[clang] [Doc][HLSL] Add documentation for root signature. (PR #83933)
Chris B via cfe-commits
cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Mar 28 16:49:11 PDT 2024
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+HLSL Root Signatures
+.. contents::
+ :local:
+In HLSL, the `root signature
+defines what types of resources are bound to the graphics pipeline.
+A root signature can be specified in HLSL as a `string
+The string contains a collection of comma-separated clauses that describe root
+signature constituent components.
+There are two mechanisms to compile an HLSL root signature. First, it is
+possible to attach a root signature string to a particular shader via the
+RootSignature attribute (in the following example, using the MyRS1 entry
+.. code-block::
+ "CBV(b0, space = 1, flags = DATA_STATIC), " \
+ "SRV(t0), " \
+ "UAV(u0), " \
+ "DescriptorTable( CBV(b1), " \
+ " SRV(t1, numDescriptors = 8, " \
+ " flags = DESCRIPTORS_VOLATILE), " \
+ " UAV(u1, numDescriptors = unbounded, " \
+ " flags = DESCRIPTORS_VOLATILE)), " \
+ "DescriptorTable(Sampler(s0, space=1, numDescriptors = 4)), " \
+ "RootConstants(num32BitConstants=3, b10), " \
+ "StaticSampler(s1)," \
+ "StaticSampler(s2, " \
+ " addressU = TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP, " \
+ [RootSignature(RS)]
+ float4 main(float4 coord : COORD) : SV_Target
+ {
+ …
+ }
+The compiler will create and verify the root signature blob for the shader and
+embed it alongside the shader byte code into the shader blob.
+The other mechanism is to create a standalone root signature blob, perhaps to
+reuse it with a large set of shaders, saving space. The name of the define
+string is specified via the usual -E argument. For example:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ dxc.exe -T rootsig_1_1 MyRS1.hlsl -E MyRS1 -Fo MyRS1.fxo
+Note that the root signature string define can also be passed on the command
+line, e.g, -D MyRS1=”…”.
+Root Signature Grammar
+.. code-block:: peg
+ RootSignature : (RootElement(,RootElement)?)?
+ RootElement : RootFlags | RootConstants | RootCBV | RootSRV | RootUAV |
+ DescriptorTable | StaticSampler
+ RootFlags : 'RootFlags' '(' (RootFlag(|RootFlag)?)? ')'
+ RootConstants : 'RootConstants' '(' 'num32BitConstants' '=' NUMBER ','
+ bReg (',' 'space' '=' NUMBER)?
+ (',' 'visibility' '=' SHADER_VISIBILITY)? ')'
+ RootCBV : 'CBV' '(' bReg (',' 'space' '=' NUMBER)?
+ (',' 'visibility' '=' SHADER_VISIBILITY)?
+ (',' 'flags' '=' DATA_FLAGS)? ')'
+ RootSRV : 'SRV' '(' tReg (',' 'space' '=' NUMBER)?
+ (',' 'visibility' '=' SHADER_VISIBILITY)?
+ (',' 'flags' '=' DATA_FLAGS)? ')'
+ RootUAV : 'UAV' '(' uReg (',' 'space' '=' NUMBER)?
+ (',' 'visibility' '=' SHADER_VISIBILITY)?
+ (',' 'flags' '=' DATA_FLAGS)? ')'
+ DescriptorTable : 'DescriptorTable' '(' (DTClause(|DTClause)?)?
+ (',' 'visibility' '=' SHADER_VISIBILITY)? ')'
+ DTClause : CBV | SRV | UAV | Sampler
+ CBV : 'CBV' '(' bReg (',' 'numDescriptors' '=' NUMBER)?
+ (',' 'space' '=' NUMBER)?
+ (',' 'offset' '=' DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_OFFSET)?
+ (',' 'flags' '=' DATA_FLAGS)? ')'
+ SRV : 'SRV' '(' tReg (',' 'numDescriptors' '=' NUMBER)?
+ (',' 'space' '=' NUMBER)?
+ (',' 'offset' '=' DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_OFFSET)?
+ (',' 'flags' '=' DATA_FLAGS)? ')'
+ UAV : 'UAV' '(' uReg (',' 'numDescriptors' '=' NUMBER)?
+ (',' 'space' '=' NUMBER)?
+ (',' 'offset' '=' DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_OFFSET)?
+ (',' 'flags' '=' DATA_FLAGS)? ')'
+ Sampler : 'Sampler' '(' sReg (',' 'numDescriptors' '=' NUMBER)?
+ (',' 'space' '=' NUMBER)?
+ (',' 'offset' '=' DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_OFFSET)? (',' 'flags' '=' NUMBER)? ')'
+ StaticSampler : 'StaticSampler' '(' sReg (',' 'filter' '=' FILTER)?
+ (',' 'addressU' '=' TEXTURE_ADDRESS)?
+ (',' 'addressV' '=' TEXTURE_ADDRESS)?
+ (',' 'addressW' '=' TEXTURE_ADDRESS)?
+ (',' 'mipLODBias' '=' NUMBER)?
+ (',' 'maxAnisotropy' '=' NUMBER)?
+ (',' 'comparisonFunc' '=' COMPARISON_FUNC)?
+ (',' 'borderColor' '=' STATIC_BORDER_COLOR)?
+ (',' 'minLOD' '=' NUMBER)?
+ (',' 'maxLOD' '=' NUMBER)? (',' 'space' '=' NUMBER)?
+ (',' 'visibility' '=' SHADER_VISIBILITY)? ')'
+ bReg : 'b' NUMBER
+ tReg : 't' NUMBER
+ uReg : 'u' NUMBER
+ sReg : 's' NUMBER
+Serialized format
+The root signature string is parsed and serialized into a binary format. The
+binary format is a sequence of bytes that can be used to create a root signature
+object in the Direct3D 12 API. The binary format is defined by the
+`D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_DESC (for rootsig_1_0)
+or `D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_DESC1 (for rootsig_1_1)
+structure in the Direct3D 12 API. (With the pointers translated to offsets.)
+It will be look like this:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ struct DxilContainerRootDescriptor1 {
llvm-beanz wrote:
Since this looks like documentation for the implementation we should probably use the code style that we're using in LLVM rather than what we have in DXC. Specifically, this code would probably go into the `dxbc` namespace and the structures would not be prefixed with `DxilContainer` or suffixed with `1`.
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