[clang-tools-extra] [include-cleaner] don't consider the associated header unused (PR #67228)

kadir çetinkaya via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Oct 4 05:02:35 PDT 2023

@@ -379,6 +379,54 @@ TEST_F(PragmaIncludeTest, IWYUKeep) {
+TEST_F(PragmaIncludeTest, AssociatedHeader) {
+  createEmptyFiles({"foo/main.h", "bar/main.h", "bar/other.h", "std/vector"});
+  auto IsKeep = [&](llvm::StringRef Name, TestAST &AST) {
+    return PI.shouldKeep(AST.fileManager().getFile(Name).get());
+  };
+  Inputs.FileName = "main.cc";
+  Inputs.ExtraArgs.push_back("-isystemstd");
+  {
+    Inputs.Code = R"cpp(
+      #include "foo/main.h"
+      #include "bar/main.h"
+    )cpp";
+    auto AST = build();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(IsKeep("foo/main.h", AST));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(IsKeep("bar/main.h", AST)) << "not first include";
+  }
+  {
+    Inputs.Code = R"cpp(
+      #include "bar/other.h"
+      #include "bar/main.h"
+    )cpp";
+    auto AST = build();
+    EXPECT_FALSE(IsKeep("bar/other.h", AST));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(IsKeep("bar/main.h", AST)) << "not first include";
+  }
+  {
+    Inputs.Code = R"cpp(
+      #include "foo/main.h"
+      #include "bar/other.h" // IWYU pragma: associated
+    )cpp";
+    auto AST = build();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(IsKeep("foo/main.h", AST));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(IsKeep("bar/other.h", AST));
+  }
+  Inputs.FileName = "vector.cc";
+  {
+    Inputs.Code = R"cpp(
+      #include <vector>
+    )cpp";
+    auto AST = build();
+    EXPECT_FALSE(IsKeep("std/vector", AST)) << "stdlib is never associated";
kadircet wrote:

i think assertion message is a little misleading, we'd still associate it if it were to have an associated pragma, right?


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