[clang] [clang][modules] Avoid calling expensive `SourceManager::translateFile()` (PR #86216)

Jan Svoboda via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Mar 25 15:53:55 PDT 2024

@@ -1337,9 +1337,24 @@ static bool compileModule(CompilerInstance &ImportingInstance,
   // Get or create the module map that we'll use to build this module.
   ModuleMap &ModMap
     = ImportingInstance.getPreprocessor().getHeaderSearchInfo().getModuleMap();
+  SourceManager &SourceMgr = ImportingInstance.getSourceManager();
   bool Result;
-  if (OptionalFileEntryRef ModuleMapFile =
-          ModMap.getContainingModuleMapFile(Module)) {
+  if (FileID ModuleMapFID = ModMap.getContainingModuleMapFileID(Module);
+      ModuleMapFID.isValid()) {
+    // We want to use the top-level module map. If we don't, the compiling
jansvoboda11 wrote:

Consider that `SourceManager::translateFile()` always prefers local `SLocEntries`. Now let's say that a module is defined in a module map that gets included via the `extern` directive from a top-level module map Clang find via header search. Before loading PCM for this module, the following code will resolve to the local `SLocEntry` (there are no loaded entries yet).

  SourceManager::getFileEntryRefForID( // ModuleMap::getContainingModuleMapFile(Module)
    SourceManager::getFileID(          //
      Module::DefinitionLoc)))         //

After compiling and loading the PCM for such module, `Module::DefinitionLoc` gets updated and now points into the loaded `SLocEntry`. Therefore, `ModuleMap::getContainingModuleMapFile(Module)` returns the loaded `SLocEntry`. Then, `SourceManager::translateFile()` maps that to the **local** `SLocEntry`, so we end up with a result identical to the previous one.

This patch gets rid of the unnecessary conversions and does this instead.


This means that after loading the PCM for the module, this points into the table of loaded `SLocEntries`. The importer knows that the containing module map is not a top level module map. When it attempts to walk up the include chain to get the the top-level module map for this module (using `SourceManager::getIncludeLoc()`) it gets an invalid `SourceLocation`. This is because the PCM was not compiled from the top-level module map, its `SourceManager` never knew about the file, and therefore can't walk up.

This means that the true top-level module map never makes it into the set of affecting module maps we compute in `ASTWriter`. It's in turn left out from the `INPUT_FILE` block that only has the containing module map that's marked as not-top-level file. This ultimately breaks the dependency scanner. When generating `-fmodule-map-file=` arguments for the explicit compilation, it only uses files that made it into the `INPUT_FILE` block (are affecting) and are top-level (to avoid exploding the command line with transitive module maps). This then breaks the explicit compile, which doesn't have any (neither the top-level nor the containing module map) for the module in question.

So this piece of code is here to ensure implicit builds are always invoked with the top-level module map, not the containing one. This fixes the walk over the include chain of loaded `SLocEntries` and fixes `clang/test/ClangScanDeps/modules-extern-unrelated.m`.


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