[clang] 8b131d2 - [clang-format][NFC] Change EXPECT_EQ to verifyFormat or verifyNoChange

Owen Pan via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Aug 30 13:07:22 PDT 2023

Author: Owen Pan
Date: 2023-08-30T13:07:12-07:00
New Revision: 8b131d2e1480f0b4023e72d5fb3cd8df364fb87b

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/8b131d2e1480f0b4023e72d5fb3cd8df364fb87b
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/8b131d2e1480f0b4023e72d5fb3cd8df364fb87b.diff

LOG: [clang-format][NFC] Change EXPECT_EQ to verifyFormat or verifyNoChange

Replaces some 600 EXPECT_EQ() to verifyFormat() or verifyNoChange() in
FormatTest.cpp because the former neither checks stability of formatting
nor tests formatting C++ as Objective C.

Also marks dozens of unstable test cases with FIXME comments.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D159051




diff  --git a/clang/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp b/clang/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
index 1f91157f2cc46b..ce22be44c255d3 100644
--- a/clang/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
+++ b/clang/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
@@ -41,18 +41,18 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, LLVMStyleOverride) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, DoesNotChangeCorrectlyFormattedCode) { verifyFormat(";"); }
 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsGlobalStatementsAt0) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("int i;", format("  int i;"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("\nint i;", format(" \n\t \v \f  int i;"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int i;\nint j;", format("    int i; int j;"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int i;\nint j;", format("    int i;\n  int j;"));
+  verifyFormat("int i;", "  int i;");
+  verifyFormat("\nint i;", " \n\t \v \f  int i;");
+  verifyFormat("int i;\nint j;", "    int i; int j;");
+  verifyFormat("int i;\nint j;", "    int i;\n  int j;");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsUnwrappedLinesAtFirstFormat) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("int i;", format("int\ni;"));
+  verifyFormat("int i;", "int\ni;");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsNestedBlockStatements) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n  {\n    {}\n  }\n}", format("{{{}}}"));
+  verifyFormat("{\n  {\n    {}\n  }\n}", "{{{}}}");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsNestedCall) {
@@ -74,332 +74,308 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, NestedNameSpecifiers) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, OnlyGeneratesNecessaryReplacements) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (a) {\n"
-            "  f();\n"
-            "}",
-            format("if(a){f();}"));
+  verifyFormat("if (a) {\n"
+               "  f();\n"
+               "}",
+               "if(a){f();}");
   EXPECT_EQ(4, ReplacementCount);
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (a) {\n"
-            "  f();\n"
-            "}",
-            format("if (a) {\n"
-                   "  f();\n"
-                   "}"));
+  verifyNoChange("if (a) {\n"
+                 "  f();\n"
+                 "}");
   EXPECT_EQ(0, ReplacementCount);
-  EXPECT_EQ("/*\r\n"
-            "\r\n"
-            "*/",
-            format("/*\r\n"
-                   "\r\n"
-                   "*/"));
+  verifyNoChange("/*\r\n"
+                 "\r\n"
+                 "*/");
   EXPECT_EQ(0, ReplacementCount);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, RemovesEmptyLines) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("class C {\n"
-            "  int i;\n"
-            "};",
-            format("class C {\n"
-                   " int i;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "};"));
+  verifyFormat("class C {\n"
+               "  int i;\n"
+               "};",
+               "class C {\n"
+               " int i;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "};");
   // Don't remove empty lines at the start of namespaces or extern "C" blocks.
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace N {\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("namespace N {\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int    i;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
-  EXPECT_EQ("/* something */ namespace N {\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("/* something */ namespace N {\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int    i;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
-  EXPECT_EQ("inline namespace N {\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("inline namespace N {\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int    i;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
-  EXPECT_EQ("/* something */ inline namespace N {\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("/* something */ inline namespace N {\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int    i;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
-  EXPECT_EQ("export namespace N {\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("export namespace N {\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int    i;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
-  EXPECT_EQ("extern /**/ \"C\" /**/ {\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("extern /**/ \"C\" /**/ {\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int    i;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
+  verifyFormat("namespace N {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "}",
+               "namespace N {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int    i;\n"
+               "}",
+               getGoogleStyle());
+  verifyFormat("/* something */ namespace N {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "}",
+               "/* something */ namespace N {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int    i;\n"
+               "}",
+               getGoogleStyle());
+  verifyFormat("inline namespace N {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "}",
+               "inline namespace N {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int    i;\n"
+               "}",
+               getGoogleStyle());
+  verifyFormat("/* something */ inline namespace N {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "}",
+               "/* something */ inline namespace N {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int    i;\n"
+               "}",
+               getGoogleStyle());
+  verifyFormat("export namespace N {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "}",
+               "export namespace N {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int    i;\n"
+               "}",
+               getGoogleStyle());
+  verifyFormat("extern /**/ \"C\" /**/ {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "}",
+               "extern /**/ \"C\" /**/ {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int    i;\n"
+               "}",
+               getGoogleStyle());
   auto CustomStyle = getLLVMStyle();
   CustomStyle.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_Custom;
   CustomStyle.BraceWrapping.AfterNamespace = true;
   CustomStyle.KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks = false;
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace N\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("namespace N\n"
-                   "{\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int    i;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   CustomStyle));
-  EXPECT_EQ("/* something */ namespace N\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("/* something */ namespace N {\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int    i;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   CustomStyle));
-  EXPECT_EQ("inline namespace N\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("inline namespace N\n"
-                   "{\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int    i;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   CustomStyle));
-  EXPECT_EQ("/* something */ inline namespace N\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("/* something */ inline namespace N\n"
-                   "{\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int    i;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   CustomStyle));
-  EXPECT_EQ("export namespace N\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("export namespace N\n"
-                   "{\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int    i;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   CustomStyle));
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace a\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "namespace b\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "\n"
-            "class AA {};\n"
-            "\n"
-            "} // namespace b\n"
-            "} // namespace a",
-            format("namespace a\n"
-                   "{\n"
-                   "namespace b\n"
-                   "{\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "class AA {};\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "}\n"
-                   "}",
-                   CustomStyle));
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace A /* comment */\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "class B {}\n"
-            "} // namespace A",
-            format("namespace A /* comment */ { class B {} }", CustomStyle));
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace A\n"
-            "{ /* comment */\n"
-            "class B {}\n"
-            "} // namespace A",
-            format("namespace A {/* comment */ class B {} }", CustomStyle));
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace A\n"
-            "{ /* comment */\n"
-            "\n"
-            "class B {}\n"
-            "\n"
-            ""
-            "} // namespace A",
-            format("namespace A { /* comment */\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "class B {}\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "}",
-                   CustomStyle));
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace A /* comment */\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "\n"
-            "class B {}\n"
-            "\n"
-            "} // namespace A",
-            format("namespace A/* comment */ {\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "class B {}\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "}",
-                   CustomStyle));
+  verifyFormat("namespace N\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "}",
+               "namespace N\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int    i;\n"
+               "}",
+               CustomStyle);
+  verifyFormat("/* something */ namespace N\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "}",
+               "/* something */ namespace N {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int    i;\n"
+               "}",
+               CustomStyle);
+  verifyFormat("inline namespace N\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "}",
+               "inline namespace N\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int    i;\n"
+               "}",
+               CustomStyle);
+  verifyFormat("/* something */ inline namespace N\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "}",
+               "/* something */ inline namespace N\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int    i;\n"
+               "}",
+               CustomStyle);
+  verifyFormat("export namespace N\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "}",
+               "export namespace N\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int    i;\n"
+               "}",
+               CustomStyle);
+  verifyFormat("namespace a\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "namespace b\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "\n"
+               "class AA {};\n"
+               "\n"
+               "} // namespace b\n"
+               "} // namespace a",
+               "namespace a\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "namespace b\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "class AA {};\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "}\n"
+               "}",
+               CustomStyle);
+  verifyFormat("namespace A /* comment */\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "class B {}\n"
+               "} // namespace A",
+               "namespace A /* comment */ { class B {} }", CustomStyle);
+  verifyFormat("namespace A\n"
+               "{ /* comment */\n"
+               "class B {}\n"
+               "} // namespace A",
+               "namespace A {/* comment */ class B {} }", CustomStyle);
+  verifyFormat("namespace A\n"
+               "{ /* comment */\n"
+               "\n"
+               "class B {}\n"
+               "\n"
+               ""
+               "} // namespace A",
+               "namespace A { /* comment */\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "class B {}\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "}",
+               CustomStyle);
+  verifyFormat("namespace A /* comment */\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "\n"
+               "class B {}\n"
+               "\n"
+               "} // namespace A",
+               "namespace A/* comment */ {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "class B {}\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "}",
+               CustomStyle);
   // ...but do keep inlining and removing empty lines for non-block extern "C"
   // functions.
   verifyGoogleFormat("extern \"C\" int f() { return 42; }");
-  EXPECT_EQ("extern \"C\" int f() {\n"
-            "  int i = 42;\n"
-            "  return i;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("extern \"C\" int f() {\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "  int i = 42;\n"
-                   "  return i;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
+  verifyFormat("extern \"C\" int f() {\n"
+               "  int i = 42;\n"
+               "  return i;\n"
+               "}",
+               "extern \"C\" int f() {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  int i = 42;\n"
+               "  return i;\n"
+               "}",
+               getGoogleStyle());
   // Remove empty lines at the beginning and end of blocks.
-  EXPECT_EQ("void f() {\n"
-            "\n"
-            "  if (a) {\n"
-            "\n"
-            "    f();\n"
-            "  }\n"
-            "}",
-            format("void f() {\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "  if (a) {\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "    f();\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "  }\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "}"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("void f() {\n"
-            "  if (a) {\n"
-            "    f();\n"
-            "  }\n"
-            "}",
-            format("void f() {\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "  if (a) {\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "    f();\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "  }\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "}",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
+  verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  if (a) {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "    f();\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "}",
+               "void f() {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  if (a) {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "    f();\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "\n"
+               "}");
+  verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
+               "  if (a) {\n"
+               "    f();\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "}",
+               "void f() {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  if (a) {\n"
+               "\n"
+               "    f();\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "\n"
+               "}",
+               getGoogleStyle());
   // Don't remove empty lines in more complex control statements.
-  EXPECT_EQ("void f() {\n"
-            "  if (a) {\n"
-            "    f();\n"
-            "\n"
-            "  } else if (b) {\n"
-            "    f();\n"
-            "  }\n"
-            "}",
-            format("void f() {\n"
-                   "  if (a) {\n"
-                   "    f();\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "  } else if (b) {\n"
-                   "    f();\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "  }\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "}"));
+  verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
+               "  if (a) {\n"
+               "    f();\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  } else if (b) {\n"
+               "    f();\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "}",
+               "void f() {\n"
+               "  if (a) {\n"
+               "    f();\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  } else if (b) {\n"
+               "    f();\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "\n"
+               "}");
   // Don't remove empty lines before namespace endings.
   FormatStyle LLVMWithNoNamespaceFix = getLLVMStyle();
   LLVMWithNoNamespaceFix.FixNamespaceComments = false;
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace {\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "}",
-            format("namespace {\n"
-                   "int i;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "}",
-                   LLVMWithNoNamespaceFix));
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace {\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("namespace {\n"
-                   "int i;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   LLVMWithNoNamespaceFix));
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace {\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "};",
-            format("namespace {\n"
-                   "int i;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "};",
-                   LLVMWithNoNamespaceFix));
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace {\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "};",
-            format("namespace {\n"
-                   "int i;\n"
-                   "};",
-                   LLVMWithNoNamespaceFix));
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace {\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "}",
-            format("namespace {\n"
-                   "int i;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "}"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace {\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "} // namespace",
-            format("namespace {\n"
-                   "int i;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "}  // namespace"));
+  verifyNoChange("namespace {\n"
+                 "int i;\n"
+                 "\n"
+                 "}",
+                 LLVMWithNoNamespaceFix);
+  verifyFormat("namespace {\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "}",
+               LLVMWithNoNamespaceFix);
+  verifyNoChange("namespace {\n"
+                 "int i;\n"
+                 "\n"
+                 "};",
+                 LLVMWithNoNamespaceFix);
+  verifyFormat("namespace {\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "};",
+               LLVMWithNoNamespaceFix);
+  verifyNoChange("namespace {\n"
+                 "int i;\n"
+                 "\n"
+                 "}");
+  verifyFormat("namespace {\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "} // namespace",
+               "namespace {\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "}  // namespace");
   FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle();
   Style.AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine = FormatStyle::SFS_All;
@@ -409,21 +385,21 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, RemovesEmptyLines) {
   Style.BraceWrapping.AfterFunction = true;
   Style.KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks = false;
-  EXPECT_EQ("class Foo\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "  Foo() {}\n"
-            "\n"
-            "  void funk() {}\n"
-            "};",
-            format("class Foo\n"
-                   "{\n"
-                   "  Foo()\n"
-                   "  {\n"
-                   "  }\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "  void funk() {}\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("class Foo\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "  Foo() {}\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  void funk() {}\n"
+               "};",
+               "class Foo\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "  Foo()\n"
+               "  {\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  void funk() {}\n"
+               "};",
+               Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, RecognizesBinaryOperatorKeywords) {
@@ -1827,10 +1803,8 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsMacros) {
   verifyFormat("/* comment */ #define A (parentheses)");
   verifyFormat("/* comment */ /* another comment */ #define A (parentheses)");
   // Even the partial code should never be merged.
-  EXPECT_EQ("/* comment */ #define A (parentheses)\n"
-            "#",
-            format("/* comment */ #define A (parentheses)\n"
-                   "#"));
+  verifyNoChange("/* comment */ #define A (parentheses)\n"
+                 "#");
   verifyFormat("/* comment */ #define A (parentheses)\n"
   verifyFormat("/* comment */ #define A (parentheses)\n"
@@ -1882,18 +1856,18 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, ShortBlocksInMacrosDontMergeWithCodeAfterMacro) {
   Style.AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine = FormatStyle::SBS_Always;
   Style.AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine = FormatStyle::SIS_WithoutElse;
   Style.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_Allman;
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A                                                  \\\n"
-            "  if (HANDLEwernufrnuLwrmviferuvnierv)                     \\\n"
-            "  {                                                        \\\n"
-            "    RET_ERR1_ANUIREUINERUIFNIOAerwfwrvnuier;               \\\n"
-            "  }\n"
-            "X;",
-            format("#define A \\\n"
-                   "   if (HANDLEwernufrnuLwrmviferuvnierv) { \\\n"
-                   "      RET_ERR1_ANUIREUINERUIFNIOAerwfwrvnuier; \\\n"
-                   "   }\n"
-                   "X;",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("#define A                                                  \\\n"
+               "  if (HANDLEwernufrnuLwrmviferuvnierv)                     \\\n"
+               "  {                                                        \\\n"
+               "    RET_ERR1_ANUIREUINERUIFNIOAerwfwrvnuier;               \\\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "X;",
+               "#define A \\\n"
+               "   if (HANDLEwernufrnuLwrmviferuvnierv) { \\\n"
+               "      RET_ERR1_ANUIREUINERUIFNIOAerwfwrvnuier; \\\n"
+               "   }\n"
+               "X;",
+               Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, ParseIfElse) {
@@ -2562,45 +2536,34 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsSwitchStatement) {
                "    break;\n"
                "  }\n"
-            "  switch (x) {\n"
-            "  case A:\n"
-            "    f();\n"
-            "    break;\n"
-            "  // On B:\n"
-            "  case B:\n"
-            "    g();\n"
-            "    break;\n"
-            "  }\n"
-            "});",
-            format("DEBUG({\n"
-                   "  switch (x) {\n"
-                   "  case A:\n"
-                   "    f();\n"
-                   "    break;\n"
-                   "  // On B:\n"
-                   "  case B:\n"
-                   "    g();\n"
-                   "    break;\n"
-                   "  }\n"
-                   "});"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("switch (n) {\n"
-            "case 0: {\n"
-            "  return false;\n"
-            "}\n"
-            "default: {\n"
-            "  return true;\n"
-            "}\n"
-            "}",
-            format("switch (n)\n"
-                   "{\n"
-                   "case 0: {\n"
-                   "  return false;\n"
-                   "}\n"
-                   "default: {\n"
-                   "  return true;\n"
-                   "}\n"
-                   "}"));
+  verifyNoChange("DEBUG({\n"
+                 "  switch (x) {\n"
+                 "  case A:\n"
+                 "    f();\n"
+                 "    break;\n"
+                 "  // On B:\n"
+                 "  case B:\n"
+                 "    g();\n"
+                 "    break;\n"
+                 "  }\n"
+                 "});");
+  verifyFormat("switch (n) {\n"
+               "case 0: {\n"
+               "  return false;\n"
+               "}\n"
+               "default: {\n"
+               "  return true;\n"
+               "}\n"
+               "}",
+               "switch (n)\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "case 0: {\n"
+               "  return false;\n"
+               "}\n"
+               "default: {\n"
+               "  return true;\n"
+               "}\n"
+               "}");
   verifyFormat("switch (a) {\n"
                "case (b):\n"
                "  return;\n"
@@ -2665,101 +2628,101 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsSwitchStatement) {
   Style.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_Custom;
   Style.BraceWrapping.AfterCaseLabel = true;
   Style.BraceWrapping.AfterControlStatement = FormatStyle::BWACS_Always;
-  EXPECT_EQ("switch (n)\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "  case 0:\n"
-            "  {\n"
-            "    return false;\n"
-            "  }\n"
-            "  default:\n"
-            "  {\n"
-            "    return true;\n"
-            "  }\n"
-            "}",
-            format("switch (n) {\n"
-                   "  case 0: {\n"
-                   "    return false;\n"
-                   "  }\n"
-                   "  default: {\n"
-                   "    return true;\n"
-                   "  }\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("switch (n)\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "  case 0:\n"
+               "  {\n"
+               "    return false;\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "  default:\n"
+               "  {\n"
+               "    return true;\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "}",
+               "switch (n) {\n"
+               "  case 0: {\n"
+               "    return false;\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "  default: {\n"
+               "    return true;\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "}",
+               Style);
   Style.BraceWrapping.AfterCaseLabel = false;
-  EXPECT_EQ("switch (n)\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "  case 0: {\n"
-            "    return false;\n"
-            "  }\n"
-            "  default: {\n"
-            "    return true;\n"
-            "  }\n"
-            "}",
-            format("switch (n) {\n"
-                   "  case 0:\n"
-                   "  {\n"
-                   "    return false;\n"
-                   "  }\n"
-                   "  default:\n"
-                   "  {\n"
-                   "    return true;\n"
-                   "  }\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Style));
-  Style.IndentCaseLabels = false;
-  Style.IndentCaseBlocks = true;
-  EXPECT_EQ("switch (n)\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "case 0:\n"
-            "  {\n"
-            "    return false;\n"
-            "  }\n"
-            "case 1:\n"
-            "  break;\n"
-            "default:\n"
-            "  {\n"
-            "    return true;\n"
-            "  }\n"
-            "}",
-            format("switch (n) {\n"
-                   "case 0: {\n"
-                   "  return false;\n"
-                   "}\n"
-                   "case 1:\n"
-                   "  break;\n"
-                   "default: {\n"
-                   "  return true;\n"
-                   "}\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Style));
-  Style.IndentCaseLabels = true;
-  Style.IndentCaseBlocks = true;
-  EXPECT_EQ("switch (n)\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "  case 0:\n"
-            "    {\n"
-            "      return false;\n"
-            "    }\n"
-            "  case 1:\n"
-            "    break;\n"
-            "  default:\n"
-            "    {\n"
-            "      return true;\n"
-            "    }\n"
-            "}",
-            format("switch (n) {\n"
-                   "case 0: {\n"
-                   "  return false;\n"
-                   "}\n"
-                   "case 1:\n"
-                   "  break;\n"
-                   "default: {\n"
-                   "  return true;\n"
-                   "}\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("switch (n)\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "  case 0: {\n"
+               "    return false;\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "  default: {\n"
+               "    return true;\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "}",
+               "switch (n) {\n"
+               "  case 0:\n"
+               "  {\n"
+               "    return false;\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "  default:\n"
+               "  {\n"
+               "    return true;\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "}",
+               Style);
+  Style.IndentCaseLabels = false;
+  Style.IndentCaseBlocks = true;
+  verifyFormat("switch (n)\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "case 0:\n"
+               "  {\n"
+               "    return false;\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "case 1:\n"
+               "  break;\n"
+               "default:\n"
+               "  {\n"
+               "    return true;\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "}",
+               "switch (n) {\n"
+               "case 0: {\n"
+               "  return false;\n"
+               "}\n"
+               "case 1:\n"
+               "  break;\n"
+               "default: {\n"
+               "  return true;\n"
+               "}\n"
+               "}",
+               Style);
+  Style.IndentCaseLabels = true;
+  Style.IndentCaseBlocks = true;
+  verifyFormat("switch (n)\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "  case 0:\n"
+               "    {\n"
+               "      return false;\n"
+               "    }\n"
+               "  case 1:\n"
+               "    break;\n"
+               "  default:\n"
+               "    {\n"
+               "      return true;\n"
+               "    }\n"
+               "}",
+               "switch (n) {\n"
+               "case 0: {\n"
+               "  return false;\n"
+               "}\n"
+               "case 1:\n"
+               "  break;\n"
+               "default: {\n"
+               "  return true;\n"
+               "}\n"
+               "}",
+               Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, CaseRanges) {
   verifyFormat("switch (x) {\n"
                "case 'A' ... 'Z':\n"
@@ -2857,60 +2820,60 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, ShortCaseLabels) {
                "         // comment line 2\n"
-  EXPECT_EQ("switch (a) {\n"
-            "case 1:\n"
-            "  x = 8;\n"
-            "  // fall through\n"
-            "case 2: x = 8;\n"
-            "// comment\n"
-            "case 3:\n"
-            "  return; /* comment line 1\n"
-            "           * comment line 2 */\n"
-            "case 4: i = 8;\n"
-            "// something else\n"
-            "#if FOO\n"
-            "case 5: break;\n"
-            "#endif\n"
-            "}",
-            format("switch (a) {\n"
-                   "case 1: x = 8;\n"
-                   "  // fall through\n"
-                   "case 2:\n"
-                   "  x = 8;\n"
-                   "// comment\n"
-                   "case 3:\n"
-                   "  return; /* comment line 1\n"
-                   "           * comment line 2 */\n"
-                   "case 4:\n"
-                   "  i = 8;\n"
-                   "// something else\n"
-                   "#if FOO\n"
-                   "case 5: break;\n"
-                   "#endif\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("switch (a) {\n"
-            "case 0:\n"
-            "  return; // long long long long long long long long long long "
-            "long long comment\n"
-            "          // line\n"
-            "}",
-            format("switch (a) {\n"
-                   "case 0: return; // long long long long long long long long "
-                   "long long long long comment line\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("switch (a) {\n"
-            "case 0:\n"
-            "  return; /* long long long long long long long long long long "
-            "long long comment\n"
-            "             line */\n"
-            "}",
-            format("switch (a) {\n"
-                   "case 0: return; /* long long long long long long long long "
-                   "long long long long comment line */\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("switch (a) {\n"
+               "case 1:\n"
+               "  x = 8;\n"
+               "  // fall through\n"
+               "case 2: x = 8;\n"
+               "// comment\n"
+               "case 3:\n"
+               "  return; /* comment line 1\n"
+               "           * comment line 2 */\n"
+               "case 4: i = 8;\n"
+               "// something else\n"
+               "#if FOO\n"
+               "case 5: break;\n"
+               "#endif\n"
+               "}",
+               "switch (a) {\n"
+               "case 1: x = 8;\n"
+               "  // fall through\n"
+               "case 2:\n"
+               "  x = 8;\n"
+               "// comment\n"
+               "case 3:\n"
+               "  return; /* comment line 1\n"
+               "           * comment line 2 */\n"
+               "case 4:\n"
+               "  i = 8;\n"
+               "// something else\n"
+               "#if FOO\n"
+               "case 5: break;\n"
+               "#endif\n"
+               "}",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("switch (a) {\n"
+               "case 0:\n"
+               "  return; // long long long long long long long long long long "
+               "long long comment\n"
+               "          // line\n"
+               "}",
+               "switch (a) {\n"
+               "case 0: return; // long long long long long long long long "
+               "long long long long comment line\n"
+               "}",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("switch (a) {\n"
+               "case 0:\n"
+               "  return; /* long long long long long long long long long long "
+               "long long comment\n"
+               "             line */\n"
+               "}",
+               "switch (a) {\n"
+               "case 0: return; /* long long long long long long long long "
+               "long long long long comment line */\n"
+               "}",
+               Style);
   verifyFormat("switch (a) {\n"
                "#if FOO\n"
                "case 0: return 0;\n"
@@ -2951,44 +2914,44 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, ShortCaseLabels) {
   Style.ColumnLimit = 80;
   Style.AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine = false;
   Style.IndentCaseLabels = true;
-  EXPECT_EQ("switch (n) {\n"
-            "  default /*comments*/:\n"
-            "    return true;\n"
-            "  case 0:\n"
-            "    return false;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("switch (n) {\n"
-                   "default/*comments*/:\n"
-                   "  return true;\n"
-                   "case 0:\n"
-                   "  return false;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("switch (n) {\n"
+               "  default /*comments*/:\n"
+               "    return true;\n"
+               "  case 0:\n"
+               "    return false;\n"
+               "}",
+               "switch (n) {\n"
+               "default/*comments*/:\n"
+               "  return true;\n"
+               "case 0:\n"
+               "  return false;\n"
+               "}",
+               Style);
   Style.AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine = true;
   Style.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_Custom;
   Style.BraceWrapping.AfterCaseLabel = true;
   Style.BraceWrapping.AfterControlStatement = FormatStyle::BWACS_Always;
-  EXPECT_EQ("switch (n)\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "  case 0:\n"
-            "  {\n"
-            "    return false;\n"
-            "  }\n"
-            "  default:\n"
-            "  {\n"
-            "    return true;\n"
-            "  }\n"
-            "}",
-            format("switch (n) {\n"
-                   "  case 0: {\n"
-                   "    return false;\n"
-                   "  }\n"
-                   "  default:\n"
-                   "  {\n"
-                   "    return true;\n"
-                   "  }\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("switch (n)\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "  case 0:\n"
+               "  {\n"
+               "    return false;\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "  default:\n"
+               "  {\n"
+               "    return true;\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "}",
+               "switch (n) {\n"
+               "  case 0: {\n"
+               "    return false;\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "  default:\n"
+               "  {\n"
+               "    return true;\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "}",
+               Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsLabels) {
@@ -3109,59 +3072,58 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, MultiLineControlStatements) {
   Style.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BraceBreakingStyle::BS_Custom;
   Style.BraceWrapping.AfterControlStatement = FormatStyle::BWACS_MultiLine;
   // Short lines should keep opening brace on same line.
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (foo) {\n"
-            "  bar();\n"
-            "}",
-            format("if(foo){bar();}", Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (foo) {\n"
-            "  bar();\n"
-            "} else {\n"
-            "  baz();\n"
-            "}",
-            format("if(foo){bar();}else{baz();}", Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (foo && bar) {\n"
-            "  baz();\n"
-            "}",
-            format("if(foo&&bar){baz();}", Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (foo) {\n"
-            "  bar();\n"
-            "} else if (baz) {\n"
-            "  quux();\n"
-            "}",
-            format("if(foo){bar();}else if(baz){quux();}", Style));
-      "if (foo) {\n"
-      "  bar();\n"
-      "} else if (baz) {\n"
-      "  quux();\n"
-      "} else {\n"
-      "  foobar();\n"
-      "}",
-      format("if(foo){bar();}else if(baz){quux();}else{foobar();}", Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("for (;;) {\n"
-            "  foo();\n"
-            "}",
-            format("for(;;){foo();}"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("while (1) {\n"
-            "  foo();\n"
-            "}",
-            format("while(1){foo();}", Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("switch (foo) {\n"
-            "case bar:\n"
-            "  return;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("switch(foo){case bar:return;}", Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("try {\n"
-            "  foo();\n"
-            "} catch (...) {\n"
-            "  bar();\n"
-            "}",
-            format("try{foo();}catch(...){bar();}", Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("do {\n"
-            "  foo();\n"
-            "} while (bar &&\n"
-            "         baz);",
-            format("do{foo();}while(bar&&baz);", Style));
+  verifyFormat("if (foo) {\n"
+               "  bar();\n"
+               "}",
+               "if(foo){bar();}", Style);
+  verifyFormat("if (foo) {\n"
+               "  bar();\n"
+               "} else {\n"
+               "  baz();\n"
+               "}",
+               "if(foo){bar();}else{baz();}", Style);
+  verifyFormat("if (foo && bar) {\n"
+               "  baz();\n"
+               "}",
+               "if(foo&&bar){baz();}", Style);
+  verifyFormat("if (foo) {\n"
+               "  bar();\n"
+               "} else if (baz) {\n"
+               "  quux();\n"
+               "}",
+               "if(foo){bar();}else if(baz){quux();}", Style);
+  verifyFormat("if (foo) {\n"
+               "  bar();\n"
+               "} else if (baz) {\n"
+               "  quux();\n"
+               "} else {\n"
+               "  foobar();\n"
+               "}",
+               "if(foo){bar();}else if(baz){quux();}else{foobar();}", Style);
+  verifyFormat("for (;;) {\n"
+               "  foo();\n"
+               "}",
+               "for(;;){foo();}");
+  verifyFormat("while (1) {\n"
+               "  foo();\n"
+               "}",
+               "while(1){foo();}", Style);
+  verifyFormat("switch (foo) {\n"
+               "case bar:\n"
+               "  return;\n"
+               "}",
+               "switch(foo){case bar:return;}", Style);
+  verifyFormat("try {\n"
+               "  foo();\n"
+               "} catch (...) {\n"
+               "  bar();\n"
+               "}",
+               "try{foo();}catch(...){bar();}", Style);
+  verifyFormat("do {\n"
+               "  foo();\n"
+               "} while (bar &&\n"
+               "         baz);",
+               "do{foo();}while(bar&&baz);", Style);
   // Long lines should put opening brace on new line.
   verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
                "  if (a1 && a2 &&\n"
@@ -3171,118 +3133,116 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, MultiLineControlStatements) {
                "  }\n"
                "void f(){if(a1&&a2&&a3){quux();}}", Style);
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (foo && bar &&\n"
-            "    baz)\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "  quux();\n"
-            "}",
-            format("if(foo&&bar&&baz){quux();}", Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (foo && bar &&\n"
-            "    baz)\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "  quux();\n"
-            "}",
-            format("if (foo && bar &&\n"
-                   "    baz) {\n"
-                   "  quux();\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (foo) {\n"
-            "  bar();\n"
-            "} else if (baz ||\n"
-            "           quux)\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "  foobar();\n"
-            "}",
-            format("if(foo){bar();}else if(baz||quux){foobar();}", Style));
-      "if (foo) {\n"
-      "  bar();\n"
-      "} else if (baz ||\n"
-      "           quux)\n"
-      "{\n"
-      "  foobar();\n"
-      "} else {\n"
-      "  barbaz();\n"
-      "}",
-      format("if(foo){bar();}else if(baz||quux){foobar();}else{barbaz();}",
-             Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("for (int i = 0;\n"
-            "     i < 10; ++i)\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "  foo();\n"
-            "}",
-            format("for(int i=0;i<10;++i){foo();}", Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("foreach (int i,\n"
-            "         list)\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "  foo();\n"
-            "}",
-            format("foreach(int i, list){foo();}", Style));
+  verifyFormat("if (foo && bar &&\n"
+               "    baz)\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "  quux();\n"
+               "}",
+               "if(foo&&bar&&baz){quux();}", Style);
+  verifyFormat("if (foo && bar &&\n"
+               "    baz)\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "  quux();\n"
+               "}",
+               "if (foo && bar &&\n"
+               "    baz) {\n"
+               "  quux();\n"
+               "}",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("if (foo) {\n"
+               "  bar();\n"
+               "} else if (baz ||\n"
+               "           quux)\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "  foobar();\n"
+               "}",
+               "if(foo){bar();}else if(baz||quux){foobar();}", Style);
+  verifyFormat("if (foo) {\n"
+               "  bar();\n"
+               "} else if (baz ||\n"
+               "           quux)\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "  foobar();\n"
+               "} else {\n"
+               "  barbaz();\n"
+               "}",
+               "if(foo){bar();}else if(baz||quux){foobar();}else{barbaz();}",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("for (int i = 0;\n"
+               "     i < 10; ++i)\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "  foo();\n"
+               "}",
+               "for(int i=0;i<10;++i){foo();}", Style);
+  verifyFormat("foreach (int i,\n"
+               "         list)\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "  foo();\n"
+               "}",
+               "foreach(int i, list){foo();}", Style);
   Style.ColumnLimit =
       40; // to concentrate at brace wrapping, not line wrap due to column limit
-  EXPECT_EQ("foreach (int i, list) {\n"
-            "  foo();\n"
-            "}",
-            format("foreach(int i, list){foo();}", Style));
+  verifyFormat("foreach (int i, list) {\n"
+               "  foo();\n"
+               "}",
+               "foreach(int i, list){foo();}", Style);
   Style.ColumnLimit =
       20; // to concentrate at brace wrapping, not line wrap due to column limit
-  EXPECT_EQ("while (foo || bar ||\n"
-            "       baz)\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "  quux();\n"
-            "}",
-            format("while(foo||bar||baz){quux();}", Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("switch (\n"
-            "    foo = barbaz)\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "case quux:\n"
-            "  return;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("switch(foo=barbaz){case quux:return;}", Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("try {\n"
-            "  foo();\n"
-            "} catch (\n"
-            "    Exception &bar)\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "  baz();\n"
-            "}",
-            format("try{foo();}catch(Exception&bar){baz();}", Style));
+  verifyFormat("while (foo || bar ||\n"
+               "       baz)\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "  quux();\n"
+               "}",
+               "while(foo||bar||baz){quux();}", Style);
+  verifyFormat("switch (\n"
+               "    foo = barbaz)\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "case quux:\n"
+               "  return;\n"
+               "}",
+               "switch(foo=barbaz){case quux:return;}", Style);
+  verifyFormat("try {\n"
+               "  foo();\n"
+               "} catch (\n"
+               "    Exception &bar)\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "  baz();\n"
+               "}",
+               "try{foo();}catch(Exception&bar){baz();}", Style);
   Style.ColumnLimit =
       40; // to concentrate at brace wrapping, not line wrap due to column limit
-  EXPECT_EQ("try {\n"
-            "  foo();\n"
-            "} catch (Exception &bar) {\n"
-            "  baz();\n"
-            "}",
-            format("try{foo();}catch(Exception&bar){baz();}", Style));
+  verifyFormat("try {\n"
+               "  foo();\n"
+               "} catch (Exception &bar) {\n"
+               "  baz();\n"
+               "}",
+               "try{foo();}catch(Exception&bar){baz();}", Style);
   Style.ColumnLimit =
       20; // to concentrate at brace wrapping, not line wrap due to column limit
   Style.BraceWrapping.BeforeElse = true;
-      "if (foo) {\n"
-      "  bar();\n"
-      "}\n"
-      "else if (baz ||\n"
-      "         quux)\n"
-      "{\n"
-      "  foobar();\n"
-      "}\n"
-      "else {\n"
-      "  barbaz();\n"
-      "}",
-      format("if(foo){bar();}else if(baz||quux){foobar();}else{barbaz();}",
-             Style));
+  verifyFormat("if (foo) {\n"
+               "  bar();\n"
+               "}\n"
+               "else if (baz ||\n"
+               "         quux)\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "  foobar();\n"
+               "}\n"
+               "else {\n"
+               "  barbaz();\n"
+               "}",
+               "if(foo){bar();}else if(baz||quux){foobar();}else{barbaz();}",
+               Style);
   Style.BraceWrapping.BeforeCatch = true;
-  EXPECT_EQ("try {\n"
-            "  foo();\n"
-            "}\n"
-            "catch (...) {\n"
-            "  baz();\n"
-            "}",
-            format("try{foo();}catch(...){baz();}", Style));
+  verifyFormat("try {\n"
+               "  foo();\n"
+               "}\n"
+               "catch (...) {\n"
+               "  baz();\n"
+               "}",
+               "try{foo();}catch(...){baz();}", Style);
   Style.BraceWrapping.AfterFunction = true;
   Style.BraceWrapping.AfterStruct = false;
@@ -3469,61 +3429,61 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsAccessSpecifiers) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, SeparatesLogicalBlocks) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("class A {\n"
-            "public:\n"
-            "  void f();\n"
-            "\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "  void g() {}\n"
-            "  // test\n"
-            "protected:\n"
-            "  int h;\n"
-            "};",
-            format("class A {\n"
-                   "public:\n"
-                   "void f();\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "void g() {}\n"
-                   "// test\n"
-                   "protected:\n"
-                   "int h;\n"
-                   "};"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("class A {\n"
-            "protected:\n"
-            "public:\n"
-            "  void f();\n"
-            "};",
-            format("class A {\n"
-                   "protected:\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "public:\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "  void f();\n"
-                   "};"));
+  verifyFormat("class A {\n"
+               "public:\n"
+               "  void f();\n"
+               "\n"
+               "private:\n"
+               "  void g() {}\n"
+               "  // test\n"
+               "protected:\n"
+               "  int h;\n"
+               "};",
+               "class A {\n"
+               "public:\n"
+               "void f();\n"
+               "private:\n"
+               "void g() {}\n"
+               "// test\n"
+               "protected:\n"
+               "int h;\n"
+               "};");
+  verifyFormat("class A {\n"
+               "protected:\n"
+               "public:\n"
+               "  void f();\n"
+               "};",
+               "class A {\n"
+               "protected:\n"
+               "\n"
+               "public:\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  void f();\n"
+               "};");
   // Even ensure proper spacing inside macros.
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define B     \\\n"
-            "  class A {   \\\n"
-            "   protected: \\\n"
-            "   public:    \\\n"
-            "    void f(); \\\n"
-            "  };",
-            format("#define B     \\\n"
-                   "  class A {   \\\n"
-                   "   protected: \\\n"
-                   "              \\\n"
-                   "   public:    \\\n"
-                   "              \\\n"
-                   "    void f(); \\\n"
-                   "  };",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
+  verifyFormat("#define B     \\\n"
+               "  class A {   \\\n"
+               "   protected: \\\n"
+               "   public:    \\\n"
+               "    void f(); \\\n"
+               "  };",
+               "#define B     \\\n"
+               "  class A {   \\\n"
+               "   protected: \\\n"
+               "              \\\n"
+               "   public:    \\\n"
+               "              \\\n"
+               "    void f(); \\\n"
+               "  };",
+               getGoogleStyle());
   // But don't remove empty lines after macros ending in access specifiers.
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A private:\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int i;",
-            format("#define A         private:\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int              i;"));
+  verifyFormat("#define A private:\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int i;",
+               "#define A         private:\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int              i;");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsClasses) {
@@ -3689,21 +3649,21 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsEnum) {
   verifyFormat("enum ShortEnum { A, B, C };");
   verifyGoogleFormat("enum ShortEnum { A, B, C };");
-  EXPECT_EQ("enum KeepEmptyLines {\n"
-            "  ONE,\n"
-            "\n"
-            "  TWO,\n"
-            "\n"
-            "  THREE\n"
-            "}",
-            format("enum KeepEmptyLines {\n"
-                   "  ONE,\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "  TWO,\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "  THREE\n"
-                   "}"));
+  verifyFormat("enum KeepEmptyLines {\n"
+               "  ONE,\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  TWO,\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  THREE\n"
+               "}",
+               "enum KeepEmptyLines {\n"
+               "  ONE,\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  TWO,\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  THREE\n"
+               "}");
   verifyFormat("enum E { // comment\n"
                "  ONE,\n"
                "  TWO\n"
@@ -4051,43 +4011,40 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsNamespaces) {
                "int SomeVariable = 0; // comment\n"
                "} // namespace",
-            "#define HEADER_GUARD\n"
-            "namespace my_namespace {\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "} // my_namespace\n"
-            "#endif // HEADER_GUARD",
-            format("#ifndef HEADER_GUARD\n"
-                   " #define HEADER_GUARD\n"
-                   "   namespace my_namespace {\n"
-                   "int i;\n"
-                   "}    // my_namespace\n"
-                   "#endif    // HEADER_GUARD",
-                   LLVMWithNoNamespaceFix));
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace A::B {\n"
-            "class C {};\n"
-            "}",
-            format("namespace A::B {\n"
-                   "class C {};\n"
-                   "}",
-                   LLVMWithNoNamespaceFix));
+  verifyFormat("#ifndef HEADER_GUARD\n"
+               "#define HEADER_GUARD\n"
+               "namespace my_namespace {\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "} // my_namespace\n"
+               "#endif // HEADER_GUARD",
+               "#ifndef HEADER_GUARD\n"
+               " #define HEADER_GUARD\n"
+               "   namespace my_namespace {\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "}    // my_namespace\n"
+               "#endif    // HEADER_GUARD",
+               LLVMWithNoNamespaceFix);
+  verifyFormat("namespace A::B {\n"
+               "class C {};\n"
+               "}",
+               LLVMWithNoNamespaceFix);
   FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle();
   Style.NamespaceIndentation = FormatStyle::NI_All;
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace out {\n"
-            "  int i;\n"
-            "  namespace in {\n"
-            "    int i;\n"
-            "  } // namespace in\n"
-            "} // namespace out",
-            format("namespace out {\n"
-                   "int i;\n"
-                   "namespace in {\n"
-                   "int i;\n"
-                   "} // namespace in\n"
-                   "} // namespace out",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("namespace out {\n"
+               "  int i;\n"
+               "  namespace in {\n"
+               "    int i;\n"
+               "  } // namespace in\n"
+               "} // namespace out",
+               "namespace out {\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "namespace in {\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "} // namespace in\n"
+               "} // namespace out",
+               Style);
   FormatStyle ShortInlineFunctions = getLLVMStyle();
   ShortInlineFunctions.NamespaceIndentation = FormatStyle::NI_All;
@@ -4194,19 +4151,19 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsNamespaces) {
   Style.NamespaceIndentation = FormatStyle::NI_Inner;
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace out {\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "namespace in {\n"
-            "  int i;\n"
-            "} // namespace in\n"
-            "} // namespace out",
-            format("namespace out {\n"
-                   "int i;\n"
-                   "namespace in {\n"
-                   "int i;\n"
-                   "} // namespace in\n"
-                   "} // namespace out",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("namespace out {\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "namespace in {\n"
+               "  int i;\n"
+               "} // namespace in\n"
+               "} // namespace out",
+               "namespace out {\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "namespace in {\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "} // namespace in\n"
+               "} // namespace out",
+               Style);
   Style.NamespaceIndentation = FormatStyle::NI_None;
   verifyFormat("template <class T>\n"
@@ -4285,51 +4242,39 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, NamespaceMacros) {
                "}} // TESTSUITE(A::B)",
-            "}} // TESTSUITE(out::in)",
-            format("TESTSUITE(out) {\n"
-                   "TESTSUITE(in) {\n"
-                   "} // TESTSUITE(in)\n"
-                   "} // TESTSUITE(out)",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("TESTSUITE(out) { TESTSUITE(in) {\n"
+               "}} // TESTSUITE(out::in)",
+               "TESTSUITE(out) {\n"
+               "TESTSUITE(in) {\n"
+               "} // TESTSUITE(in)\n"
+               "} // TESTSUITE(out)",
+               Style);
-            "}} // TESTSUITE(out::in)",
-            format("TESTSUITE(out) {\n"
-                   "TESTSUITE(in) {\n"
-                   "} // TESTSUITE(in)\n"
-                   "} // TESTSUITE(out)",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("TESTSUITE(out) { TESTSUITE(in) {\n"
+               "}} // TESTSUITE(out::in)",
+               "TESTSUITE(out) {\n"
+               "TESTSUITE(in) {\n"
+               "} // TESTSUITE(in)\n"
+               "} // TESTSUITE(out)",
+               Style);
   // Do not merge 
diff erent namespaces/macros
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace out {\n"
-            "TESTSUITE(in) {\n"
-            "} // TESTSUITE(in)\n"
-            "} // namespace out",
-            format("namespace out {\n"
-                   "TESTSUITE(in) {\n"
-                   "} // TESTSUITE(in)\n"
-                   "} // namespace out",
-                   Style));
-            "namespace in {\n"
-            "} // namespace in\n"
-            "} // TESTSUITE(out)",
-            format("TESTSUITE(out) {\n"
-                   "namespace in {\n"
-                   "} // namespace in\n"
-                   "} // TESTSUITE(out)",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("namespace out {\n"
+               "TESTSUITE(in) {\n"
+               "} // TESTSUITE(in)\n"
+               "} // namespace out",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("TESTSUITE(out) {\n"
+               "namespace in {\n"
+               "} // namespace in\n"
+               "} // TESTSUITE(out)",
+               Style);
-            "FOOBAR(in) {\n"
-            "} // FOOBAR(in)\n"
-            "} // TESTSUITE(out)",
-            format("TESTSUITE(out) {\n"
-                   "FOOBAR(in) {\n"
-                   "} // FOOBAR(in)\n"
-                   "} // TESTSUITE(out)",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("TESTSUITE(out) {\n"
+               "FOOBAR(in) {\n"
+               "} // FOOBAR(in)\n"
+               "} // TESTSUITE(out)",
+               Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsCompactNamespaces) {
@@ -4341,109 +4286,103 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsCompactNamespaces) {
                "}} // namespace A::B",
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace out { namespace in {\n"
-            "}} // namespace out::in",
-            format("namespace out {\n"
-                   "namespace in {\n"
-                   "} // namespace in\n"
-                   "} // namespace out",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("namespace out { namespace in {\n"
+               "}} // namespace out::in",
+               "namespace out {\n"
+               "namespace in {\n"
+               "} // namespace in\n"
+               "} // namespace out",
+               Style);
   // Only namespaces which have both consecutive opening and end get compacted
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace out {\n"
-            "namespace in1 {\n"
-            "} // namespace in1\n"
-            "namespace in2 {\n"
-            "} // namespace in2\n"
-            "} // namespace out",
-            format("namespace out {\n"
-                   "namespace in1 {\n"
-                   "} // namespace in1\n"
-                   "namespace in2 {\n"
-                   "} // namespace in2\n"
-                   "} // namespace out",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("namespace out {\n"
+               "namespace in1 {\n"
+               "} // namespace in1\n"
+               "namespace in2 {\n"
+               "} // namespace in2\n"
+               "} // namespace out",
+               Style);
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace out {\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "namespace in {\n"
-            "int j;\n"
-            "} // namespace in\n"
-            "int k;\n"
-            "} // namespace out",
-            format("namespace out { int i;\n"
-                   "namespace in { int j; } // namespace in\n"
-                   "int k; } // namespace out",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("namespace out {\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "namespace in {\n"
+               "int j;\n"
+               "} // namespace in\n"
+               "int k;\n"
+               "} // namespace out",
+               "namespace out { int i;\n"
+               "namespace in { int j; } // namespace in\n"
+               "int k; } // namespace out",
+               Style);
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace A { namespace B { namespace C {\n"
-            "}}} // namespace A::B::C",
-            format("namespace A { namespace B {\n"
-                   "namespace C {\n"
-                   "}} // namespace B::C\n"
-                   "} // namespace A",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("namespace A { namespace B { namespace C {\n"
+               "}}} // namespace A::B::C",
+               "namespace A { namespace B {\n"
+               "namespace C {\n"
+               "}} // namespace B::C\n"
+               "} // namespace A",
+               Style);
   Style.ColumnLimit = 40;
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace aaaaaaaaaa {\n"
-            "namespace bbbbbbbbbb {\n"
-            "}} // namespace aaaaaaaaaa::bbbbbbbbbb",
-            format("namespace aaaaaaaaaa {\n"
-                   "namespace bbbbbbbbbb {\n"
-                   "} // namespace bbbbbbbbbb\n"
-                   "} // namespace aaaaaaaaaa",
-                   Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace aaaaaa { namespace bbbbbb {\n"
-            "namespace cccccc {\n"
-            "}}} // namespace aaaaaa::bbbbbb::cccccc",
-            format("namespace aaaaaa {\n"
-                   "namespace bbbbbb {\n"
-                   "namespace cccccc {\n"
-                   "} // namespace cccccc\n"
-                   "} // namespace bbbbbb\n"
-                   "} // namespace aaaaaa",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("namespace aaaaaaaaaa {\n"
+               "namespace bbbbbbbbbb {\n"
+               "}} // namespace aaaaaaaaaa::bbbbbbbbbb",
+               "namespace aaaaaaaaaa {\n"
+               "namespace bbbbbbbbbb {\n"
+               "} // namespace bbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "} // namespace aaaaaaaaaa",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("namespace aaaaaa { namespace bbbbbb {\n"
+               "namespace cccccc {\n"
+               "}}} // namespace aaaaaa::bbbbbb::cccccc",
+               "namespace aaaaaa {\n"
+               "namespace bbbbbb {\n"
+               "namespace cccccc {\n"
+               "} // namespace cccccc\n"
+               "} // namespace bbbbbb\n"
+               "} // namespace aaaaaa",
+               Style);
   Style.ColumnLimit = 80;
   // Extra semicolon after 'inner' closing brace prevents merging
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace out { namespace in {\n"
-            "}; } // namespace out::in",
-            format("namespace out {\n"
-                   "namespace in {\n"
-                   "}; // namespace in\n"
-                   "} // namespace out",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("namespace out { namespace in {\n"
+               "}; } // namespace out::in",
+               "namespace out {\n"
+               "namespace in {\n"
+               "}; // namespace in\n"
+               "} // namespace out",
+               Style);
   // Extra semicolon after 'outer' closing brace is conserved
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace out { namespace in {\n"
-            "}}; // namespace out::in",
-            format("namespace out {\n"
-                   "namespace in {\n"
-                   "} // namespace in\n"
-                   "}; // namespace out",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("namespace out { namespace in {\n"
+               "}}; // namespace out::in",
+               "namespace out {\n"
+               "namespace in {\n"
+               "} // namespace in\n"
+               "}; // namespace out",
+               Style);
   Style.NamespaceIndentation = FormatStyle::NI_All;
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace out { namespace in {\n"
-            "  int i;\n"
-            "}} // namespace out::in",
-            format("namespace out {\n"
-                   "namespace in {\n"
-                   "int i;\n"
-                   "} // namespace in\n"
-                   "} // namespace out",
-                   Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace out { namespace mid {\n"
-            "  namespace in {\n"
-            "    int j;\n"
-            "  } // namespace in\n"
-            "  int k;\n"
-            "}} // namespace out::mid",
-            format("namespace out { namespace mid {\n"
-                   "namespace in { int j; } // namespace in\n"
-                   "int k; }} // namespace out::mid",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("namespace out { namespace in {\n"
+               "  int i;\n"
+               "}} // namespace out::in",
+               "namespace out {\n"
+               "namespace in {\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "} // namespace in\n"
+               "} // namespace out",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("namespace out { namespace mid {\n"
+               "  namespace in {\n"
+               "    int j;\n"
+               "  } // namespace in\n"
+               "  int k;\n"
+               "}} // namespace out::mid",
+               "namespace out { namespace mid {\n"
+               "namespace in { int j; } // namespace in\n"
+               "int k; }} // namespace out::mid",
+               Style);
   verifyFormat("namespace A { namespace B { namespace C {\n"
                "  int i;\n"
@@ -4486,26 +4425,26 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsCompactNamespaces) {
   Style.NamespaceIndentation = FormatStyle::NI_Inner;
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace out { namespace in {\n"
-            "  int i;\n"
-            "}} // namespace out::in",
-            format("namespace out {\n"
-                   "namespace in {\n"
-                   "int i;\n"
-                   "} // namespace in\n"
-                   "} // namespace out",
-                   Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace out { namespace mid { namespace in {\n"
-            "  int i;\n"
-            "}}} // namespace out::mid::in",
-            format("namespace out {\n"
-                   "namespace mid {\n"
-                   "namespace in {\n"
-                   "int i;\n"
-                   "} // namespace in\n"
-                   "} // namespace mid\n"
-                   "} // namespace out",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("namespace out { namespace in {\n"
+               "  int i;\n"
+               "}} // namespace out::in",
+               "namespace out {\n"
+               "namespace in {\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "} // namespace in\n"
+               "} // namespace out",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("namespace out { namespace mid { namespace in {\n"
+               "  int i;\n"
+               "}}} // namespace out::mid::in",
+               "namespace out {\n"
+               "namespace mid {\n"
+               "namespace in {\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "} // namespace in\n"
+               "} // namespace mid\n"
+               "} // namespace out",
+               Style);
   Style.CompactNamespaces = true;
   Style.AllowShortLambdasOnASingleLine = FormatStyle::SLS_None;
@@ -4514,13 +4453,13 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsCompactNamespaces) {
   verifyFormat("namespace out { namespace in {\n"
                "}} // namespace out::in",
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace out { namespace in {\n"
-            "}} // namespace out::in",
-            format("namespace out {\n"
-                   "namespace in {\n"
-                   "} // namespace in\n"
-                   "} // namespace out",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("namespace out { namespace in {\n"
+               "}} // namespace out::in",
+               "namespace out {\n"
+               "namespace in {\n"
+               "} // namespace in\n"
+               "} // namespace out",
+               Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsExternC) {
@@ -4636,7 +4575,7 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsInlineASM) {
       "    \"xchgq\\t%%rbx, %%rsi\\n\\t\"\n"
       "    : \"=a\"(*rEAX), \"=S\"(*rEBX), \"=c\"(*rECX), \"=d\"(*rEDX)\n"
       "    : \"a\"(value));");
+  verifyFormat(
       "void NS_InvokeByIndex(void *that, unsigned int methodIndex) {\n"
       "  __asm {\n"
       "        mov     edx,[that] // vtable in edx\n"
@@ -4644,31 +4583,27 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsInlineASM) {
       "        call    [edx][eax*4] // stdcall\n"
       "  }\n"
-      format("void NS_InvokeByIndex(void *that,   unsigned int methodIndex) {\n"
-             "    __asm {\n"
-             "        mov     edx,[that] // vtable in edx\n"
-             "        mov     eax,methodIndex\n"
-             "        call    [edx][eax*4] // stdcall\n"
-             "    }\n"
-             "}"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("_asm {\n"
-            "  xor eax, eax;\n"
-            "  cpuid;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("_asm {\n"
-                   "  xor eax, eax;\n"
-                   "  cpuid;\n"
-                   "}"));
+      "void NS_InvokeByIndex(void *that,   unsigned int methodIndex) {\n"
+      "    __asm {\n"
+      "        mov     edx,[that] // vtable in edx\n"
+      "        mov     eax,methodIndex\n"
+      "        call    [edx][eax*4] // stdcall\n"
+      "    }\n"
+      "}");
+  verifyNoChange("_asm {\n"
+                 "  xor eax, eax;\n"
+                 "  cpuid;\n"
+                 "}");
   verifyFormat("void function() {\n"
                "  // comment\n"
                "  asm(\"\");\n"
-  EXPECT_EQ("__asm {\n"
-            "}\n"
-            "int i;",
-            format("__asm   {\n"
-                   "}\n"
-                   "int   i;"));
+  verifyFormat("__asm {\n"
+               "}\n"
+               "int i;",
+               "__asm   {\n"
+               "}\n"
+               "int   i;");
   auto Style = getLLVMStyleWithColumns(0);
   const StringRef Code1{"asm(\"xyz\" : \"=a\"(a), \"=d\"(b) : \"a\"(data));"};
@@ -4906,14 +4841,14 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, StaticInitializers) {
   // Here, everything other than the "}" would fit on a line.
   verifyFormat("static int LooooooooooooooooooooooooongVariable[1] = {\n"
                "    10000000000000000000000000};");
-  EXPECT_EQ("S s = {a,\n"
-            "\n"
-            "       b};",
-            format("S s = {\n"
-                   "  a,\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "  b\n"
-                   "};"));
+  verifyFormat("S s = {a,\n"
+               "\n"
+               "       b};",
+               "S s = {\n"
+               "  a,\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  b\n"
+               "};");
   // FIXME: This would fit into the column limit if we'd fit "{ {" on the first
   // line. However, the formatting looks a bit off and this probably doesn't
@@ -5216,16 +5151,16 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksStringLiteralsOnlyInDefine) {
   verifyFormat("#line 11111 \"/aaaaaaaaa/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/aaaaaaaa.cpp\"",
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define Q                              \\\n"
-            "  \"/aaaaaaaaa/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/\"    \\\n"
-            "  \"aaaaaaaa.cpp\"",
-            format("#define Q \"/aaaaaaaaa/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/aaaaaaaa.cpp\"",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(40)));
+  verifyFormat("#define Q                              \\\n"
+               "  \"/aaaaaaaaa/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/\"    \\\n"
+               "  \"aaaaaaaa.cpp\"",
+               "#define Q \"/aaaaaaaaa/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/aaaaaaaa.cpp\"",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(40));
 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsLinePPDirective) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("# 123 \"A string literal\"",
-            format("   #     123    \"A string literal\""));
+  verifyFormat("# 123 \"A string literal\"",
+               "   #     123    \"A string literal\"");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutUnknownPPDirective) {
@@ -5234,30 +5169,28 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutUnknownPPDirective) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnescapedEndOfLineEndsPPDirective) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("#line 42 \"test\"",
-            format("#  \\\n  line  \\\n  42  \\\n  \"test\""));
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A B", format("#  \\\n define  \\\n    A  \\\n       B",
-                                  getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12)));
+  verifyFormat("#line 42 \"test\"", "#  \\\n  line  \\\n  42  \\\n  \"test\"");
+  verifyFormat("#define A B", "#  \\\n define  \\\n    A  \\\n       B",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12));
 TEST_F(FormatTest, EndOfFileEndsPPDirective) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("#line 42 \"test\"",
-            format("#  \\\n  line  \\\n  42  \\\n  \"test\""));
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A B", format("#  \\\n define  \\\n    A  \\\n       B"));
+  verifyFormat("#line 42 \"test\"", "#  \\\n  line  \\\n  42  \\\n  \"test\"");
+  verifyFormat("#define A B", "#  \\\n define  \\\n    A  \\\n       B");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, DoesntRemoveUnknownTokens) {
   verifyFormat("#define A \\x20");
   verifyFormat("#define A \\ x20");
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A \\ x20", format("#define A \\   x20"));
+  verifyFormat("#define A \\ x20", "#define A \\   x20");
   verifyFormat("#define A ''");
   verifyFormat("#define A ''qqq");
   verifyFormat("#define A `qqq");
   verifyFormat("f(\"aaaa, bbbb, \"\\\"ccccc\\\"\");");
-  EXPECT_EQ("const char *c = STRINGIFY(\n"
-            "\\na : b);",
-            format("const char * c = STRINGIFY(\n"
-                   "\\na : b);"));
+  verifyFormat("const char *c = STRINGIFY(\n"
+               "\\na : b);",
+               "const char * c = STRINGIFY(\n"
+               "\\na : b);");
@@ -5547,40 +5480,40 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, IndentsPPDirectiveInReducedSpace) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, HandlePreprocessorDirectiveContext) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("// somecomment\n"
-            "#include \"a.h\"\n"
-            "#define A(  \\\n"
-            "    A, B)\n"
-            "#include \"b.h\"\n"
-            "// somecomment",
-            format("  // somecomment\n"
-                   "  #include \"a.h\"\n"
-                   "#define A(A,\\\n"
-                   "    B)\n"
-                   "    #include \"b.h\"\n"
-                   " // somecomment",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(13)));
+  verifyFormat("// somecomment\n"
+               "#include \"a.h\"\n"
+               "#define A(  \\\n"
+               "    A, B)\n"
+               "#include \"b.h\"\n"
+               "// somecomment",
+               "  // somecomment\n"
+               "  #include \"a.h\"\n"
+               "#define A(A,\\\n"
+               "    B)\n"
+               "    #include \"b.h\"\n"
+               " // somecomment",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(13));
 TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutSingleHash) { verifyFormat("#\na;"); }
 TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutCodeInMacroDefinitions) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A    \\\n"
-            "  c;         \\\n"
-            "  e;\n"
-            "f;",
-            format("#define A c; e;\n"
-                   "f;",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(14)));
+  verifyFormat("#define A    \\\n"
+               "  c;         \\\n"
+               "  e;\n"
+               "f;",
+               "#define A c; e;\n"
+               "f;",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(14));
 TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutRemainingTokens) { verifyFormat("{}"); }
 TEST_F(FormatTest, MacroDefinitionInsideStatement) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("int x,\n"
-            "#define A\n"
-            "    y;",
-            format("int x,\n#define A\ny;"));
+  verifyFormat("int x,\n"
+               "#define A\n"
+               "    y;",
+               "int x,\n#define A\ny;");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, HashInMacroDefinition) {
@@ -5622,28 +5555,21 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, RespectWhitespaceInMacroDefinitions) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, EmptyLinesInMacroDefinitions) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A b;", format("#define A \\\n"
-                                   "          \\\n"
-                                   "  b;",
-                                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A \\\n"
-            "          \\\n"
-            "  a;      \\\n"
-            "  b;",
-            format("#define A \\\n"
-                   "          \\\n"
-                   "  a;      \\\n"
-                   "  b;",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A \\\n"
-            "  a;      \\\n"
-            "          \\\n"
-            "  b;",
-            format("#define A \\\n"
-                   "  a;      \\\n"
-                   "          \\\n"
-                   "  b;",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11)));
+  verifyFormat("#define A b;",
+               "#define A \\\n"
+               "          \\\n"
+               "  b;",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25));
+  verifyNoChange("#define A \\\n"
+                 "          \\\n"
+                 "  a;      \\\n"
+                 "  b;",
+                 getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11));
+  verifyNoChange("#define A \\\n"
+                 "  a;      \\\n"
+                 "          \\\n"
+                 "  b;",
+                 getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11));
 TEST_F(FormatTest, MacroDefinitionsWithIncompleteCode) {
@@ -5715,161 +5641,158 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, MacroDefinitionsWithIncompleteCode) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, MacrosWithoutTrailingSemicolon) {
   verifyFormat("SOME_TYPE_NAME abc;"); // Gated on the newline.
-  EXPECT_EQ("class A : public QObject {\n"
-            "  Q_OBJECT\n"
-            "\n"
-            "  A() {}\n"
-            "};",
-            format("class A  :  public QObject {\n"
-                   "     Q_OBJECT\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "  A() {\n}\n"
-                   "}  ;"));
-            "/*static*/ int i;",
-            format("MACRO\n"
-                   " /*static*/ int   i;"));
-            "namespace {\n"
-            "void f();\n"
-            "} // namespace",
-            format("SOME_MACRO\n"
-                   "  namespace    {\n"
-                   "void   f(  );\n"
-                   "} // namespace"));
+  verifyFormat("class A : public QObject {\n"
+               "  Q_OBJECT\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  A() {}\n"
+               "};",
+               "class A  :  public QObject {\n"
+               "     Q_OBJECT\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  A() {\n}\n"
+               "}  ;");
+  verifyFormat("MACRO\n"
+               "/*static*/ int i;",
+               "MACRO\n"
+               " /*static*/ int   i;");
+  verifyFormat("SOME_MACRO\n"
+               "namespace {\n"
+               "void f();\n"
+               "} // namespace",
+               "SOME_MACRO\n"
+               "  namespace    {\n"
+               "void   f(  );\n"
+               "} // namespace");
   // Only if the identifier contains at least 5 characters.
-  EXPECT_EQ("HTTP f();", format("HTTP\nf();"));
+  verifyFormat("HTTP f();", "HTTP\nf();");
   // Only if everything is upper case.
-  EXPECT_EQ("class A : public QObject {\n"
-            "  Q_Object A() {}\n"
-            "};",
-            format("class A  :  public QObject {\n"
-                   "     Q_Object\n"
-                   "  A() {\n}\n"
-                   "}  ;"));
+  verifyFormat("class A : public QObject {\n"
+               "  Q_Object A() {}\n"
+               "};",
+               "class A  :  public QObject {\n"
+               "     Q_Object\n"
+               "  A() {\n}\n"
+               "}  ;");
   // Only if the next line can actually start an unwrapped line.
-            format("SOME_WEIRD_LOG_MACRO\n"
-                   "<< SomeThing;"));
+  verifyFormat("SOME_WEIRD_LOG_MACRO << SomeThing;", "SOME_WEIRD_LOG_MACRO\n"
+                                                     "<< SomeThing;");
   verifyFormat("VISIT_GL_CALL(GenBuffers, void, (GLsizei n, GLuint* buffers), "
                "(n, buffers))",
   // See PR41483
-  EXPECT_EQ("/**/ FOO(a)\n"
-            "FOO(b)",
-            format("/**/ FOO(a)\n"
-                   "FOO(b)"));
+  verifyNoChange("/**/ FOO(a)\n"
+                 "FOO(b)");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, MacroCallsWithoutTrailingSemicolon) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(ScopDetection, \"polly-detect\")\n"
-            "INITIALIZE_AG_DEPENDENCY(AliasAnalysis)\n"
-            "INITIALIZE_PASS_DEPENDENCY(DominatorTree)\n"
-            "class X {};\n"
-            "INITIALIZE_PASS_END(ScopDetection, \"polly-detect\")\n"
-            "int *createScopDetectionPass() { return 0; }",
-            format("  INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(ScopDetection, \"polly-detect\")\n"
-                   "  INITIALIZE_AG_DEPENDENCY(AliasAnalysis)\n"
-                   "  INITIALIZE_PASS_DEPENDENCY(DominatorTree)\n"
-                   "  class X {};\n"
-                   "  INITIALIZE_PASS_END(ScopDetection, \"polly-detect\")\n"
-                   "  int *createScopDetectionPass() { return 0; }"));
+  verifyFormat("INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(ScopDetection, \"polly-detect\")\n"
+               "INITIALIZE_AG_DEPENDENCY(AliasAnalysis)\n"
+               "INITIALIZE_PASS_DEPENDENCY(DominatorTree)\n"
+               "class X {};\n"
+               "INITIALIZE_PASS_END(ScopDetection, \"polly-detect\")\n"
+               "int *createScopDetectionPass() { return 0; }",
+               "  INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(ScopDetection, \"polly-detect\")\n"
+               "  INITIALIZE_AG_DEPENDENCY(AliasAnalysis)\n"
+               "  INITIALIZE_PASS_DEPENDENCY(DominatorTree)\n"
+               "  class X {};\n"
+               "  INITIALIZE_PASS_END(ScopDetection, \"polly-detect\")\n"
+               "  int *createScopDetectionPass() { return 0; }");
   // FIXME: We could probably treat IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP/IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP as
   // braces, so that inner block is indented one level more.
-  EXPECT_EQ("int q() {\n"
-            "  IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(WebKitTestController, message)\n"
-            "  IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(xxx, qqq)\n"
-            "  IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP()\n"
-            "}",
-            format("int q() {\n"
-                   "  IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(WebKitTestController, message)\n"
-                   "    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(xxx, qqq)\n"
-                   "  IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP()\n"
-                   "}"));
+  verifyFormat("int q() {\n"
+               "  IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(WebKitTestController, message)\n"
+               "  IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(xxx, qqq)\n"
+               "  IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP()\n"
+               "}",
+               "int q() {\n"
+               "  IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(WebKitTestController, message)\n"
+               "    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(xxx, qqq)\n"
+               "  IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP()\n"
+               "}");
   // Same inside macros.
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define LIST(L) \\\n"
-            "  L(A)          \\\n"
-            "  L(B)          \\\n"
-            "  L(C)",
-            format("#define LIST(L) \\\n"
-                   "  L(A) \\\n"
-                   "  L(B) \\\n"
-                   "  L(C)",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
+  verifyFormat("#define LIST(L) \\\n"
+               "  L(A)          \\\n"
+               "  L(B)          \\\n"
+               "  L(C)",
+               "#define LIST(L) \\\n"
+               "  L(A) \\\n"
+               "  L(B) \\\n"
+               "  L(C)",
+               getGoogleStyle());
   // These must not be recognized as macros.
-  EXPECT_EQ("int q() {\n"
-            "  f(x);\n"
-            "  f(x) {}\n"
-            "  f(x)->g();\n"
-            "  f(x)->*g();\n"
-            "  f(x).g();\n"
-            "  f(x) = x;\n"
-            "  f(x) += x;\n"
-            "  f(x) -= x;\n"
-            "  f(x) *= x;\n"
-            "  f(x) /= x;\n"
-            "  f(x) %= x;\n"
-            "  f(x) &= x;\n"
-            "  f(x) |= x;\n"
-            "  f(x) ^= x;\n"
-            "  f(x) >>= x;\n"
-            "  f(x) <<= x;\n"
-            "  f(x)[y].z();\n"
-            "  LOG(INFO) << x;\n"
-            "  ifstream(x) >> x;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("int q() {\n"
-                   "  f(x)\n;\n"
-                   "  f(x)\n {}\n"
-                   "  f(x)\n->g();\n"
-                   "  f(x)\n->*g();\n"
-                   "  f(x)\n.g();\n"
-                   "  f(x)\n = x;\n"
-                   "  f(x)\n += x;\n"
-                   "  f(x)\n -= x;\n"
-                   "  f(x)\n *= x;\n"
-                   "  f(x)\n /= x;\n"
-                   "  f(x)\n %= x;\n"
-                   "  f(x)\n &= x;\n"
-                   "  f(x)\n |= x;\n"
-                   "  f(x)\n ^= x;\n"
-                   "  f(x)\n >>= x;\n"
-                   "  f(x)\n <<= x;\n"
-                   "  f(x)\n[y].z();\n"
-                   "  LOG(INFO)\n << x;\n"
-                   "  ifstream(x)\n >> x;\n"
-                   "}"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int q() {\n"
-            "  F(x)\n"
-            "  if (1) {\n"
-            "  }\n"
-            "  F(x)\n"
-            "  while (1) {\n"
-            "  }\n"
-            "  F(x)\n"
-            "  G(x);\n"
-            "  F(x)\n"
-            "  try {\n"
-            "    Q();\n"
-            "  } catch (...) {\n"
-            "  }\n"
-            "}",
-            format("int q() {\n"
-                   "F(x)\n"
-                   "if (1) {}\n"
-                   "F(x)\n"
-                   "while (1) {}\n"
-                   "F(x)\n"
-                   "G(x);\n"
-                   "F(x)\n"
-                   "try { Q(); } catch (...) {}\n"
-                   "}"));
+  verifyFormat("int q() {\n"
+               "  f(x);\n"
+               "  f(x) {}\n"
+               "  f(x)->g();\n"
+               "  f(x)->*g();\n"
+               "  f(x).g();\n"
+               "  f(x) = x;\n"
+               "  f(x) += x;\n"
+               "  f(x) -= x;\n"
+               "  f(x) *= x;\n"
+               "  f(x) /= x;\n"
+               "  f(x) %= x;\n"
+               "  f(x) &= x;\n"
+               "  f(x) |= x;\n"
+               "  f(x) ^= x;\n"
+               "  f(x) >>= x;\n"
+               "  f(x) <<= x;\n"
+               "  f(x)[y].z();\n"
+               "  LOG(INFO) << x;\n"
+               "  ifstream(x) >> x;\n"
+               "}",
+               "int q() {\n"
+               "  f(x)\n;\n"
+               "  f(x)\n {}\n"
+               "  f(x)\n->g();\n"
+               "  f(x)\n->*g();\n"
+               "  f(x)\n.g();\n"
+               "  f(x)\n = x;\n"
+               "  f(x)\n += x;\n"
+               "  f(x)\n -= x;\n"
+               "  f(x)\n *= x;\n"
+               "  f(x)\n /= x;\n"
+               "  f(x)\n %= x;\n"
+               "  f(x)\n &= x;\n"
+               "  f(x)\n |= x;\n"
+               "  f(x)\n ^= x;\n"
+               "  f(x)\n >>= x;\n"
+               "  f(x)\n <<= x;\n"
+               "  f(x)\n[y].z();\n"
+               "  LOG(INFO)\n << x;\n"
+               "  ifstream(x)\n >> x;\n"
+               "}");
+  verifyFormat("int q() {\n"
+               "  F(x)\n"
+               "  if (1) {\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "  F(x)\n"
+               "  while (1) {\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "  F(x)\n"
+               "  G(x);\n"
+               "  F(x)\n"
+               "  try {\n"
+               "    Q();\n"
+               "  } catch (...) {\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "}",
+               "int q() {\n"
+               "F(x)\n"
+               "if (1) {}\n"
+               "F(x)\n"
+               "while (1) {}\n"
+               "F(x)\n"
+               "G(x);\n"
+               "F(x)\n"
+               "try { Q(); } catch (...) {}\n"
+               "}");
   EXPECT_EQ("class A {\n"
             "  A() : t(0) {}\n"
             "  A(int i) noexcept() : {}\n"
@@ -5888,33 +5811,33 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, MacroCallsWithoutTrailingSemicolon) {
   Style.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_Custom;
   Style.BraceWrapping.AfterControlStatement = FormatStyle::BWACS_Always;
   Style.BraceWrapping.AfterFunction = true;
-  EXPECT_EQ("void f()\n"
-            "try\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "}",
-            format("void f() try {\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("class SomeClass {\n"
-            "public:\n"
-            "  SomeClass() EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FUNCTION(mu_);\n"
-            "};",
-            format("class SomeClass {\n"
-                   "public:\n"
-                   "  SomeClass()\n"
-                   "  EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FUNCTION(mu_);\n"
-                   "};"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("class SomeClass {\n"
-            "public:\n"
-            "  SomeClass()\n"
-            "      EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FUNCTION(mu_);\n"
-            "};",
-            format("class SomeClass {\n"
-                   "public:\n"
-                   "  SomeClass()\n"
-                   "  EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FUNCTION(mu_);\n"
-                   "};",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(40)));
+  verifyFormat("void f()\n"
+               "try\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "}",
+               "void f() try {\n"
+               "}",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("class SomeClass {\n"
+               "public:\n"
+               "  SomeClass() EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FUNCTION(mu_);\n"
+               "};",
+               "class SomeClass {\n"
+               "public:\n"
+               "  SomeClass()\n"
+               "  EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FUNCTION(mu_);\n"
+               "};");
+  verifyFormat("class SomeClass {\n"
+               "public:\n"
+               "  SomeClass()\n"
+               "      EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FUNCTION(mu_);\n"
+               "};",
+               "class SomeClass {\n"
+               "public:\n"
+               "  SomeClass()\n"
+               "  EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FUNCTION(mu_);\n"
+               "};",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(40));
@@ -6098,50 +6021,50 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, IndentPreprocessorDirectives) {
   // #ifndef and #define but all other conditions hold. This is because when
   // the #define line is parsed, UnwrappedLineParser::Lines doesn't hold the
   // previous code line yet, so we can't detect it.
-  EXPECT_EQ("#ifndef NOT_GUARD\n"
-            "code();\n"
-            "#define NOT_GUARD\n"
-            "code();\n"
-            "#endif",
-            format("#ifndef NOT_GUARD\n"
-                   "code();\n"
-                   "#  define NOT_GUARD\n"
-                   "code();\n"
-                   "#endif",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("#ifndef NOT_GUARD\n"
+               "code();\n"
+               "#define NOT_GUARD\n"
+               "code();\n"
+               "#endif",
+               "#ifndef NOT_GUARD\n"
+               "code();\n"
+               "#  define NOT_GUARD\n"
+               "code();\n"
+               "#endif",
+               Style);
   // FIXME: This doesn't handle cases where legitimate preprocessor lines may
   // be outside an include guard. Examples are #pragma once and
   // #pragma GCC diagnostic, or anything else that does not change the meaning
   // of the file if it's included multiple times.
-  EXPECT_EQ("#ifdef WIN32\n"
-            "#  pragma once\n"
-            "#endif\n"
-            "#ifndef HEADER_H\n"
-            "#  define HEADER_H\n"
-            "code();\n"
-            "#endif",
-            format("#ifdef WIN32\n"
-                   "#  pragma once\n"
-                   "#endif\n"
-                   "#ifndef HEADER_H\n"
-                   "#define HEADER_H\n"
-                   "code();\n"
-                   "#endif",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("#ifdef WIN32\n"
+               "#  pragma once\n"
+               "#endif\n"
+               "#ifndef HEADER_H\n"
+               "#  define HEADER_H\n"
+               "code();\n"
+               "#endif",
+               "#ifdef WIN32\n"
+               "#  pragma once\n"
+               "#endif\n"
+               "#ifndef HEADER_H\n"
+               "#define HEADER_H\n"
+               "code();\n"
+               "#endif",
+               Style);
   // FIXME: This does not detect when there is a single non-preprocessor line
   // in front of an include-guard-like structure where other conditions hold
   // because ScopedLineState hides the line.
-  EXPECT_EQ("code();\n"
-            "#ifndef HEADER_H\n"
-            "#define HEADER_H\n"
-            "code();\n"
-            "#endif",
-            format("code();\n"
-                   "#ifndef HEADER_H\n"
-                   "#  define HEADER_H\n"
-                   "code();\n"
-                   "#endif",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("code();\n"
+               "#ifndef HEADER_H\n"
+               "#define HEADER_H\n"
+               "code();\n"
+               "#endif",
+               "code();\n"
+               "#ifndef HEADER_H\n"
+               "#  define HEADER_H\n"
+               "code();\n"
+               "#endif",
+               Style);
   // Keep comments aligned with #, otherwise indent comments normally. These
   // tests cannot use verifyFormat because messUp manipulates leading
   // whitespace.
@@ -6168,7 +6091,7 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, IndentPreprocessorDirectives) {
                            "   // Code. Not aligned with #\n"
                            "#  define C 0\n"
-    EXPECT_EQ(Expected, format(ToFormat, Style));
+    verifyFormat(Expected, ToFormat, Style);
     verifyNoChange(Expected, Style);
   // Keep block quotes aligned.
@@ -6195,7 +6118,7 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, IndentPreprocessorDirectives) {
                            "   /* Code. Not aligned with # */\n"
                            "#  define C 0\n"
-    EXPECT_EQ(Expected, format(ToFormat, Style));
+    verifyFormat(Expected, ToFormat, Style);
     verifyNoChange(Expected, Style);
   // Keep comments aligned with un-indented directives.
@@ -6218,7 +6141,7 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, IndentPreprocessorDirectives) {
                            "#define B 0\n"
                            "   // Code. Not aligned with #\n"
                            "#define C 0\n";
-    EXPECT_EQ(Expected, format(ToFormat, Style));
+    verifyFormat(Expected, ToFormat, Style);
     verifyNoChange(Expected, Style);
   // Test AfterHash with tabs.
@@ -6305,7 +6228,7 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, IndentPreprocessorDirectives) {
-    EXPECT_EQ(Expected, format(ToFormat, Style));
+    verifyFormat(Expected, ToFormat, Style);
     verifyNoChange(Expected, Style);
@@ -6335,7 +6258,7 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, IndentPreprocessorDirectives) {
-    EXPECT_EQ(Expected, format(ToFormat, Style));
+    verifyFormat(Expected, ToFormat, Style);
     verifyNoChange(Expected, Style);
@@ -6489,70 +6412,55 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatHashIfNotAtStartOfLine) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatUnbalancedStructuralElements) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A \\\n  {       \\\n    {\nint i;",
-            format("#define A { {\nint i;", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A \\\n  }       \\\n  }\nint i;",
-            format("#define A } }\nint i;", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11)));
+  verifyFormat("#define A \\\n  {       \\\n    {\nint i;",
+               "#define A { {\nint i;", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11));
+  verifyFormat("#define A \\\n  }       \\\n  }\nint i;",
+               "#define A } }\nint i;", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11));
 TEST_F(FormatTest, EscapedNewlines) {
   FormatStyle Narrow = getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11);
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A \\\n  int i;  \\\n  int j;",
-            format("#define A \\\nint i;\\\n  int j;", Narrow));
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A\n\nint i;", format("#define A \\\n\n int i;"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("template <class T> f();", format("\\\ntemplate <class T> f();"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("/* \\  \\  \\\n */", format("\\\n/* \\  \\  \\\n */"));
+  verifyFormat("#define A \\\n  int i;  \\\n  int j;",
+               "#define A \\\nint i;\\\n  int j;", Narrow);
+  verifyFormat("#define A\n\nint i;", "#define A \\\n\n int i;");
+  verifyFormat("template <class T> f();", "\\\ntemplate <class T> f();");
+  verifyFormat("/* \\  \\  \\\n */", "\\\n/* \\  \\  \\\n */");
   FormatStyle AlignLeft = getLLVMStyle();
   AlignLeft.AlignEscapedNewlines = FormatStyle::ENAS_Left;
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define MACRO(x) \\\n"
-            "private:         \\\n"
-            "  int x(int a);",
-            format("#define MACRO(x) \\\n"
-                   "private:         \\\n"
-                   "  int x(int a);",
-                   AlignLeft));
+  verifyFormat("#define MACRO(x) \\\n"
+               "private:         \\\n"
+               "  int x(int a);",
+               AlignLeft);
   // CRLF line endings
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A \\\r\n  int i;  \\\r\n  int j;",
-            format("#define A \\\r\nint i;\\\r\n  int j;", Narrow));
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A\r\n\r\nint i;", format("#define A \\\r\n\r\n int i;"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("template <class T> f();", format("\\\ntemplate <class T> f();"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("/* \\  \\  \\\r\n */", format("\\\r\n/* \\  \\  \\\r\n */"));
+  verifyFormat("#define A \\\r\n  int i;  \\\r\n  int j;",
+               "#define A \\\r\nint i;\\\r\n  int j;", Narrow);
+  verifyFormat("#define A\r\n\r\nint i;", "#define A \\\r\n\r\n int i;");
+  verifyFormat("template <class T> f();", "\\\ntemplate <class T> f();");
+  verifyFormat("/* \\  \\  \\\r\n */", "\\\r\n/* \\  \\  \\\r\n */");
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define MACRO(x) \\\r\n"
-            "private:         \\\r\n"
-            "  int x(int a);",
-            format("#define MACRO(x) \\\r\n"
-                   "private:         \\\r\n"
-                   "  int x(int a);",
-                   AlignLeft));
+  verifyFormat("#define MACRO(x) \\\r\n"
+               "private:         \\\r\n"
+               "  int x(int a);",
+               AlignLeft);
   FormatStyle DontAlign = getLLVMStyle();
   DontAlign.AlignEscapedNewlines = FormatStyle::ENAS_DontAlign;
   DontAlign.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep = 3;
   // FIXME: can't use verifyFormat here because the newline before
   // "public:" is not inserted the first time it's reformatted
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A \\\n"
-            "  class Foo { \\\n"
-            "    void bar(); \\\n"
-            "\\\n"
-            "\\\n"
-            "\\\n"
-            "  public: \\\n"
-            "    void baz(); \\\n"
-            "  };",
-            format("#define A \\\n"
-                   "  class Foo { \\\n"
-                   "    void bar(); \\\n"
-                   "\\\n"
-                   "\\\n"
-                   "\\\n"
-                   "  public: \\\n"
-                   "    void baz(); \\\n"
-                   "  };",
-                   DontAlign));
+  verifyNoChange("#define A \\\n"
+                 "  class Foo { \\\n"
+                 "    void bar(); \\\n"
+                 "\\\n"
+                 "\\\n"
+                 "\\\n"
+                 "  public: \\\n"
+                 "    void baz(); \\\n"
+                 "  };",
+                 DontAlign);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, CalculateSpaceOnConsecutiveLinesInMacro) {
@@ -6564,26 +6472,25 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, CalculateSpaceOnConsecutiveLinesInMacro) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, MixingPreprocessorDirectivesAndNormalCode) {
-      "#define ALooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongMacro("
-      "                      \\\n"
-      "    aLoooooooooooooooooooooooongFuuuuuuuuuuuuuunctiooooooooo)\n"
-      "\n"
-      "AlooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongCaaaaaaaaaal(\n"
-      "    aLooooooooooooooooooooooonPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarmmmm);",
-      format("  #define   ALooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongMacro("
-             "\\\n"
-             "aLoooooooooooooooooooooooongFuuuuuuuuuuuuuunctiooooooooo)\n"
-             "  \n"
-             "   AlooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongCaaaaaaaaaal(\n"
-             "  aLooooooooooooooooooooooonPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarmmmm);"));
+  verifyFormat("#define ALooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongMacro("
+               "                      \\\n"
+               "    aLoooooooooooooooooooooooongFuuuuuuuuuuuuuunctiooooooooo)\n"
+               "\n"
+               "AlooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongCaaaaaaaaaal(\n"
+               "    aLooooooooooooooooooooooonPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarmmmm);",
+               "  #define   ALooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongMacro("
+               "\\\n"
+               "aLoooooooooooooooooooooooongFuuuuuuuuuuuuuunctiooooooooo)\n"
+               "  \n"
+               "   AlooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongCaaaaaaaaaal(\n"
+               "  aLooooooooooooooooooooooonPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarmmmm);");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutStatementsAroundPreprocessorDirectives) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("int\n"
-            "#define A\n"
-            "    a;",
-            format("int\n#define A\na;"));
+  verifyFormat("int\n"
+               "#define A\n"
+               "    a;",
+               "int\n#define A\na;");
                "    someOtherFunction(\n"
                "        withSomeParameters, whichInSequence,\n"
@@ -6757,9 +6664,9 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutBlockInsideParens) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutBlockInsideStatement) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("SOME_MACRO { int i; }\n"
-            "int i;",
-            format("  SOME_MACRO  {int i;}  int i;"));
+  verifyFormat("SOME_MACRO { int i; }\n"
+               "int i;",
+               "  SOME_MACRO  {int i;}  int i;");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutNestedBlocks) {
@@ -6785,37 +6692,37 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutNestedBlocks) {
                "    },\n"
                "    a);");
-  EXPECT_EQ("call(parameter, {\n"
-            "  something();\n"
-            "  // Comment too\n"
-            "  // looooooooooong.\n"
-            "  somethingElse();\n"
-            "});",
-            format("call(parameter, {\n"
-                   "  something();\n"
-                   "  // Comment too looooooooooong.\n"
-                   "  somethingElse();\n"
-                   "});",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(29)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("DEBUG({ int i; });", format("DEBUG({ int   i; });"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("DEBUG({ // comment\n"
-            "  int i;\n"
-            "});",
-            format("DEBUG({ // comment\n"
-                   "int  i;\n"
-                   "});"));
-            "  int i;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "  // comment\n"
-            "  int j;\n"
-            "});",
-            format("DEBUG({\n"
-                   "  int  i;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "  // comment\n"
-                   "  int  j;\n"
-                   "});"));
+  verifyFormat("call(parameter, {\n"
+               "  something();\n"
+               "  // Comment too\n"
+               "  // looooooooooong.\n"
+               "  somethingElse();\n"
+               "});",
+               "call(parameter, {\n"
+               "  something();\n"
+               "  // Comment too looooooooooong.\n"
+               "  somethingElse();\n"
+               "});",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(29));
+  verifyFormat("DEBUG({ int i; });", "DEBUG({ int   i; });");
+  verifyFormat("DEBUG({ // comment\n"
+               "  int i;\n"
+               "});",
+               "DEBUG({ // comment\n"
+               "int  i;\n"
+               "});");
+  verifyFormat("DEBUG({\n"
+               "  int i;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  // comment\n"
+               "  int j;\n"
+               "});",
+               "DEBUG({\n"
+               "  int  i;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  // comment\n"
+               "  int  j;\n"
+               "});");
                "  if (a)\n"
@@ -6840,24 +6747,24 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutNestedBlocks) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatNestedBlocksInMacros) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define MACRO()                     \\\n"
-            "  Debug(aaa, /* force line break */ \\\n"
-            "        {                           \\\n"
-            "          int i;                    \\\n"
-            "          int j;                    \\\n"
-            "        })",
-            format("#define   MACRO()   Debug(aaa,  /* force line break */ \\\n"
-                   "          {  int   i;  int  j;   })",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A                                       \\\n"
-            "  [] {                                          \\\n"
-            "    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(        \\\n"
-            "        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx); \\\n"
-            "  }",
-            format("#define A [] { xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx( \\\n"
-                   "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx); }",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
+  verifyFormat("#define MACRO()                     \\\n"
+               "  Debug(aaa, /* force line break */ \\\n"
+               "        {                           \\\n"
+               "          int i;                    \\\n"
+               "          int j;                    \\\n"
+               "        })",
+               "#define   MACRO()   Debug(aaa,  /* force line break */ \\\n"
+               "          {  int   i;  int  j;   })",
+               getGoogleStyle());
+  verifyFormat("#define A                                       \\\n"
+               "  [] {                                          \\\n"
+               "    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(        \\\n"
+               "        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx); \\\n"
+               "  }",
+               "#define A [] { xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx( \\\n"
+               "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx); }",
+               getGoogleStyle());
 TEST_F(FormatTest, PutEmptyBlocksIntoOneLine) {
@@ -6866,9 +6773,9 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, PutEmptyBlocksIntoOneLine) {
   verifyFormat("enum E {}");
   FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle();
   Style.SpaceInEmptyBlock = true;
-  EXPECT_EQ("void f() { }", format("void f() {}", Style));
+  verifyFormat("void f() { }", "void f() {}", Style);
   Style.AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine = FormatStyle::SBS_Empty;
-  EXPECT_EQ("while (true) { }", format("while (true) {}", Style));
+  verifyFormat("while (true) { }", "while (true) {}", Style);
   Style.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_Custom;
   Style.BraceWrapping.BeforeElse = false;
   Style.BraceWrapping.AfterControlStatement = FormatStyle::BWACS_Always;
@@ -7184,13 +7091,13 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, ExpressionIndentationBreakingBeforeOperators) {
   Style.UseTab = FormatStyle::UT_Always;
   Style.AlignAfterOpenBracket = FormatStyle::BAS_DontAlign;
   Style.AlignOperands = FormatStyle::OAS_DontAlign;
-  EXPECT_EQ("return someVeryVeryLongConditionThatBarelyFitsOnALine\n"
-            "\t&& (someOtherLongishConditionPart1\n"
-            "\t\t|| someOtherEvenLongerNestedConditionPart2);",
-            format("return someVeryVeryLongConditionThatBarelyFitsOnALine && "
-                   "(someOtherLongishConditionPart1 || "
-                   "someOtherEvenLongerNestedConditionPart2);",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("return someVeryVeryLongConditionThatBarelyFitsOnALine\n"
+               "\t&& (someOtherLongishConditionPart1\n"
+               "\t\t|| someOtherEvenLongerNestedConditionPart2);",
+               "return someVeryVeryLongConditionThatBarelyFitsOnALine && "
+               "(someOtherLongishConditionPart1 || "
+               "someOtherEvenLongerNestedConditionPart2);",
+               Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, ExpressionIndentationStrictAlign) {
@@ -7559,12 +7466,12 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, ConstructorInitializers) {
                "      bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(b) {}",
-  EXPECT_EQ("Constructor()\n"
-            "    : // Comment forcing unwanted break.\n"
-            "      aaaa(aaaa) {}",
-            format("Constructor() :\n"
-                   "    // Comment forcing unwanted break.\n"
-                   "    aaaa(aaaa) {}"));
+  verifyFormat("Constructor()\n"
+               "    : // Comment forcing unwanted break.\n"
+               "      aaaa(aaaa) {}",
+               "Constructor() :\n"
+               "    // Comment forcing unwanted break.\n"
+               "    aaaa(aaaa) {}");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, AllowAllConstructorInitializersOnNextLine) {
@@ -8351,13 +8258,13 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksFunctionDeclarations) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, DontBreakBeforeQualifiedOperator) {
   // Regression test for https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40516:
   // Prefer keeping `::` followed by `operator` together.
-  EXPECT_EQ("const aaaa::bbbbbbb &\n"
-            "ccccccccc::operator++() {\n"
-            "  stuff();\n"
-            "}",
-            format("const aaaa::bbbbbbb\n"
-                   "&ccccccccc::operator++() { stuff(); }",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(40)));
+  verifyFormat("const aaaa::bbbbbbb &\n"
+               "ccccccccc::operator++() {\n"
+               "  stuff();\n"
+               "}",
+               "const aaaa::bbbbbbb\n"
+               "&ccccccccc::operator++() { stuff(); }",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(40));
 TEST_F(FormatTest, TrailingReturnType) {
@@ -8606,12 +8513,12 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksDesireably) {
                "    }\n  }\n}");
   // Break on an outer level if there was a break on an inner level.
-  EXPECT_EQ("f(g(h(a, // comment\n"
-            "      b, c),\n"
-            "    d, e),\n"
-            "  x, y);",
-            format("f(g(h(a, // comment\n"
-                   "    b, c), d, e), x, y);"));
+  verifyFormat("f(g(h(a, // comment\n"
+               "      b, c),\n"
+               "    d, e),\n"
+               "  x, y);",
+               "f(g(h(a, // comment\n"
+               "    b, c), d, e), x, y);");
   // Prefer breaking similar line breaks.
@@ -9411,7 +9318,7 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksConditionalExpressions) {
                "                          ddddd;",
+  verifyFormat(
       "    /*\n"
       "     */\n"
@@ -9422,18 +9329,17 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksConditionalExpressions) {
       "      }\n"
       "    } :\n"
       "    function() {};",
-      format(
-          "     /*\n"
-          "      */\n"
-          "     function() {\n"
-          "      try {\n"
-          "        return JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ(\n"
-          "            pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp);\n"
-          "      }\n"
-          "    } :\n"
-          "    function() {};",
-          getGoogleStyle(FormatStyle::LK_JavaScript)));
+      "     /*\n"
+      "      */\n"
+      "     function() {\n"
+      "      try {\n"
+      "        return JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ(\n"
+      "            pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp);\n"
+      "      }\n"
+      "    } :\n"
+      "    function() {};",
+      getGoogleStyle(FormatStyle::LK_JavaScript));
 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksConditionalExpressionsAfterOperator) {
@@ -9722,19 +9628,19 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignsStringLiterals) {
   verifyFormat("someFunction(\"Always break between multi-line\"\n"
                "             \" string literals\",\n"
                "             also, other, parameters);");
-  EXPECT_EQ("fun + \"1243\" /* comment */\n"
-            "      \"5678\";",
-            format("fun + \"1243\" /* comment */\n"
-                   "    \"5678\";",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(28)));
+  verifyFormat("fun + \"1243\" /* comment */\n"
+               "      \"5678\";",
+               "fun + \"1243\" /* comment */\n"
+               "    \"5678\";",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(28));
+  verifyFormat(
       "aaaaaa = \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa \"\n"
       "         \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\"\n"
       "         \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";",
-      format("aaaaaa ="
-             "\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "
-             "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\" "
-             "\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";"));
+      "aaaaaa ="
+      "\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "
+      "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\" "
+      "\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";");
   verifyFormat("a = a + \"a\"\n"
                "        \"a\"\n"
                "        \"a\";");
@@ -10152,28 +10058,25 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings) {
   // Treat literals with escaped newlines like multi-line string literals.
-  EXPECT_EQ("x = \"a\\\n"
-            "b\\\n"
-            "c\";",
-            format("x = \"a\\\n"
-                   "b\\\n"
-                   "c\";",
-                   NoBreak));
-  EXPECT_EQ("xxxx =\n"
-            "    \"a\\\n"
-            "b\\\n"
-            "c\";",
-            format("xxxx = \"a\\\n"
-                   "b\\\n"
-                   "c\";",
-                   Break));
-  EXPECT_EQ("NSString *const kString =\n"
-            "    @\"aaaa\"\n"
-            "    @\"bbbb\";",
-            format("NSString *const kString = @\"aaaa\"\n"
-                   "@\"bbbb\";",
-                   Break));
+  verifyNoChange("x = \"a\\\n"
+                 "b\\\n"
+                 "c\";",
+                 NoBreak);
+  verifyFormat("xxxx =\n"
+               "    \"a\\\n"
+               "b\\\n"
+               "c\";",
+               "xxxx = \"a\\\n"
+               "b\\\n"
+               "c\";",
+               Break);
+  verifyFormat("NSString *const kString =\n"
+               "    @\"aaaa\"\n"
+               "    @\"bbbb\";",
+               "NSString *const kString = @\"aaaa\"\n"
+               "@\"bbbb\";",
+               Break);
   Break.ColumnLimit = 0;
   verifyFormat("const char *hello = \"hello llvm\";", Break);
@@ -10245,9 +10148,9 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignsPipes) {
       "                    .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa();");
   // Incomplete string literal.
-  EXPECT_EQ("llvm::errs() << \"\n"
-            "             << a;",
-            format("llvm::errs() << \"\n<<a;"));
+  verifyFormat("llvm::errs() << \"\n"
+               "             << a;",
+               "llvm::errs() << \"\n<<a;");
   verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
                "  CHECK_EQ(aaaa, (*bbbbbbbbb)->cccccc)\n"
@@ -10495,14 +10398,14 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, WrapsTemplateDeclarations) {
       "                      aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa>(\n"
       "        bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb);",
-  EXPECT_EQ("static_cast<A< //\n"
-            "    B> *>(\n"
-            "\n"
-            ");",
-            format("static_cast<A<//\n"
-                   "    B>*>(\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "    );"));
+  verifyFormat("static_cast<A< //\n"
+               "    B> *>(\n"
+               "\n"
+               ");",
+               "static_cast<A<//\n"
+               "    B>*>(\n"
+               "\n"
+               "    );");
   verifyFormat("int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
                "    const typename aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
@@ -10571,52 +10474,46 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, WrapsTemplateDeclarations) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, WrapsTemplateDeclarationsWithComments) {
   FormatStyle Style = getGoogleStyle(FormatStyle::LK_Cpp);
   Style.ColumnLimit = 60;
-  EXPECT_EQ("// Baseline - no comments.\n"
-            "template <\n"
-            "    typename aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<bbbbbbbbbbbb>::value>\n"
-            "void f() {}",
-            format("// Baseline - no comments.\n"
-                   "template <\n"
-                   "    typename aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<bbbbbbbbbbbb>::value>\n"
-                   "void f() {}",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("// Baseline - no comments.\n"
+               "template <\n"
+               "    typename aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<bbbbbbbbbbbb>::value>\n"
+               "void f() {}",
+               Style);
-  EXPECT_EQ("template <\n"
-            "    typename aaaaaaaaaa<bbbbbbbbbbbb>::value>  // trailing\n"
-            "void f() {}",
-            format("template <\n"
-                   "    typename aaaaaaaaaa<bbbbbbbbbbbb>::value> // trailing\n"
-                   "void f() {}",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("template <\n"
+               "    typename aaaaaaaaaa<bbbbbbbbbbbb>::value>  // trailing\n"
+               "void f() {}",
+               "template <\n"
+               "    typename aaaaaaaaaa<bbbbbbbbbbbb>::value> // trailing\n"
+               "void f() {}",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat(
       "template <\n"
       "    typename aaaaaaaaaa<bbbbbbbbbbbb>::value> /* line */\n"
       "void f() {}",
-      format("template <typename aaaaaaaaaa<bbbbbbbbbbbb>::value>  /* line */\n"
-             "void f() {}",
-             Style));
-      "template <\n"
-      "    typename aaaaaaaaaa<bbbbbbbbbbbb>::value>  // trailing\n"
-      "                                               // multiline\n"
+      "template <typename aaaaaaaaaa<bbbbbbbbbbbb>::value>  /* line */\n"
       "void f() {}",
-      format("template <\n"
-             "    typename aaaaaaaaaa<bbbbbbbbbbbb>::value> // trailing\n"
-             "                                              // multiline\n"
-             "void f() {}",
-             Style));
+      Style);
+  verifyFormat("template <\n"
+               "    typename aaaaaaaaaa<bbbbbbbbbbbb>::value>  // trailing\n"
+               "                                               // multiline\n"
+               "void f() {}",
+               "template <\n"
+               "    typename aaaaaaaaaa<bbbbbbbbbbbb>::value> // trailing\n"
+               "                                              // multiline\n"
+               "void f() {}",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat(
       "template <typename aaaaaaaaaa<\n"
       "    bbbbbbbbbbbb>::value>  // trailing loooong\n"
       "void f() {}",
-      format(
-          "template <\n"
-          "    typename aaaaaaaaaa<bbbbbbbbbbbb>::value> // trailing loooong\n"
-          "void f() {}",
-          Style));
+      "template <\n"
+      "    typename aaaaaaaaaa<bbbbbbbbbbbb>::value> // trailing loooong\n"
+      "void f() {}",
+      Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, WrapsTemplateParameters) {
@@ -10715,12 +10612,12 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsTemplateParameters) {
   verifyGoogleFormat("A<::A> a;");
   verifyGoogleFormat("A< ::A> a;");
   verifyGoogleFormat("A< ::A<int> > a;");
-  EXPECT_EQ("A<A<A<A>>> a;", format("A<A<A<A> >> a;", getGoogleStyle()));
-  EXPECT_EQ("A<A<A<A>>> a;", format("A<A<A<A>> > a;", getGoogleStyle()));
-  EXPECT_EQ("A<::A<int>> a;", format("A< ::A<int>> a;", getGoogleStyle()));
-  EXPECT_EQ("A<::A<int>> a;", format("A<::A<int> > a;", getGoogleStyle()));
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto x = [] { A<A<A<A>>> a; };",
-            format("auto x=[]{A<A<A<A> >> a;};", getGoogleStyle()));
+  verifyFormat("A<A<A<A>>> a;", "A<A<A<A> >> a;", getGoogleStyle());
+  verifyFormat("A<A<A<A>>> a;", "A<A<A<A>> > a;", getGoogleStyle());
+  verifyFormat("A<::A<int>> a;", "A< ::A<int>> a;", getGoogleStyle());
+  verifyFormat("A<::A<int>> a;", "A<::A<int> > a;", getGoogleStyle());
+  verifyFormat("auto x = [] { A<A<A<A>>> a; };", "auto x=[]{A<A<A<A> >> a;};",
+               getGoogleStyle());
   verifyFormat("A<A<int>> a;", getChromiumStyle(FormatStyle::LK_Cpp));
@@ -10793,15 +10690,15 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsShiftOperators) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, BitshiftOperatorWidth) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a = 1 << 2; /* foo\n"
-            "                   bar */",
-            format("int    a=1<<2;  /* foo\n"
-                   "                   bar */"));
+  verifyFormat("int a = 1 << 2; /* foo\n"
+               "                   bar */",
+               "int    a=1<<2;  /* foo\n"
+               "                   bar */");
-  EXPECT_EQ("int b = 256 >> 1; /* foo\n"
-            "                     bar */",
-            format("int  b  =256>>1 ;  /* foo\n"
-                   "                      bar */"));
+  verifyFormat("int b = 256 >> 1; /* foo\n"
+               "                     bar */",
+               "int  b  =256>>1 ;  /* foo\n"
+               "                      bar */");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsBinaryOperators) {
@@ -11250,10 +11147,10 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsNewAndDelete) {
   verifyFormat("void operator delete[](void *foo) ATTRIB;");
   verifyFormat("void operator delete(void *ptr) noexcept;");
-  EXPECT_EQ("void new(link p);\n"
-            "void delete(link p);",
-            format("void new (link p);\n"
-                   "void delete (link p);"));
+  verifyFormat("void new(link p);\n"
+               "void delete(link p);",
+               "void new (link p);\n"
+               "void delete (link p);");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsUsesOfStarAndAmp) {
@@ -11641,15 +11538,15 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsUsesOfStarAndAmp) {
   verifyFormat("DatumHandle const *operator->() const { return input_; }");
   verifyFormat("return options != nullptr && operator==(*options);");
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define OP(x)                                    \\\n"
-            "  ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const A &a) {  \\\n"
-            "    return s << a.DebugString();                 \\\n"
-            "  }",
-            format("#define OP(x) \\\n"
-                   "  ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const A &a) { \\\n"
-                   "    return s << a.DebugString(); \\\n"
-                   "  }",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(50)));
+  verifyFormat("#define OP(x)                                    \\\n"
+               "  ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const A &a) {  \\\n"
+               "    return s << a.DebugString();                 \\\n"
+               "  }",
+               "#define OP(x) \\\n"
+               "  ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const A &a) { \\\n"
+               "    return s << a.DebugString(); \\\n"
+               "  }",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(50));
   verifyFormat("#define FOO             \\\n"
                "  void foo() {          \\\n"
@@ -11876,23 +11773,15 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AttributesAfterMacro) {
                "  //...\n"
-            "__attribute__((maybe_unused)) int foo() {\n"
-            "  //...\n"
-            "}",
-            format("MACRO\n\n"
-                   "__attribute__((maybe_unused)) int foo() {\n"
-                   "  //...\n"
-                   "}"));
-            "[[nodiscard]] int foo() {\n"
-            "  //...\n"
-            "}",
-            format("MACRO\n\n"
-                   "[[nodiscard]] int foo() {\n"
-                   "  //...\n"
-                   "}"));
+  verifyNoChange("MACRO\n\n"
+                 "__attribute__((maybe_unused)) int foo() {\n"
+                 "  //...\n"
+                 "}");
+  verifyNoChange("MACRO\n\n"
+                 "[[nodiscard]] int foo() {\n"
+                 "  //...\n"
+                 "}");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, AttributePenaltyBreaking) {
@@ -11926,36 +11815,36 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsEllipsis) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, AdaptivelyFormatsPointersAndReferences) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("int *a;\n"
-            "int *a;\n"
-            "int *a;",
-            format("int *a;\n"
-                   "int* a;\n"
-                   "int *a;",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int* a;\n"
-            "int* a;\n"
-            "int* a;",
-            format("int* a;\n"
-                   "int* a;\n"
-                   "int *a;",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int *a;\n"
-            "int *a;\n"
-            "int *a;",
-            format("int *a;\n"
-                   "int * a;\n"
-                   "int *  a;",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto x = [] {\n"
-            "  int *a;\n"
-            "  int *a;\n"
-            "  int *a;\n"
-            "};",
-            format("auto x=[]{int *a;\n"
-                   "int * a;\n"
-                   "int *  a;};",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
+  verifyFormat("int *a;\n"
+               "int *a;\n"
+               "int *a;",
+               "int *a;\n"
+               "int* a;\n"
+               "int *a;",
+               getGoogleStyle());
+  verifyFormat("int* a;\n"
+               "int* a;\n"
+               "int* a;",
+               "int* a;\n"
+               "int* a;\n"
+               "int *a;",
+               getGoogleStyle());
+  verifyFormat("int *a;\n"
+               "int *a;\n"
+               "int *a;",
+               "int *a;\n"
+               "int * a;\n"
+               "int *  a;",
+               getGoogleStyle());
+  verifyFormat("auto x = [] {\n"
+               "  int *a;\n"
+               "  int *a;\n"
+               "  int *a;\n"
+               "};",
+               "auto x=[]{int *a;\n"
+               "int * a;\n"
+               "int *  a;};",
+               getGoogleStyle());
 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsRvalueReferences) {
@@ -12474,29 +12363,18 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsAccessModifiers) {
   Style.EmptyLineBeforeAccessModifier = FormatStyle::ELBAMS_Leave;
-  EXPECT_EQ("struct foo {\n"
-            "\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "  void f() {}\n"
-            "\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "  int i;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "protected:\n"
-            "  int j;\n"
-            "};",
-            format("struct foo {\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "  void f() {}\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "  int i;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "protected:\n"
-                   "  int j;\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Style));
+  verifyNoChange("struct foo {\n"
+                 "\n"
+                 "private:\n"
+                 "  void f() {}\n"
+                 "\n"
+                 "private:\n"
+                 "  int i;\n"
+                 "\n"
+                 "protected:\n"
+                 "  int j;\n"
+                 "};",
+                 Style);
   verifyFormat("struct foo {\n"
                "  void f() {}\n"
@@ -12506,25 +12384,16 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsAccessModifiers) {
                "  int j;\n"
-  EXPECT_EQ("struct foo { /* comment */\n"
-            "\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "  int i;\n"
-            "  // comment\n"
-            "\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "  int j;\n"
-            "};",
-            format("struct foo { /* comment */\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "  int i;\n"
-                   "  // comment\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "  int j;\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Style));
+  verifyNoChange("struct foo { /* comment */\n"
+                 "\n"
+                 "private:\n"
+                 "  int i;\n"
+                 "  // comment\n"
+                 "\n"
+                 "private:\n"
+                 "  int j;\n"
+                 "};",
+                 Style);
   verifyFormat("struct foo { /* comment */\n"
                "  int i;\n"
@@ -12533,31 +12402,19 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsAccessModifiers) {
                "  int j;\n"
-  EXPECT_EQ("struct foo {\n"
-            "#ifdef FOO\n"
-            "#endif\n"
-            "\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "  int i;\n"
-            "#ifdef FOO\n"
-            "\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "#endif\n"
-            "  int j;\n"
-            "};",
-            format("struct foo {\n"
-                   "#ifdef FOO\n"
-                   "#endif\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "  int i;\n"
-                   "#ifdef FOO\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "#endif\n"
-                   "  int j;\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Style));
+  verifyNoChange("struct foo {\n"
+                 "#ifdef FOO\n"
+                 "#endif\n"
+                 "\n"
+                 "private:\n"
+                 "  int i;\n"
+                 "#ifdef FOO\n"
+                 "\n"
+                 "private:\n"
+                 "#endif\n"
+                 "  int j;\n"
+                 "};",
+                 Style);
   verifyFormat("struct foo {\n"
                "#ifdef FOO\n"
@@ -12713,138 +12570,102 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsAfterAccessModifiers) {
   // Check if MaxEmptyLinesToKeep is respected.
-  EXPECT_EQ("struct foo {\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "  void f() {}\n"
-            "\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "  int i;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "protected:\n"
-            "  int j;\n"
-            "};",
-            format("struct foo {\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "\n\n\n"
-                   "  void f() {}\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "\n\n\n"
-                   "  int i;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "protected:\n"
-                   "\n\n\n"
-                   "  int j;\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("struct foo {\n"
+               "private:\n"
+               "  void f() {}\n"
+               "\n"
+               "private:\n"
+               "  int i;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "protected:\n"
+               "  int j;\n"
+               "};",
+               "struct foo {\n"
+               "private:\n"
+               "\n\n\n"
+               "  void f() {}\n"
+               "\n"
+               "private:\n"
+               "\n\n\n"
+               "  int i;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "protected:\n"
+               "\n\n\n"
+               "  int j;\n"
+               "};",
+               Style);
   Style.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep = 1u;
-  EXPECT_EQ("struct foo {\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "\n"
-            "  void f() {}\n"
-            "\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "\n"
-            "  int i;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "protected:\n"
-            "\n"
-            "  int j;\n"
-            "};",
-            format("struct foo {\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "  void f() {}\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "  int i;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "protected:\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "  int j;\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Style));
+  verifyNoChange("struct foo {\n"
+                 "private:\n"
+                 "\n"
+                 "  void f() {}\n"
+                 "\n"
+                 "private:\n"
+                 "\n"
+                 "  int i;\n"
+                 "\n"
+                 "protected:\n"
+                 "\n"
+                 "  int j;\n"
+                 "};",
+                 Style);
   // Check if no lines are kept.
-  EXPECT_EQ("struct foo {\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "  void f() {}\n"
-            "\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "  int i;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "protected:\n"
-            "  int j;\n"
-            "};",
-            format("struct foo {\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "  void f() {}\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "  int i;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "protected:\n"
-                   "  int j;\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("struct foo {\n"
+               "private:\n"
+               "  void f() {}\n"
+               "\n"
+               "private:\n"
+               "  int i;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "protected:\n"
+               "  int j;\n"
+               "};",
+               Style);
   // Check if MaxEmptyLinesToKeep is respected.
-  EXPECT_EQ("struct foo {\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "\n"
-            "  void f() {}\n"
-            "\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "\n"
-            "  int i;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "protected:\n"
-            "\n"
-            "  int j;\n"
-            "};",
-            format("struct foo {\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "\n\n\n"
-                   "  void f() {}\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "\n\n\n"
-                   "  int i;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "protected:\n"
-                   "\n\n\n"
-                   "  int j;\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("struct foo {\n"
+               "private:\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  void f() {}\n"
+               "\n"
+               "private:\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  int i;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "protected:\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  int j;\n"
+               "};",
+               "struct foo {\n"
+               "private:\n"
+               "\n\n\n"
+               "  void f() {}\n"
+               "\n"
+               "private:\n"
+               "\n\n\n"
+               "  int i;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "protected:\n"
+               "\n\n\n"
+               "  int j;\n"
+               "};",
+               Style);
   Style.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep = 10u;
-  EXPECT_EQ("struct foo {\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "\n\n\n"
-            "  void f() {}\n"
-            "\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "\n\n\n"
-            "  int i;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "protected:\n"
-            "\n\n\n"
-            "  int j;\n"
-            "};",
-            format("struct foo {\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "\n\n\n"
-                   "  void f() {}\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "\n\n\n"
-                   "  int i;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "protected:\n"
-                   "\n\n\n"
-                   "  int j;\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Style));
+  verifyNoChange("struct foo {\n"
+                 "private:\n"
+                 "\n\n\n"
+                 "  void f() {}\n"
+                 "\n"
+                 "private:\n"
+                 "\n\n\n"
+                 "  int i;\n"
+                 "\n"
+                 "protected:\n"
+                 "\n\n\n"
+                 "  int j;\n"
+                 "};",
+                 Style);
   // Test with comments.
   Style = getLLVMStyle();
@@ -13048,89 +12869,59 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsAfterAndBeforeAccessModifiersInteraction) {
   Style.EmptyLineBeforeAccessModifier = FormatStyle::ELBAMS_Leave;
   Style.EmptyLineAfterAccessModifier = FormatStyle::ELAAMS_Leave;
   Style.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep = 10u;
-  EXPECT_EQ("struct foo {\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "\n\n\n"
-            "protected:\n"
-            "};",
-            format("struct foo {\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "\n\n\n"
-                   "protected:\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Style));
+  verifyNoChange("struct foo {\n"
+                 "private:\n"
+                 "\n\n\n"
+                 "protected:\n"
+                 "};",
+                 Style);
   Style.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep = 3u;
-  EXPECT_EQ("struct foo {\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "\n\n\n"
-            "protected:\n"
-            "};",
-            format("struct foo {\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "\n\n\n"
-                   "protected:\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Style));
+  verifyNoChange("struct foo {\n"
+                 "private:\n"
+                 "\n\n\n"
+                 "protected:\n"
+                 "};",
+                 Style);
   Style.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep = 1u;
-  EXPECT_EQ("struct foo {\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "\n\n\n"
-            "protected:\n"
-            "};",
-            format("struct foo {\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "\n\n\n"
-                   "protected:\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Style)); // Based on new lines in original document and not
-                            // on the setting.
+  verifyNoChange("struct foo {\n"
+                 "private:\n"
+                 "\n\n\n"
+                 "protected:\n"
+                 "};",
+                 Style); // Based on new lines in original document and not
+                         // on the setting.
   Style.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep = 10u;
   Style.EmptyLineBeforeAccessModifier = FormatStyle::ELBAMS_Always;
   Style.EmptyLineAfterAccessModifier = FormatStyle::ELAAMS_Leave;
   // Newlines are kept if they are greater than zero,
   // test::messUp removes all new lines which changes the logic
-  EXPECT_EQ("struct foo {\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "\n\n\n"
-            "protected:\n"
-            "};",
-            format("struct foo {\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "\n\n\n"
-                   "protected:\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Style));
+  verifyNoChange("struct foo {\n"
+                 "private:\n"
+                 "\n\n\n"
+                 "protected:\n"
+                 "};",
+                 Style);
   Style.EmptyLineBeforeAccessModifier = FormatStyle::ELBAMS_Leave;
   Style.EmptyLineAfterAccessModifier = FormatStyle::ELAAMS_Always;
   // test::messUp removes all new lines which changes the logic
-  EXPECT_EQ("struct foo {\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "\n\n\n"
-            "protected:\n"
-            "};",
-            format("struct foo {\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "\n\n\n"
-                   "protected:\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Style));
+  verifyNoChange("struct foo {\n"
+                 "private:\n"
+                 "\n\n\n"
+                 "protected:\n"
+                 "};",
+                 Style);
   Style.EmptyLineBeforeAccessModifier = FormatStyle::ELBAMS_Leave;
   Style.EmptyLineAfterAccessModifier = FormatStyle::ELAAMS_Never;
-  EXPECT_EQ("struct foo {\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "\n\n\n"
-            "protected:\n"
-            "};",
-            format("struct foo {\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "\n\n\n"
-                   "protected:\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Style)); // test::messUp removes all new lines which changes
-                            // the logic.
+  verifyNoChange("struct foo {\n"
+                 "private:\n"
+                 "\n\n\n"
+                 "protected:\n"
+                 "};",
+                 Style); // test::messUp removes all new lines which changes
+                         // the logic.
   Style.EmptyLineBeforeAccessModifier = FormatStyle::ELBAMS_Never;
   Style.EmptyLineAfterAccessModifier = FormatStyle::ELAAMS_Leave;
@@ -13147,18 +12938,13 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsAfterAndBeforeAccessModifiersInteraction) {
   Style.EmptyLineBeforeAccessModifier = FormatStyle::ELBAMS_Always;
   Style.EmptyLineAfterAccessModifier = FormatStyle::ELAAMS_Never;
-  EXPECT_EQ("struct foo {\n"
-            "private:\n"
-            "\n\n\n"
-            "protected:\n"
-            "};",
-            format("struct foo {\n"
-                   "private:\n"
-                   "\n\n\n"
-                   "protected:\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Style)); // test::messUp removes all new lines which changes
-                            // the logic.
+  verifyNoChange("struct foo {\n"
+                 "private:\n"
+                 "\n\n\n"
+                 "protected:\n"
+                 "};",
+                 Style); // test::messUp removes all new lines which changes
+                         // the logic.
   Style.EmptyLineBeforeAccessModifier = FormatStyle::ELBAMS_Never;
   Style.EmptyLineAfterAccessModifier = FormatStyle::ELAAMS_Always;
@@ -13267,8 +13053,8 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, HandlesIncludeDirectives) {
                "#include \"some very long include path\"\n"
                "#include <some/very/long/include/path>",
-  EXPECT_EQ("#include \"a.h\"", format("#include  \"a.h\""));
-  EXPECT_EQ("#include <a>", format("#include<a>"));
+  verifyFormat("#include \"a.h\"", "#include  \"a.h\"");
+  verifyFormat("#include <a>", "#include<a>");
   verifyFormat("#import <string>");
   verifyFormat("#import <a/b/c.h>");
@@ -13334,21 +13120,21 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, IncorrectCodeTrailingStuff) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, IncorrectCodeMissingSemicolon) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("void f() { return }", format("void  f ( )  {  return  }"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("void f() {\n"
-            "  if (a)\n"
-            "    return\n"
-            "}",
-            format("void  f  (  )  {  if  ( a )  return  }"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace N {\n"
-            "void f()\n"
-            "}",
-            format("namespace  N  {  void f()  }"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace N {\n"
-            "void f() {}\n"
-            "void g()\n"
-            "} // namespace N",
-            format("namespace N  { void f( ) { } void g( ) }"));
+  verifyFormat("void f() { return }", "void  f ( )  {  return  }");
+  verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
+               "  if (a)\n"
+               "    return\n"
+               "}",
+               "void  f  (  )  {  if  ( a )  return  }");
+  verifyFormat("namespace N {\n"
+               "void f()\n"
+               "}",
+               "namespace  N  {  void f()  }");
+  verifyFormat("namespace N {\n"
+               "void f() {}\n"
+               "void g()\n"
+               "} // namespace N",
+               "namespace N  { void f( ) { } void g( ) }");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, IndentationWithinColumnLimitNotPossible) {
@@ -13424,21 +13210,21 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, DoesNotTouchUnwrappedLinesWithErrors) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, IncorrectCodeErrorDetection) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n  {}", format("{\n{\n}"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n  {}", format("{\n  {\n}"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n  {}", format("{\n  {\n  }"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n  {}\n}\n}", format("{\n  {\n    }\n  }\n}"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "  {\n"
-            "    breakme(\n"
-            "        qwe);\n"
-            "  }",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "    {\n"
-                   " breakme(qwe);\n"
-                   "}",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
+  verifyFormat("{\n  {}", "{\n{\n}");
+  verifyFormat("{\n  {}", "{\n  {\n}");
+  verifyFormat("{\n  {}", "{\n  {\n  }");
+  verifyFormat("{\n  {}\n}\n}", "{\n  {\n    }\n  }\n}");
+  verifyFormat("{\n"
+               "  {\n"
+               "    breakme(\n"
+               "        qwe);\n"
+               "  }",
+               "{\n"
+               "    {\n"
+               " breakme(qwe);\n"
+               "}",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10));
 TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutCallsInsideBraceInitializers) {
@@ -13590,14 +13376,14 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutCxx11BraceInitializers) {
   NoBinPacking.AlignAfterOpenBracket = FormatStyle::BAS_AlwaysBreak;
-  EXPECT_EQ("static uint8 CddDp83848Reg[] = {\n"
-            "    CDDDP83848_BMCR_REGISTER,\n"
-            "    CDDDP83848_BMSR_REGISTER,\n"
-            "    CDDDP83848_RBR_REGISTER};",
-            format("static uint8 CddDp83848Reg[] = {CDDDP83848_BMCR_REGISTER,\n"
-                   "                                CDDDP83848_BMSR_REGISTER,\n"
-                   "                                CDDDP83848_RBR_REGISTER};",
-                   NoBinPacking));
+  verifyFormat("static uint8 CddDp83848Reg[] = {\n"
+               "    CDDDP83848_BMCR_REGISTER,\n"
+               "    CDDDP83848_BMSR_REGISTER,\n"
+               "    CDDDP83848_RBR_REGISTER};",
+               "static uint8 CddDp83848Reg[] = {CDDDP83848_BMCR_REGISTER,\n"
+               "                                CDDDP83848_BMSR_REGISTER,\n"
+               "                                CDDDP83848_RBR_REGISTER};",
+               NoBinPacking);
   // FIXME: The alignment of these trailing comments might be bad. Then again,
   // this might be utterly useless in real code.
@@ -13609,34 +13395,34 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutCxx11BraceInitializers) {
   // In braced lists, the first comment is always assumed to belong to the
   // first element. Thus, it can be moved to the next or previous line as
   // appropriate.
-  EXPECT_EQ("function({// First element:\n"
-            "          1,\n"
-            "          // Second element:\n"
-            "          2});",
-            format("function({\n"
-                   "    // First element:\n"
-                   "    1,\n"
-                   "    // Second element:\n"
-                   "    2});"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("std::vector<int> MyNumbers{\n"
-            "    // First element:\n"
-            "    1,\n"
-            "    // Second element:\n"
-            "    2};",
-            format("std::vector<int> MyNumbers{// First element:\n"
-                   "                           1,\n"
-                   "                           // Second element:\n"
-                   "                           2};",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(30)));
+  verifyFormat("function({// First element:\n"
+               "          1,\n"
+               "          // Second element:\n"
+               "          2});",
+               "function({\n"
+               "    // First element:\n"
+               "    1,\n"
+               "    // Second element:\n"
+               "    2});");
+  verifyFormat("std::vector<int> MyNumbers{\n"
+               "    // First element:\n"
+               "    1,\n"
+               "    // Second element:\n"
+               "    2};",
+               "std::vector<int> MyNumbers{// First element:\n"
+               "                           1,\n"
+               "                           // Second element:\n"
+               "                           2};",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(30));
   // A trailing comma should still lead to an enforced line break and no
   // binpacking.
-  EXPECT_EQ("vector<int> SomeVector = {\n"
-            "    // aaa\n"
-            "    1,\n"
-            "    2,\n"
-            "};",
-            format("vector<int> SomeVector = { // aaa\n"
-                   "    1, 2, };"));
+  verifyFormat("vector<int> SomeVector = {\n"
+               "    // aaa\n"
+               "    1,\n"
+               "    2,\n"
+               "};",
+               "vector<int> SomeVector = { // aaa\n"
+               "    1, 2, };");
   // C++11 brace initializer list l-braces should not be treated any 
diff erently
   // when breaking before lambda bodies is enabled
@@ -13737,20 +13523,20 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutCxx11BraceInitializers) {
                "                 1, 2, 3, 4 };",
   SpaceBetweenBraces.ColumnLimit = 20;
-  EXPECT_EQ("vector< int > x{\n"
-            "    1, 2, 3, 4 };",
-            format("vector<int>x{1,2,3,4};", SpaceBetweenBraces));
+  verifyFormat("vector< int > x{\n"
+               "    1, 2, 3, 4 };",
+               "vector<int>x{1,2,3,4};", SpaceBetweenBraces);
   SpaceBetweenBraces.ColumnLimit = 24;
-  EXPECT_EQ("vector< int > x{ 1, 2,\n"
-            "                 3, 4 };",
-            format("vector<int>x{1,2,3,4};", SpaceBetweenBraces));
-  EXPECT_EQ("vector< int > x{\n"
-            "    1,\n"
-            "    2,\n"
-            "    3,\n"
-            "    4,\n"
-            "};",
-            format("vector<int>x{1,2,3,4,};", SpaceBetweenBraces));
+  verifyFormat("vector< int > x{ 1, 2,\n"
+               "                 3, 4 };",
+               "vector<int>x{1,2,3,4};", SpaceBetweenBraces);
+  verifyFormat("vector< int > x{\n"
+               "    1,\n"
+               "    2,\n"
+               "    3,\n"
+               "    4,\n"
+               "};",
+               "vector<int>x{1,2,3,4,};", SpaceBetweenBraces);
   verifyFormat("vector< int > x{};", SpaceBetweenBraces);
   SpaceBetweenBraces.SpacesInParens = FormatStyle::SIPO_Custom;
   SpaceBetweenBraces.SpacesInParensOptions.InEmptyParentheses = true;
@@ -13979,15 +13765,15 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, PullTrivialFunctionDefinitionsIntoSingleLine) {
   FormatStyle NoColumnLimit = getLLVMStyleWithColumns(0);
-  EXPECT_EQ("A() : b(0) {}", format("A():b(0){}", NoColumnLimit));
-  EXPECT_EQ("class C {\n"
-            "  A() : b(0) {}\n"
-            "};",
-            format("class C{A():b(0){}};", NoColumnLimit));
-  EXPECT_EQ("A()\n"
-            "    : b(0) {\n"
-            "}",
-            format("A()\n:b(0)\n{\n}", NoColumnLimit));
+  verifyFormat("A() : b(0) {}", "A():b(0){}", NoColumnLimit);
+  verifyFormat("class C {\n"
+               "  A() : b(0) {}\n"
+               "};",
+               "class C{A():b(0){}};", NoColumnLimit);
+  verifyFormat("A()\n"
+               "    : b(0) {\n"
+               "}",
+               "A()\n:b(0)\n{\n}", NoColumnLimit);
   FormatStyle NoColumnLimitWrapAfterFunction = NoColumnLimit;
   NoColumnLimitWrapAfterFunction.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_Custom;
@@ -14006,14 +13792,14 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, PullTrivialFunctionDefinitionsIntoSingleLine) {
   FormatStyle DoNotMergeNoColumnLimit = NoColumnLimit;
   DoNotMergeNoColumnLimit.AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine =
-  EXPECT_EQ("A()\n"
-            "    : b(0) {\n"
-            "}",
-            format("A():b(0){}", DoNotMergeNoColumnLimit));
-  EXPECT_EQ("A()\n"
-            "    : b(0) {\n"
-            "}",
-            format("A()\n:b(0)\n{\n}", DoNotMergeNoColumnLimit));
+  verifyFormat("A()\n"
+               "    : b(0) {\n"
+               "}",
+               "A():b(0){}", DoNotMergeNoColumnLimit);
+  verifyFormat("A()\n"
+               "    : b(0) {\n"
+               "}",
+               "A()\n:b(0)\n{\n}", DoNotMergeNoColumnLimit);
   verifyFormat("#define A          \\\n"
                "  void f() {       \\\n"
@@ -14642,10 +14428,9 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandContextOfRecordTypeKeywords) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, DoNotInterfereWithErrorAndWarning) {
   verifyNoChange("#error Leave     all         white!!!!! space* alone!");
-  EXPECT_EQ("#warning Leave     all         white!!!!! space* alone!",
-            format("#warning Leave     all         white!!!!! space* alone!"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("#error 1", format("  #  error   1"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("#warning 1", format("  #  warning 1"));
+  verifyNoChange("#warning Leave     all         white!!!!! space* alone!");
+  verifyFormat("#error 1", "  #  error   1");
+  verifyFormat("#warning 1", "  #  warning 1");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatHashIfExpressions) {
@@ -14669,8 +14454,7 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, MergeHandlingInTheFaceOfPreprocessorDirectives) {
   verifyFormat("void f() { f(); }\n#error E", AllowsMergedIf);
   verifyFormat("if (true) return 42;\n#error E", AllowsMergedIf);
   verifyFormat("if (true)\n#error E\n  return 42;", AllowsMergedIf);
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (true) return 42;",
-            format("if (true)\nreturn 42;", AllowsMergedIf));
+  verifyFormat("if (true) return 42;", "if (true)\nreturn 42;", AllowsMergedIf);
   FormatStyle ShortMergedIf = AllowsMergedIf;
   ShortMergedIf.ColumnLimit = 25;
   verifyFormat("#define A \\\n"
@@ -14781,21 +14565,19 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, SkipsDeeplyNestedLines) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatForObjectiveCMethodDecls) {
   verifyFormat("- (void)sendAction:(SEL)aSelector to:(BOOL)anObject;");
-  EXPECT_EQ("- (NSUInteger)indexOfObject:(id)anObject;",
-            format("-(NSUInteger)indexOfObject:(id)anObject;"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("- (NSInteger)Mthod1;", format("-(NSInteger)Mthod1;"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("+ (id)Mthod2;", format("+(id)Mthod2;"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("- (NSInteger)Method3:(id)anObject;",
-            format("-(NSInteger)Method3:(id)anObject;"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("- (NSInteger)Method4:(id)anObject;",
-            format("-(NSInteger)Method4:(id)anObject;"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("- (NSInteger)Method5:(id)anObject:(id)AnotherObject;",
-            format("-(NSInteger)Method5:(id)anObject:(id)AnotherObject;"));
+  verifyFormat("- (NSUInteger)indexOfObject:(id)anObject;",
+               "-(NSUInteger)indexOfObject:(id)anObject;");
+  verifyFormat("- (NSInteger)Mthod1;", "-(NSInteger)Mthod1;");
+  verifyFormat("+ (id)Mthod2;", "+(id)Mthod2;");
+  verifyFormat("- (NSInteger)Method3:(id)anObject;",
+               "-(NSInteger)Method3:(id)anObject;");
+  verifyFormat("- (NSInteger)Method4:(id)anObject;",
+               "-(NSInteger)Method4:(id)anObject;");
+  verifyFormat("- (NSInteger)Method5:(id)anObject:(id)AnotherObject;",
+               "-(NSInteger)Method5:(id)anObject:(id)AnotherObject;");
   verifyFormat("- (id)Method6:(id)A:(id)B:(id)C:(id)D;");
-  EXPECT_EQ("- (void)sendAction:(SEL)aSelector to:(id)anObject "
-            "forAllCells:(BOOL)flag;",
-            format("- (void)sendAction:(SEL)aSelector to:(id)anObject "
-                   "forAllCells:(BOOL)flag;"));
+  verifyFormat("- (void)sendAction:(SEL)aSelector to:(id)anObject "
+               "forAllCells:(BOOL)flag;");
   // Very long objectiveC method declaration.
   verifyFormat("- (void)aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:\n"
@@ -14847,87 +14629,91 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatForObjectiveCMethodDecls) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksStringLiterals) {
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
   EXPECT_EQ("\"some text \"\n"
             format("\"some text other\";", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12)));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
   EXPECT_EQ("\"some text \"\n"
             format("\\\n\"some text other\";", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12)));
-      "#define A  \\\n"
-      "  \"some \"  \\\n"
-      "  \"text \"  \\\n"
-      "  \"other\";",
-      format("#define A \"some text other\";", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12)));
-      "#define A  \\\n"
-      "  \"so \"    \\\n"
-      "  \"text \"  \\\n"
-      "  \"other\";",
-      format("#define A \"so text other\";", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12)));
+  verifyFormat("#define A  \\\n"
+               "  \"some \"  \\\n"
+               "  \"text \"  \\\n"
+               "  \"other\";",
+               "#define A \"some text other\";", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12));
+  verifyFormat("#define A  \\\n"
+               "  \"so \"    \\\n"
+               "  \"text \"  \\\n"
+               "  \"other\";",
+               "#define A \"so text other\";", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12));
   verifyFormat("\"some text\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(1));
   verifyFormat("\"some text\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
   EXPECT_EQ("\"some \"\n"
             format("\"some text\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
   EXPECT_EQ("\"some \"\n"
             format("\"some text\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(7)));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
             "\" tex\"\n"
             format("\"some text\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(6)));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
             "\" tex\"\n"
             "\" and\"",
             format("\"some tex and\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(6)));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
             format("\"some/tex/and\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(6)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("variable =\n"
-            "    \"long string \"\n"
-            "    \"literal\";",
-            format("variable = \"long string literal\";",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  verifyFormat("variable =\n"
+               "    \"long string \"\n"
+               "    \"literal\";",
+               "variable = \"long string literal\";",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
-  EXPECT_EQ("variable = f(\n"
-            "    \"long string \"\n"
-            "    \"literal\",\n"
-            "    short,\n"
-            "    loooooooooooooooooooong);",
-            format("variable = f(\"long string literal\", short, "
-                   "loooooooooooooooooooong);",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  verifyFormat("variable = f(\n"
+               "    \"long string \"\n"
+               "    \"literal\",\n"
+               "    short,\n"
+               "    loooooooooooooooooooong);",
+               "variable = f(\"long string literal\", short, "
+               "loooooooooooooooooooong);",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
-      "f(g(\"long string \"\n"
-      "    \"literal\"),\n"
-      "  b);",
-      format("f(g(\"long string literal\"), b);", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("f(g(\"long string \"\n"
-            "    \"literal\",\n"
-            "    a),\n"
-            "  b);",
-            format("f(g(\"long string literal\", a), b);",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
-      "f(\"one two\".split(\n"
-      "    variable));",
-      format("f(\"one two\".split(variable));", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("f(\"one two three four five six \"\n"
-            "  \"seven\".split(\n"
-            "      really_looooong_variable));",
-            format("f(\"one two three four five six seven\"."
-                   "split(really_looooong_variable));",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(33)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("f(\"some \"\n"
-            "  \"text\",\n"
-            "  other);",
-            format("f(\"some text\", other);", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
+  verifyFormat("f(g(\"long string \"\n"
+               "    \"literal\"),\n"
+               "  b);",
+               "f(g(\"long string literal\"), b);",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
+  verifyFormat("f(g(\"long string \"\n"
+               "    \"literal\",\n"
+               "    a),\n"
+               "  b);",
+               "f(g(\"long string literal\", a), b);",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
+  verifyFormat("f(\"one two\".split(\n"
+               "    variable));",
+               "f(\"one two\".split(variable));", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
+  verifyFormat("f(\"one two three four five six \"\n"
+               "  \"seven\".split(\n"
+               "      really_looooong_variable));",
+               "f(\"one two three four five six seven\"."
+               "split(really_looooong_variable));",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(33));
+  verifyFormat("f(\"some \"\n"
+               "  \"text\",\n"
+               "  other);",
+               "f(\"some text\", other);", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10));
   // Only break as a last resort.
@@ -14935,20 +14721,24 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksStringLiterals) {
       "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
       "    aaaaaa(\"aaa aaaaa aaa aaa aaaaa aaa aaaaa aaa aaa aaaaaa\"));");
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
             format("\"splitmeatrandompoint\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
             format("\"split/pathat/slashes\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
             format("\"split/pathat/slashes\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
   EXPECT_EQ("\"split at \"\n"
@@ -14966,30 +14756,30 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksStringLiterals) {
   // Verify that splitting the strings understands
   // Style::AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings.
-  EXPECT_EQ("aaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
-            "    \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa \"\n"
-            "    \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\");",
-            format("aaaaaaaaaaaa(\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "
-                   "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "
-                   "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\");",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
-  EXPECT_EQ("return \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa \"\n"
-            "       \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";",
-            format("return \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "
-                   "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "
-                   "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
-  EXPECT_EQ("llvm::outs() << \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa \"\n"
-            "                \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";",
-            format("llvm::outs() << "
-                   "\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
-                   "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("ffff(\n"
-            "    {\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa \"\n"
-            "     \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\"});",
-            format("ffff({\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "
-                   "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\"});",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
+  verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
+               "    \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa \"\n"
+               "    \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\");",
+               "aaaaaaaaaaaa(\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "
+               "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "
+               "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\");",
+               getGoogleStyle());
+  verifyFormat("return \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa \"\n"
+               "       \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";",
+               "return \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "
+               "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "
+               "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";",
+               getGoogleStyle());
+  verifyFormat("llvm::outs() << \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa \"\n"
+               "                \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";",
+               "llvm::outs() << "
+               "\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
+               "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";");
+  verifyFormat("ffff(\n"
+               "    {\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa \"\n"
+               "     \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\"});",
+               "ffff({\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "
+               "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\"});",
+               getGoogleStyle());
   FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12);
   Style.BreakStringLiterals = false;
@@ -14997,27 +14787,28 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksStringLiterals) {
   FormatStyle AlignLeft = getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12);
   AlignLeft.AlignEscapedNewlines = FormatStyle::ENAS_Left;
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A \\\n"
-            "  \"some \" \\\n"
-            "  \"text \" \\\n"
-            "  \"other\";",
-            format("#define A \"some text other\";", AlignLeft));
+  verifyFormat("#define A \\\n"
+               "  \"some \" \\\n"
+               "  \"text \" \\\n"
+               "  \"other\";",
+               "#define A \"some text other\";", AlignLeft);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksStringLiteralsAtColumnLimit) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("C a = \"some more \"\n"
-            "      \"text\";",
-            format("C a = \"some more text\";", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(18)));
+  verifyFormat("C a = \"some more \"\n"
+               "      \"text\";",
+               "C a = \"some more text\";", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(18));
 TEST_F(FormatTest, FullyRemoveEmptyLines) {
   FormatStyle NoEmptyLines = getLLVMStyleWithColumns(80);
   NoEmptyLines.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep = 0;
-  EXPECT_EQ("int i = a(b());",
-            format("int i=a(\n\n b(\n\n\n )\n\n);", NoEmptyLines));
+  verifyFormat("int i = a(b());", "int i=a(\n\n b(\n\n\n )\n\n);",
+               NoEmptyLines);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksStringLiteralsWithTabs) {
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
@@ -15028,24 +14819,28 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksStringLiteralsWithTabs) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksWideAndNSStringLiterals) {
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
       "u8\"utf8 string \"\n"
       format("u8\"utf8 string literal\";", getGoogleStyleWithColumns(16)));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
       "u\"utf16 string \"\n"
       format("u\"utf16 string literal\";", getGoogleStyleWithColumns(16)));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
       "U\"utf32 string \"\n"
       format("U\"utf32 string literal\";", getGoogleStyleWithColumns(16)));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
   EXPECT_EQ("L\"wide string \"\n"
             format("L\"wide string literal\";", getGoogleStyleWithColumns(16)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("@\"NSString \"\n"
-            "@\"literal\";",
-            format("@\"NSString literal\";", getGoogleStyleWithColumns(19)));
+  verifyFormat("@\"NSString \"\n"
+               "@\"literal\";",
+               "@\"NSString literal\";", getGoogleStyleWithColumns(19));
   verifyFormat(R"(NSString *s = @"那那那那";)", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(26));
   // This input makes clang-format try to split the incomplete unicode escape
@@ -15066,16 +14861,17 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, DoesNotBreakRawStringLiterals) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksStringLiteralsWithin_TMacro) {
   FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20);
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
       format("  _T(\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\")", Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("f(x,\n"
-            "  _T(\"aaaaaaaaaaaa\")\n"
-            "  _T(\"aaa\"),\n"
-            "  z);",
-            format("f(x, _T(\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\"), z);", Style));
+  verifyFormat("f(x,\n"
+               "  _T(\"aaaaaaaaaaaa\")\n"
+               "  _T(\"aaa\"),\n"
+               "  z);",
+               "f(x, _T(\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\"), z);", Style);
   // FIXME: Handle embedded spaces in one iteration.
   //  EXPECT_EQ("_T(\"aaaaaaaaaaaaa\")\n"
@@ -15084,25 +14880,24 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksStringLiteralsWithin_TMacro) {
   //            "_T(\"a\")",
   //            format("  _T ( \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\" )",
   //                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
-      "_T ( \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\" )",
-      format("  _T ( \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\" )", Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("f(\n"
-            "#if !TEST\n"
-            "#endif\n"
-            ");",
-            format("f(\n"
-                   "#if !TEST\n"
-                   "_T(\"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXn\")\n"
-                   "#endif\n"
-                   ");"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("f(\n"
-            "\n"
-            "    _T(\"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXn\"));",
-            format("f(\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "_T(\"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXn\"));"));
+  verifyFormat("_T ( \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\" )",
+               "  _T ( \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\" )", Style);
+  verifyFormat("f(\n"
+               "#if !TEST\n"
+               "    _T(\"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXn\")\n"
+               "#endif\n"
+               ");",
+               "f(\n"
+               "#if !TEST\n"
+               "#endif\n"
+               ");");
+  verifyFormat("f(\n"
+               "\n"
+               "    _T(\"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXn\"));",
+               "f(\n"
+               "\n"
+               "_T(\"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXn\"));");
   // Regression test for accessing tokens past the end of a vector in the
   // TokenLexer.
@@ -15114,84 +14909,82 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksStringLiteralsWithin_TMacro) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksStringLiteralOperands) {
   // In a function call with two operands, the second can be broken with no line
   // break before it.
-      "func(a, \"long long \"\n"
-      "        \"long long\");",
-      format("func(a, \"long long long long\");", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(24)));
+  verifyFormat("func(a, \"long long \"\n"
+               "        \"long long\");",
+               "func(a, \"long long long long\");",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(24));
   // In a function call with three operands, the second must be broken with a
   // line break before it.
-  EXPECT_EQ("func(a,\n"
-            "     \"long long long \"\n"
-            "     \"long\",\n"
-            "     c);",
-            format("func(a, \"long long long long\", c);",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(24)));
+  verifyFormat("func(a,\n"
+               "     \"long long long \"\n"
+               "     \"long\",\n"
+               "     c);",
+               "func(a, \"long long long long\", c);",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(24));
   // In a function call with three operands, the third must be broken with a
   // line break before it.
-  EXPECT_EQ("func(a, b,\n"
-            "     \"long long long \"\n"
-            "     \"long\");",
-            format("func(a, b, \"long long long long\");",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(24)));
+  verifyFormat("func(a, b,\n"
+               "     \"long long long \"\n"
+               "     \"long\");",
+               "func(a, b, \"long long long long\");",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(24));
   // In a function call with three operands, both the second and the third must
   // be broken with a line break before them.
-  EXPECT_EQ("func(a,\n"
-            "     \"long long long \"\n"
-            "     \"long\",\n"
-            "     \"long long long \"\n"
-            "     \"long\");",
-            format("func(a, \"long long long long\", \"long long long long\");",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(24)));
+  verifyFormat("func(a,\n"
+               "     \"long long long \"\n"
+               "     \"long\",\n"
+               "     \"long long long \"\n"
+               "     \"long\");",
+               "func(a, \"long long long long\", \"long long long long\");",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(24));
   // In a chain of << with two operands, the second can be broken with no line
   // break before it.
-  EXPECT_EQ("a << \"line line \"\n"
-            "     \"line\";",
-            format("a << \"line line line\";", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  verifyFormat("a << \"line line \"\n"
+               "     \"line\";",
+               "a << \"line line line\";", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
   // In a chain of << with three operands, the second can be broken with no line
   // break before it.
-      "abcde << \"line \"\n"
-      "         \"line line\"\n"
-      "      << c;",
-      format("abcde << \"line line line\" << c;", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  verifyFormat("abcde << \"line \"\n"
+               "         \"line line\"\n"
+               "      << c;",
+               "abcde << \"line line line\" << c;",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
   // In a chain of << with three operands, the third must be broken with a line
   // break before it.
-      "a << b\n"
-      "  << \"line line \"\n"
-      "     \"line\";",
-      format("a << b << \"line line line\";", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  verifyFormat("a << b\n"
+               "  << \"line line \"\n"
+               "     \"line\";",
+               "a << b << \"line line line\";", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
   // In a chain of << with three operands, the second can be broken with no line
   // break before it and the third must be broken with a line break before it.
-  EXPECT_EQ("abcd << \"line line \"\n"
-            "        \"line\"\n"
-            "     << \"line line \"\n"
-            "        \"line\";",
-            format("abcd << \"line line line\" << \"line line line\";",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  verifyFormat("abcd << \"line line \"\n"
+               "        \"line\"\n"
+               "     << \"line line \"\n"
+               "        \"line\";",
+               "abcd << \"line line line\" << \"line line line\";",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
   // In a chain of binary operators with two operands, the second can be broken
   // with no line break before it.
-      "abcd + \"line line \"\n"
-      "       \"line line\";",
-      format("abcd + \"line line line line\";", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  verifyFormat("abcd + \"line line \"\n"
+               "       \"line line\";",
+               "abcd + \"line line line line\";", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
   // In a chain of binary operators with three operands, the second must be
   // broken with a line break before it.
-  EXPECT_EQ("abcd +\n"
-            "    \"line line \"\n"
-            "    \"line line\" +\n"
-            "    e;",
-            format("abcd + \"line line line line\" + e;",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  verifyFormat("abcd +\n"
+               "    \"line line \"\n"
+               "    \"line line\" +\n"
+               "    e;",
+               "abcd + \"line line line line\" + e;",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
   // In a function call with two operands, with AlignAfterOpenBracket enabled,
   // the first must be broken with a line break before it.
   FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25);
   Style.AlignAfterOpenBracket = FormatStyle::BAS_AlwaysBreak;
-  EXPECT_EQ("someFunction(\n"
-            "    \"long long long \"\n"
-            "    \"long\",\n"
-            "    a);",
-            format("someFunction(\"long long long long\", a);", Style));
+  verifyFormat("someFunction(\n"
+               "    \"long long long \"\n"
+               "    \"long\",\n"
+               "    a);",
+               "someFunction(\"long long long long\", a);", Style);
   Style.AlignAfterOpenBracket = FormatStyle::BAS_BlockIndent;
                "    \"long long long \"\n"
@@ -15202,80 +14995,76 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksStringLiteralOperands) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, DontSplitStringLiteralsWithEscapedNewlines) {
-      "aaaaaaaaaaa = \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\\n"
-      "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\\n"
-      "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";",
-      format("aaaaaaaaaaa  =  \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\\n"
-             "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\\n"
-             "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";"));
+  verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaa = \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\\n"
+               "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\\n"
+               "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";",
+               "aaaaaaaaaaa  =  \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\\n"
+               "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\\n"
+               "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\";");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, CountsCharactersInMultilineRawStringLiterals) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("f(g(R\"x(raw literal)x\", a), b);",
-            format("f(g(R\"x(raw literal)x\",   a), b);", getGoogleStyle()));
-  EXPECT_EQ("fffffffffff(g(R\"x(\n"
-            "multiline raw string literal xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
-            ")x\",\n"
-            "              a),\n"
-            "            b);",
-            format("fffffffffff(g(R\"x(\n"
-                   "multiline raw string literal xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
-                   ")x\", a), b);",
-                   getGoogleStyleWithColumns(20)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("fffffffffff(\n"
-            "    g(R\"x(qqq\n"
-            "multiline raw string literal xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
-            ")x\",\n"
-            "      a),\n"
-            "    b);",
-            format("fffffffffff(g(R\"x(qqq\n"
-                   "multiline raw string literal xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
-                   ")x\", a), b);",
-                   getGoogleStyleWithColumns(20)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("fffffffffff(R\"x(\n"
-            "multiline raw string literal xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
-            ")x\");",
-            format("fffffffffff(R\"x(\n"
-                   "multiline raw string literal xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
-                   ")x\");",
-                   getGoogleStyleWithColumns(20)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("fffffffffff(R\"x(\n"
-            "multiline raw string literal xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
-            ")x\" + bbbbbb);",
-            format("fffffffffff(R\"x(\n"
-                   "multiline raw string literal xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
-                   ")x\" +   bbbbbb);",
-                   getGoogleStyleWithColumns(20)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("fffffffffff(\n"
-            "    R\"x(\n"
-            "multiline raw string literal xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
-            ")x\" +\n"
-            "    bbbbbb);",
-            format("fffffffffff(\n"
-                   " R\"x(\n"
-                   "multiline raw string literal xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
-                   ")x\" + bbbbbb);",
-                   getGoogleStyleWithColumns(20)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("fffffffffff(R\"(single line raw string)\" + bbbbbb);",
-            format("fffffffffff(\n"
-                   " R\"(single line raw string)\" + bbbbbb);"));
+  verifyFormat("f(g(R\"x(raw literal)x\", a), b);",
+               "f(g(R\"x(raw literal)x\",   a), b);", getGoogleStyle());
+  verifyFormat("fffffffffff(g(R\"x(\n"
+               "multiline raw string literal xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
+               ")x\",\n"
+               "              a),\n"
+               "            b);",
+               "fffffffffff(g(R\"x(\n"
+               "multiline raw string literal xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
+               ")x\", a), b);",
+               getGoogleStyleWithColumns(20));
+  verifyFormat("fffffffffff(\n"
+               "    g(R\"x(qqq\n"
+               "multiline raw string literal xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
+               ")x\",\n"
+               "      a),\n"
+               "    b);",
+               "fffffffffff(g(R\"x(qqq\n"
+               "multiline raw string literal xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
+               ")x\", a), b);",
+               getGoogleStyleWithColumns(20));
+  verifyNoChange("fffffffffff(R\"x(\n"
+                 "multiline raw string literal xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
+                 ")x\");",
+                 getGoogleStyleWithColumns(20));
+  verifyFormat("fffffffffff(R\"x(\n"
+               "multiline raw string literal xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
+               ")x\" + bbbbbb);",
+               "fffffffffff(R\"x(\n"
+               "multiline raw string literal xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
+               ")x\" +   bbbbbb);",
+               getGoogleStyleWithColumns(20));
+  verifyFormat("fffffffffff(\n"
+               "    R\"x(\n"
+               "multiline raw string literal xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
+               ")x\" +\n"
+               "    bbbbbb);",
+               "fffffffffff(\n"
+               " R\"x(\n"
+               "multiline raw string literal xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
+               ")x\" + bbbbbb);",
+               getGoogleStyleWithColumns(20));
+  verifyFormat("fffffffffff(R\"(single line raw string)\" + bbbbbb);",
+               "fffffffffff(\n"
+               " R\"(single line raw string)\" + bbbbbb);");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, SkipsUnknownStringLiterals) {
   verifyFormat("string a = \"unterminated;");
-  EXPECT_EQ("function(\"unterminated,\n"
-            "         OtherParameter);",
-            format("function(  \"unterminated,\n"
-                   "    OtherParameter);"));
+  verifyFormat("function(\"unterminated,\n"
+               "         OtherParameter);",
+               "function(  \"unterminated,\n"
+               "    OtherParameter);");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, DoesNotTryToParseUDLiteralsInPreCpp11Code) {
   FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle();
   Style.Standard = FormatStyle::LS_Cpp03;
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define x(_a) printf(\"foo\" _a);",
-            format("#define x(_a) printf(\"foo\"_a);", Style));
+  verifyFormat("#define x(_a) printf(\"foo\" _a);",
+               "#define x(_a) printf(\"foo\"_a);", Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, CppLexVersion) {
@@ -15294,78 +15083,85 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, CppLexVersion) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsCpp1y) { verifyFormat("int bi{1'000'000};"); }
 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreakStringLiteralsBeforeUnbreakableTokenSequence) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("someFunction(\"aaabbbcccd\"\n"
-            "             \"ddeeefff\");",
-            format("someFunction(\"aaabbbcccdddeeefff\");",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("someFunction1234567890(\n"
-            "    \"aaabbbcccdddeeefff\");",
-            format("someFunction1234567890(\"aaabbbcccdddeeefff\");",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(26)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("someFunction1234567890(\n"
-            "    \"aaabbbcccdddeeeff\"\n"
-            "    \"f\");",
-            format("someFunction1234567890(\"aaabbbcccdddeeefff\");",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("someFunction1234567890(\n"
-            "    \"aaabbbcccdddeeeff\"\n"
-            "    \"f\");",
-            format("someFunction1234567890(\"aaabbbcccdddeeefff\");",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(24)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("someFunction(\n"
-            "    \"aaabbbcc ddde \"\n"
-            "    \"efff\");",
-            format("someFunction(\"aaabbbcc ddde efff\");",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("someFunction(\"aaabbbccc \"\n"
-            "             \"ddeeefff\");",
-            format("someFunction(\"aaabbbccc ddeeefff\");",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("someFunction1234567890(\n"
-            "    \"aaabb \"\n"
-            "    \"cccdddeeefff\");",
-            format("someFunction1234567890(\"aaabb cccdddeeefff\");",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A          \\\n"
-            "  string s =       \\\n"
-            "      \"123456789\"  \\\n"
-            "      \"0\";         \\\n"
-            "  int i;",
-            format("#define A string s = \"1234567890\"; int i;",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("someFunction(\n"
-            "    \"aaabbbcc \"\n"
-            "    \"dddeeefff\");",
-            format("someFunction(\"aaabbbcc dddeeefff\");",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25)));
+  verifyFormat("someFunction(\"aaabbbcccd\"\n"
+               "             \"ddeeefff\");",
+               "someFunction(\"aaabbbcccdddeeefff\");",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25));
+  verifyFormat("someFunction1234567890(\n"
+               "    \"aaabbbcccdddeeefff\");",
+               "someFunction1234567890(\"aaabbbcccdddeeefff\");",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(26));
+  verifyFormat("someFunction1234567890(\n"
+               "    \"aaabbbcccdddeeeff\"\n"
+               "    \"f\");",
+               "someFunction1234567890(\"aaabbbcccdddeeefff\");",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25));
+  verifyFormat("someFunction1234567890(\n"
+               "    \"aaabbbcccdddeeeff\"\n"
+               "    \"f\");",
+               "someFunction1234567890(\"aaabbbcccdddeeefff\");",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(24));
+  verifyFormat("someFunction(\n"
+               "    \"aaabbbcc ddde \"\n"
+               "    \"efff\");",
+               "someFunction(\"aaabbbcc ddde efff\");",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25));
+  verifyFormat("someFunction(\"aaabbbccc \"\n"
+               "             \"ddeeefff\");",
+               "someFunction(\"aaabbbccc ddeeefff\");",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25));
+  verifyFormat("someFunction1234567890(\n"
+               "    \"aaabb \"\n"
+               "    \"cccdddeeefff\");",
+               "someFunction1234567890(\"aaabb cccdddeeefff\");",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25));
+  verifyFormat("#define A          \\\n"
+               "  string s =       \\\n"
+               "      \"123456789\"  \\\n"
+               "      \"0\";         \\\n"
+               "  int i;",
+               "#define A string s = \"1234567890\"; int i;",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
+  verifyFormat("someFunction(\n"
+               "    \"aaabbbcc \"\n"
+               "    \"dddeeefff\");",
+               "someFunction(\"aaabbbcc dddeeefff\");",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25));
 TEST_F(FormatTest, DoNotBreakStringLiteralsInEscapeSequence) {
   verifyFormat("\"\\a\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(3));
   verifyFormat("\"\\\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(2));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
             format("\"test\\n\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(7)));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
             format("\"tes\\\\n\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(7)));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
             format("\"\\\\\\\\\\n\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(7)));
   verifyFormat("\"\\uff01\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(7));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
             format("\"\\uff01test\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(8)));
   verifyFormat("\"\\Uff01ff02\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
             format("\"\\x000000000001next\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(16)));
   verifyFormat("\"\\x000000000001next\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(15));
   verifyFormat("\"\\x000000000001\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(7));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
             format("\"test\\000000000001\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(9)));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
@@ -15428,18 +15224,18 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, ConfigurableUseOfTab) {
   Tab.UseTab = FormatStyle::UT_Always;
   Tab.AlignEscapedNewlines = FormatStyle::ENAS_Left;
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (aaaaaaaa && // q\n"
-            "    bb)\t\t// w\n"
-            "\t;",
-            format("if (aaaaaaaa &&// q\n"
-                   "bb)// w\n"
-                   ";",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (aaa && bbb) // w\n"
-            "\t;",
-            format("if(aaa&&bbb)// w\n"
-                   ";",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaa && // q\n"
+               "    bb)\t\t// w\n"
+               "\t;",
+               "if (aaaaaaaa &&// q\n"
+               "bb)// w\n"
+               ";",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("if (aaa && bbb) // w\n"
+               "\t;",
+               "if(aaa&&bbb)// w\n"
+               ";",
+               Tab);
   verifyFormat("class X {\n"
                "\tvoid f() {\n"
@@ -15506,15 +15302,15 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, ConfigurableUseOfTab) {
   Tab.TabWidth = 8;
   Tab.IndentWidth = 8;
-  EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
-            "\t      a\t\tcomment\n"
-            "\t      in multiple lines\n"
-            "       */",
-            format("   /*\t \t \n"
-                   " \t \t a\t\tcomment\t \t\n"
-                   " \t \t in multiple lines\t\n"
-                   " \t  */",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("/*\n"
+               "\t      a\t\tcomment\n"
+               "\t      in multiple lines\n"
+               "       */",
+               "   /*\t \t \n"
+               " \t \t a\t\tcomment\t \t\n"
+               " \t \t in multiple lines\t\n"
+               " \t  */",
+               Tab);
   TabAlignment.UseTab = FormatStyle::UT_ForIndentation;
   TabAlignment.PointerAlignment = FormatStyle::PAS_Left;
@@ -15552,13 +15348,13 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, ConfigurableUseOfTab) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (aaaaaaaa && // q\n"
-            "    bb)         // w\n"
-            "\t;",
-            format("if (aaaaaaaa &&// q\n"
-                   "bb)// w\n"
-                   ";",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaa && // q\n"
+               "    bb)         // w\n"
+               "\t;",
+               "if (aaaaaaaa &&// q\n"
+               "bb)// w\n"
+               ";",
+               Tab);
   verifyFormat("class X {\n"
                "\tvoid f() {\n"
@@ -15576,69 +15372,59 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, ConfigurableUseOfTab) {
                "\t    p);\n"
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/* aaaa\n"
-            "\t   bbbb */\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "/* aaaa\n"
-                   "   bbbb */\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/*\n"
-            "\t  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
-            "\t  bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-            "\t*/\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "/*\n"
-                   "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-                   "*/\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t// aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
-            "\t// bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "\t// aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/*\n"
-            "\t  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
-            "\t  bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-            "\t*/\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "\t/*\n"
-                   "\t  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-                   "\t*/\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/*\n"
-            "\n"
-            "\t*/\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "\t/*\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\t*/\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/*\n"
-            " asdf\n"
-            "\t*/\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "\t/*\n"
-                   " asdf\n"
-                   "\t*/\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("{\n"
+               "\t/* aaaa\n"
+               "\t   bbbb */\n"
+               "}",
+               "{\n"
+               "/* aaaa\n"
+               "   bbbb */\n"
+               "}",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("{\n"
+               "\t/*\n"
+               "\t  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
+               "\t  bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "\t*/\n"
+               "}",
+               "{\n"
+               "/*\n"
+               "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "*/\n"
+               "}",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("{\n"
+               "\t// aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
+               "\t// bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "}",
+               "{\n"
+               "\t// aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "}",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("{\n"
+               "\t/*\n"
+               "\t  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
+               "\t  bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "\t*/\n"
+               "}",
+               "{\n"
+               "\t/*\n"
+               "\t  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "\t*/\n"
+               "}",
+               Tab);
+  verifyNoChange("{\n"
+                 "\t/*\n"
+                 "\n"
+                 "\t*/\n"
+                 "}",
+                 Tab);
+  verifyNoChange("{\n"
+                 "\t/*\n"
+                 " asdf\n"
+                 "\t*/\n"
+                 "}",
+                 Tab);
   verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
                "\treturn true ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
@@ -15660,66 +15446,66 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, ConfigurableUseOfTab) {
   Tab.UseTab = FormatStyle::UT_Never;
-  EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
-            "              a\t\tcomment\n"
-            "              in multiple lines\n"
-            "       */",
-            format("   /*\t \t \n"
-                   " \t \t a\t\tcomment\t \t\n"
-                   " \t \t in multiple lines\t\n"
-                   " \t  */",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("/* some\n"
-            "   comment */",
-            format(" \t \t /* some\n"
-                   " \t \t    comment */",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a; /* some\n"
-            "   comment */",
-            format(" \t \t int a; /* some\n"
-                   " \t \t    comment */",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a; /* some\n"
-            "comment */",
-            format(" \t \t int\ta; /* some\n"
-                   " \t \t    comment */",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("f(\"\t\t\"); /* some\n"
-            "    comment */",
-            format(" \t \t f(\"\t\t\"); /* some\n"
-                   " \t \t    comment */",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "        /*\n"
-            "         * Comment\n"
-            "         */\n"
-            "        int i;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "\t/*\n"
-                   "\t * Comment\n"
-                   "\t */\n"
-                   "\t int i;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("/*\n"
+               "              a\t\tcomment\n"
+               "              in multiple lines\n"
+               "       */",
+               "   /*\t \t \n"
+               " \t \t a\t\tcomment\t \t\n"
+               " \t \t in multiple lines\t\n"
+               " \t  */",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("/* some\n"
+               "   comment */",
+               " \t \t /* some\n"
+               " \t \t    comment */",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("int a; /* some\n"
+               "   comment */",
+               " \t \t int a; /* some\n"
+               " \t \t    comment */",
+               Tab);
-  Tab.UseTab = FormatStyle::UT_ForContinuationAndIndentation;
-  Tab.TabWidth = 8;
-  Tab.IndentWidth = 8;
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (aaaaaaaa && // q\n"
-            "    bb)         // w\n"
-            "\t;",
-            format("if (aaaaaaaa &&// q\n"
-                   "bb)// w\n"
-                   ";",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (aaa && bbb) // w\n"
-            "\t;",
-            format("if(aaa&&bbb)// w\n"
-                   ";",
-                   Tab));
-  verifyFormat("class X {\n"
+  verifyFormat("int a; /* some\n"
+               "comment */",
+               " \t \t int\ta; /* some\n"
+               " \t \t    comment */",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("f(\"\t\t\"); /* some\n"
+               "    comment */",
+               " \t \t f(\"\t\t\"); /* some\n"
+               " \t \t    comment */",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("{\n"
+               "        /*\n"
+               "         * Comment\n"
+               "         */\n"
+               "        int i;\n"
+               "}",
+               "{\n"
+               "\t/*\n"
+               "\t * Comment\n"
+               "\t */\n"
+               "\t int i;\n"
+               "}",
+               Tab);
+  Tab.UseTab = FormatStyle::UT_ForContinuationAndIndentation;
+  Tab.TabWidth = 8;
+  Tab.IndentWidth = 8;
+  verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaa && // q\n"
+               "    bb)         // w\n"
+               "\t;",
+               "if (aaaaaaaa &&// q\n"
+               "bb)// w\n"
+               ";",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("if (aaa && bbb) // w\n"
+               "\t;",
+               "if(aaa&&bbb)// w\n"
+               ";",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("class X {\n"
                "\tvoid f() {\n"
                "\t\t\t     parameter2);\n"
@@ -15762,15 +15548,15 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, ConfigurableUseOfTab) {
   Tab.TabWidth = 8;
   Tab.IndentWidth = 8;
-  EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
-            "\t      a\t\tcomment\n"
-            "\t      in multiple lines\n"
-            "       */",
-            format("   /*\t \t \n"
-                   " \t \t a\t\tcomment\t \t\n"
-                   " \t \t in multiple lines\t\n"
-                   " \t  */",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("/*\n"
+               "\t      a\t\tcomment\n"
+               "\t      in multiple lines\n"
+               "       */",
+               "   /*\t \t \n"
+               " \t \t a\t\tcomment\t \t\n"
+               " \t \t in multiple lines\t\n"
+               " \t  */",
+               Tab);
@@ -15786,13 +15572,13 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, ConfigurableUseOfTab) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (aaaaaaaa && // q\n"
-            "    bb)         // w\n"
-            "\t;",
-            format("if (aaaaaaaa &&// q\n"
-                   "bb)// w\n"
-                   ";",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaa && // q\n"
+               "    bb)         // w\n"
+               "\t;",
+               "if (aaaaaaaa &&// q\n"
+               "bb)// w\n"
+               ";",
+               Tab);
   verifyFormat("class X {\n"
                "\tvoid f() {\n"
@@ -15810,125 +15596,115 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, ConfigurableUseOfTab) {
                "\t    p);\n"
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/* aaaa\n"
-            "\t   bbbb */\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "/* aaaa\n"
-                   "   bbbb */\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/*\n"
-            "\t  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
-            "\t  bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-            "\t*/\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "/*\n"
-                   "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-                   "*/\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t// aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
-            "\t// bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "\t// aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/*\n"
-            "\t  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
-            "\t  bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-            "\t*/\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "\t/*\n"
-                   "\t  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-                   "\t*/\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/*\n"
-            "\n"
-            "\t*/\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "\t/*\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\t*/\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/*\n"
-            " asdf\n"
-            "\t*/\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "\t/*\n"
-                   " asdf\n"
-                   "\t*/\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("/* some\n"
-            "   comment */",
-            format(" \t \t /* some\n"
-                   " \t \t    comment */",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a; /* some\n"
-            "   comment */",
-            format(" \t \t int a; /* some\n"
-                   " \t \t    comment */",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a; /* some\n"
-            "comment */",
-            format(" \t \t int\ta; /* some\n"
-                   " \t \t    comment */",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("f(\"\t\t\"); /* some\n"
-            "    comment */",
-            format(" \t \t f(\"\t\t\"); /* some\n"
-                   " \t \t    comment */",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/*\n"
-            "\t * Comment\n"
-            "\t */\n"
-            "\tint i;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "\t/*\n"
-                   "\t * Comment\n"
-                   "\t */\n"
-                   "\t int i;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("{\n"
+               "\t/* aaaa\n"
+               "\t   bbbb */\n"
+               "}",
+               "{\n"
+               "/* aaaa\n"
+               "   bbbb */\n"
+               "}",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("{\n"
+               "\t/*\n"
+               "\t  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
+               "\t  bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "\t*/\n"
+               "}",
+               "{\n"
+               "/*\n"
+               "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "*/\n"
+               "}",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("{\n"
+               "\t// aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
+               "\t// bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "}",
+               "{\n"
+               "\t// aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "}",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("{\n"
+               "\t/*\n"
+               "\t  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
+               "\t  bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "\t*/\n"
+               "}",
+               "{\n"
+               "\t/*\n"
+               "\t  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "\t*/\n"
+               "}",
+               Tab);
+  verifyNoChange("{\n"
+                 "\t/*\n"
+                 "\n"
+                 "\t*/\n"
+                 "}",
+                 Tab);
+  verifyNoChange("{\n"
+                 "\t/*\n"
+                 " asdf\n"
+                 "\t*/\n"
+                 "}",
+                 Tab);
+  verifyFormat("/* some\n"
+               "   comment */",
+               " \t \t /* some\n"
+               " \t \t    comment */",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("int a; /* some\n"
+               "   comment */",
+               " \t \t int a; /* some\n"
+               " \t \t    comment */",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("int a; /* some\n"
+               "comment */",
+               " \t \t int\ta; /* some\n"
+               " \t \t    comment */",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("f(\"\t\t\"); /* some\n"
+               "    comment */",
+               " \t \t f(\"\t\t\"); /* some\n"
+               " \t \t    comment */",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("{\n"
+               "\t/*\n"
+               "\t * Comment\n"
+               "\t */\n"
+               "\tint i;\n"
+               "}",
+               "{\n"
+               "\t/*\n"
+               "\t * Comment\n"
+               "\t */\n"
+               "\t int i;\n"
+               "}",
+               Tab);
   Tab.TabWidth = 2;
   Tab.IndentWidth = 2;
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/* aaaa\n"
-            "\t\t bbbb */\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "/* aaaa\n"
-                   "\t bbbb */\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/*\n"
-            "\t\taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
-            "\t\tbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-            "\t*/\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "/*\n"
-                   "\taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-                   "*/\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("{\n"
+               "\t/* aaaa\n"
+               "\t\t bbbb */\n"
+               "}",
+               "{\n"
+               "/* aaaa\n"
+               "\t bbbb */\n"
+               "}",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("{\n"
+               "\t/*\n"
+               "\t\taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
+               "\t\tbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "\t*/\n"
+               "}",
+               "{\n"
+               "/*\n"
+               "\taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "*/\n"
+               "}",
+               Tab);
   Tab.AlignConsecutiveAssignments.Enabled = true;
   Tab.AlignConsecutiveDeclarations.Enabled = true;
   Tab.TabWidth = 4;
@@ -15946,18 +15722,18 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, ConfigurableUseOfTab) {
   Tab.UseTab = FormatStyle::UT_AlignWithSpaces;
   Tab.TabWidth = 8;
   Tab.IndentWidth = 8;
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (aaaaaaaa && // q\n"
-            "    bb)         // w\n"
-            "\t;",
-            format("if (aaaaaaaa &&// q\n"
-                   "bb)// w\n"
-                   ";",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (aaa && bbb) // w\n"
-            "\t;",
-            format("if(aaa&&bbb)// w\n"
-                   ";",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaa && // q\n"
+               "    bb)         // w\n"
+               "\t;",
+               "if (aaaaaaaa &&// q\n"
+               "bb)// w\n"
+               ";",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("if (aaa && bbb) // w\n"
+               "\t;",
+               "if(aaa&&bbb)// w\n"
+               ";",
+               Tab);
   verifyFormat("class X {\n"
                "\tvoid f() {\n"
@@ -16001,15 +15777,15 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, ConfigurableUseOfTab) {
   Tab.TabWidth = 8;
   Tab.IndentWidth = 8;
-  EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
-            "              a\t\tcomment\n"
-            "              in multiple lines\n"
-            "       */",
-            format("   /*\t \t \n"
-                   " \t \t a\t\tcomment\t \t\n"
-                   " \t \t in multiple lines\t\n"
-                   " \t  */",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("/*\n"
+               "              a\t\tcomment\n"
+               "              in multiple lines\n"
+               "       */",
+               "   /*\t \t \n"
+               " \t \t a\t\tcomment\t \t\n"
+               " \t \t in multiple lines\t\n"
+               " \t  */",
+               Tab);
@@ -16025,13 +15801,13 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, ConfigurableUseOfTab) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (aaaaaaaa && // q\n"
-            "    bb)         // w\n"
-            "\t;",
-            format("if (aaaaaaaa &&// q\n"
-                   "bb)// w\n"
-                   ";",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaa && // q\n"
+               "    bb)         // w\n"
+               "\t;",
+               "if (aaaaaaaa &&// q\n"
+               "bb)// w\n"
+               ";",
+               Tab);
   verifyFormat("class X {\n"
                "\tvoid f() {\n"
@@ -16049,125 +15825,115 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, ConfigurableUseOfTab) {
                "\t    p);\n"
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/* aaaa\n"
-            "\t   bbbb */\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "/* aaaa\n"
-                   "   bbbb */\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/*\n"
-            "\t  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
-            "\t  bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-            "\t*/\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "/*\n"
-                   "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-                   "*/\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t// aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
-            "\t// bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "\t// aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/*\n"
-            "\t  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
-            "\t  bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-            "\t*/\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "\t/*\n"
-                   "\t  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-                   "\t*/\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/*\n"
-            "\n"
-            "\t*/\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "\t/*\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\t*/\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/*\n"
-            " asdf\n"
-            "\t*/\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "\t/*\n"
-                   " asdf\n"
-                   "\t*/\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("/* some\n"
-            "   comment */",
-            format(" \t \t /* some\n"
-                   " \t \t    comment */",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a; /* some\n"
-            "   comment */",
-            format(" \t \t int a; /* some\n"
-                   " \t \t    comment */",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a; /* some\n"
-            "comment */",
-            format(" \t \t int\ta; /* some\n"
-                   " \t \t    comment */",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("f(\"\t\t\"); /* some\n"
-            "    comment */",
-            format(" \t \t f(\"\t\t\"); /* some\n"
-                   " \t \t    comment */",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/*\n"
-            "\t * Comment\n"
-            "\t */\n"
-            "\tint i;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "\t/*\n"
-                   "\t * Comment\n"
-                   "\t */\n"
-                   "\t int i;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("{\n"
+               "\t/* aaaa\n"
+               "\t   bbbb */\n"
+               "}",
+               "{\n"
+               "/* aaaa\n"
+               "   bbbb */\n"
+               "}",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("{\n"
+               "\t/*\n"
+               "\t  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
+               "\t  bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "\t*/\n"
+               "}",
+               "{\n"
+               "/*\n"
+               "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "*/\n"
+               "}",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("{\n"
+               "\t// aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
+               "\t// bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "}",
+               "{\n"
+               "\t// aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "}",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("{\n"
+               "\t/*\n"
+               "\t  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
+               "\t  bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "\t*/\n"
+               "}",
+               "{\n"
+               "\t/*\n"
+               "\t  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "\t*/\n"
+               "}",
+               Tab);
+  verifyNoChange("{\n"
+                 "\t/*\n"
+                 "\n"
+                 "\t*/\n"
+                 "}",
+                 Tab);
+  verifyNoChange("{\n"
+                 "\t/*\n"
+                 " asdf\n"
+                 "\t*/\n"
+                 "}",
+                 Tab);
+  verifyFormat("/* some\n"
+               "   comment */",
+               " \t \t /* some\n"
+               " \t \t    comment */",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("int a; /* some\n"
+               "   comment */",
+               " \t \t int a; /* some\n"
+               " \t \t    comment */",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("int a; /* some\n"
+               "comment */",
+               " \t \t int\ta; /* some\n"
+               " \t \t    comment */",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("f(\"\t\t\"); /* some\n"
+               "    comment */",
+               " \t \t f(\"\t\t\"); /* some\n"
+               " \t \t    comment */",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("{\n"
+               "\t/*\n"
+               "\t * Comment\n"
+               "\t */\n"
+               "\tint i;\n"
+               "}",
+               "{\n"
+               "\t/*\n"
+               "\t * Comment\n"
+               "\t */\n"
+               "\t int i;\n"
+               "}",
+               Tab);
   Tab.TabWidth = 2;
   Tab.IndentWidth = 2;
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/* aaaa\n"
-            "\t   bbbb */\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "/* aaaa\n"
-                   "   bbbb */\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
-  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
-            "\t/*\n"
-            "\t  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
-            "\t  bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-            "\t*/\n"
-            "}",
-            format("{\n"
-                   "/*\n"
-                   "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-                   "*/\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("{\n"
+               "\t/* aaaa\n"
+               "\t   bbbb */\n"
+               "}",
+               "{\n"
+               "/* aaaa\n"
+               "   bbbb */\n"
+               "}",
+               Tab);
+  verifyFormat("{\n"
+               "\t/*\n"
+               "\t  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
+               "\t  bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "\t*/\n"
+               "}",
+               "{\n"
+               "/*\n"
+               "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+               "*/\n"
+               "}",
+               Tab);
   Tab.AlignConsecutiveAssignments.Enabled = true;
   Tab.AlignConsecutiveDeclarations.Enabled = true;
   Tab.TabWidth = 4;
@@ -16205,118 +15971,118 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, ZeroTabWidth) {
   Tab.IndentWidth = 8;
   Tab.UseTab = FormatStyle::UT_Never;
   Tab.TabWidth = 0;
-  EXPECT_EQ("void a(){\n"
-            "    // line starts with '\t'\n"
-            "};",
-            format("void a(){\n"
-                   "\t// line starts with '\t'\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("void a(){\n"
+               "    // line starts with '\t'\n"
+               "};",
+               "void a(){\n"
+               "\t// line starts with '\t'\n"
+               "};",
+               Tab);
-  EXPECT_EQ("void a(){\n"
-            "    // line starts with '\t'\n"
-            "};",
-            format("void a(){\n"
-                   "\t\t// line starts with '\t'\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("void a(){\n"
+               "    // line starts with '\t'\n"
+               "};",
+               "void a(){\n"
+               "\t\t// line starts with '\t'\n"
+               "};",
+               Tab);
   Tab.UseTab = FormatStyle::UT_ForIndentation;
-  EXPECT_EQ("void a(){\n"
-            "    // line starts with '\t'\n"
-            "};",
-            format("void a(){\n"
-                   "\t// line starts with '\t'\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("void a(){\n"
+               "    // line starts with '\t'\n"
+               "};",
+               "void a(){\n"
+               "\t// line starts with '\t'\n"
+               "};",
+               Tab);
-  EXPECT_EQ("void a(){\n"
-            "    // line starts with '\t'\n"
-            "};",
-            format("void a(){\n"
-                   "\t\t// line starts with '\t'\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("void a(){\n"
+               "    // line starts with '\t'\n"
+               "};",
+               "void a(){\n"
+               "\t\t// line starts with '\t'\n"
+               "};",
+               Tab);
   Tab.UseTab = FormatStyle::UT_ForContinuationAndIndentation;
-  EXPECT_EQ("void a(){\n"
-            "    // line starts with '\t'\n"
-            "};",
-            format("void a(){\n"
-                   "\t// line starts with '\t'\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("void a(){\n"
+               "    // line starts with '\t'\n"
+               "};",
+               "void a(){\n"
+               "\t// line starts with '\t'\n"
+               "};",
+               Tab);
-  EXPECT_EQ("void a(){\n"
-            "    // line starts with '\t'\n"
-            "};",
-            format("void a(){\n"
-                   "\t\t// line starts with '\t'\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("void a(){\n"
+               "    // line starts with '\t'\n"
+               "};",
+               "void a(){\n"
+               "\t\t// line starts with '\t'\n"
+               "};",
+               Tab);
   Tab.UseTab = FormatStyle::UT_AlignWithSpaces;
-  EXPECT_EQ("void a(){\n"
-            "    // line starts with '\t'\n"
-            "};",
-            format("void a(){\n"
-                   "\t// line starts with '\t'\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("void a(){\n"
+               "    // line starts with '\t'\n"
+               "};",
+               "void a(){\n"
+               "\t// line starts with '\t'\n"
+               "};",
+               Tab);
-  EXPECT_EQ("void a(){\n"
-            "    // line starts with '\t'\n"
-            "};",
-            format("void a(){\n"
-                   "\t\t// line starts with '\t'\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("void a(){\n"
+               "    // line starts with '\t'\n"
+               "};",
+               "void a(){\n"
+               "\t\t// line starts with '\t'\n"
+               "};",
+               Tab);
   Tab.UseTab = FormatStyle::UT_Always;
-  EXPECT_EQ("void a(){\n"
-            "// line starts with '\t'\n"
-            "};",
-            format("void a(){\n"
-                   "\t// line starts with '\t'\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("void a(){\n"
+               "// line starts with '\t'\n"
+               "};",
+               "void a(){\n"
+               "\t// line starts with '\t'\n"
+               "};",
+               Tab);
-  EXPECT_EQ("void a(){\n"
-            "// line starts with '\t'\n"
-            "};",
-            format("void a(){\n"
-                   "\t\t// line starts with '\t'\n"
-                   "};",
-                   Tab));
+  verifyFormat("void a(){\n"
+               "// line starts with '\t'\n"
+               "};",
+               "void a(){\n"
+               "\t\t// line starts with '\t'\n"
+               "};",
+               Tab);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, CalculatesOriginalColumn) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("\"qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq\\\n"
-            "q\"; /* some\n"
-            "       comment */",
-            format("  \"qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq\\\n"
-                   "q\"; /* some\n"
-                   "       comment */"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("// qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq\n"
-            "/* some\n"
-            "   comment */",
-            format("// qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq\n"
-                   " /* some\n"
-                   "    comment */"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("// qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq\\\n"
-            "qqq\n"
-            "/* some\n"
-            "   comment */",
-            format("// qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq\\\n"
-                   "qqq\n"
-                   " /* some\n"
-                   "    comment */"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("inttt qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq\\\n"
-            "wwww; /* some\n"
-            "         comment */",
-            format("  inttt qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq\\\n"
-                   "wwww; /* some\n"
-                   "         comment */"));
+  verifyFormat("\"qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq\\\n"
+               "q\"; /* some\n"
+               "       comment */",
+               "  \"qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq\\\n"
+               "q\"; /* some\n"
+               "       comment */");
+  verifyFormat("// qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq\n"
+               "/* some\n"
+               "   comment */",
+               "// qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq\n"
+               " /* some\n"
+               "    comment */");
+  verifyFormat("// qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq\\\n"
+               "qqq\n"
+               "/* some\n"
+               "   comment */",
+               "// qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq\\\n"
+               "qqq\n"
+               " /* some\n"
+               "    comment */");
+  verifyFormat("inttt qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq\\\n"
+               "wwww; /* some\n"
+               "         comment */",
+               "  inttt qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq\\\n"
+               "wwww; /* some\n"
+               "         comment */");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, ConfigurableSpaceBeforeParens) {
@@ -17520,100 +17286,100 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveMacros) {
   Style.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep = 10;
   Style.ReflowComments = false;
   Style.AlignConsecutiveMacros.AcrossComments = true;
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define a    3\n"
-            "// line comment\n"
-            "#define bbbb 4\n"
-            "#define ccc  (5)",
-            format("#define a 3\n"
-                   "// line comment\n"
-                   "#define bbbb 4\n"
-                   "#define ccc (5)",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("#define a    3\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "#define bbbb 4\n"
+               "#define ccc  (5)",
+               "#define a 3\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "#define bbbb 4\n"
+               "#define ccc (5)",
+               Style);
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define a    3\n"
-            "/* block comment */\n"
-            "#define bbbb 4\n"
-            "#define ccc  (5)",
-            format("#define a  3\n"
-                   "/* block comment */\n"
-                   "#define bbbb 4\n"
-                   "#define ccc (5)",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("#define a    3\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "#define bbbb 4\n"
+               "#define ccc  (5)",
+               "#define a  3\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "#define bbbb 4\n"
+               "#define ccc (5)",
+               Style);
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define a    3\n"
-            "/* multi-line *\n"
-            " * block comment */\n"
-            "#define bbbb 4\n"
-            "#define ccc  (5)",
-            format("#define a 3\n"
-                   "/* multi-line *\n"
-                   " * block comment */\n"
-                   "#define bbbb 4\n"
-                   "#define ccc (5)",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("#define a    3\n"
+               "/* multi-line *\n"
+               " * block comment */\n"
+               "#define bbbb 4\n"
+               "#define ccc  (5)",
+               "#define a 3\n"
+               "/* multi-line *\n"
+               " * block comment */\n"
+               "#define bbbb 4\n"
+               "#define ccc (5)",
+               Style);
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define a    3\n"
-            "// multi-line line comment\n"
-            "//\n"
-            "#define bbbb 4\n"
-            "#define ccc  (5)",
-            format("#define a  3\n"
-                   "// multi-line line comment\n"
-                   "//\n"
-                   "#define bbbb 4\n"
-                   "#define ccc (5)",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("#define a    3\n"
+               "// multi-line line comment\n"
+               "//\n"
+               "#define bbbb 4\n"
+               "#define ccc  (5)",
+               "#define a  3\n"
+               "// multi-line line comment\n"
+               "//\n"
+               "#define bbbb 4\n"
+               "#define ccc (5)",
+               Style);
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define a 3\n"
-            "// empty lines still break.\n"
-            "\n"
-            "#define bbbb 4\n"
-            "#define ccc  (5)",
-            format("#define a     3\n"
-                   "// empty lines still break.\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "#define bbbb     4\n"
-                   "#define ccc  (5)",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("#define a 3\n"
+               "// empty lines still break.\n"
+               "\n"
+               "#define bbbb 4\n"
+               "#define ccc  (5)",
+               "#define a     3\n"
+               "// empty lines still break.\n"
+               "\n"
+               "#define bbbb     4\n"
+               "#define ccc  (5)",
+               Style);
   // Test across empty lines
   Style.AlignConsecutiveMacros.AcrossComments = false;
   Style.AlignConsecutiveMacros.AcrossEmptyLines = true;
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define a    3\n"
-            "\n"
-            "#define bbbb 4\n"
-            "#define ccc  (5)",
-            format("#define a 3\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "#define bbbb 4\n"
-                   "#define ccc (5)",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("#define a    3\n"
+               "\n"
+               "#define bbbb 4\n"
+               "#define ccc  (5)",
+               "#define a 3\n"
+               "\n"
+               "#define bbbb 4\n"
+               "#define ccc (5)",
+               Style);
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define a    3\n"
-            "\n"
-            "\n"
-            "\n"
-            "#define bbbb 4\n"
-            "#define ccc  (5)",
-            format("#define a        3\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "#define bbbb 4\n"
-                   "#define ccc (5)",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("#define a    3\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "#define bbbb 4\n"
+               "#define ccc  (5)",
+               "#define a        3\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "#define bbbb 4\n"
+               "#define ccc (5)",
+               Style);
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define a 3\n"
-            "// comments should break alignment\n"
-            "//\n"
-            "#define bbbb 4\n"
-            "#define ccc  (5)",
-            format("#define a        3\n"
-                   "// comments should break alignment\n"
-                   "//\n"
-                   "#define bbbb 4\n"
-                   "#define ccc (5)",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("#define a 3\n"
+               "// comments should break alignment\n"
+               "//\n"
+               "#define bbbb 4\n"
+               "#define ccc  (5)",
+               "#define a        3\n"
+               "// comments should break alignment\n"
+               "//\n"
+               "#define bbbb 4\n"
+               "#define ccc (5)",
+               Style);
   // Test across empty lines and comments
   Style.AlignConsecutiveMacros.AcrossComments = true;
@@ -17624,45 +17390,45 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveMacros) {
                "#define ccc  (5)",
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define a    3\n"
-            "\n"
-            "\n"
-            "/* multi-line *\n"
-            " * block comment */\n"
-            "\n"
-            "\n"
-            "#define bbbb 4\n"
-            "#define ccc  (5)",
-            format("#define a 3\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "/* multi-line *\n"
-                   " * block comment */\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "#define bbbb 4\n"
-                   "#define ccc (5)",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("#define a    3\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "/* multi-line *\n"
+               " * block comment */\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "#define bbbb 4\n"
+               "#define ccc  (5)",
+               "#define a 3\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "/* multi-line *\n"
+               " * block comment */\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "#define bbbb 4\n"
+               "#define ccc (5)",
+               Style);
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define a    3\n"
-            "\n"
-            "\n"
-            "/* multi-line *\n"
-            " * block comment */\n"
-            "\n"
-            "\n"
-            "#define bbbb 4\n"
-            "#define ccc  (5)",
-            format("#define a 3\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "/* multi-line *\n"
-                   " * block comment */\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "#define bbbb 4\n"
-                   "#define ccc       (5)",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("#define a    3\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "/* multi-line *\n"
+               " * block comment */\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "#define bbbb 4\n"
+               "#define ccc  (5)",
+               "#define a 3\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "/* multi-line *\n"
+               " * block comment */\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "#define bbbb 4\n"
+               "#define ccc       (5)",
+               Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveAssignmentsAcrossEmptyLines) {
@@ -17673,135 +17439,135 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveAssignmentsAcrossEmptyLines) {
   Alignment.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep = 10;
   /* Test alignment across empty lines */
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a           = 5;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a       = 5;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree= 123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a           = 5;\n"
-            "int one         = 1;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "int one = 1;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a           = 5;\n"
-            "int one         = 1;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
-            "int oneTwo      = 12;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "int one = 1;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
-                   "int oneTwo = 12;",
-                   Alignment));
-  /* Test across comments */
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a = 5;\n"
-            "/* block comment */\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "/* block comment */\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a = 5;\n"
-            "// line comment\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "// line comment\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  /* Test across comments and newlines */
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a = 5;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "/* block comment */\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "/* block comment */\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a = 5;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "// line comment\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "// line comment\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
-TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveDeclarationsAcrossEmptyLinesAndComments) {
-  FormatStyle Alignment = getLLVMStyle();
-  Alignment.AlignConsecutiveDeclarations.Enabled = true;
-  Alignment.AlignConsecutiveDeclarations.AcrossEmptyLines = true;
-  Alignment.AlignConsecutiveDeclarations.AcrossComments = true;
+  verifyFormat("int a           = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a       = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree= 123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a           = 5;\n"
+               "int one         = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "int one = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a           = 5;\n"
+               "int one         = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
+               "int oneTwo      = 12;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "int one = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
+               "int oneTwo = 12;",
+               Alignment);
+  /* Test across comments */
+  verifyFormat("int a = 5;\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a = 5;\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
+  /* Test across comments and newlines */
+  verifyFormat("int a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
+TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveDeclarationsAcrossEmptyLinesAndComments) {
+  FormatStyle Alignment = getLLVMStyle();
+  Alignment.AlignConsecutiveDeclarations.Enabled = true;
+  Alignment.AlignConsecutiveDeclarations.AcrossEmptyLines = true;
+  Alignment.AlignConsecutiveDeclarations.AcrossComments = true;
   Alignment.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep = 10;
   /* Test alignment across empty lines */
-  EXPECT_EQ("int         a = 5;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "float const oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "float const oneTwoThree = 123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int         a = 5;\n"
-            "float const one = 1;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int         oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "float const one = 1;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("int         a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "float const oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "float const oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int         a = 5;\n"
+               "float const one = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int         oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "float const one = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               Alignment);
   /* Test across comments */
-  EXPECT_EQ("float const a = 5;\n"
-            "/* block comment */\n"
-            "int         oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("float const a = 5;\n"
-                   "/* block comment */\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("float const a = 5;\n"
-            "// line comment\n"
-            "int         oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("float const a = 5;\n"
-                   "// line comment\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("float const a = 5;\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "int         oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "float const a = 5;\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("float const a = 5;\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "int         oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "float const a = 5;\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
   /* Test across comments and newlines */
-  EXPECT_EQ("float const a = 5;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "/* block comment */\n"
-            "int         oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("float const a = 5;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "/* block comment */\n"
-                   "int         oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("float const a = 5;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "// line comment\n"
-            "int         oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("float const a = 5;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "// line comment\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("float const a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "int         oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "float const a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "int         oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("float const a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "int         oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "float const a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveBitFieldsAcrossEmptyLinesAndComments) {
@@ -17812,64 +17578,64 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveBitFieldsAcrossEmptyLinesAndComments) {
   Alignment.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep = 10;
   /* Test alignment across empty lines */
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a            : 5;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int longbitfield : 6;",
-            format("int a : 5;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int longbitfield : 6;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a            : 5;\n"
-            "int one          : 1;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int longbitfield : 6;",
-            format("int a : 5;\n"
-                   "int one : 1;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int longbitfield : 6;",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("int a            : 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int longbitfield : 6;",
+               "int a : 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int longbitfield : 6;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a            : 5;\n"
+               "int one          : 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int longbitfield : 6;",
+               "int a : 5;\n"
+               "int one : 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int longbitfield : 6;",
+               Alignment);
   /* Test across comments */
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a            : 5;\n"
-            "/* block comment */\n"
-            "int longbitfield : 6;",
-            format("int a : 5;\n"
-                   "/* block comment */\n"
-                   "int longbitfield : 6;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a            : 5;\n"
-            "int one          : 1;\n"
-            "// line comment\n"
-            "int longbitfield : 6;",
-            format("int a : 5;\n"
-                   "int one : 1;\n"
-                   "// line comment\n"
-                   "int longbitfield : 6;",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("int a            : 5;\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "int longbitfield : 6;",
+               "int a : 5;\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "int longbitfield : 6;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a            : 5;\n"
+               "int one          : 1;\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "int longbitfield : 6;",
+               "int a : 5;\n"
+               "int one : 1;\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "int longbitfield : 6;",
+               Alignment);
   /* Test across comments and newlines */
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a            : 5;\n"
-            "/* block comment */\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int longbitfield : 6;",
-            format("int a : 5;\n"
-                   "/* block comment */\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int longbitfield : 6;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a            : 5;\n"
-            "int one          : 1;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "// line comment\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int longbitfield : 6;",
-            format("int a : 5;\n"
-                   "int one : 1;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "// line comment \n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int longbitfield : 6;",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("int a            : 5;\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int longbitfield : 6;",
+               "int a : 5;\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int longbitfield : 6;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a            : 5;\n"
+               "int one          : 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int longbitfield : 6;",
+               "int a : 5;\n"
+               "int one : 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "// line comment \n"
+               "\n"
+               "int longbitfield : 6;",
+               Alignment);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveAssignmentsAcrossComments) {
@@ -17880,84 +17646,84 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveAssignmentsAcrossComments) {
   Alignment.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep = 10;
   /* Test alignment across empty lines */
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a = 5;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a       = 5;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree= 123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a   = 5;\n"
-            "int one = 1;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "int one = 1;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("int a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a       = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree= 123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a   = 5;\n"
+               "int one = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "int one = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               Alignment);
   /* Test across comments */
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a           = 5;\n"
-            "/* block comment */\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "/* block comment */\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a           = 5;\n"
-            "// line comment\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "// line comment\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a           = 5;\n"
-            "/*\n"
-            " * multi-line block comment\n"
-            " */\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "/*\n"
-                   " * multi-line block comment\n"
-                   " */\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a           = 5;\n"
-            "//\n"
-            "// multi-line line comment\n"
-            "//\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "//\n"
-                   "// multi-line line comment\n"
-                   "//\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("int a           = 5;\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a           = 5;\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a           = 5;\n"
+               "/*\n"
+               " * multi-line block comment\n"
+               " */\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "/*\n"
+               " * multi-line block comment\n"
+               " */\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a           = 5;\n"
+               "//\n"
+               "// multi-line line comment\n"
+               "//\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "//\n"
+               "// multi-line line comment\n"
+               "//\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
   /* Test across comments and newlines */
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a = 5;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "/* block comment */\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "/* block comment */\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a = 5;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "// line comment\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "// line comment\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("int a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveAssignmentsAcrossEmptyLinesAndComments) {
@@ -18034,127 +17800,127 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveAssignmentsAcrossEmptyLinesAndComments) {
   Alignment.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep = 10;
   /* Test alignment across empty lines */
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a           = 5;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a       = 5;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree= 123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a           = 5;\n"
-            "int one         = 1;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "int one = 1;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a           = 5;\n"
-            "int one         = 1;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
-            "int oneTwo      = 12;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "int one = 1;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
-                   "int oneTwo = 12;",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("int a           = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a       = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree= 123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a           = 5;\n"
+               "int one         = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "int one = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a           = 5;\n"
+               "int one         = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
+               "int oneTwo      = 12;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "int one = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
+               "int oneTwo = 12;",
+               Alignment);
   /* Test across comments */
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a           = 5;\n"
-            "/* block comment */\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "/* block comment */\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a           = 5;\n"
-            "// line comment\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "// line comment\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("int a           = 5;\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a           = 5;\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
   /* Test across comments and newlines */
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a           = 5;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "/* block comment */\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "/* block comment */\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a           = 5;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "// line comment\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "// line comment\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a           = 5;\n"
-            "//\n"
-            "// multi-line line comment\n"
-            "//\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "//\n"
-                   "// multi-line line comment\n"
-                   "//\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a           = 5;\n"
-            "/*\n"
-            " *  multi-line block comment\n"
-            " */\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "/*\n"
-                   " *  multi-line block comment\n"
-                   " */\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a           = 5;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "/* block comment */\n"
-            "\n"
-            "\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "/* block comment */\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a           = 5;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "// line comment\n"
-            "\n"
-            "\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "// line comment\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree=123;",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("int a           = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a           = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a           = 5;\n"
+               "//\n"
+               "// multi-line line comment\n"
+               "//\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "//\n"
+               "// multi-line line comment\n"
+               "//\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a           = 5;\n"
+               "/*\n"
+               " *  multi-line block comment\n"
+               " */\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "/*\n"
+               " *  multi-line block comment\n"
+               " */\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a           = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "/* block comment */\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a           = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "// line comment\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree=123;",
+               Alignment);
   Alignment.AlignEscapedNewlines = FormatStyle::ENAS_DontAlign;
   verifyFormat("#define A \\\n"
@@ -18267,13 +18033,13 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveAssignmentsAcrossEmptyLinesAndComments) {
   Alignment.ReflowComments = true;
   Alignment.ColumnLimit = 50;
-  EXPECT_EQ("int x   = 0;\n"
-            "int yy  = 1; /// specificlennospace\n"
-            "int zzz = 2;",
-            format("int x   = 0;\n"
-                   "int yy  = 1; ///specificlennospace\n"
-                   "int zzz = 2;",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("int x   = 0;\n"
+               "int yy  = 1; /// specificlennospace\n"
+               "int zzz = 2;",
+               "int x   = 0;\n"
+               "int yy  = 1; ///specificlennospace\n"
+               "int zzz = 2;",
+               Alignment);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignCompoundAssignments) {
@@ -18325,82 +18091,82 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignCompoundAssignments) {
                "dvsdsv          <<= 5;\n"
                "int dsvvdvsdvvv   = 123;",
-  EXPECT_EQ("a   += 5;\n"
-            "one  = 1;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("a += 5;\n"
-                   "one = 1;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "oneTwoThree = 123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("a   += 5;\n"
-            "one  = 1;\n"
-            "//\n"
-            "oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("a += 5;\n"
-                   "one = 1;\n"
-                   "//\n"
-                   "oneTwoThree = 123;",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("a   += 5;\n"
+               "one  = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "a += 5;\n"
+               "one = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("a   += 5;\n"
+               "one  = 1;\n"
+               "//\n"
+               "oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "a += 5;\n"
+               "one = 1;\n"
+               "//\n"
+               "oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               Alignment);
   Alignment.AlignConsecutiveAssignments.AcrossEmptyLines = true;
-  EXPECT_EQ("a           += 5;\n"
-            "one          = 1;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "oneTwoThree  = 123;",
-            format("a += 5;\n"
-                   "one = 1;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "oneTwoThree = 123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("a   += 5;\n"
-            "one  = 1;\n"
-            "//\n"
-            "oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("a += 5;\n"
-                   "one = 1;\n"
-                   "//\n"
-                   "oneTwoThree = 123;",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("a           += 5;\n"
+               "one          = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "oneTwoThree  = 123;",
+               "a += 5;\n"
+               "one = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("a   += 5;\n"
+               "one  = 1;\n"
+               "//\n"
+               "oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "a += 5;\n"
+               "one = 1;\n"
+               "//\n"
+               "oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               Alignment);
   Alignment.AlignConsecutiveAssignments.AcrossEmptyLines = false;
   Alignment.AlignConsecutiveAssignments.AcrossComments = true;
-  EXPECT_EQ("a   += 5;\n"
-            "one  = 1;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("a += 5;\n"
-                   "one = 1;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "oneTwoThree = 123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("a           += 5;\n"
-            "one          = 1;\n"
-            "//\n"
-            "oneTwoThree  = 123;",
-            format("a += 5;\n"
-                   "one = 1;\n"
-                   "//\n"
-                   "oneTwoThree = 123;",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("a   += 5;\n"
+               "one  = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "a += 5;\n"
+               "one = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("a           += 5;\n"
+               "one          = 1;\n"
+               "//\n"
+               "oneTwoThree  = 123;",
+               "a += 5;\n"
+               "one = 1;\n"
+               "//\n"
+               "oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               Alignment);
   Alignment.AlignConsecutiveAssignments.AcrossEmptyLines = true;
-  EXPECT_EQ("a            += 5;\n"
-            "one         >>= 1;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "oneTwoThree   = 123;",
-            format("a += 5;\n"
-                   "one >>= 1;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "oneTwoThree = 123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("a            += 5;\n"
-            "one           = 1;\n"
-            "//\n"
-            "oneTwoThree <<= 123;",
-            format("a += 5;\n"
-                   "one = 1;\n"
-                   "//\n"
-                   "oneTwoThree <<= 123;",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("a            += 5;\n"
+               "one         >>= 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "oneTwoThree   = 123;",
+               "a += 5;\n"
+               "one >>= 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("a            += 5;\n"
+               "one           = 1;\n"
+               "//\n"
+               "oneTwoThree <<= 123;",
+               "a += 5;\n"
+               "one = 1;\n"
+               "//\n"
+               "oneTwoThree <<= 123;",
+               Alignment);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveAssignments) {
@@ -18527,33 +18293,33 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveAssignments) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a = 5;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a       = 5;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree= 123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a   = 5;\n"
-            "int one = 1;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "int one = 1;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a   = 5;\n"
-            "int one = 1;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
-            "int oneTwo      = 12;",
-            format("int a = 5;\n"
-                   "int one = 1;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
-                   "int oneTwo = 12;",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("int a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a       = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree= 123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a   = 5;\n"
+               "int one = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "int one = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("int a   = 5;\n"
+               "int one = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
+               "int oneTwo      = 12;",
+               "int a = 5;\n"
+               "int one = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
+               "int oneTwo = 12;",
+               Alignment);
   Alignment.AlignEscapedNewlines = FormatStyle::ENAS_DontAlign;
   verifyFormat("#define A \\\n"
                "  int aaaa       = 12; \\\n"
@@ -18665,13 +18431,13 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveAssignments) {
   EXPECT_EQ(Alignment.ReflowComments, true);
   Alignment.ColumnLimit = 50;
-  EXPECT_EQ("int x   = 0;\n"
-            "int yy  = 1; /// specificlennospace\n"
-            "int zzz = 2;",
-            format("int x   = 0;\n"
-                   "int yy  = 1; ///specificlennospace\n"
-                   "int zzz = 2;",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("int x   = 0;\n"
+               "int yy  = 1; /// specificlennospace\n"
+               "int zzz = 2;",
+               "int x   = 0;\n"
+               "int yy  = 1; ///specificlennospace\n"
+               "int zzz = 2;",
+               Alignment);
   verifyFormat("auto aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = {};\n"
                "auto b                     = [] {\n"
@@ -18845,33 +18611,33 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveDeclarations) {
                "const unsigned      g;\n"
                "Const unsigned      h;",
-  EXPECT_EQ("float const a = 5;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("float const   a = 5;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "int           oneTwoThree= 123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("float a = 5;\n"
-            "int   one = 1;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "unsigned oneTwoThree = 123;",
-            format("float    a = 5;\n"
-                   "int      one = 1;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "unsigned oneTwoThree = 123;",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("float a = 5;\n"
-            "int   one = 1;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "unsigned oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
-            "int      oneTwo = 12;",
-            format("float    a = 5;\n"
-                   "int one = 1;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "unsigned oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
-                   "int oneTwo = 12;",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("float const a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "float const   a = 5;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "int           oneTwoThree= 123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("float a = 5;\n"
+               "int   one = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "unsigned oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               "float    a = 5;\n"
+               "int      one = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "unsigned oneTwoThree = 123;",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("float a = 5;\n"
+               "int   one = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "unsigned oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
+               "int      oneTwo = 12;",
+               "float    a = 5;\n"
+               "int one = 1;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "unsigned oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
+               "int oneTwo = 12;",
+               Alignment);
   // Function prototype alignment
   verifyFormat("int    a();\n"
                "double b();",
@@ -18883,25 +18649,25 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveDeclarations) {
   // We need to set ColumnLimit to zero, in order to stress nested alignments,
   // otherwise the function parameters will be re-flowed onto a single line.
   Alignment.ColumnLimit = 0;
-  EXPECT_EQ("int    a(int   x,\n"
-            "         float y);\n"
-            "double b(int    x,\n"
-            "         double y);",
-            format("int a(int x,\n"
-                   " float y);\n"
-                   "double b(int x,\n"
-                   " double y);",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("int    a(int   x,\n"
+               "         float y);\n"
+               "double b(int    x,\n"
+               "         double y);",
+               "int a(int x,\n"
+               " float y);\n"
+               "double b(int x,\n"
+               " double y);",
+               Alignment);
   // This ensures that function parameters of function declarations are
   // correctly indented when their owning functions are indented.
   // The failure case here is for 'double y' to not be indented enough.
-  EXPECT_EQ("double a(int x);\n"
-            "int    b(int    y,\n"
-            "         double z);",
-            format("double a(int x);\n"
-                   "int b(int y,\n"
-                   " double z);",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("double a(int x);\n"
+               "int    b(int    y,\n"
+               "         double z);",
+               "double a(int x);\n"
+               "int b(int y,\n"
+               " double z);",
+               Alignment);
   // Set ColumnLimit low so that we induce wrapping immediately after
   // the function name and opening paren.
   Alignment.ColumnLimit = 13;
@@ -18961,56 +18727,56 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveDeclarations) {
   // PAS_Right
-  EXPECT_EQ("void SomeFunction(int parameter = 0) {\n"
-            "  int const i   = 1;\n"
-            "  int      *j   = 2;\n"
-            "  int       big = 10000;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "  unsigned oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
-            "  int      oneTwo      = 12;\n"
-            "  method();\n"
-            "  float k  = 2;\n"
-            "  int   ll = 10000;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("void SomeFunction(int parameter= 0) {\n"
-                   " int const  i= 1;\n"
-                   "  int *j=2;\n"
-                   " int big  =  10000;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "unsigned oneTwoThree  =123;\n"
-                   "int oneTwo = 12;\n"
-                   "  method();\n"
-                   "float k= 2;\n"
-                   "int ll=10000;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Alignment));
-  EXPECT_EQ("void SomeFunction(int parameter = 0) {\n"
-            "  int const i   = 1;\n"
-            "  int     **j   = 2, ***k;\n"
-            "  int      &k   = i;\n"
-            "  int     &&l   = i + j;\n"
-            "  int       big = 10000;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "  unsigned oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
-            "  int      oneTwo      = 12;\n"
-            "  method();\n"
-            "  float k  = 2;\n"
-            "  int   ll = 10000;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("void SomeFunction(int parameter= 0) {\n"
-                   " int const  i= 1;\n"
-                   "  int **j=2,***k;\n"
-                   "int &k=i;\n"
-                   "int &&l=i+j;\n"
-                   " int big  =  10000;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "unsigned oneTwoThree  =123;\n"
-                   "int oneTwo = 12;\n"
-                   "  method();\n"
-                   "float k= 2;\n"
-                   "int ll=10000;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Alignment));
+  verifyFormat("void SomeFunction(int parameter = 0) {\n"
+               "  int const i   = 1;\n"
+               "  int      *j   = 2;\n"
+               "  int       big = 10000;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  unsigned oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
+               "  int      oneTwo      = 12;\n"
+               "  method();\n"
+               "  float k  = 2;\n"
+               "  int   ll = 10000;\n"
+               "}",
+               "void SomeFunction(int parameter= 0) {\n"
+               " int const  i= 1;\n"
+               "  int *j=2;\n"
+               " int big  =  10000;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "unsigned oneTwoThree  =123;\n"
+               "int oneTwo = 12;\n"
+               "  method();\n"
+               "float k= 2;\n"
+               "int ll=10000;\n"
+               "}",
+               Alignment);
+  verifyFormat("void SomeFunction(int parameter = 0) {\n"
+               "  int const i   = 1;\n"
+               "  int     **j   = 2, ***k;\n"
+               "  int      &k   = i;\n"
+               "  int     &&l   = i + j;\n"
+               "  int       big = 10000;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  unsigned oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
+               "  int      oneTwo      = 12;\n"
+               "  method();\n"
+               "  float k  = 2;\n"
+               "  int   ll = 10000;\n"
+               "}",
+               "void SomeFunction(int parameter= 0) {\n"
+               " int const  i= 1;\n"
+               "  int **j=2,***k;\n"
+               "int &k=i;\n"
+               "int &&l=i+j;\n"
+               " int big  =  10000;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "unsigned oneTwoThree  =123;\n"
+               "int oneTwo = 12;\n"
+               "  method();\n"
+               "float k= 2;\n"
+               "int ll=10000;\n"
+               "}",
+               Alignment);
   // variables are aligned at their name, pointers are at the right most
   // position
   verifyFormat("int   *a;\n"
@@ -19022,56 +18788,56 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveDeclarations) {
   // PAS_Left
   FormatStyle AlignmentLeft = Alignment;
   AlignmentLeft.PointerAlignment = FormatStyle::PAS_Left;
-  EXPECT_EQ("void SomeFunction(int parameter = 0) {\n"
-            "  int const i   = 1;\n"
-            "  int*      j   = 2;\n"
-            "  int       big = 10000;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "  unsigned oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
-            "  int      oneTwo      = 12;\n"
-            "  method();\n"
-            "  float k  = 2;\n"
-            "  int   ll = 10000;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("void SomeFunction(int parameter= 0) {\n"
-                   " int const  i= 1;\n"
-                   "  int *j=2;\n"
-                   " int big  =  10000;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "unsigned oneTwoThree  =123;\n"
-                   "int oneTwo = 12;\n"
-                   "  method();\n"
-                   "float k= 2;\n"
-                   "int ll=10000;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   AlignmentLeft));
-  EXPECT_EQ("void SomeFunction(int parameter = 0) {\n"
-            "  int const i   = 1;\n"
-            "  int**     j   = 2;\n"
-            "  int&      k   = i;\n"
-            "  int&&     l   = i + j;\n"
-            "  int       big = 10000;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "  unsigned oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
-            "  int      oneTwo      = 12;\n"
-            "  method();\n"
-            "  float k  = 2;\n"
-            "  int   ll = 10000;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("void SomeFunction(int parameter= 0) {\n"
-                   " int const  i= 1;\n"
-                   "  int **j=2;\n"
-                   "int &k=i;\n"
-                   "int &&l=i+j;\n"
-                   " int big  =  10000;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "unsigned oneTwoThree  =123;\n"
-                   "int oneTwo = 12;\n"
-                   "  method();\n"
-                   "float k= 2;\n"
-                   "int ll=10000;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   AlignmentLeft));
+  verifyFormat("void SomeFunction(int parameter = 0) {\n"
+               "  int const i   = 1;\n"
+               "  int*      j   = 2;\n"
+               "  int       big = 10000;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  unsigned oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
+               "  int      oneTwo      = 12;\n"
+               "  method();\n"
+               "  float k  = 2;\n"
+               "  int   ll = 10000;\n"
+               "}",
+               "void SomeFunction(int parameter= 0) {\n"
+               " int const  i= 1;\n"
+               "  int *j=2;\n"
+               " int big  =  10000;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "unsigned oneTwoThree  =123;\n"
+               "int oneTwo = 12;\n"
+               "  method();\n"
+               "float k= 2;\n"
+               "int ll=10000;\n"
+               "}",
+               AlignmentLeft);
+  verifyFormat("void SomeFunction(int parameter = 0) {\n"
+               "  int const i   = 1;\n"
+               "  int**     j   = 2;\n"
+               "  int&      k   = i;\n"
+               "  int&&     l   = i + j;\n"
+               "  int       big = 10000;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  unsigned oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
+               "  int      oneTwo      = 12;\n"
+               "  method();\n"
+               "  float k  = 2;\n"
+               "  int   ll = 10000;\n"
+               "}",
+               "void SomeFunction(int parameter= 0) {\n"
+               " int const  i= 1;\n"
+               "  int **j=2;\n"
+               "int &k=i;\n"
+               "int &&l=i+j;\n"
+               " int big  =  10000;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "unsigned oneTwoThree  =123;\n"
+               "int oneTwo = 12;\n"
+               "  method();\n"
+               "float k= 2;\n"
+               "int ll=10000;\n"
+               "}",
+               AlignmentLeft);
   // variables are aligned at their name, pointers are at the left most position
   verifyFormat("int*   a;\n"
                "int**  b;\n"
@@ -19082,56 +18848,56 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveDeclarations) {
   // PAS_Middle
   FormatStyle AlignmentMiddle = Alignment;
   AlignmentMiddle.PointerAlignment = FormatStyle::PAS_Middle;
-  EXPECT_EQ("void SomeFunction(int parameter = 0) {\n"
-            "  int const i   = 1;\n"
-            "  int *     j   = 2;\n"
-            "  int       big = 10000;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "  unsigned oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
-            "  int      oneTwo      = 12;\n"
-            "  method();\n"
-            "  float k  = 2;\n"
-            "  int   ll = 10000;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("void SomeFunction(int parameter= 0) {\n"
-                   " int const  i= 1;\n"
-                   "  int *j=2;\n"
-                   " int big  =  10000;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "unsigned oneTwoThree  =123;\n"
-                   "int oneTwo = 12;\n"
-                   "  method();\n"
-                   "float k= 2;\n"
-                   "int ll=10000;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   AlignmentMiddle));
-  EXPECT_EQ("void SomeFunction(int parameter = 0) {\n"
-            "  int const i   = 1;\n"
-            "  int **    j   = 2, ***k;\n"
-            "  int &     k   = i;\n"
-            "  int &&    l   = i + j;\n"
-            "  int       big = 10000;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "  unsigned oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
-            "  int      oneTwo      = 12;\n"
-            "  method();\n"
-            "  float k  = 2;\n"
-            "  int   ll = 10000;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("void SomeFunction(int parameter= 0) {\n"
-                   " int const  i= 1;\n"
-                   "  int **j=2,***k;\n"
-                   "int &k=i;\n"
-                   "int &&l=i+j;\n"
-                   " int big  =  10000;\n"
-                   "\n"
-                   "unsigned oneTwoThree  =123;\n"
-                   "int oneTwo = 12;\n"
-                   "  method();\n"
-                   "float k= 2;\n"
-                   "int ll=10000;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   AlignmentMiddle));
+  verifyFormat("void SomeFunction(int parameter = 0) {\n"
+               "  int const i   = 1;\n"
+               "  int *     j   = 2;\n"
+               "  int       big = 10000;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  unsigned oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
+               "  int      oneTwo      = 12;\n"
+               "  method();\n"
+               "  float k  = 2;\n"
+               "  int   ll = 10000;\n"
+               "}",
+               "void SomeFunction(int parameter= 0) {\n"
+               " int const  i= 1;\n"
+               "  int *j=2;\n"
+               " int big  =  10000;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "unsigned oneTwoThree  =123;\n"
+               "int oneTwo = 12;\n"
+               "  method();\n"
+               "float k= 2;\n"
+               "int ll=10000;\n"
+               "}",
+               AlignmentMiddle);
+  verifyFormat("void SomeFunction(int parameter = 0) {\n"
+               "  int const i   = 1;\n"
+               "  int **    j   = 2, ***k;\n"
+               "  int &     k   = i;\n"
+               "  int &&    l   = i + j;\n"
+               "  int       big = 10000;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "  unsigned oneTwoThree = 123;\n"
+               "  int      oneTwo      = 12;\n"
+               "  method();\n"
+               "  float k  = 2;\n"
+               "  int   ll = 10000;\n"
+               "}",
+               "void SomeFunction(int parameter= 0) {\n"
+               " int const  i= 1;\n"
+               "  int **j=2,***k;\n"
+               "int &k=i;\n"
+               "int &&l=i+j;\n"
+               " int big  =  10000;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "unsigned oneTwoThree  =123;\n"
+               "int oneTwo = 12;\n"
+               "  method();\n"
+               "float k= 2;\n"
+               "int ll=10000;\n"
+               "}",
+               AlignmentMiddle);
   // variables are aligned at their name, pointers are in the middle
   verifyFormat("int *   a;\n"
                "int *   b;\n"
@@ -19308,9 +19074,9 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveDeclarations) {
   // See PR37175
   FormatStyle Style = getMozillaStyle();
   Style.AlignConsecutiveDeclarations.Enabled = true;
-  EXPECT_EQ("DECOR1 /**/ int8_t /**/ DECOR2 /**/\n"
-            "foo(int a);",
-            format("DECOR1 /**/ int8_t /**/ DECOR2 /**/ foo (int a);", Style));
+  verifyFormat("DECOR1 /**/ int8_t /**/ DECOR2 /**/\n"
+               "foo(int a);",
+               "DECOR1 /**/ int8_t /**/ DECOR2 /**/ foo (int a);", Style);
   Alignment.PointerAlignment = FormatStyle::PAS_Left;
   verifyFormat("unsigned int*       a;\n"
@@ -19950,17 +19716,17 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AllmanBraceBreaking) {
   FormatStyle AllmanBraceStyle = getLLVMStyle();
   AllmanBraceStyle.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_Allman;
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace a\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "void f();\n"
-            "void g();\n"
-            "} // namespace a",
-            format("namespace a\n"
-                   "{\n"
-                   "void f();\n"
-                   "void g();\n"
-                   "}",
-                   AllmanBraceStyle));
+  verifyFormat("namespace a\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "void f();\n"
+               "void g();\n"
+               "} // namespace a",
+               "namespace a\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "void f();\n"
+               "void g();\n"
+               "}",
+               AllmanBraceStyle);
   verifyFormat("namespace a\n"
@@ -20887,7 +20653,7 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, CatchAlignArrayOfStructuresRightAlignment) {
   Style.ColumnLimit = 0;
+  verifyFormat(
       "test demo[] = {\n"
       "    {56,    23, \"hello world i am a very long line that really, "
       "in any just world, ought to be split over multiple lines\"},\n"
@@ -20896,10 +20662,10 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, CatchAlignArrayOfStructuresRightAlignment) {
       "    { 7,     5,                                                  "
       "                                                    \"!!\"},\n"
-      format("test demo[] = {{56, 23, \"hello world i am a very long line "
-             "that really, in any just world, ought to be split over multiple "
-             "lines\"},{-1, 93463, \"world\"},{7, 5, \"!!\"},};",
-             Style));
+      "test demo[] = {{56, 23, \"hello world i am a very long line "
+      "that really, in any just world, ought to be split over multiple "
+      "lines\"},{-1, 93463, \"world\"},{7, 5, \"!!\"},};",
+      Style);
   Style.ColumnLimit = 80;
   verifyFormat("test demo[] = {\n"
@@ -20924,35 +20690,34 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, CatchAlignArrayOfStructuresRightAlignment) {
   Style.ColumnLimit = 20;
-      "demo = std::array<\n"
-      "    struct test, 3>{\n"
-      "    test{\n"
-      "         56,    23,\n"
-      "         \"hello \"\n"
-      "         \"world i \"\n"
-      "         \"am a very \"\n"
-      "         \"long line \"\n"
-      "         \"that \"\n"
-      "         \"really, \"\n"
-      "         \"in any \"\n"
-      "         \"just \"\n"
-      "         \"world, \"\n"
-      "         \"ought to \"\n"
-      "         \"be split \"\n"
-      "         \"over \"\n"
-      "         \"multiple \"\n"
-      "         \"lines\"},\n"
-      "    test{-1, 93463,\n"
-      "         \"world\"},\n"
-      "    test{ 7,     5,\n"
-      "         \"!!\"   },\n"
-      "};",
-      format("demo = std::array<struct test, 3>{test{56, 23, \"hello world "
-             "i am a very long line that really, in any just world, ought "
-             "to be split over multiple lines\"},test{-1, 93463, \"world\"},"
-             "test{7, 5, \"!!\"},};",
-             Style));
+  verifyFormat("demo = std::array<\n"
+               "    struct test, 3>{\n"
+               "    test{\n"
+               "         56,    23,\n"
+               "         \"hello \"\n"
+               "         \"world i \"\n"
+               "         \"am a very \"\n"
+               "         \"long line \"\n"
+               "         \"that \"\n"
+               "         \"really, \"\n"
+               "         \"in any \"\n"
+               "         \"just \"\n"
+               "         \"world, \"\n"
+               "         \"ought to \"\n"
+               "         \"be split \"\n"
+               "         \"over \"\n"
+               "         \"multiple \"\n"
+               "         \"lines\"},\n"
+               "    test{-1, 93463,\n"
+               "         \"world\"},\n"
+               "    test{ 7,     5,\n"
+               "         \"!!\"   },\n"
+               "};",
+               "demo = std::array<struct test, 3>{test{56, 23, \"hello world "
+               "i am a very long line that really, in any just world, ought "
+               "to be split over multiple lines\"},test{-1, 93463, \"world\"},"
+               "test{7, 5, \"!!\"},};",
+               Style);
   // This caused a core dump by enabling Alignment in the LLVMStyle globally
   Style = getLLVMStyleWithColumns(50);
   Style.AlignArrayOfStructures = FormatStyle::AIAS_Right;
@@ -20970,7 +20735,7 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, CatchAlignArrayOfStructuresRightAlignment) {
   Style.ColumnLimit = 100;
+  verifyFormat(
       "test demo[] = {\n"
       "    {56,    23,\n"
       "     \"hello world i am a very long line that really, in any just world"
@@ -20979,10 +20744,10 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, CatchAlignArrayOfStructuresRightAlignment) {
       "    {-1, 93463, \"world\"},\n"
       "    { 7,     5,    \"!!\"},\n"
-      format("test demo[] = {{56, 23, \"hello world i am a very long line "
-             "that really, in any just world, ought to be split over multiple "
-             "lines\"},{-1, 93463, \"world\"},{7, 5, \"!!\"},};",
-             Style));
+      "test demo[] = {{56, 23, \"hello world i am a very long line "
+      "that really, in any just world, ought to be split over multiple "
+      "lines\"},{-1, 93463, \"world\"},{7, 5, \"!!\"},};",
+      Style);
   Style = getLLVMStyleWithColumns(50);
   Style.AlignArrayOfStructures = FormatStyle::AIAS_Right;
@@ -21011,7 +20776,7 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, CatchAlignArrayOfStructuresRightAlignment) {
                "    {234,     5,  1, \"gracious\"}  // fourth line\n"
+  verifyFormat(
       "test demo[] = {\n"
       "    {56,\n"
       "     \"hello world i am a very long line that really, in any just world"
@@ -21020,10 +20785,10 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, CatchAlignArrayOfStructuresRightAlignment) {
       "    {-1,      \"world\", 93463},\n"
       "    { 7,         \"!!\",     5},\n"
-      format("test demo[] = {{56, \"hello world i am a very long line "
-             "that really, in any just world, ought to be split over multiple "
-             "lines\", 23},{-1, \"world\", 93463},{7, \"!!\", 5},};",
-             Style));
+      "test demo[] = {{56, \"hello world i am a very long line "
+      "that really, in any just world, ought to be split over multiple "
+      "lines\", 23},{-1, \"world\", 93463},{7, \"!!\", 5},};",
+      Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, CatchAlignArrayOfStructuresLeftAlignment) {
@@ -21119,7 +20884,7 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, CatchAlignArrayOfStructuresLeftAlignment) {
   Style.ColumnLimit = 0;
+  verifyFormat(
       "test demo[] = {\n"
       "    {56, 23,    \"hello world i am a very long line that really, in any "
       "just world, ought to be split over multiple lines\"},\n"
@@ -21128,10 +20893,10 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, CatchAlignArrayOfStructuresLeftAlignment) {
       "    {7,  5,     \"!!\"                                                  "
       "                                                   },\n"
-      format("test demo[] = {{56, 23, \"hello world i am a very long line "
-             "that really, in any just world, ought to be split over multiple "
-             "lines\"},{-1, 93463, \"world\"},{7, 5, \"!!\"},};",
-             Style));
+      "test demo[] = {{56, 23, \"hello world i am a very long line "
+      "that really, in any just world, ought to be split over multiple "
+      "lines\"},{-1, 93463, \"world\"},{7, 5, \"!!\"},};",
+      Style);
   Style.ColumnLimit = 80;
   verifyFormat("test demo[] = {\n"
@@ -21156,6 +20921,7 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, CatchAlignArrayOfStructuresLeftAlignment) {
   Style.ColumnLimit = 20;
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
       "demo = std::array<\n"
       "    struct test, 3>{\n"
@@ -21195,7 +20961,7 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, CatchAlignArrayOfStructuresLeftAlignment) {
   Style.ColumnLimit = 100;
+  verifyFormat(
       "test demo[] = {\n"
       "    {56, 23,\n"
       "     \"hello world i am a very long line that really, in any just world"
@@ -21204,25 +20970,25 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, CatchAlignArrayOfStructuresLeftAlignment) {
       "    {-1, 93463, \"world\"},\n"
       "    {7,  5,     \"!!\"   },\n"
-      format("test demo[] = {{56, 23, \"hello world i am a very long line "
-             "that really, in any just world, ought to be split over multiple "
-             "lines\"},{-1, 93463, \"world\"},{7, 5, \"!!\"},};",
-             Style));
+      "test demo[] = {{56, 23, \"hello world i am a very long line "
+      "that really, in any just world, ought to be split over multiple "
+      "lines\"},{-1, 93463, \"world\"},{7, 5, \"!!\"},};",
+      Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsPragmas) {
   verifyFormat("#pragma omp reduction(| : var)");
   verifyFormat("#pragma omp reduction(+ : var)");
-  EXPECT_EQ("#pragma mark Any non-hyphenated or hyphenated string "
-            "(including parentheses).",
-            format("#pragma    mark   Any non-hyphenated or hyphenated string "
-                   "(including parentheses)."));
+  verifyFormat("#pragma mark Any non-hyphenated or hyphenated string "
+               "(including parentheses).",
+               "#pragma    mark   Any non-hyphenated or hyphenated string "
+               "(including parentheses).");
-  EXPECT_EQ("#pragma mark Any non-hyphenated or hyphenated string "
-            "(including parentheses).",
-            format("#pragma    mark   Any non-hyphenated or hyphenated string "
-                   "(including parentheses)."));
+  verifyFormat("#pragma mark Any non-hyphenated or hyphenated string "
+               "(including parentheses).",
+               "#pragma    mark   Any non-hyphenated or hyphenated string "
+               "(including parentheses).");
       "#pragma comment(linker,    \\\n"
@@ -21241,7 +21007,7 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsPragmaOmpTarget) {
   verifyFormat("#pragma omp target map(to : var[0 : N])");
   verifyFormat("#pragma omp target map(always, to : var[0 : N])");
+  verifyFormat(
       "#pragma omp target       \\\n"
       "    reduction(+ : var)   \\\n"
       "    map(to : A[0 : N])   \\\n"
@@ -21250,16 +21016,15 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsPragmaOmpTarget) {
       "    firstprivate(i)      \\\n"
       "    firstprivate(j)      \\\n"
       "    firstprivate(k)",
-      format(
-          "#pragma omp target reduction(+:var) map(to:A[0:N]) map(to:B[0:N]) "
-          "map(from:C[0:N]) firstprivate(i) firstprivate(j) firstprivate(k)",
-          getLLVMStyleWithColumns(26)));
+      "#pragma omp target reduction(+:var) map(to:A[0:N]) map(to:B[0:N]) "
+      "map(from:C[0:N]) firstprivate(i) firstprivate(j) firstprivate(k)",
+      getLLVMStyleWithColumns(26));
 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandPragmaOption) {
   verifyFormat("#pragma option -C -A");
-  EXPECT_EQ("#pragma option -C -A", format("#pragma    option   -C   -A"));
+  verifyFormat("#pragma option -C -A", "#pragma    option   -C   -A");
 TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandPragmaRegion) {
@@ -21272,96 +21037,85 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, OptimizeBreakPenaltyVsExcess) {
   FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20);
   // See PR41213
-  EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
-            " *\t9012345\n"
-            " * /8901\n"
-            " */",
-            format("/*\n"
-                   " *\t9012345 /8901\n"
-                   " */",
-                   Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
-            " *345678\n"
-            " *\t/8901\n"
-            " */",
-            format("/*\n"
-                   " *345678\t/8901\n"
-                   " */",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("/*\n"
+               " *\t9012345\n"
+               " * /8901\n"
+               " */",
+               "/*\n"
+               " *\t9012345 /8901\n"
+               " */",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("/*\n"
+               " *345678\n"
+               " *\t/8901\n"
+               " */",
+               "/*\n"
+               " *345678\t/8901\n"
+               " */",
+               Style);
   verifyFormat("int a; // the\n"
                "       // comment",
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a; /* first line\n"
-            "        * second\n"
-            "        * line third\n"
-            "        * line\n"
-            "        */",
-            format("int a; /* first line\n"
-                   "        * second\n"
-                   "        * line third\n"
-                   "        * line\n"
-                   "        */",
-                   Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a; // first line\n"
-            "       // second\n"
-            "       // line third\n"
-            "       // line",
-            format("int a; // first line\n"
-                   "       // second line\n"
-                   "       // third line",
-                   Style));
+  verifyNoChange("int a; /* first line\n"
+                 "        * second\n"
+                 "        * line third\n"
+                 "        * line\n"
+                 "        */",
+                 Style);
+  verifyFormat("int a; // first line\n"
+               "       // second\n"
+               "       // line third\n"
+               "       // line",
+               "int a; // first line\n"
+               "       // second line\n"
+               "       // third line",
+               Style);
   Style.PenaltyExcessCharacter = 90;
   verifyFormat("int a; // the comment", Style);
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a; // the comment\n"
-            "       // aaa",
-            format("int a; // the comment aaa", Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a; /* first line\n"
-            "        * second line\n"
-            "        * third line\n"
-            "        */",
-            format("int a; /* first line\n"
-                   "        * second line\n"
-                   "        * third line\n"
-                   "        */",
-                   Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a; // first line\n"
-            "       // second line\n"
-            "       // third line",
-            format("int a; // first line\n"
-                   "       // second line\n"
-                   "       // third line",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("int a; // the comment\n"
+               "       // aaa",
+               "int a; // the comment aaa", Style);
+  verifyNoChange("int a; /* first line\n"
+                 "        * second line\n"
+                 "        * third line\n"
+                 "        */",
+                 Style);
+  verifyFormat("int a; // first line\n"
+               "       // second line\n"
+               "       // third line",
+               Style);
   // FIXME: Investigate why this is not getting the same layout as the test
   // above.
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a; /* first line\n"
-            "        * second line\n"
-            "        * third line\n"
-            "        */",
-            format("int a; /* first line second line third line"
-                   "\n*/",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("int a; /* first line\n"
+               "        * second line\n"
+               "        * third line\n"
+               "        */",
+               "int a; /* first line second line third line"
+               "\n*/",
+               Style);
-  EXPECT_EQ("// foo bar baz bazfoo\n"
-            "// foo bar foo bar",
-            format("// foo bar baz bazfoo\n"
-                   "// foo bar foo           bar",
-                   Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("// foo bar baz bazfoo\n"
-            "// foo bar foo bar",
-            format("// foo bar baz      bazfoo\n"
-                   "// foo            bar foo bar",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("// foo bar baz bazfoo\n"
+               "// foo bar foo bar",
+               "// foo bar baz bazfoo\n"
+               "// foo bar foo           bar",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("// foo bar baz bazfoo\n"
+               "// foo bar foo bar",
+               "// foo bar baz      bazfoo\n"
+               "// foo            bar foo bar",
+               Style);
   // FIXME: Optimally, we'd keep bazfoo on the first line and reflow bar to the
   // next one.
-  EXPECT_EQ("// foo bar baz bazfoo\n"
-            "// bar foo bar",
-            format("// foo bar baz      bazfoo bar\n"
-                   "// foo            bar",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("// foo bar baz bazfoo\n"
+               "// bar foo bar",
+               "// foo bar baz      bazfoo bar\n"
+               "// foo            bar",
+               Style);
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
   EXPECT_EQ("// foo bar baz bazfoo\n"
             "// foo bar baz bazfoo\n"
             "// bar foo bar",
@@ -21370,6 +21124,7 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, OptimizeBreakPenaltyVsExcess) {
                    "// foo bar",
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
   EXPECT_EQ("// foo bar baz bazfoo\n"
             "// foo bar baz bazfoo\n"
             "// bar foo bar",
@@ -21381,16 +21136,15 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, OptimizeBreakPenaltyVsExcess) {
   // Make sure we do not keep protruding characters if strict mode reflow is
   // cheaper than keeping protruding characters.
   Style.ColumnLimit = 21;
-      "// foo foo foo foo\n"
-      "// foo foo foo foo\n"
-      "// foo foo foo foo",
-      format("// foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo", Style));
+  verifyFormat("// foo foo foo foo\n"
+               "// foo foo foo foo\n"
+               "// foo foo foo foo",
+               "// foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo", Style);
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a = /* long block\n"
-            "           comment */\n"
-            "    42;",
-            format("int a = /* long block comment */ 42;", Style));
+  verifyFormat("int a = /* long block\n"
+               "           comment */\n"
+               "    42;",
+               "int a = /* long block comment */ 42;", Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreakPenaltyAfterLParen) {
@@ -21401,10 +21155,10 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, BreakPenaltyAfterLParen) {
                "    int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);",
   Style.PenaltyBreakOpenParenthesis = 200;
-  EXPECT_EQ("int foo(int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);",
-            format("int foo(\n"
-                   "    int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("int foo(int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);",
+               "int foo(\n"
+               "    int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);",
+               Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreakPenaltyAfterCastLParen) {
@@ -21416,11 +21170,11 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, BreakPenaltyAfterCastLParen) {
   Style.PenaltyBreakOpenParenthesis = 100000;
-  EXPECT_EQ("foo((int)\n"
-            "        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);",
-            format("foo((\n"
-                   "int)aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("foo((int)\n"
+               "        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);",
+               "foo((\n"
+               "int)aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);",
+               Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, BreakPenaltyAfterForLoopLParen) {
@@ -21437,23 +21191,24 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, BreakPenaltyAfterForLoopLParen) {
   Style.PenaltyBreakOpenParenthesis = 1250;
-  EXPECT_EQ("for (int iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii =\n"
-            "         0;\n"
-            "     iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <\n"
-            "     2;\n"
-            "     iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii++) {\n"
-            "}",
-            format("for (\n"
-                   "    int iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii =\n"
-                   "        0;\n"
-                   "    iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <\n"
-                   "    2;\n"
-                   "    iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii++) {\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("for (int iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii =\n"
+               "         0;\n"
+               "     iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <\n"
+               "     2;\n"
+               "     iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii++) {\n"
+               "}",
+               "for (\n"
+               "    int iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii =\n"
+               "        0;\n"
+               "    iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <\n"
+               "    2;\n"
+               "    iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii++) {\n"
+               "}",
+               Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, WorksFor8bitEncodings) {
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
   EXPECT_EQ("\"\xce\xe4\xed\xe0\xe6\xe4\xfb \xe2 \"\n"
             "\"\xf1\xf2\xf3\xe4\xb8\xed\xf3\xfe \"\n"
             "\"\xe7\xe8\xec\xed\xfe\xfe \"\n"
@@ -21492,24 +21247,29 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, SplitsUTF8Strings) {
   // bytes in UTF8. The characters can be displayed in very 
diff erent manner
   // (zero-width, single width with a substitution glyph, expanded to their code
   // (e.g. "<8d>"), so there's no single correct way to handle them.
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
             format("\"aaaaÄ\xc2\x8d\";", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
             format("\"aaaaaaaÄ\xc2\x8d\";", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
   EXPECT_EQ("\"Однажды, в \"\n"
             "\"студёную \"\n"
             "\"зимнюю \"\n"
             format("\"Однажды, в студёную зимнюю пору,\"",
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
       "\"一 二 三 \"\n"
       "\"四 五六 \"\n"
       "\"七 八 九 \"\n"
       format("\"一 二 三 四 五六 七 八 九 十\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11)));
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
             "\"二 \t\"\n"
             "\"三 四 \"\n"
@@ -21521,57 +21281,57 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, SplitsUTF8Strings) {
   // UTF8 character in an escape sequence.
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
             format("\"aaaaaa\\\xC2\x8D\"", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
 TEST_F(FormatTest, HandlesDoubleWidthCharsInMultiLineStrings) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("const char *sssss =\n"
-            "    \"一二三四五六七八\\\n"
-            " 九 十\";",
-            format("const char *sssss = \"一二三四五六七八\\\n"
-                   " 九 十\";",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(30)));
+  verifyFormat("const char *sssss =\n"
+               "    \"一二三四五六七八\\\n"
+               " 九 十\";",
+               "const char *sssss = \"一二三四五六七八\\\n"
+               " 九 十\";",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(30));
 TEST_F(FormatTest, SplitsUTF8LineComments) {
   verifyFormat("// aaaaÄ\xc2\x8d", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10));
-  EXPECT_EQ("// Я из лесу\n"
-            "// вышел; был\n"
-            "// сильный\n"
-            "// мороз.",
-            format("// Я из лесу вышел; был сильный мороз.",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(13)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("// 一二三\n"
-            "// 四五六七\n"
-            "// 八  九\n"
-            "// 十",
-            format("// 一二三 四五六七 八  九 十", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(9)));
+  verifyFormat("// Я из лесу\n"
+               "// вышел; был\n"
+               "// сильный\n"
+               "// мороз.",
+               "// Я из лесу вышел; был сильный мороз.",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(13));
+  verifyFormat("// 一二三\n"
+               "// 四五六七\n"
+               "// 八  九\n"
+               "// 十",
+               "// 一二三 四五六七 八  九 十", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(9));
 TEST_F(FormatTest, SplitsUTF8BlockComments) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("/* Гляжу,\n"
-            " * поднимается\n"
-            " * медленно в\n"
-            " * гору\n"
-            " * Лошадка,\n"
-            " * везущая\n"
-            " * хворосту\n"
-            " * воз. */",
-            format("/* Гляжу, поднимается медленно в гору\n"
-                   " * Лошадка, везущая хворосту воз. */",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(13)));
-      "/* 一二三\n"
-      " * 四五六七\n"
-      " * 八  九\n"
-      " * 十  */",
-      format("/* 一二三 四五六七 八  九 十  */", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(9)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("/* 𝓣𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯\n"
-            " * 𝕓𝕪𝕥𝕖\n"
-            " * 𝖀𝕿𝕱-𝟠 */",
-            format("/* 𝓣𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝕓𝕪𝕥𝕖 𝖀𝕿𝕱-𝟠 */", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12)));
+  verifyFormat("/* Гляжу,\n"
+               " * поднимается\n"
+               " * медленно в\n"
+               " * гору\n"
+               " * Лошадка,\n"
+               " * везущая\n"
+               " * хворосту\n"
+               " * воз. */",
+               "/* Гляжу, поднимается медленно в гору\n"
+               " * Лошадка, везущая хворосту воз. */",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(13));
+  verifyFormat("/* 一二三\n"
+               " * 四五六七\n"
+               " * 八  九\n"
+               " * 十  */",
+               "/* 一二三 四五六七 八  九 十  */", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(9));
+  verifyFormat("/* 𝓣𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯\n"
+               " * 𝕓𝕪𝕥𝕖\n"
+               " * 𝖀𝕿𝕱-𝟠 */",
+               "/* 𝓣𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝕓𝕪𝕥𝕖 𝖀𝕿𝕱-𝟠 */", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12));
 #endif // _MSC_VER
@@ -21817,32 +21577,33 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsWithWebKitStyle) {
   // Wrap before binary operators.
-  EXPECT_EQ("void f()\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "    if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
-            "        && bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-            "        && (cccccccccccccccccccccccccc || dddddddddddddddddddd))\n"
-            "        return;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("void f() {\n"
-                   "if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
-                   "&& bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
-                   "&& (cccccccccccccccccccccccccc || dddddddddddddddddddd))\n"
-                   "return;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat(
+      "void f()\n"
+      "{\n"
+      "    if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
+      "        && bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+      "        && (cccccccccccccccccccccccccc || dddddddddddddddddddd))\n"
+      "        return;\n"
+      "}",
+      "void f() {\n"
+      "if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
+      "&& bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
+      "&& (cccccccccccccccccccccccccc || dddddddddddddddddddd))\n"
+      "return;\n"
+      "}",
+      Style);
   // Allow functions on a single line.
   verifyFormat("void f() { return; }", Style);
   // Allow empty blocks on a single line and insert a space in empty blocks.
-  EXPECT_EQ("void f() { }", format("void f() {}", Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("while (true) { }", format("while (true) {}", Style));
+  verifyFormat("void f() { }", "void f() {}", Style);
+  verifyFormat("while (true) { }", "while (true) {}", Style);
   // However, don't merge non-empty short loops.
-  EXPECT_EQ("while (true) {\n"
-            "    continue;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("while (true) { continue; }", Style));
+  verifyFormat("while (true) {\n"
+               "    continue;\n"
+               "}",
+               "while (true) { continue; }", Style);
   // Constructor initializers are formatted one per line with the "," on the
   // new line.
@@ -21859,11 +21620,11 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsWithWebKitStyle) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("SomeClass::Constructor()\n"
-            "    : a(a)\n"
-            "{\n"
-            "}",
-            format("SomeClass::Constructor():a(a){}", Style));
+  verifyFormat("SomeClass::Constructor()\n"
+               "    : a(a)\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "}",
+               "SomeClass::Constructor():a(a){}", Style);
                "    : a(a)\n"
                "    , b(b)\n"
@@ -21892,69 +21653,69 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsWithWebKitStyle) {
   // Do not align operands.
-  EXPECT_EQ("ASSERT(aaaa\n"
-            "    || bbbb);",
-            format("ASSERT ( aaaa\n||bbbb);", Style));
+  verifyFormat("ASSERT(aaaa\n"
+               "    || bbbb);",
+               "ASSERT ( aaaa\n||bbbb);", Style);
   // Accept input's line breaks.
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
-            "    || bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) {\n"
-            "    i++;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
-                   "|| bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) { i++; }",
-                   Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) {\n"
-            "    i++;\n"
-            "}",
-            format("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) { i++; }", Style));
+  verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
+               "    || bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) {\n"
+               "    i++;\n"
+               "}",
+               "if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
+               "|| bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) { i++; }",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) {\n"
+               "    i++;\n"
+               "}",
+               "if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) { i++; }", Style);
   // Don't automatically break all macro definitions (llvm.org/PR17842).
   verifyFormat("#define aNumber 10", Style);
   // However, generally keep the line breaks that the user authored.
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define aNumber \\\n"
-            "    10",
-            format("#define aNumber \\\n"
-                   " 10",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("#define aNumber \\\n"
+               "    10",
+               "#define aNumber \\\n"
+               " 10",
+               Style);
   // Keep empty and one-element array literals on a single line.
-  EXPECT_EQ("NSArray* a = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:@[]\n"
-            "                                  copyItems:YES];",
-            format("NSArray*a=[[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:@[]\n"
-                   "copyItems:YES];",
-                   Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("NSArray* a = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:@[ @\"a\" ]\n"
-            "                                  copyItems:YES];",
-            format("NSArray*a=[[NSArray alloc]initWithArray:@[ @\"a\" ]\n"
-                   "             copyItems:YES];",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("NSArray* a = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:@[]\n"
+               "                                  copyItems:YES];",
+               "NSArray*a=[[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:@[]\n"
+               "copyItems:YES];",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("NSArray* a = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:@[ @\"a\" ]\n"
+               "                                  copyItems:YES];",
+               "NSArray*a=[[NSArray alloc]initWithArray:@[ @\"a\" ]\n"
+               "             copyItems:YES];",
+               Style);
   // FIXME: This does not seem right, there should be more indentation before
   // the array literal's entries. Nested blocks have the same problem.
-  EXPECT_EQ("NSArray* a = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:@[\n"
-            "    @\"a\",\n"
-            "    @\"a\"\n"
-            "]\n"
-            "                                  copyItems:YES];",
-            format("NSArray* a = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:@[\n"
-                   "     @\"a\",\n"
-                   "     @\"a\"\n"
-                   "     ]\n"
-                   "       copyItems:YES];",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("NSArray* a = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:@[\n"
+               "    @\"a\",\n"
+               "    @\"a\"\n"
+               "]\n"
+               "                                  copyItems:YES];",
+               "NSArray* a = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:@[\n"
+               "     @\"a\",\n"
+               "     @\"a\"\n"
+               "     ]\n"
+               "       copyItems:YES];",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat(
       "NSArray* a = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:@[ @\"a\", @\"a\" ]\n"
       "                                  copyItems:YES];",
-      format("NSArray* a = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:@[ @\"a\", @\"a\" ]\n"
-             "   copyItems:YES];",
-             Style));
+      "NSArray* a = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:@[ @\"a\", @\"a\" ]\n"
+      "   copyItems:YES];",
+      Style);
   verifyFormat("[self.a b:c c:d];", Style);
-  EXPECT_EQ("[self.a b:c\n"
-            "        c:d];",
-            format("[self.a b:c\n"
-                   "c:d];",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("[self.a b:c\n"
+               "        c:d];",
+               "[self.a b:c\n"
+               "c:d];",
+               Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsLambdas) {
@@ -21994,14 +21755,14 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsLambdas) {
   verifyFormat("SomeFunction([]() { // A cool function...\n"
                "  return 43;\n"
-  EXPECT_EQ("SomeFunction([]() {\n"
-            "#define A a\n"
-            "  return 43;\n"
-            "});",
-            format("SomeFunction([](){\n"
-                   "#define A a\n"
-                   "return 43;\n"
-                   "});"));
+  verifyFormat("SomeFunction([]() {\n"
+               "#define A a\n"
+               "  return 43;\n"
+               "});",
+               "SomeFunction([](){\n"
+               "#define A a\n"
+               "return 43;\n"
+               "});");
   verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
                "  SomeFunction([](decltype(x), A *a) {});\n"
                "  SomeFunction([](typeof(x), A *a) {});\n"
@@ -23004,23 +22765,23 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsBlocksWithZeroColumnWidth) {
                "  }\n"
-  EXPECT_EQ("[[SessionService sharedService]\n"
-            "    loadWindowWithCompletionBlock:^(SessionWindow *window) {\n"
-            "      if (window) {\n"
-            "        [self windowDidLoad:window];\n"
-            "      } else {\n"
-            "        [self errorLoadingWindow];\n"
-            "      }\n"
-            "    }];",
-            format("[[SessionService sharedService]\n"
-                   "loadWindowWithCompletionBlock:^(SessionWindow *window) {\n"
-                   "                if (window) {\n"
-                   "    [self windowDidLoad:window];\n"
-                   "  } else {\n"
-                   "    [self errorLoadingWindow];\n"
-                   "  }\n"
-                   "}];",
-                   ZeroColumn));
+  verifyFormat("[[SessionService sharedService]\n"
+               "    loadWindowWithCompletionBlock:^(SessionWindow *window) {\n"
+               "      if (window) {\n"
+               "        [self windowDidLoad:window];\n"
+               "      } else {\n"
+               "        [self errorLoadingWindow];\n"
+               "      }\n"
+               "    }];",
+               "[[SessionService sharedService]\n"
+               "loadWindowWithCompletionBlock:^(SessionWindow *window) {\n"
+               "                if (window) {\n"
+               "    [self windowDidLoad:window];\n"
+               "  } else {\n"
+               "    [self errorLoadingWindow];\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "}];",
+               ZeroColumn);
   verifyFormat("[myObject doSomethingWith:arg1\n"
                "    firstBlock:^(Foo *a) {\n"
                "      // ...\n"
@@ -23049,147 +22810,143 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsBlocksWithZeroColumnWidth) {
   ZeroColumn.AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine = FormatStyle::SBS_Always;
-  EXPECT_EQ("void (^largeBlock)(void) = ^{ int i; };",
-            format("void   (^largeBlock)(void) = ^{ int   i; };", ZeroColumn));
+  verifyFormat("void (^largeBlock)(void) = ^{ int i; };",
+               "void   (^largeBlock)(void) = ^{ int   i; };", ZeroColumn);
   ZeroColumn.AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine = FormatStyle::SBS_Never;
-  EXPECT_EQ("void (^largeBlock)(void) = ^{\n"
-            "  int i;\n"
-            "};",
-            format("void   (^largeBlock)(void) = ^{ int   i; };", ZeroColumn));
+  verifyFormat("void (^largeBlock)(void) = ^{\n"
+               "  int i;\n"
+               "};",
+               "void   (^largeBlock)(void) = ^{ int   i; };", ZeroColumn);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, SupportsCRLF) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a;\r\n"
-            "int b;\r\n"
-            "int c;",
-            format("int a;\r\n"
-                   "  int b;\r\n"
-                   "    int c;"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a;\r\n"
-            "int b;\r\n"
-            "int c;\r\n",
-            format("int a;\r\n"
-                   "  int b;\n"
-                   "    int c;\r\n"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a;\n"
-            "int b;\n"
-            "int c;",
-            format("int a;\r\n"
-                   "  int b;\n"
-                   "    int c;"));
+  verifyFormat("int a;\r\n"
+               "int b;\r\n"
+               "int c;",
+               "int a;\r\n"
+               "  int b;\r\n"
+               "    int c;");
+  verifyFormat("int a;\r\n"
+               "int b;\r\n"
+               "int c;\r\n",
+               "int a;\r\n"
+               "  int b;\n"
+               "    int c;\r\n");
+  verifyFormat("int a;\n"
+               "int b;\n"
+               "int c;",
+               "int a;\r\n"
+               "  int b;\n"
+               "    int c;");
+  // FIXME: unstable test case
   EXPECT_EQ("\"aaaaaaa \"\r\n"
             format("\"aaaaaaa bbbbbbb\";\r\n", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A \\\r\n"
-            "  b;      \\\r\n"
-            "  c;      \\\r\n"
-            "  d;",
-            format("#define A \\\r\n"
-                   "  b; \\\r\n"
-                   "  c; d; ",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
-  EXPECT_EQ("/*\r\n"
-            "multi line block comments\r\n"
-            "should not introduce\r\n"
-            "an extra carriage return\r\n"
-            "*/",
-            format("/*\r\n"
-                   "multi line block comments\r\n"
-                   "should not introduce\r\n"
-                   "an extra carriage return\r\n"
-                   "*/"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("/*\r\n"
-            "\r\n"
-            "*/",
-            format("/*\r\n"
-                   "    \r\r\r\n"
-                   "*/"));
+  verifyFormat("#define A \\\r\n"
+               "  b;      \\\r\n"
+               "  c;      \\\r\n"
+               "  d;",
+               "#define A \\\r\n"
+               "  b; \\\r\n"
+               "  c; d; ",
+               getGoogleStyle());
+  verifyNoChange("/*\r\n"
+                 "multi line block comments\r\n"
+                 "should not introduce\r\n"
+                 "an extra carriage return\r\n"
+                 "*/");
+  verifyFormat("/*\r\n"
+               "\r\n"
+               "*/",
+               "/*\r\n"
+               "    \r\r\r\n"
+               "*/");
   FormatStyle style = getLLVMStyle();
   EXPECT_EQ(style.LineEnding, FormatStyle::LE_DeriveLF);
-  EXPECT_EQ("union FooBarBazQux {\n"
-            "  int foo;\n"
-            "  int bar;\n"
-            "  int baz;\n"
-            "};",
-            format("union FooBarBazQux {\r\n"
-                   "  int foo;\n"
-                   "  int bar;\r\n"
-                   "  int baz;\n"
-                   "};",
-                   style));
+  verifyFormat("union FooBarBazQux {\n"
+               "  int foo;\n"
+               "  int bar;\n"
+               "  int baz;\n"
+               "};",
+               "union FooBarBazQux {\r\n"
+               "  int foo;\n"
+               "  int bar;\r\n"
+               "  int baz;\n"
+               "};",
+               style);
   style.LineEnding = FormatStyle::LE_DeriveCRLF;
-  EXPECT_EQ("union FooBarBazQux {\r\n"
-            "  int foo;\r\n"
-            "  int bar;\r\n"
-            "  int baz;\r\n"
-            "};",
-            format("union FooBarBazQux {\r\n"
-                   "  int foo;\n"
-                   "  int bar;\r\n"
-                   "  int baz;\n"
-                   "};",
-                   style));
+  verifyFormat("union FooBarBazQux {\r\n"
+               "  int foo;\r\n"
+               "  int bar;\r\n"
+               "  int baz;\r\n"
+               "};",
+               "union FooBarBazQux {\r\n"
+               "  int foo;\n"
+               "  int bar;\r\n"
+               "  int baz;\n"
+               "};",
+               style);
   style.LineEnding = FormatStyle::LE_LF;
-  EXPECT_EQ("union FooBarBazQux {\n"
-            "  int foo;\n"
-            "  int bar;\n"
-            "  int baz;\n"
-            "  int qux;\n"
-            "};",
-            format("union FooBarBazQux {\r\n"
-                   "  int foo;\n"
-                   "  int bar;\r\n"
-                   "  int baz;\n"
-                   "  int qux;\r\n"
-                   "};",
-                   style));
+  verifyFormat("union FooBarBazQux {\n"
+               "  int foo;\n"
+               "  int bar;\n"
+               "  int baz;\n"
+               "  int qux;\n"
+               "};",
+               "union FooBarBazQux {\r\n"
+               "  int foo;\n"
+               "  int bar;\r\n"
+               "  int baz;\n"
+               "  int qux;\r\n"
+               "};",
+               style);
   style.LineEnding = FormatStyle::LE_CRLF;
-  EXPECT_EQ("union FooBarBazQux {\r\n"
-            "  int foo;\r\n"
-            "  int bar;\r\n"
-            "  int baz;\r\n"
-            "  int qux;\r\n"
-            "};",
-            format("union FooBarBazQux {\r\n"
-                   "  int foo;\n"
-                   "  int bar;\r\n"
-                   "  int baz;\n"
-                   "  int qux;\n"
-                   "};",
-                   style));
+  verifyFormat("union FooBarBazQux {\r\n"
+               "  int foo;\r\n"
+               "  int bar;\r\n"
+               "  int baz;\r\n"
+               "  int qux;\r\n"
+               "};",
+               "union FooBarBazQux {\r\n"
+               "  int foo;\n"
+               "  int bar;\r\n"
+               "  int baz;\n"
+               "  int qux;\n"
+               "};",
+               style);
   style.LineEnding = FormatStyle::LE_DeriveLF;
-  EXPECT_EQ("union FooBarBazQux {\r\n"
-            "  int foo;\r\n"
-            "  int bar;\r\n"
-            "  int baz;\r\n"
-            "  int qux;\r\n"
-            "};",
-            format("union FooBarBazQux {\r\n"
-                   "  int foo;\n"
-                   "  int bar;\r\n"
-                   "  int baz;\n"
-                   "  int qux;\r\n"
-                   "};",
-                   style));
+  verifyFormat("union FooBarBazQux {\r\n"
+               "  int foo;\r\n"
+               "  int bar;\r\n"
+               "  int baz;\r\n"
+               "  int qux;\r\n"
+               "};",
+               "union FooBarBazQux {\r\n"
+               "  int foo;\n"
+               "  int bar;\r\n"
+               "  int baz;\n"
+               "  int qux;\r\n"
+               "};",
+               style);
   style.LineEnding = FormatStyle::LE_DeriveCRLF;
-  EXPECT_EQ("union FooBarBazQux {\n"
-            "  int foo;\n"
-            "  int bar;\n"
-            "  int baz;\n"
-            "  int qux;\n"
-            "};",
-            format("union FooBarBazQux {\r\n"
-                   "  int foo;\n"
-                   "  int bar;\r\n"
-                   "  int baz;\n"
-                   "  int qux;\n"
-                   "};",
-                   style));
+  verifyFormat("union FooBarBazQux {\n"
+               "  int foo;\n"
+               "  int bar;\n"
+               "  int baz;\n"
+               "  int qux;\n"
+               "};",
+               "union FooBarBazQux {\r\n"
+               "  int foo;\n"
+               "  int bar;\r\n"
+               "  int baz;\n"
+               "  int qux;\n"
+               "};",
+               style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, MunchSemicolonAfterBlocks) {
@@ -23203,18 +22960,18 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, ConfigurableContinuationIndentWidth) {
   FormatStyle TwoIndent = getLLVMStyleWithColumns(15);
   TwoIndent.ContinuationIndentWidth = 2;
-  EXPECT_EQ("int i =\n"
-            "  longFunction(\n"
-            "    arg);",
-            format("int i = longFunction(arg);", TwoIndent));
+  verifyFormat("int i =\n"
+               "  longFunction(\n"
+               "    arg);",
+               "int i = longFunction(arg);", TwoIndent);
   FormatStyle SixIndent = getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20);
   SixIndent.ContinuationIndentWidth = 6;
-  EXPECT_EQ("int i =\n"
-            "      longFunction(\n"
-            "            arg);",
-            format("int i = longFunction(arg);", SixIndent));
+  verifyFormat("int i =\n"
+               "      longFunction(\n"
+               "            arg);",
+               "int i = longFunction(arg);", SixIndent);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, WrappedClosingParenthesisIndent) {
@@ -23315,10 +23072,10 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, TripleAngleBrackets) {
   verifyFormat("f<<<1, 1>>>();");
   verifyFormat("f<<<1, 1, 1, s>>>();");
   verifyFormat("f<<<a, b, c, d>>>();");
-  EXPECT_EQ("f<<<1, 1>>>();", format("f <<< 1, 1 >>> ();"));
+  verifyFormat("f<<<1, 1>>>();", "f <<< 1, 1 >>> ();");
   verifyFormat("f<param><<<1, 1>>>();");
   verifyFormat("f<1><<<1, 1>>>();");
-  EXPECT_EQ("f<param><<<1, 1>>>();", format("f< param > <<< 1, 1 >>> ();"));
+  verifyFormat("f<param><<<1, 1>>>();", "f< param > <<< 1, 1 >>> ();");
                "aaaaaaaaaaa<<<\n    1, 1>>>();");
   verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<aaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaa>\n"
@@ -23327,7 +23084,7 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, TripleAngleBrackets) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, MergeLessLessAtEnd) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("< < <", format("\\\n<<<"));
+  verifyFormat("< < <", "\\\n<<<");
                "aaallvm::outs() <<");
@@ -23350,94 +23107,85 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, HandleUnbalancedImplicitBracesAcrossPPBranches) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, HandleConflictMarkers) {
   // Git/SVN conflict markers.
-  EXPECT_EQ("int a;\n"
-            "void f() {\n"
-            "  callme(some(parameter1,\n"
-            "<<<<<<< text by the vcs\n"
-            "              parameter2),\n"
-            "||||||| text by the vcs\n"
-            "              parameter2),\n"
-            "         parameter3,\n"
-            "======= text by the vcs\n"
-            "              parameter2, parameter3),\n"
-            ">>>>>>> text by the vcs\n"
-            "         otherparameter);",
-            format("int a;\n"
-                   "void f() {\n"
-                   "  callme(some(parameter1,\n"
-                   "<<<<<<< text by the vcs\n"
-                   "  parameter2),\n"
-                   "||||||| text by the vcs\n"
-                   "  parameter2),\n"
-                   "  parameter3,\n"
-                   "======= text by the vcs\n"
-                   "  parameter2,\n"
-                   "  parameter3),\n"
-                   ">>>>>>> text by the vcs\n"
-                   "  otherparameter);"));
+  verifyFormat("int a;\n"
+               "void f() {\n"
+               "  callme(some(parameter1,\n"
+               "<<<<<<< text by the vcs\n"
+               "              parameter2),\n"
+               "||||||| text by the vcs\n"
+               "              parameter2),\n"
+               "         parameter3,\n"
+               "======= text by the vcs\n"
+               "              parameter2, parameter3),\n"
+               ">>>>>>> text by the vcs\n"
+               "         otherparameter);",
+               "int a;\n"
+               "void f() {\n"
+               "  callme(some(parameter1,\n"
+               "<<<<<<< text by the vcs\n"
+               "  parameter2),\n"
+               "||||||| text by the vcs\n"
+               "  parameter2),\n"
+               "  parameter3,\n"
+               "======= text by the vcs\n"
+               "  parameter2,\n"
+               "  parameter3),\n"
+               ">>>>>>> text by the vcs\n"
+               "  otherparameter);");
   // Perforce markers.
-  EXPECT_EQ("void f() {\n"
-            "  function(\n"
-            ">>>> text by the vcs\n"
-            "      parameter,\n"
-            "==== text by the vcs\n"
-            "      parameter,\n"
-            "==== text by the vcs\n"
-            "      parameter,\n"
-            "<<<< text by the vcs\n"
-            "      parameter);",
-            format("void f() {\n"
-                   "  function(\n"
-                   ">>>> text by the vcs\n"
-                   "  parameter,\n"
-                   "==== text by the vcs\n"
-                   "  parameter,\n"
-                   "==== text by the vcs\n"
-                   "  parameter,\n"
-                   "<<<< text by the vcs\n"
-                   "  parameter);"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("<<<<<<<\n"
-            "|||||||\n"
-            "=======\n"
-            ">>>>>>>",
-            format("<<<<<<<\n"
-                   "|||||||\n"
-                   "=======\n"
-                   ">>>>>>>"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("<<<<<<<\n"
-            "|||||||\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "=======\n"
-            ">>>>>>>",
-            format("<<<<<<<\n"
-                   "|||||||\n"
-                   "int i;\n"
-                   "=======\n"
-                   ">>>>>>>"));
+  verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
+               "  function(\n"
+               ">>>> text by the vcs\n"
+               "      parameter,\n"
+               "==== text by the vcs\n"
+               "      parameter,\n"
+               "==== text by the vcs\n"
+               "      parameter,\n"
+               "<<<< text by the vcs\n"
+               "      parameter);",
+               "void f() {\n"
+               "  function(\n"
+               ">>>> text by the vcs\n"
+               "  parameter,\n"
+               "==== text by the vcs\n"
+               "  parameter,\n"
+               "==== text by the vcs\n"
+               "  parameter,\n"
+               "<<<< text by the vcs\n"
+               "  parameter);");
+  verifyNoChange("<<<<<<<\n"
+                 "|||||||\n"
+                 "=======\n"
+                 ">>>>>>>");
+  verifyNoChange("<<<<<<<\n"
+                 "|||||||\n"
+                 "int i;\n"
+                 "=======\n"
+                 ">>>>>>>");
   // FIXME: Handle parsing of macros around conflict markers correctly:
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define Macro \\\n"
-            "<<<<<<<\n"
-            "Something \\\n"
-            "|||||||\n"
-            "Else \\\n"
-            "=======\n"
-            "Other \\\n"
-            ">>>>>>>\n"
-            "    End int i;",
-            format("#define Macro \\\n"
-                   "<<<<<<<\n"
-                   "  Something \\\n"
-                   "|||||||\n"
-                   "  Else \\\n"
-                   "=======\n"
-                   "  Other \\\n"
-                   ">>>>>>>\n"
-                   "  End\n"
-                   "int i;"));
+  verifyFormat("#define Macro \\\n"
+               "<<<<<<<\n"
+               "Something \\\n"
+               "|||||||\n"
+               "Else \\\n"
+               "=======\n"
+               "Other \\\n"
+               ">>>>>>>\n"
+               "    End int i;",
+               "#define Macro \\\n"
+               "<<<<<<<\n"
+               "  Something \\\n"
+               "|||||||\n"
+               "  Else \\\n"
+               "=======\n"
+               "  Other \\\n"
+               ">>>>>>>\n"
+               "  End\n"
+               "int i;");
 #ifdef A
@@ -23449,45 +23197,45 @@ b
 TEST_F(FormatTest, DisableRegions) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("int i;\n"
-            "// clang-format off\n"
-            "  int j;\n"
-            "// clang-format on\n"
-            "int k;",
-            format(" int  i;\n"
-                   "   // clang-format off\n"
-                   "  int j;\n"
-                   " // clang-format on\n"
-                   "   int   k;"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int i;\n"
-            "/* clang-format off */\n"
-            "  int j;\n"
-            "/* clang-format on */\n"
-            "int k;",
-            format(" int  i;\n"
-                   "   /* clang-format off */\n"
-                   "  int j;\n"
-                   " /* clang-format on */\n"
-                   "   int   k;"));
+  verifyFormat("int i;\n"
+               "// clang-format off\n"
+               "  int j;\n"
+               "// clang-format on\n"
+               "int k;",
+               " int  i;\n"
+               "   // clang-format off\n"
+               "  int j;\n"
+               " // clang-format on\n"
+               "   int   k;");
+  verifyFormat("int i;\n"
+               "/* clang-format off */\n"
+               "  int j;\n"
+               "/* clang-format on */\n"
+               "int k;",
+               " int  i;\n"
+               "   /* clang-format off */\n"
+               "  int j;\n"
+               " /* clang-format on */\n"
+               "   int   k;");
   // Don't reflow comments within disabled regions.
-  EXPECT_EQ("// clang-format off\n"
-            "// long long long long long long line\n"
-            "/* clang-format on */\n"
-            "/* long long long\n"
-            " * long long long\n"
-            " * line */\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "/* clang-format off */\n"
-            "/* long long long long long long line */",
-            format("// clang-format off\n"
-                   "// long long long long long long line\n"
-                   "/* clang-format on */\n"
-                   "/* long long long long long long line */\n"
-                   "int i;\n"
-                   "/* clang-format off */\n"
-                   "/* long long long long long long line */",
-                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  verifyFormat("// clang-format off\n"
+               "// long long long long long long line\n"
+               "/* clang-format on */\n"
+               "/* long long long\n"
+               " * long long long\n"
+               " * line */\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "/* clang-format off */\n"
+               "/* long long long long long long line */",
+               "// clang-format off\n"
+               "// long long long long long long line\n"
+               "/* clang-format on */\n"
+               "/* long long long long long long line */\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "/* clang-format off */\n"
+               "/* long long long long long long line */",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
   verifyFormat("int *i;\n"
                "// clang-format off:\n"
@@ -23531,40 +23279,40 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsTableGenCode) {
 TEST_F(FormatTest, ArrayOfTemplates) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto a = new unique_ptr<int>[10];",
-            format("auto a = new unique_ptr<int > [ 10];"));
+  verifyFormat("auto a = new unique_ptr<int>[10];",
+               "auto a = new unique_ptr<int > [ 10];");
   FormatStyle Spaces = getLLVMStyle();
   Spaces.SpacesInSquareBrackets = true;
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto a = new unique_ptr<int>[ 10 ];",
-            format("auto a = new unique_ptr<int > [10];", Spaces));
+  verifyFormat("auto a = new unique_ptr<int>[ 10 ];",
+               "auto a = new unique_ptr<int > [10];", Spaces);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, ArrayAsTemplateType) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto a = unique_ptr<Foo<Bar>[10]>;",
-            format("auto a = unique_ptr < Foo < Bar>[ 10]> ;"));
+  verifyFormat("auto a = unique_ptr<Foo<Bar>[10]>;",
+               "auto a = unique_ptr < Foo < Bar>[ 10]> ;");
   FormatStyle Spaces = getLLVMStyle();
   Spaces.SpacesInSquareBrackets = true;
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto a = unique_ptr<Foo<Bar>[ 10 ]>;",
-            format("auto a = unique_ptr < Foo < Bar>[10]> ;", Spaces));
+  verifyFormat("auto a = unique_ptr<Foo<Bar>[ 10 ]>;",
+               "auto a = unique_ptr < Foo < Bar>[10]> ;", Spaces);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, NoSpaceAfterSuper) { verifyFormat("__super::FooBar();"); }
 TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatSortsUsingDeclarations) {
-  EXPECT_EQ("using std::cin;\n"
-            "using std::cout;",
-            format("using std::cout;\n"
-                   "using std::cin;",
-                   getGoogleStyle()));
+  verifyFormat("using std::cin;\n"
+               "using std::cout;",
+               "using std::cout;\n"
+               "using std::cin;",
+               getGoogleStyle());
 TEST_F(FormatTest, UTF8CharacterLiteralCpp03) {
   FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle();
   Style.Standard = FormatStyle::LS_Cpp03;
   // cpp03 recognize this string as identifier u8 and literal character 'a'
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto c = u8 'a';", format("auto c = u8'a';", Style));
+  verifyFormat("auto c = u8 'a';", "auto c = u8'a';", Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, UTF8CharacterLiteralCpp11) {
@@ -23582,29 +23330,24 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, StructuredBindings) {
   // Structured bindings is a C++17 feature.
   // all modes, including C++11, C++14 and C++17
   verifyFormat("auto [a, b] = f();");
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto [a, b] = f();", format("auto[a, b] = f();"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("const auto [a, b] = f();", format("const   auto[a, b] = f();"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto const [a, b] = f();", format("auto  const[a, b] = f();"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto const volatile [a, b] = f();",
-            format("auto  const   volatile[a, b] = f();"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto [a, b, c] = f();", format("auto   [  a  ,  b,c   ] = f();"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto &[a, b, c] = f();",
-            format("auto   &[  a  ,  b,c   ] = f();"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto &&[a, b, c] = f();",
-            format("auto   &&[  a  ,  b,c   ] = f();"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto const &[a, b] = f();", format("auto  const&[a, b] = f();"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto const volatile &&[a, b] = f();",
-            format("auto  const  volatile  &&[a, b] = f();"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto const &&[a, b] = f();",
-            format("auto  const   &&  [a, b] = f();"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("const auto &[a, b] = f();",
-            format("const  auto  &  [a, b] = f();"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("const auto volatile &&[a, b] = f();",
-            format("const  auto   volatile  &&[a, b] = f();"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("volatile const auto &&[a, b] = f();",
-            format("volatile  const  auto   &&[a, b] = f();"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("const auto &&[a, b] = f();",
-            format("const  auto  &&  [a, b] = f();"));
+  verifyFormat("auto [a, b] = f();", "auto[a, b] = f();");
+  verifyFormat("const auto [a, b] = f();", "const   auto[a, b] = f();");
+  verifyFormat("auto const [a, b] = f();", "auto  const[a, b] = f();");
+  verifyFormat("auto const volatile [a, b] = f();",
+               "auto  const   volatile[a, b] = f();");
+  verifyFormat("auto [a, b, c] = f();", "auto   [  a  ,  b,c   ] = f();");
+  verifyFormat("auto &[a, b, c] = f();", "auto   &[  a  ,  b,c   ] = f();");
+  verifyFormat("auto &&[a, b, c] = f();", "auto   &&[  a  ,  b,c   ] = f();");
+  verifyFormat("auto const &[a, b] = f();", "auto  const&[a, b] = f();");
+  verifyFormat("auto const volatile &&[a, b] = f();",
+               "auto  const  volatile  &&[a, b] = f();");
+  verifyFormat("auto const &&[a, b] = f();", "auto  const   &&  [a, b] = f();");
+  verifyFormat("const auto &[a, b] = f();", "const  auto  &  [a, b] = f();");
+  verifyFormat("const auto volatile &&[a, b] = f();",
+               "const  auto   volatile  &&[a, b] = f();");
+  verifyFormat("volatile const auto &&[a, b] = f();",
+               "volatile  const  auto   &&[a, b] = f();");
+  verifyFormat("const auto &&[a, b] = f();", "const  auto  &&  [a, b] = f();");
   // Make sure we don't mistake structured bindings for lambdas.
   FormatStyle PointerMiddle = getLLVMStyle();
@@ -23622,24 +23365,20 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, StructuredBindings) {
   verifyFormat("auto const &&[a2, b]{A * i};");
   verifyFormat("auto const && [a3, b]{A * i};", PointerMiddle);
-  EXPECT_EQ("for (const auto &&[a, b] : some_range) {\n}",
-            format("for (const auto   &&   [a, b] : some_range) {\n}"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("for (const auto &[a, b] : some_range) {\n}",
-            format("for (const auto   &   [a, b] : some_range) {\n}"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("for (const auto [a, b] : some_range) {\n}",
-            format("for (const auto[a, b] : some_range) {\n}"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto [x, y](expr);", format("auto[x,y]  (expr);"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto &[x, y](expr);", format("auto  &  [x,y]  (expr);"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto &&[x, y](expr);", format("auto  &&  [x,y]  (expr);"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto const &[x, y](expr);",
-            format("auto  const  &  [x,y]  (expr);"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto const &&[x, y](expr);",
-            format("auto  const  &&  [x,y]  (expr);"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto [x, y]{expr};", format("auto[x,y]     {expr};"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto const &[x, y]{expr};",
-            format("auto  const  &  [x,y]  {expr};"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("auto const &&[x, y]{expr};",
-            format("auto  const  &&  [x,y]  {expr};"));
+  verifyFormat("for (const auto &&[a, b] : some_range) {\n}",
+               "for (const auto   &&   [a, b] : some_range) {\n}");
+  verifyFormat("for (const auto &[a, b] : some_range) {\n}",
+               "for (const auto   &   [a, b] : some_range) {\n}");
+  verifyFormat("for (const auto [a, b] : some_range) {\n}",
+               "for (const auto[a, b] : some_range) {\n}");
+  verifyFormat("auto [x, y](expr);", "auto[x,y]  (expr);");
+  verifyFormat("auto &[x, y](expr);", "auto  &  [x,y]  (expr);");
+  verifyFormat("auto &&[x, y](expr);", "auto  &&  [x,y]  (expr);");
+  verifyFormat("auto const &[x, y](expr);", "auto  const  &  [x,y]  (expr);");
+  verifyFormat("auto const &&[x, y](expr);", "auto  const  &&  [x,y]  (expr);");
+  verifyFormat("auto [x, y]{expr};", "auto[x,y]     {expr};");
+  verifyFormat("auto const &[x, y]{expr};", "auto  const  &  [x,y]  {expr};");
+  verifyFormat("auto const &&[x, y]{expr};", "auto  const  &&  [x,y]  {expr};");
   FormatStyle Spaces = getLLVMStyle();
   Spaces.SpacesInSquareBrackets = true;
@@ -24198,21 +23937,15 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, WhitespaceSensitiveMacros) {
   // Don't use the helpers here, since 'mess up' will change the whitespace
   // and these are all whitespace sensitive by definition
   verifyNoChange("FOO(String-ized&Messy+But(: :Still)=Intentional);", Style);
-      "FOO(String-ized&Messy+But\\(: :Still)=Intentional);",
-      format("FOO(String-ized&Messy+But\\(: :Still)=Intentional);", Style));
+  verifyNoChange("FOO(String-ized&Messy+But\\(: :Still)=Intentional);", Style);
   verifyNoChange("FOO(String-ized&Messy+But,: :Still=Intentional);", Style);
-  EXPECT_EQ("FOO(String-ized&Messy+But,: :\n"
-            "       Still=Intentional);",
-            format("FOO(String-ized&Messy+But,: :\n"
-                   "       Still=Intentional);",
-                   Style));
+  verifyNoChange("FOO(String-ized&Messy+But,: :\n"
+                 "       Still=Intentional);",
+                 Style);
   Style.AlignConsecutiveAssignments.Enabled = true;
-  EXPECT_EQ("FOO(String-ized=&Messy+But,: :\n"
-            "       Still=Intentional);",
-            format("FOO(String-ized=&Messy+But,: :\n"
-                   "       Still=Intentional);",
-                   Style));
+  verifyNoChange("FOO(String-ized=&Messy+But,: :\n"
+                 "       Still=Intentional);",
+                 Style);
   Style.ColumnLimit = 21;
   verifyNoChange("FOO(String-ized&Messy+But: :Still=Intentional);", Style);
@@ -24234,17 +23967,17 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, VeryLongNamespaceCommentSplit) {
                "} // namespace AAA",
-  EXPECT_EQ("namespace Averyveryveryverylongnamespace {\n"
-            "int i;\n"
-            "int j;\n"
-            "} // namespace Averyveryveryverylongnamespace",
-            format("namespace Averyveryveryverylongnamespace {\n"
-                   "int i;\n"
-                   "int j;\n"
-                   "}",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("namespace Averyveryveryverylongnamespace {\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "int j;\n"
+               "} // namespace Averyveryveryverylongnamespace",
+               "namespace Averyveryveryverylongnamespace {\n"
+               "int i;\n"
+               "int j;\n"
+               "}",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat(
       "namespace "
       "    went::mad::now {\n"
@@ -24254,16 +23987,16 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, VeryLongNamespaceCommentSplit) {
       "  // "
-      format("namespace "
-             "would::it::save::you::a::lot::of::time::if_::i::"
-             "just::gave::up::and_::went::mad::now {\n"
-             "int i;\n"
-             "int j;\n"
-             "}",
-             Style));
+      "namespace "
+      "would::it::save::you::a::lot::of::time::if_::i::"
+      "just::gave::up::and_::went::mad::now {\n"
+      "int i;\n"
+      "int j;\n"
+      "}",
+      Style);
   // This used to duplicate the comment again and again on subsequent runs
+  verifyFormat(
       "namespace "
       "    went::mad::now {\n"
@@ -24273,16 +24006,16 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, VeryLongNamespaceCommentSplit) {
       "  // "
-      format("namespace "
-             "would::it::save::you::a::lot::of::time::if_::i::"
-             "just::gave::up::and_::went::mad::now {\n"
-             "int i;\n"
-             "int j;\n"
-             "} // namespace\n"
-             "  // "
-             "would::it::save::you::a::lot::of::time::if_::i::just::gave::up::"
-             "and_::went::mad::now",
-             Style));
+      "namespace "
+      "would::it::save::you::a::lot::of::time::if_::i::"
+      "just::gave::up::and_::went::mad::now {\n"
+      "int i;\n"
+      "int j;\n"
+      "} // namespace\n"
+      "  // "
+      "would::it::save::you::a::lot::of::time::if_::i::just::gave::up::"
+      "and_::went::mad::now",
+      Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, LikelyUnlikely) {
@@ -25340,23 +25073,23 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, StatementAttributeLikeMacros) {
   verifyFormat(Source, Style);
   Style.AlignConsecutiveDeclarations.Enabled = true;
-  EXPECT_EQ("void Foo::slot() {\n"
-            "  unsigned char MyChar = 'x';\n"
-            "  emit          signal(MyChar);\n"
-            "  Q_EMIT signal(MyChar);\n"
-            "}",
-            format(Source, Style));
+  verifyFormat("void Foo::slot() {\n"
+               "  unsigned char MyChar = 'x';\n"
+               "  emit          signal(MyChar);\n"
+               "  Q_EMIT signal(MyChar);\n"
+               "}",
+               Source, Style);
   verifyFormat(Source, Style);
   Style.StatementAttributeLikeMacros = {};
-  EXPECT_EQ("void Foo::slot() {\n"
-            "  unsigned char MyChar = 'x';\n"
-            "  emit          signal(MyChar);\n"
-            "  Q_EMIT        signal(MyChar);\n"
-            "}",
-            format(Source, Style));
+  verifyFormat("void Foo::slot() {\n"
+               "  unsigned char MyChar = 'x';\n"
+               "  emit          signal(MyChar);\n"
+               "  Q_EMIT        signal(MyChar);\n"
+               "}",
+               Source, Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, IndentAccessModifiers) {


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