[clang] [NFC] [C++20] [Modules] [P1689] [Scanner] Don't use thread pool in P1689 per file mode (PR #84285)

Jan Svoboda via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Mar 7 11:26:20 PST 2024

@@ -893,102 +889,118 @@ int clang_scan_deps_main(int argc, char **argv, const llvm::ToolContext &) {
   if (Format == ScanningOutputFormat::Full)
     FD.emplace(ModuleName.empty() ? Inputs.size() : 0);
-  if (Verbose) {
-    llvm::outs() << "Running clang-scan-deps on " << Inputs.size()
-                 << " files using " << Pool.getMaxConcurrency() << " workers\n";
-  }
-  llvm::Timer T;
-  T.startTimer();
-  for (unsigned I = 0; I < Pool.getMaxConcurrency(); ++I) {
-    Pool.async([&, I]() {
-      llvm::DenseSet<ModuleID> AlreadySeenModules;
-      while (auto MaybeInputIndex = GetNextInputIndex()) {
-        size_t LocalIndex = *MaybeInputIndex;
-        const tooling::CompileCommand *Input = &Inputs[LocalIndex];
-        std::string Filename = std::move(Input->Filename);
-        std::string CWD = std::move(Input->Directory);
-        std::optional<StringRef> MaybeModuleName;
-        if (!ModuleName.empty())
-          MaybeModuleName = ModuleName;
-        std::string OutputDir(ModuleFilesDir);
-        if (OutputDir.empty())
-          OutputDir = getModuleCachePath(Input->CommandLine);
-        auto LookupOutput = [&](const ModuleID &MID, ModuleOutputKind MOK) {
-          return ::lookupModuleOutput(MID, MOK, OutputDir);
-        };
-        // Run the tool on it.
-        if (Format == ScanningOutputFormat::Make) {
-          auto MaybeFile =
-              WorkerTools[I]->getDependencyFile(Input->CommandLine, CWD);
-          if (handleMakeDependencyToolResult(Filename, MaybeFile, DependencyOS,
-                                             Errs))
-            HadErrors = true;
-        } else if (Format == ScanningOutputFormat::P1689) {
-          // It is useful to generate the make-format dependency output during
-          // the scanning for P1689. Otherwise the users need to scan again for
-          // it. We will generate the make-format dependency output if we find
-          // `-MF` in the command lines.
-          std::string MakeformatOutputPath;
-          std::string MakeformatOutput;
-          auto MaybeRule = WorkerTools[I]->getP1689ModuleDependencyFile(
-              *Input, CWD, MakeformatOutput, MakeformatOutputPath);
-          if (handleP1689DependencyToolResult(Filename, MaybeRule, PD, Errs))
-            HadErrors = true;
+  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DependencyScanningTool>> WorkerTools;
jansvoboda11 wrote:

If `ScanningTask` takes `DependencyScanningTool &`, we could move this into the `ThreadPool`-only branch.


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