[PATCH] D152900: [clangd] Update symbol collector to use include-cleaner.

Viktoriia Bakalova via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jul 13 02:31:29 PDT 2023

VitaNuo marked 19 inline comments as done.
VitaNuo added a comment.

Thank you!

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolCollector.cpp:839
+  if (!Headers.empty())
+    SymbolProviders.insert({S.ID, Headers[0]});
kadircet wrote:
> once we have the optional<Header> as the value type you can also rewrite this as:
> ```
> auto [It, Inserted] = SymbolProviders.try_emplace(S.ID);
> if (Inserted) {
>   auto Providers = include_cleaner::headersForSymbol(Sym, SM, Opts.PragmaIncludes.get());
>   if(!Providers.empty()) It->second = Providers.front();
> } 
> ```
> that way we can get rid of some redundant calls to `headersForSymbol`
Sure, although I'm not sure where the redundant calls would be coming from. I've been under the impression that this function is supposed to be called once for each symbol.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolCollector.cpp:913
+    if (!Inserted)
+      continue;
+    switch (H.kind()) {
kadircet wrote:
> we shouldn't `continue` here, it just means we can directly use `SpellingIt` to figure out what to put into `NewSym.IncludeHeaders`.
> maybe something like:
> ```
> auto [SpellingIt, Inserted] = HeaderSpelling.try_emplace(H);
> if (Inserted)
>   SpellingIt-> second = getSpelling(H, *PP);
> if(!SpellingIt->second.empty()) {
>   Symbol NewSym = *S;
>   NewSym.IncludeHeaders.push_back({SpellingIt->second, 1, Directives});
>   Symbols.insert(NewSym);
> }
> ```
> ```
> std::string getSpelling(const include_cleaner::Header &H, const Preprocessor &PP) {
>   if(H.kind() == Physical) {
>    // Check if we have a mapping for the header in system includes.
>    // FIXME: get rid of this once stdlib mapping covers these system headers too.
>    CanonicalIncludes CI;
>    CI.addSystemHeadersMapping(PP.getLangOpts());
>     if (auto Canonical = CI.mapHeader(H.physical()->getLastRef()); !Canonical.empty())
>         return Canonical;
>     if (!tooling::isSelfContainedHeader(...))
>         return "";
>   }
>   // Otherwise use default spelling strategies in include_cleaner.
>   return include_cleaner::spellHeader(H);
> }
> ```
As agreed offline, it is not easy to split out a spelling function, since `HeaderFileURIs` is a private member of the symbol collector, and we seem to still need to generate URIs for physical headers going forward.  

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolCollector.cpp:877
   // We delay this until end of TU so header guards are all resolved.
   for (const auto &[SID, FID] : IncludeFiles) {
     if (const Symbol *S = Symbols.find(SID)) {
kadircet wrote:
> VitaNuo wrote:
> > kadircet wrote:
> > > let's iterate over `SymbolProviders` instead, as `IncludeFiles` is a legacy struct now.
> > Not sure I'm following. Iterating over `SymbolProviders` means retrieving `include_cleaner::Header`s. How would I handle the entire Obj-C part then, without the FID of the include header? 
> we're joining `IncludeFiles` and `SymbolProviders`, as they have the same keys.
> right now you're iterating over the keys in `IncludeFiles` and doing a lookup into `SymbolProviders` using that key to get providers.
> we can also do the iteration over `SymbolProviders` and do the lookup into `IncludeFiles` instead to find associated `FID`.
Ok, makes sense now, thanks.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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