[clang] [clang][DebugInfo] DWARFv5: static data members declarations are DW_TAG_variable (PR #72235)

Michael Buch via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jan 5 11:33:00 PST 2024

Michael137 wrote:

> Yes, in the totally reduced reproducer - another debugger might be able to do this name lookup with only a declaration, but I understand that at least Clang's AST expression evaluator wouldn't be able to handle this case. (though perhaps the lldb-eval work will provide some opportunity to catch this case)
> But at least in our real-world example I think the definition is available, in another DWO in the same executable. But I don't have a small reproducer for that - small examples "just work" (they do find the type definition, don't crash) - but in the larger one we still see the crash depending on exactly where the expression is evaluated (within a fully statically linked binary - so the definition is available, broadly speaking, no matter the context of evaluation - not sure what makes the difference)
> If it's helpful to try to identify the more nuanced case where a crash occurs despite the definition being available /somewhere/, I can try to figure that out but it seems difficult to do so.

I'll submit a PR later today to get us back to previous behaviour


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