[lldb] [clang] [clang][DebugInfo] Emit global variable definitions for static data members with constant initializers (PR #70639)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Nov 1 14:51:51 PDT 2023

avl-llvm wrote:

> > Or maybe we can include the DW_AT_const_value in both places?
> The ask to drop the constant off of the declaration comes from the DWARFParallelLinker work where it was causing non-deterministic output. But @dwblaikie @avl-llvm will know more about that

I do not have a strong opinion which variant is better : 1) remove DW_AT_const_value from DW_TAG_member and put DW_AT_const_value into newly created DW_TAG_variable(which does not have a location). or 2) always put  DW_AT_const_value in DW_TAG_member.

The problem which parallel DWARFLinker met is that DW_TAG_member from one compilation unit has DW_AT_const_value while the same DW_TAG_member from another compilation unit does not have DW_AT_const_value - https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/68721#issuecomment-1763409701.

If there is a solution when we could always put DW_AT_const_value into the DW_TAG_member (so that DW_TAG_member from different compile units have DW_AT_const_value) - then that would be also a good solution(and we would not need to create additional variable.)

Both solutions 1) and 2) are good for parallel DWARFLinker if they result in equal DWARF in different compile units.


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