true)
-  // CHECK-NEXT: %cast6 = sext i8 %16 to i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT: %cast6 = zext i8 %16 to i32
   // CHECK-NEXT: %iszero = icmp eq i8 %15, 0
   // CHECK-NEXT: %17 = load i8, ptr %sc.addr, align 1
   // CHECK-NEXT: %conv = sext i8 %17 to i32
@@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ void test_builtin_clzg(unsigned char uc, unsigned short us, unsigned int ui,
   lz = __builtin_clzg(us, uc);
   // CHECK-NEXT: %18 = load i16, ptr %us.addr, align 2
   // CHECK-NEXT: %19 = call i16 @llvm.ctlz.i16(i16 %18, i1 true)
-  // CHECK-NEXT: %cast7 = sext i16 %19 to i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT: %cast7 = zext i16 %19 to i32
   // CHECK-NEXT: %iszero8 = icmp eq i16 %18, 0
   // CHECK-NEXT: %20 = load i8, ptr %uc.addr, align 1
   // CHECK-NEXT: %conv9 = zext i8 %20 to i32
@@ -1094,12 +1094,12 @@ void test_builtin_ctzg(unsigned char uc, unsigned short us, unsigned int ui,
   tz = __builtin_ctzg(uc);
   // CHECK: %1 = load i8, ptr %uc.addr, align 1
   // CHECK-NEXT: %2 = call i8 @llvm.cttz.i8(i8 %1, i1 true)
-  // CHECK-NEXT: %cast = sext i8 %2 to i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT: %cast = zext i8 %2 to i32
   // CHECK-NEXT: store volatile i32 %cast, ptr %tz, align 4
   tz = __builtin_ctzg(us);
   // CHECK-NEXT: %3 = load i16, ptr %us.addr, align 2
   // CHECK-NEXT: %4 = call i16 @llvm.cttz.i16(i16 %3, i1 true)
-  // CHECK-NEXT: %cast1 = sext i16 %4 to i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT: %cast1 = zext i16 %4 to i32
   // CHECK-NEXT: store volatile i32 %cast1, ptr %tz, align 4
   tz = __builtin_ctzg(ui);
   // CHECK-NEXT: %5 = load i32, ptr %ui.addr, align 4
@@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@ void test_builtin_ctzg(unsigned char uc, unsigned short us, unsigned int ui,
   tz = __builtin_ctzg(uc, sc);
   // CHECK-NEXT: %15 = load i8, ptr %uc.addr, align 1
   // CHECK-NEXT: %16 = call i8 @llvm.cttz.i8(i8 %15, i1 true)
-  // CHECK-NEXT: %cast6 = sext i8 %16 to i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT: %cast6 = zext i8 %16 to i32
   // CHECK-NEXT: %iszero = icmp eq i8 %15, 0
   // CHECK-NEXT: %17 = load i8, ptr %sc.addr, align 1
   // CHECK-NEXT: %conv = sext i8 %17 to i32
@@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@ void test_builtin_ctzg(unsigned char uc, unsigned short us, unsigned int ui,
   tz = __builtin_ctzg(us, uc);
   // CHECK-NEXT: %18 = load i16, ptr %us.addr, align 2
   // CHECK-NEXT: %19 = call i16 @llvm.cttz.i16(i16 %18, i1 true)
-  // CHECK-NEXT: %cast7 = sext i16 %19 to i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT: %cast7 = zext i16 %19 to i32
   // CHECK-NEXT: %iszero8 = icmp eq i16 %18, 0
   // CHECK-NEXT: %20 = load i8, ptr %uc.addr, align 1
   // CHECK-NEXT: %conv9 = zext i8 %20 to i32




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