[clang] [AST] Only dump desugared type when visibly different (PR #65214)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Sep 3 02:23:22 PDT 2023

cor3ntin wrote:

> These are an artifact of how types are structured but serve little
purpose, merely showing that the type is sugared in some way. For
example, ElaboratedType's existence means struct S gets printed as
'struct S':'struct S' in the AST, which is unnecessary visual clutter.
Note that skipping the second print when the types have the same string
matches what we do for diagnostics, where the aka will be skipped.

There seems to be some words missing on the last line of the commit message / description.

Otherwise, the direction of the change looks reasonable to me.
We are still working through some bugs with CI, I'll take a longer look when that's fixed.


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