[clang] [Clang][C++26] Implement Pack Indexing (P2662R3). (PR #72644)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jan 15 05:58:02 PST 2024

@@ -4344,6 +4344,108 @@ class SizeOfPackExpr final
+class PackIndexingExpr final
+    : public Expr,
+      private llvm::TrailingObjects<PackIndexingExpr, Expr *> {
+  friend class ASTStmtReader;
+  friend class ASTStmtWriter;
+  friend TrailingObjects;
+  SourceLocation EllipsisLoc;
+  // The location of the closing bracket
+  SourceLocation RSquareLoc;
+  // The pack being indexed, followed by the index
+  Stmt *SubExprs[2];
+  size_t TransformedExpressions;
+  PackIndexingExpr(QualType Type, SourceLocation EllipsisLoc,
+                   SourceLocation RSquareLoc, Expr *PackIdExpr, Expr *IndexExpr,
+                   ArrayRef<Expr *> SubstitutedExprs = {})
+      : Expr(PackIndexingExprClass, Type, VK_LValue, OK_Ordinary),
+        EllipsisLoc(EllipsisLoc), RSquareLoc(RSquareLoc),
+        SubExprs{PackIdExpr, IndexExpr},
+        TransformedExpressions(SubstitutedExprs.size()) {
+    auto *Exprs = getTrailingObjects<Expr *>();
+    std::uninitialized_copy(SubstitutedExprs.begin(), SubstitutedExprs.end(),
+                            Exprs);
+    setDependence(computeDependence(this));
+    if(!isInstantiationDependent())
+      setValueKind(getSelectedExpr()->getValueKind());
+  }
+  /// Create an empty expression.
+  PackIndexingExpr(EmptyShell Empty) : Expr(PackIndexingExprClass, Empty) {}
+  unsigned numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Expr *>) const {
+    return TransformedExpressions;
+  }
+  static PackIndexingExpr *Create(ASTContext &Context,
+                                  SourceLocation EllipsisLoc,
+                                  SourceLocation RSquareLoc, Expr *PackIdExpr,
+                                  Expr *IndexExpr, std::optional<int64_t> Index,
+                                  ArrayRef<Expr *> SubstitutedExprs = {});
+  static PackIndexingExpr *CreateDeserialized(ASTContext &Context,
+                                              unsigned NumTransformedExprs);
+  /// Determine the location of the 'sizeof' keyword.
+  SourceLocation getEllipsisLoc() const { return EllipsisLoc; }
+  /// Determine the location of the parameter pack.
+  SourceLocation getPackLoc() const { return SubExprs[0]->getBeginLoc(); }
+  /// Determine the location of the right parenthesis.
+  SourceLocation getRSquareLoc() const { return RSquareLoc; }
+  SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const LLVM_READONLY { return getPackLoc(); }
+  SourceLocation getEndLoc() const LLVM_READONLY { return RSquareLoc; }
+  Expr *getPackIdExpression() const { return cast<Expr>(SubExprs[0]); }
+  NamedDecl *getPackDecl() const;
+  Expr *getIndexExpr() const { return cast<Expr>(SubExprs[1]); }
+  std::optional<unsigned> getSelectedIndex() const {
+    if (isInstantiationDependent())
cor3ntin wrote:

It's called from places that don't have another way to check whether an it would be valid.
Now that we don't store an index, we have to look at the expression to establish what the index is. 


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