[clang] [analyzer] Improve handling of unsigned values in ArrayBoundCheckerV2 (PR #81034)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Feb 7 12:23:02 PST 2024

llvmbot wrote:



Author: None (NagyDonat)


A memory access is an out of bounds error if the offset is < the extent of the memory region. Notice that here "<" is a _mathematical_ comparison between two numbers and NOT a C/C++ operator that compares two typed C++ values: for example -1 < 1000 is true in mathematics, but if the `-1` is an `int` and the `1000` is a `size_t` value, then evaluating the C/C++ operator `<` will return false because the `-1` will be converted to `SIZE_MAX` by the automatic type conversions.

This means that it's incorrect to perform a bounds check with `evalBinOpNN(State, BO_LT, ...)` which performs automatic conversions and can produce wildly incorrect results.

ArrayBoundsCheckerV2 already had a special case where it avoided calling `evalBinOpNN` in a situation where it would have performed an automatic conversion; this commit replaces that code with a more general one that covers more situations. (It's still not perfect, but it's better than the previous version and I think it will cover practically all real-world code.)

Note that this is not a limitation/bug of the simplification algorithm defined in `getSimplifedOffsets()`: the simplification is not applied in the test case `test_comparison_with_extent_symbol` (because the `Extent` is not a concrete int), but without the new code it would still run into a `-1 < UNSIGNED` comparison that evaluates to false because `evalBinOpNN` performs an automatic type conversion.

Full diff: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/81034.diff

3 Files Affected:

- (modified) clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SValBuilder.h (+8-4) 
- (modified) clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/ArrayBoundCheckerV2.cpp (+33-9) 
- (modified) clang/test/Analysis/out-of-bounds.c (+8) 

diff --git a/clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SValBuilder.h b/clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SValBuilder.h
index d7cff49036cb81..a560f274c43ccd 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SValBuilder.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SValBuilder.h
@@ -110,12 +110,16 @@ class SValBuilder {
   /// that value is returned. Otherwise, returns NULL.
   virtual const llvm::APSInt *getKnownValue(ProgramStateRef state, SVal val) = 0;
-  /// Tries to get the minimal possible (integer) value of a given SVal. If the
-  /// constraint manager cannot provide an useful answer, this returns NULL.
+  /// Tries to get the minimal possible (integer) value of a given SVal. This
+  /// always returns the value of a ConcreteInt, but may return NULL if the
+  /// value is symbolic and the constraint manager cannot provide a useful
+  /// answer.
   virtual const llvm::APSInt *getMinValue(ProgramStateRef state, SVal val) = 0;
-  /// Tries to get the maximal possible (integer) value of a given SVal. If the
-  /// constraint manager cannot provide an useful answer, this returns NULL.
+  /// Tries to get the maximal possible (integer) value of a given SVal. This
+  /// always returns the value of a ConcreteInt, but may return NULL if the
+  /// value is symbolic and the constraint manager cannot provide a useful
+  /// answer.
   virtual const llvm::APSInt *getMaxValue(ProgramStateRef state, SVal val) = 0;
   /// Simplify symbolic expressions within a given SVal. Return an SVal
diff --git a/clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/ArrayBoundCheckerV2.cpp b/clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/ArrayBoundCheckerV2.cpp
index 05fc00a990d524..fdcc46e58580b4 100644
--- a/clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/ArrayBoundCheckerV2.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/ArrayBoundCheckerV2.cpp
@@ -268,6 +268,16 @@ getSimplifiedOffsets(NonLoc offset, nonloc::ConcreteInt extent,
   return std::pair<NonLoc, nonloc::ConcreteInt>(offset, extent);
+static bool isNegative(SValBuilder &SVB, ProgramStateRef State, NonLoc Value) {
+  const llvm::APSInt *MaxV = SVB.getMaxValue(State, Value);
+  return MaxV && MaxV->isNegative();
+static bool isUnsigned(SValBuilder &SVB, NonLoc Value) {
+  QualType T = Value.getType(SVB.getContext());
+  return T->isUnsignedIntegerType();
 // Evaluate the comparison Value < Threshold with the help of the custom
 // simplification algorithm defined for this checker. Return a pair of states,
 // where the first one corresponds to "value below threshold" and the second
@@ -281,18 +291,32 @@ compareValueToThreshold(ProgramStateRef State, NonLoc Value, NonLoc Threshold,
   if (auto ConcreteThreshold = Threshold.getAs<nonloc::ConcreteInt>()) {
     std::tie(Value, Threshold) = getSimplifiedOffsets(Value, *ConcreteThreshold, SVB);
-  if (auto ConcreteThreshold = Threshold.getAs<nonloc::ConcreteInt>()) {
-    QualType T = Value.getType(SVB.getContext());
-    if (T->isUnsignedIntegerType() && ConcreteThreshold->getValue().isNegative()) {
-      // In this case we reduced the bound check to a comparison of the form
-      //   (symbol or value with unsigned type) < (negative number)
-      // which is always false. We are handling these cases separately because
-      // evalBinOpNN can perform a signed->unsigned conversion that turns the
-      // negative number into a huge positive value and leads to wildly
-      // inaccurate conclusions.
+  // We want to perform a _mathematical_ comparison between the numbers `Value`
+  // and `Threshold`; but `evalBinOpNN` evaluates a C/C++ operator that may
+  // perform automatic conversions. For example the number -1 is less than the
+  // number 1000, but -1 < `1000ull` will evaluate to `false` because the `int`
+  // -1 is converted to ULONGLONG_MAX.
+  // To avoid automatic conversions, we evaluate the "obvious" cases without
+  // calling `evalBinOpNN`:
+  if (isNegative(SVB, State, Value) && isUnsigned(SVB, Threshold)) {
+    if (CheckEquality) {
+      // negative_value == unsigned_value is always false
       return {nullptr, State};
+    // negative_value < unsigned_value is always false
+    return {State, nullptr};
+  if (isUnsigned(SVB, Value) && isNegative(SVB, State, Threshold)) {
+    // unsigned_value == negative_value and unsigned_value < negative_value are
+    // both always false
+    return {nullptr, State};
+  }
+  // FIXME: these special cases are sufficient for handling real-world
+  // comparisons, but in theory there could be contrived situations where
+  // automatic conversion of a symbolic value (which can be negative and can be
+  // positive) leads to incorrect results.
   const BinaryOperatorKind OpKind = CheckEquality ? BO_EQ : BO_LT;
   auto BelowThreshold =
       SVB.evalBinOpNN(State, OpKind, Value, Threshold, SVB.getConditionType())
diff --git a/clang/test/Analysis/out-of-bounds.c b/clang/test/Analysis/out-of-bounds.c
index ed457e86960063..1f771c2b3bd138 100644
--- a/clang/test/Analysis/out-of-bounds.c
+++ b/clang/test/Analysis/out-of-bounds.c
@@ -186,3 +186,11 @@ void test_assume_after_access2(unsigned long x) {
   clang_analyzer_eval(x <= 99); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
+struct incomplete;
+char test_comparison_with_extent_symbol(struct incomplete *p) {
+  // Previously this was reported as a (false positive) overflow error because
+  // the extent symbol of the area pointed by `p` was an unsigned and the '-1'
+  // was converted to its type by `evalBinOpNN`.
+  return ((char *)p)[-1]; // no-warning




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